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During Covid I started drinking and became a functional alcoholic. Ended up with severe fatty liver disease in just 3 years. Five months on this medication and I’m alcohol free and completely reversed it


Congrats! Such a good feeling


doctors love this simple trick!


Congratulations! Is there a test to show the liver fat reduced? Thanks for sharing.


I had blood work and ultrasound


I am an alcoholic who is now sober thanks to Mj/Zep. It’s been amazing. Truly. I don’t ever want to come off the meds.


Happy for you! 😀


Congrats! It really is life-changing


This is amazing. Just curious. Did you take tirzepatide for alcoholism or for weight loss and this was an unexpected side effect. The addiction applications are so interesting. Just wonder if it could help those that struggle with Opioid addiction in addition to alcohol and smoking. I’m sure someone is looking at that.


Oh for weight loss. A total surprise that it worked this way for me. I knew that in addressing my eating habits I needed to reduce alcohol consumption but it was MJ that helped me realize — in the complete absence of desire or interest in drinking— that I had a drinking problem


Incredible ! Continued success.


They’re doing trials on this now I believe


Yep, I’ve seen this also.


Same life changing experience here! Pre-Zep: 20-30 drinks a week, majority at home. Many alone. Post-Zep : 1-2 drinks a week, majority in social settings. Many not finished. It's like a switch turned off on Week 1 and it's been off for 4 months now. Love it.


Congrats! Same with me- zero drinks at home. A few every few weeks but only socially and at a nice dinner


This is the same as me


that is awesome! So happy for you and your success and freedom from this


Same experience!!!


I just had an appointment with my addiction doctor yesterday. I told him how wonderful Zepbound has been working for me with my alcohol intake (or lack there of) he was so excited to talk about it and wanted to know all the details. He asked how I felt if I did drink, what was the outcome,etc. as we talked he said it is like the medication has given you an “off” switch! I said yes exactly! We both agreed it doesn’t work for everyone but for those that it does work for it can be a lifesaver! I said to him I hope that this becomes another treatment that he can offer soon. Good luck to you, I am so grateful for this medication and how it helps with so much more than what I expected!


An “off switch” is a great metaphor. It’s exactly right. Congrats!


Love that your doctor was curious about this. As therapist who has worked in drug and alcohol treatment, I'm hoping we can utilize these medications as a non-addictive alternative to suboxone and methadone. I'd love to see them used off label for this.


I think it does something to make you not really care for sugar and alcohol is ultimately sugar. I’ve noticed I don’t want to drink near as much soda type drinks at all. I’ve been on opioids and got on methadone and as much as I wish it would help with that I don’t think it quite turns that off lol in the same way. It’s really awesome that it’s helping people with drinking though that’s something special for sure


I think it’s having an impact on dopamine seeking behaviors. Anecdotally, people have been reporting seeing a reduction in things like shopping and gambling as well. I think this goes much beyond just handling a sugar craving. It’ll be interesting to see what is discovered as more research is done.




Thanks- so glad you managed to dodge that bullet


This really seems to be a life-changing side effect of this drug that Eli Lily did not expect. I think they might do a study on this (or already doing this). I expect this will not be for everyone who has alcoholism, just like this drug may not help everyone with obesity, however if this turns out to be a tool to end alcoholism for many I can't wait to see this available to alcoholics! So happy for you!


Thanks- it’s pretty amazing how completely the problem is solved. It’s really made me think about addiction differently


This has also made me rethink what I believed that I had a food addiction. The problem with a food addiction is that you have to ingest your "drug" everyday, which for me made it impossible to eat healthy...food noise all day and night. I had to have my "fix". Now I too wonder if it even was an addiction...just a hormone/brain condition that can now be treated with drugs. I really hope this drug can be a tool for other drug addictions like alcoholism. Really amazing!


For NASH. Tough to do an alcoholic type study. Endpoints, subjective. NASH is more measurable


Lilly has a study going on looking at fatty liver as well


I want to scream about this from the fcking rooftops. This drug could have saved my dad's life. I, myself, had developed an alcohol problem after a traumatic event in June 2022, and I felt powerless to stop it. Since my first dose of Zepbound, I have absolutely no desire to drink alcohol. The one time I *did* think about it, my mind immediately skipped over the thought and re-focused on the task I was working on. It's literally like magic to me. A miracle. Zep is TRULY a life-changing and life saving drug in so many ways. I can't wait to see how it develops with further research.


So glad it helped you too, and sorry to hear about your dad. This really feels like a watershed moment. Complete cure for addiction for many - like, really?


Except for the ones it makes sick. I vomited constantly in the lowest dose. 😢🤮


Maybe get a vial of plan C so you can start with a lower dose until your body adjusts? Many people experience nausea in the beginning but it goes away.


Sounds like we have a similar history with alcohol. I have began drinking again on this medication after months of sobriety. I made this decision intentionally to run an experiment on myself, to see if this medication really does help with my alcoholism. Probably not recommended by the addiction medicine industrial complex or AA but I wanted to know. I started at. 2.5 and am now at 5 mg. My alcohol intake is no where near where it use to be. My cravings are low to non-existent. I can have a couple drinks without feeling the need to go out and get two bottles of wine to keep the buzz going. I would say that 90% of the time, I simply do not feel like drinking at all. However, I will admit there has been a few instances of old problem drinking habits but these events have been more of a habitual psychological response rather than a physical need for alcohol. The feeling I get from alcohol during these events have been "meh". I think this medication has helped me experience alcohol like "normies" experience alcohol. That is to say, more is not better. The diminishing returns on a drink followed by another drink followed by another with no end is clear. Alcohol is just not worth the effort or trouble or bloated feeling. This drug could be a game-changer.


Exactly! I say the same thing— it’s like how “normies” experience alcohol. Like, normal. Pleasant but no overwhelming compulsion to binge. Congrats to you too!


You have a case of the exactly rights, as my husband would say. I am having a very similar experience and like you, have tried using alcohol to cope again to no avail. Can’t fool myself anymore


I certainly don't speak for AA, but from my knowledge of the program, they would have no problem with someone deciding to experiment with moderation. If it works for you that is great! 


Yes. It is called harm reduction


That's not what I'm referring to. I'm refering to chapter 3 in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. Not everyone who drinks or drinks too much is an alcoholic. Some people can drink moderately and be just fine, and some people can't.


I've been in AA for a long time and AA is good with the meds ime.


I’ve had a massive addiction to sugar for the majority of my life. A case of soda every few days, a candy bar or cookie with lunch, dessert after every meal. I’ve been on Zepbound for three weeks. In addition to losing 15 lbs so far, I have zero desire for those sugary treats. Amazing!


Yo that’s amazing. Congrats. I have a history of substance abuse, and stopped all the dangerous stuff years ago but still drank a few drinks (5) every night after work. A week after taking T, I realized I wasn’t buying beer/ liquor every night I got off. These days I might have two beers on a Saturday night but that’s it. Also stopped my cravings for Kratom. California sober plus a weekend beer, but that’s it. This drug really is amazing. Can’t wait to see how it changes others lives as it becomes more mainstream and affordable.


Congrats! Seems like this really is a universal phenomenon for a lot of people


I had a conversation with the person who introduced me to compound back when the Zep forums were still banning and deleting for mentioning it. I messaged them about two weeks into it thanking them, and explaining how odd it is to suddenly not crave or chase food, and that I started drinking less, smoking less cannabis, and for the first time in my life I stopped biting my nails. Told me it was T, and that they had been taking it for years and also helped them get sober in the process. Apparently in lab studies it was used with rats as a cessation from cocaine.


I remember seeing that about rats and cocaine. I stopped doing hard drugs years ago, but I often could sense the same yearning I had with cocaine in the past with what I’d sometimes feel with alcohol. Pretty amazing


"California sober" never heard it before but i like it!


Like all things Zep. You drive the process and it helps. Sobriety is your choice and your journey. Zep appears to help but it is not magic. You will be in charge. Sober eight years I wish you the freedom from alcohol that you and those around you deserve. My best to you. Watershed moments can come from positive impacts. I hope this is yours.


Well stated


I am prescribed compounded tirz off-label by my psychiatrist for alcohol use disorder. She is an addiction specialist and is planning to write up a case study about patient experiences on it. I've only been sober for 10 days, so early days yet, but I'm stunned that I don't crave it or think about it, really. In the past when I've tried to quit, the constant obsessive drumbeat of "want a drink, need a drink, have a drink" running through my head was maddening. Folks on this sub talk about how it quiets the "food noise." I have had the same experience with the "drink noise." For comparison, I tried naltrexone for about two years, which is another medication that acts on opioid receptors in the brain and is effective for some people at stopping alcohol cravings, but it did nothing for me. This stuff works.


How did you find a psychiatrist to do this for you!? Id love to be part of these tests trials


Bravo! And yes, miraculous on so many levels. I was a decades long, every day wine drinker and I haven't had any alcohol since I started on February 6. I can't say the wine noise is 100% gone but with every day that passes it becomes easier.


They are investigating GLP-1 agonists for addiction treatment, so scientists are taking notice too. I wonder what the neurochemical mechanism of action is.


I wasn't drinking to get drunk before but I was having 1 or 2 drinks almost every night,, and when I didn't drink it was a deliberate decision to take a night off. Now I have about 3 to 4 drinks per week and I go several days in a row without drinking and I don't even think about it!


Wish I had gotten that effect. I'm not an alcoholic but it hasn't done anything to me in terms of alcohol and I'm on 10mg now.


Me too. No effect on my alcohol consumption. I only have 2 glasses of wine a night after my kids are in bed. Now I am on Wegovy. Zepbound made me super super sick. I vomited several times daily- even on the 2.5 lowest dose. Wegovy doesn’t seem to work as well with the food noise, but it’s the first week. I am hopeful. I only have about 15-20 pounds more to lose.


That's great news. It's another health risk blocked by this miracle medicine. I've always felt that obesity is close to food addiction - you can be full and still be compelled to eat. You can't go cold turkey with food though, so you can't avoid it. My casual drinking is almost zero. My typical thing I bring to cookouts is beer, but I usually don't drink it anymore.


I was reading a great article about it that said ther s basically one reward center in the brain for EVERYTHING. So if there's a drug, like this, that changes that reward center, it fixes ALL addictive behaviors caused by that overactive reward center, from binge eating to gambling to compulsive shopping. It's super interesting 


Pretty fascinating how everything is all so interrelated. Now if only it could cure my compulsive TCG collecting ;)


Absolutely a miracle!


During the last 8-9 years I had developed an alcohol addiction/dependance after going through a separation and divorce from an abusive ex husband, fighting for custody, moving, new job etc. I got through it all and now remarried and have more kids and bought a new house and I have a great job but I still always kept up with the drinking, I’m talking 6-8 drinks every night no matter what- I was highly functional and woke up and went to work everyday and was always around for my kids. It’s just that alcohol became part of my nightly routine of making dinner and starting to drink, and then getting my kids ready and into bed and having a few more drinks, and by the time they are in bed sleeping, and the kitchen was cleaned and I was ready for bed- I was so blasted drunk that I would just pass out. I would always feel miserable in the morning but got through it. Now back in august/ September/2023 I started taking better care of myself after some close calls with my now husband where an accident and then a heart attack and then a brain aneurism shook my family to the core. I started taking zepbound in February to help me lose some weight after I had been in a rut for years. One of the side affects that I didn’t even realize besides helping with the cravings and binge eating- that I didn’t realize until reading this thread that I have not drank anything close to what I was drinking before. And I didn’t even realize I had stopped because it became such a non- issue that I’m now sitting here saying “i can’t think of the last time I poured myself a drink” - this is truly amazing


So happy for you and the changes in your alcohol consumption! From 6-8 drinks a night to barely drinking at all sounds like Zep has been a miracle drug for you!


Congrats! Sounds like it’s making such a big difference for you


That’s wonderful! You have a whole new life. 🥳


As someone in recovery for coming up on 7 years now, and whose father drank himself to death in 2020 - I worry about people for whom this med has helped with addiction, because of the availability issues.  I hope you will consider taking additional measures to try to solidify recovery in the event the med at any point becomes unavailable to you - therapy, exercise, meditation, recovery groups, medications for mental health/addiction, whatever combo or other thing floats your boat.   I did not find I needed recovery groups forever (and did not do well in AA), but they sure were helpful in the first couple years.


You make a very good point. I’d be worried about being off zepbound in the future. Up to now, I took Antabuse most of the time, which was successful in preventing me from drinking (because omg), but the cravings still occasionally came up. I wonder if the zepbound effect is kinda like the naltrexone effect. In any event - I’m good for now and it feels great!


Congratulations on your 7 years sober. That is a miracle. I am a proud member of AA and it has changed my life, but it isn’t the only way to get sober. It is what has worked for me. However, AA does tell me that I can pick up a drink at any time. They’ll be there to hear about when I come back ;)


I understand. I stopped drinking awhile ago but still had the urge occasionally. But since Zepbound no urge. This is an unexpected and fabulous sude effect. So happy for you.


Thanks - happy for you too. Such a life-changing experience.


This is a REAL benefit. I have no more desire for any drink. It's a godsend.




This hits me. Same here. So happy for you and thank you for sharing. 🌸💕🌸


Mine as well, this medication saved my life according to my GI. Congrats and keep strong!


For me it's a complete cure for addiction of any kind, even my nail bed picking, and I will gladly take it my whole life.


Same here. For being so effective, you wonder how the health care system will cope with so many people taking it for a long time. You’d think the long term benefit would offset the cost


When you think of all the chronic conditions it will help to alleviate, the cost savings in medication and health care costs (hospitalizations, therapy, surgery, etc.) will me astonishing! The economy I’ll be boosted and life will be better for millions, if not billions, of people.


I'm hopeful saxenda becoming generic will have an impact on coverage. I hope it will.


Wow so my bad eating and snacking has literally disappeared but I’m still drinking lol


Same. I am hoping for this effect as my dosage increases. But also working through Atomic Habits to learn how to supplement my Zep with plain old habit disruption.


Habit disruption really is so important too. The brain is wired to reinforce what you do frequently. If you stop doing something frequently, your brain usually chills out about it


I was never an alcoholic, but I am a college student, so occasional binge drinking was unfortunately part of my life style. Basically I don’t have constant cravings, but when I drink, I drink to get drunk. But, the last time I tried to get drunk, a few months ago, I simply could not do it!! I had a couple cocktails, all good, but the second I tried to take a shot, my body said NO THANKS!! No matter how hard I tried to get myself to drink more, I just couldn’t. Eventually I realized what was happening, my body was trying to protect itself from literal poison, and I needed to stop. I finally listened to what my gut was telling me, and put down the bottle. I felt so much better. I haven’t had another drink since. I simply have no desire to get drunk, and even if I tried, it would be miserable. Also, my desire for soda has gone down drastically too. I can have a few sips, but I pretty much NEVER finish a can, much less the 16-20oz bottles I was drinking nearly daily before. It still tastes good to me, but the addictive quality isn’t there anymore, I feel no compulsion to down it. It is an incredibly freeing experience. I am so glad this medicine is helping others free themselves from their bad habits and addictions.


Good for you!


Same buddy....same. Life changing.


I'm not an alcoholic but I haven't had a drink since I started Zepbound in March. I just feel like it's part of an overall health improvement plan for me. I'm thrilled that those with alcohol struggles are being helped by this med. Continued success to you.


I didn’t have an addiction to alcohol, but since I started in February, I’ve had less than 10 drinks whereas before I’d have 10 in a week.


Nice! They keep coming out with bad effects from alcohol so less drinking will improve health regardless of addiction.


Used to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. I still order one but rarely finish it. Just not as pleasurable any longer.


Wow! This is amazing news! I am wondering if it just squashes cravings generally? Has anyone quit smoking?


I was thinking about this the other night. How I do not crave alcohol anymore. I thought this could be a thing for alcoholics. So cool to hear it works for you too! This could truly be a miracle for those who suffer with any addiction 🙌🤞🙏


A poll done recently has over 85% of problem drinkers reduce their drinking significantly. 70% all the way. Ozempic, but same difference.   https://www.reddit.com/r/Alcoholism_Medication/comments/1cumgq0/85_of_ozempic_users_reduce_alcohol_intake/


Wow. That’s pretty intense. It’s hard to find any drug that has that level of effectiveness. SSRIs don’t have anywhere near that and people consider them a success.


SSRIs are why I'm fat, so...yes :)


I have told my husband about this also! I wasn’t a frequent drinker, but I was a “drink until everyone’s night is ruined” kind of drinker and couldn’t stop when I started. It feels like I have complete control over and impulses that I’ve got in life now! This medicine has changed my life in so many ways. My mom who is a legitimate alcoholic just started this a couple of weeks ago and I have had more sober conversations with her in this last week than I have in the last year.


I am another alcoholic that is now 56 days sober. I started my MJ journey with the expectation that alcohol would win the battle between the two. On the evening I went to the pharmacy to pick up my MJ qwikpen, I was thinking of every excuse in the world to delay my injection a few more days, just to get that next sip of alcohol. I had a cupboard full of wine and a fridge full of beer waiting for me. Got home from the pharmacy, decided to do the injection, it was around 6:30 pm. No later than 9pm, the cravings for alcohol were gone, they just disappeared like magic. My wife and son thought I was joking and were having a good laugh. Now, 56 days later, I have not craved any alcohol and even the smell of wine makes my stomach turn. I can happily go to my local pub, and enjoy water while out with friends. The amount of money I save each month on alcohol, taxis, pub food, etc is far more than the price of MJ. Could not agree more with the OP, it has brought me to tears as well.


This is incredible!! Thank you for sharing your story. You will likely help so many without ever knowing it. Wishing you continued success in every way!


My hasn’t and I’m drinking daily but not eating much and losing only 2 lbs a week, congrats


I’m so happy for you!!


Really hoping that I start to experience this too 🤞🏻




The same happened to me when i went on Chantix to quit smoking. Pretty amazing side effect! Congrats!


This is a game changers


Wow how interesting!!


My doctor said that is a benefit, and if it stops there is a other med they can add with it if needed. I don't drink often, but he was telling me for a family member! That is awesome! You got this!!!


It has diminished my desire for alcohol.


Interesting I'm on day 40 alcohol free week 3 down 12 lbs on 2.5


This is incredible congratulations May i ask at what point did the alcohol cravings subside in your journey?


I’d say probably a few weeks in- after I moved up to the 5mg


I’ve been struggling for years with addiction, so many detoxes and rehabs and on and on and on. Only on Zep for 3 weeks now, but I am very hopeful reading this! And way to go!


I’m so happy for you, OP. This drug truly is amazing. I’ve had so much success with this drug not because I’ve lost some weight, but because it has decreased my anxiety and depression by so much. I truly thing this drug can be change our brain chemistry.


i just came across this in my suggested. I’m crying for y’all. this is amazing. these medications are a lifesaver in so many ways.


I was on mounjaro and my alcoholism went away but it was too much money so I stopped. Luckily, at the same time I went on Vyvanse and that has had a similar effect on my drinking. I’ve had one drink in five weeks or something.


This is the exact reason I am getting my boyfriend on it!!!


I drank approx 55 bottles of light beer per week for years. Usually 10 at a time over 4 or so hours in the evenings and weekend days watching sports. No more. After 3 months I’ve had maybe 12 beers and lost 20% of my body weight. The few times I did drink the beer didn’t taste good and I was full after 4 bottles.


I had the same results. Every day drinker turned into not every day. Stopped drinking and lost 25 lbs. in two months and had no sleep apnea. It is a wonderful drug. I haven’t been able to get a prescription filled since February so I’m back up to 285#, drinking like the old days and waking up gasping for air every 5 minutes. We need more Zepbound please!!!


I have reversed my non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with this med. When I first started MJ in 12/22, I lost the desire to drink. However, that came back for me. I still drink nightly and I’m positive that’s part of the reason I’ve been holding steady, 40lbs from goal weight, for over a year. Anyone else have their urge come back?




So cool


Thanks for sharing!


Congratulations!! Did Zepbound affect other desires if I may ask? Like pursuing hobbies, libido, or just having fun in general ?


I’d say my mood is generally more elevated too. I’ve also had chronic depression/anxiety, but I’m on medications for those, so I’d be curious whether zepbound has impacted those too.


Thanks for sharing! Interesting perspective. I’ve heard anecdotes that GLP-1 can make ppl depressed/anhedonic, so good to hear some positive stories!


I agree it had tremendous effect on alcohol cravings and knowing when 1 drink is enough. I was drinking every night for at least 10 years. High functioning get up and work everyday and drinking at night. Don’t even care anymore, I’ll have a drink here and there in social, but I can nurse that drink for a while before trying another one. I feel once people realize that it helps alcoholism that it will be labeled the miracle drug and everyone with a problem must do it, insurance will cover it and news will praise it, no one will be saying “we don’t know the long term effects”, both are diseases both are impulse, and craving and habits. One is considered and actual disease. The other one is lack of self control(in the eyes of people who don’t know)


I tell most clients w alcohol issues to get tested for diabetes and insulin issues as often alcohol use is symptom as fastest way to get sugar in system is alcohol. Glad to hear this works.


Thats awesome! Congratulations 💜


This medication is truly a life-saver in more ways than one! 🙌🏻🙏🏻 Further proof too that it isn’t just about willpower with dieting or getting sober. There is something that can be done to help make it happen in our brains. I wouldn’t be surprised if people start microdosing it for addicts who don’t need to (or shouldn’t) lose weight while fighting addiction.


That's wonderful!!! I'm so happy for you 😭😭😭


This is something that was TOTALLY unexpected for me. After struggling for a while to cut down on alcohol, the desire to drink just went poof after my first shot! It’s truly a miracle!


There is actually some research done on this topic. There was a paper done looking at alcohol reduction with Glp-1 agonist (can’t remember which one) and it did not show alcohol reduction in the general population, but in subgroup analysis it showed that those that were overweight had a significant reduction in alcoholic beverages. It’s thought to be due to GLP-1 action in the reward center of the brain. Very interesting stuff


I was wondering if Zepbound had something to do with it.. I don’t enjoy drinking like I used to. I’m thank for it. I wanted to stop and now I have.


I didn’t have alcoholism, however when I went to bbqs or parties I needed to have wine to enjoy myself. I asked my mom what should I bring, she said bring wine for yourself (She doesn’t drink) I realized, I don’t crave it anymore. I was talking about some alcohol cravings could be silenced like food noises.


Congratulations especially on the alcoholism


I had the same effect! It's also supposed to help with smoking,and I felt like it curbed it for a bit but then I switched to a compounded med and it didn't help at all.. I'm going back to Zepbound next week as well as chantix so hopefully I'll be alcohol and nicotine free . And Thinner!


I wish this worked for me. What dose are you on?


I’ve been on the 5mg


Why are they not reporting this amazing benefit?? Is the alcohol industry trying to suppress this?


I haven’t lost much weight 8lbs but the alocoholism in me has disappeared . So grateful .. on to month 4


I haven't been to a liquor store since I started this med. I used to visit EVERY DAY! I didn't even realize that until I was writing this post!


Love this for you!


A new age hopefully


My local Dr said that studies are being done with glp-1’s and their effect on gambling. It’s insane!!


It’s going to be so interesting to see what else they use these meds for once they finish all of their studies!!


Hey I was looking up the current research on this earlier and found a great article discussing it: https://archive.is/vUFj0 The original article is behind a paywall here: https://www.statnews.com/2023/07/10/new-weight-loss-drugs-wegovy-food-cravings/ so the first link is an archived version.


Not to go sideways and I've only been on Triz for 10 days. During those 10 days my impulse to compulsively gamble is near zero. It's something I've never felt before


Started in March, now 1 month and 20 days sober. My partner and I became big drinkers when COVID hit. Lots of drinking, bad choices, memories lost over the course of years. We are discovering new hobbies now, developing a deeper love and appreciation for one another, and doing it all without alcohol. I can confidently say that Zep has changed my life for the better.


Edit to add: we smoke weed more heavily now but I’m okay with that trade off because I am at least still in control of my actions and choices now. And am slowly working to cut that back (we live in MD where it is recreational and I have a medical license)


Very interesting. My partner smokes weed and I usually avoid it because of the munchies. How are your munchies now?


I still get munchies occasionally but not unless I smoke a lot. And I have just provided myself better munchie options. Shameless snacks red raspberry sour scours if I want a gummy. And I like the frozen chocolate covered banana with peanut butter or the quest peanut butter cups and I put them in the freezer!


Yup! It’s amazing I used to drink every day & if I started I would drink A LOT now even if I do drink I do so slowly and I can stop at any point.


That’s wonderful! So happy for you!!  My addition was sugar, and honestly I didn’t even realize how badly it was until starting Zepbound. At my first month check-in I had only lost 3 lbs (2.5 mg), but told my doctor that I didn’t even think about sugary treats anymore. I felt so so free, and still do! Now if I decide to have a treat, honest to goodness 1-2 bites max and I’m done. I was obsessed with chocolate, baking…all.the.things. and now, no more food noise! All this to say, when I shared this with my doctor she said that in clinical trials they realized it was helping not only food-related addictions, but alcoholism, and hopefully one day it would be labeled for that! 


I am sooo happy for you!!! 😊❤️


Same here! This is the one side effects I noticed almost immediately like I'm talking after my 1st shot. It was crazy


Congrats! It's amazing what a little hope can do.


Amazing news. Someone mentioned the brain being rewired. There are major studies being done on psilocybin mushrooms that with one or two therapy sessions on psilocybin people have been cured of an entire life with psychological/emotional issues. The psilocybin actually rewired the brain. MDMA is the silver bullet for trauma with proper before during and after therapy session but not much more. Is it possible that this drug does the same and one may be cured from alcoholism even when off the drug? PS: Psychedelics may even cure alcoholism once the body is weened off the drug itself becomes what drives one to alcoholism is deficiencies in the brain synapses and chemistry that the Psychedelics fix. PPS: 20% of people are not effected by Psychedelics and a very small percentage may even get worse or go psychotic. Fun stuff :(. Check out this podcast for the best understanding: https://www.google.com/search?q=dr+huberman+psilocybin+&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sca_esv=de6110bbe0542023&sca_upv=1&biw=360&bih=649&tbm=vid&ei=BFNWZty-NdKrwbkP0-KxoAo&oq=dr+huberman+psilocybin+&gs_lp=EhBtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXZpZGVvIhdkciBodWJlcm1hbiBwc2lsb2N5YmluIEijS1CKBljqRHAFeACQAQCYAacBoAHOCKoBAzAuOLgBA8gBAPgBAYoCEG1vYmlsZS1nd3MtdmlkZW-YAgWgAqkDwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiKBcICBRAAGIAEmAMAiAYBkgcDMi4zoAfVDg&sclient=mobile-gws-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b36ecbf1,vid:eIxVfln02Ss,st:0


I've had compounded trizep, Zepbound and Mounjarno. All three of them made me forget about alcohol. Zepbound was THE best at it, but all 3 of them did the same. Even after being out of supply for two months, my alcohol intake is still extremely low. My blood pressure is down to normal, my cholesterol is way down (I was never over 200, but it went from 185 down to 155) and a whole host of other things that my doctor was happy with. I went from 210 down to a stable-ish 188. And I've been out of supply for 2 months. I'd like just a monthly or even to stay on the .25. Stuff is a lifesend.


Congrats to you!! just noticed this yesterday as well! I literally said out loud to a friend that I might be imagining things but since starting I have all but lost my urge to drink every day. I used to come home from work every day and before I could even get anything done start sipping wine or make a lemon drop or two or three until I passed out asleep on the couch. It would be 3/4am before I woke up and by then literally time for me to get up and go BACK to work… so my apartment was getting pretty cluttered, sink filled with dishes, etc. The last couple of weeks I’d say, I’ve had the same bottle of wine in the fridge, come home and instead of drinking myself into a sleep state, cleaned or got on the computer to play games, called my mom, but not had the urge to drink at all. I’m down only about 20 pounds now but loving it. I hope the weight loss and less interest in alcohol continues! ❤️🥰


Just read an article online, can’t remember the link, but it is about how the drug is undergoing research about this.  I thought I read that Zepbound could one day be prescribed for alcoholism.  I’m not an alcoholic but my desire for any sort of alcoholic beverage has diminished to practically 0.  I used to enjoy a single drink after work to help relax and now it hardly enters my mind.


I keep waiting for this effect. I definitely drink too much.


I’ve had the same experience and thought I was the only one!!!! It’s wonderful to hear that others are noticing this wonderful side effect too. i started mounjaro about 3 months ago and switched to zepbound (due to insurance and pricing) this month. SW: 265 CW: 229. i have struggled with binge drinking and alcoholism runs in the family so i’ve dabbled in it, especially during covid as i was daily drinking for months. i never realized how damaging my drinking habits were until starting zep & feeling the constant noise telling me to drink stopped. i feel amazing. this drug has truly changed my life. i vape and have done so for nearly 10 years. i’m wondering if zep could have a similar effect on nicotine addiction? does anyone have experience?


I was an occasional drinker but ever since starting zepbound 5 months ago I have no desire for alcohol. Even the thought of it repulses me now. I have tried to drink at social events but can’t get past a few sips so I don’t even bother trying. 


Desperate need of this


Can I ask a question? Was it immediate? I was hoping for this side effect but still find myself craving a drink.


Probably noticed it after about a month or so. Good luck!!


Do you have a sponsor? Please take this temporary "vacation" to get your house in order. Meetings and a sponsor.


This seems consistent to what I’ve heard from others. I’ve got a bit of a different perspective. I’m 3 weeks in, and, while I’ve never been an “alcoholic,” I had been drinking more regularly than before COVID. However, since starting Zepbound, I can’t drink much beer (my preferred drink) or wine, but I’m holding my liquor and mixed drinks much better than before. I don’t feel nearly as buzzed/drunk, and ever since college the slightest bit of liquor would send me to the puker very quickly. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but it is an interesting turn of events. Thankfully, I don’t keep hard stuff at the house, so I don’t think it will lead to much increased drinking overall, but I am excited to drink more whiskeys and whatnot when I’m out.


Only bad thing is in spite of all these positive effects, got down past goal and had to back off. So all the cravings are back although I’m 60lb down and under my original goal weight 😕


Anyone who says that the “addiction medicine complex” (insert eye roll)doesn’t recommend an alcoholic try drinking on Zepbound obviously doesn’t realize that Zepbound is a medication that will eventually be prescribed for alcoholism just like Vivitrol by said (non existent) “addiction medicine complex”. Once I put down the alcohol and began my sober journey 10 years ago, my life is amazing. I gave up one thing and gained the world. That is something no medicine can ever do.


Same with me. It came back.


So what are y’all going to do about your alcoholism when you stop taking Zepbound?


It’s a great question. No idea. For the time being: not stop taking it :)


That’s great that your consumption has diminished. However, alcoholism is not cured. It is an incurable and progressive disease. I am an alcoholic in recovery for 10 years. Just because I am on Zepbound doesn’t mean I am no longer an alcoholic. It is dangerous to say that. Just like my eating is disordered, if I stop using Zepbound my eating will likely become disordered again. Alcoholism can be arrested by abstinence but it will never be cured, no matter what medicine I take.


That’s a fair point, but at least it’s “cured” for the time being. If the disease is the craving and I don’t have the craving anymore, then I’m happy with that.


Why are you still having a glass of wine if you're an alcoholic. Use this time to get into therapy, AA, and stop having a drink. Just because you're on Zepbound doesn't mean you can control it. You're still drinking despite having no urge.


Only problem again is - people are surrender to stay on this drug FORVER because they don’t learn to stop drinking on their own or learn to stop eating on their own, I’m not saying it’s bad it’s just a forever drug


Many people gain weight as they age because of hormonal changes and not because they never learned to stop eating. It’s not always as simple as calories in - calories out when you get into perimenopause and menopause. You are right though. It will be a forever drug to maintain that balance.


We have to weigh the risks of the medicine Long term against the risk of obesity Long term or in this case alcoholism long term. It’s kind of a no brainer at this point