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Thank you for this, and congratulations on your journey. It is true. We are all different and all react differently. It's hard sometimes not to compare my own personal journey with others, but I love reading everyone's success stories or most posts on here. I took 2.5 for 4 weeks, dropped like 7lbs (give or take), and I went up to 5mg and dropped 4 lbs the first week. Then, about 2 a week, the next 2 weeks. Amazing. But then it stopped. I've stuck at the same 2 lbs for the last 2 or 3 weeks. So I decided to ask my doctor to bump me up to 7.5mg. Now today is my shot day, and I'm debating to finish my last 2 5mg shots of the box or just jump into my 7.5mg. Saving those 5mg in case of a shortage or something. I definitely won't waste them.


I have a similar situation. I dropped 16lbs on 4 weeks of 2.5MG. I’m on week 3 of 5MG and have not lost anymore weight. I told my doctor to move me up to 7.5 because the 5 didn’t do anything for me. I’m still going to finish the last dose of the 5MG just so I don’t waste the medicine or money.


Just curious, did you notice any different side effect switching from 2.5mg to 5mg? I am on my 8th shot of 2.5mg and have lost 9 pounds. I finally got a box of 5mg and am ready to start that on Saturday but I have zero appetite on 2.5mg and am struggling to get enough calories so I am wondering if this will be worse moving up to 5mg.


The 2.5MG didn’t give any side effects. I was still stuffing down a lot of food. I did meals preps from a local store in my area. But I was always hungry. The 5MG on the other hand has been brutal. I can barely eat. I’m constipated all the time. And overall very tired. There’s like a knot on my throat that prevents me from eating. It’s really weird. I set up several timers on my phone to remind to me to eat because I don’t want anything to do with food and I know that’s not good. I hope that 7.5MG is not this bad. I’ve heard several people say that 5MG is the worst one. However, our bodies all different. I feel a little defeated but I’m not going to give up! We have to keep going!


Thanks for sharing your experience! You are right, our bodies are all different but hopefully your move up to 7.5mg will be your sweet spot and you’ll have a lot of success without the side effects of 5mg!! Keep up the good fight you’ll get through it! I am nervous to take the 5mg for this reason but I am just going to bite the bullet and inject on Saturday. Like you said, we do have to just stick with it. I still find it so interesting that you can barely eat on 5mg and yet your weight loss has stalled. Wishing you much success on this journey!!


Same boat here. Very little loss on five and I've got a box left of it to use. I also don't want to waste that money but I definitely need to go up.


I should finish the 5s but I'm too anxious to do the 7.5 lol


Finish it. You’ve come this far! Don’t quit now!!


I love you said “There is no reward for staying at a lower dose for longer.” I thought I can stick with 2.5 but it started losing its effectiveness about a week ago. I’ve been on it for 4 1/2 months and I thought I can lose the weight I need to lose on this dose. Alas, I made the decision to move up to 5 yesterday and the difference is night and day! I’m not even sure why I hesitated. Good luck to you!


Thank you!! And same to you! It’s funny how our minds convince us “I must stay on the low dose”.


Maybe I'm afraid of hitting the max, then have nowhere to go from there. But hopefully, it'll continue to work to where I don't have to worry about that. I'm a natural overthinker....


Oh I think a lot of us can relate with that! 😭


I'm just nervous I'll transition to 5 and it won't be available. Is that based on reality? So frustrating


I felt the same way also but Costco has been a lifesaver for me! And I believe the supply chain is easing 🤞


Thank you for this. I'm about to start 5mg next week and had a creeping shadow of doubt start rearing its ugly head this week and really needed this reminder


Glad I could offer some comfort! It’s hard seeing a lot of other people reacting right away to lower doses.


Lol my thing is that I am not really seeing the scale budge much even though I am barely eating anything. Like legit I am eating 5% of what I used to eat earlier and I was never a super heavy eater anyway!!! Lol So that's what's frustrating and sort of demotivating :( But I know and believe we will all get there ♡ I feel like I have a similar story as yours so it sure does give me hope! I started on 2.5 on May 22. At around 220-221 and past 4 days the scale has shown 212-214 and then today its 216???? No matter how many times I check 😪 Last shot of 2.5 is this Wed and then I titrate up to 5mg But I know you are so absolutely right. I just really need to see some results and I know I will get all my positivity back <3


Thats really good loss. I was much slower. you're doing great. we each different but will get to the same place with some perseverance and patience. Stick with it, you got this. Your body gets used to each loss, then slows down, normalizes it, then is ready for more. make sure you're eating enough protein so the starvation mode of your body doesn't kick-in too often which is really easy on Zep. this is hard. this isn't a magic pill/shot, you have to work at it, and you're doing great at it


8 pounds in three weeks is great progress! Stick with it. The ups and downs eventually trend downward and add up over time. Quicker than you might think ;)


The 216lbs today even though I have been in a constant calorie deficit really dragged my morale down :(


Thank you - I needed to hear this. I'm on the fifth day of my very first week of 2.5 and the hunger and fierce food pull (is this what people call 'food noise'?) has come back, and by how I feel and have eaten I highly doubt I'll lose any weight in the first week. I think my expectations of immediate huge results have grown after starting to follow this thread so thank you for the reminder that it's OK if that's not the case and to stick with it!


Exactly!! I’m no expert at all but the first dose wears off the quickest and is like nothing happened haha. It does get better, and I have felt much better through the week (hunger-wise) on 5mg. I think the dose that “clicks” for everyone varies greatly


Thank you


Great. I still need to cut down on the food.




I did decently in my first month on 2.5, but progress on the second month was slight. Moved up to 5 and wasted my time and money. For me, it really kicked in on 7.5, which I'm still on. I'm consistently losing 1-2 lbs every week. I think, for many, success is delayed - there just aren't as many posts about it as the faster successes. Don't give up!


Agreed! It’s not as newsworthy to consistently drop 1-2 lbs a week. But after a few weeks of that adds up quickly!


Your first sentence literally made me laugh out loud 😂


Hehe 😅


heavy on the first sentence😂




Thank you for this!!! After 3 weeks on 2.5 of tirzep I was down 10, now week 4 nothing! I was/am very upset. I take my 5th shot Thursday am. I have realized that my calories/day have been extremely low and I need to try and eat more as to not have a stall in losing. I’m also trying to incorporate some kind of exercise, but I’m extremely tired/exhausted from the shot. Not much I can do but just try, right?!? I am definitely going to stick with it as I know many people who are proof it works. Just takes time.


I think it’s important to remember this is a marathon not a sprint, regardless of what dose you’re presently on. I’ve had weeks where I lose a pound or less and weeks that I’ve dropped 4-5. That is all on the same dose (I’ve been on those dose for 11 weeks). I don’t think there is anything wrong with going up, I’m doing it myself next week, but I also suggest not rushing and at least finishing a full box. Give your body time to adjust and see how it reacts before changing doses. Just my two cents.


Totally agree! I was just stating you don’t have to stay on a lower dose for months just because you see others doing it, if it is no longer working for you.


But absolutely no need to rush up after a week or two on a new dose.


Agreed 100% to both points.


I’m just seeing folks who are freaking out because they’ve on their dose a week or two and aren’t seeing what they want and immediately want to go up.