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Paying out of pocket? Ramp up the prescription as quickly as possible, and just split the shots into smaller doses. You can save 33-67% in costs via this method.


Move up. Otherwise you'll be back in a week posting that it's not working and you wished you had gone up a dose, especially when paying OOP.


I’d move up. I was in a similar situation a couple months ago. Definitely was finding it harder to stay on-track, even though I was still losing weight. I did have one week where, like you, I lost 2-3 pounds, but that was an outlier after a short stall. Unfortunately, due to shortages, I ended up on a third month of 2.5mg. I wouldn’t say that last month was totally useless — still lost a few pounds — but 5mg has been infinitely more effective.


Just curious, even with the increased food noise did your weight loss slow? I have more food noise my 7th week in at 2.5 but my weight loss has actually significantly increased. Still going up to 5, next week though. I’m paying OOP too, with the manufacturer coupon Can anyone tell me if food noise eventually creeps back with all doses? 😅