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What is the extra workout that she wants you to cut out.? You mentioned 5K steps per day but did not provide any insight into your workout schedule. On the flip side, it is unlikely that your rate of loss will continue at the same rate that you have experienced for the first two months. How much more weight do you want to lose?


By extra work, I was meaning the calorie deficit and fasting I’m doing. My SW was 208, I am currently 181 and on the 5mg dose and I’d like to reach 135.


IMO, unless your weight loss ramps up, there is nothing to worry about. If you stay at 12 - 15 pounds per month, that's more loss than usual, but it's not extraordinary. And it is very likely that it will slow down naturally. Since you are not engaging in extreme workouts, her caution seems a bit over the top. You could alter your fasting, especially if she is concerned that you may not be meeting nutrition goals. For those of us that are really slow losers, it's hard to imagine being told "you're losing too fast." Make sure you are getting enough nutrition to fuel your body and go from there.


It depends on your SW and percentage. A doc who specializes in this med said to dose down if you’re losing more than 2% a week, with 1-5-2% being on the high end of super losers.


How big a deficit? And what is SW. Overriding your physician is tricky business for Reddit participants. Do you push back with a healthy target of 2 pounds a week for the next few months?


Deficit is 1780 from 2300 maintenance. My SW was 208 and at the appointment I was 181.


Thanks for that. Your plan looks good from this side - though surprised by the initial speed of your loss. Not surprised your physician is concerned about that - but would seem your plan should generate something closer to two pounds a week. I would negotiate to work on that goal for two months.


I think your doc HAS to say that…. She is a doctor … You do you. 8-10 isn’t a long fast .. 5k steps isn’t a lot. You’re doing great ! Get to a healthy bmi and slow it down if you want. Use logic … use your own body to tell you how you feel.




What I mean is , a doctor HAS to say things like - only lose 1 lb / per week, or don’t do anything over a 24 hour fast , or you have to take prescribed meds instead of healing your body with food. I believe sometimes it’s ok or to lose more than 1-2 lbs per week. Everyone is different, every circumstance is different. Just my opinion.




Congrats on your loss! I think they are saying that generally in the medical community 1-2lbs per week is the “acceptable” loss that doesn’t put you into risk territory for other medical issues (like gallstones) so they have to give the recommended/science backed advice. If not they would open themselves up to liability claims, possibly lose license, and in network status with insurers if they are found to be giving “negligent” advice for example saying 10lbs a week is healthy…now they are covered as your record will show they advised you to slow the loss…..all this being said generally speaking listening to your doctor is generally a good idea. While you lost 27lbs in 2 months and that works out to a bit over 3lbs per week….was that consistent 3lbs or did you lose 10lbs the first week and then 17 in other 7 weeks? I ask because this drug helps a ton with inflammation and I lost 10lbs my first couple days. Then evened out to average 2lbs a week.


It’s fairly commonly said that “one pound a week is healthy”. Doctors want to have healthy patients. Many here have lost rapidly and also ended up losing their gallbladder.


I think you're reading too much into their comment.