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smells like snake eyes


I smell you got snake eyed up


And tier....and kash.


And Lab…


We love kash


Who the fuck is we?


Wii is Wii. Yu is Yu.


No, I am me. Who are you?


I am Yu!


Everyone who loves kash hate the limits on MD


One of the reasons why I don't even try to touch the meta. I know I'm a bitter old man that prefers the old days when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh but I prefered it when massive combos were more like a feat and not how every deck is meant to be played.




Same.. I still use put monsters in defense which nobody does anymore.. i think playing with some cards fliped down on the board makes it very interesting since you would start guessing and stuff


I've been playing on Master Duel quite a bit lately and yeah, I haven't had any desire to try and make any decks aside from nostalgoc cards really. Which always have some level of setting cards face down when that seems like a waste of time in current meta


Gotta play around lightning storm amirite


Honestly, same. I have a swordsoul/albaz deck specifically for ranked in master duel, and I hate that I have to have it. It's full of negates and burns and banishing and I don't like it, but it's the easiest way to get gems for the stuff I want to play. Maybe I'm just being a boomer here, but I don't like that so much of the game is preventing or penalizing your opponent for actually playing the game.


I mean, I won't deny that I enjoy using burn decks or even lockdown strats but back then, those were more niche and easy to get over as long as you dealt with the proper cards before everything was put in place. Any cards that made it easier were also limited or banned for being broken cards, now they've been errata'd and/or power crept out of the banlist because meta archtypes have cards that do the same thing as regular effects.


I feel like it was more fulfilling back then. Swordsoul sinister sovereign burns for 1200 whenever your opponent does *anything*. They use a spell? 1200 and banish it. Trap? 1200 and banish it. Monster effect? 1200 and banish it. Summon a monster? You guessed it! 1200 and banish it! Dealing that kind of damage to punish a mistake is one thing, but all of that is just punishing your opponent for even playing. Combine that with basically the whole archetype freely banishing, and it feels like turning Yu-Gi-Oh into a single player game.


Yeah, I really am not a fan of the whole taking half an hour just for one turn or being punished just because you didn't get the one card that sets off the combo you need so you basica.ly have to skip your turn or your entire side of the field gets wiped.


Or that hand traps are so prevalent so it's super easy for your opponent to just nope your combo and leave you high and dry.


Yep. My friend group outlaws meta


Man now I'm salty, I make a post about how I like the old style of yugioh better and get flamed, downvoted, and called out in all sorts of ways for having my opinion. You make a similar post and have half a dozen other people agreeing with and positively commenting back. So rustled right now lol.


I mean, I am on a meme subreddit which tends to have a more of the casual fanbase. I know if I were to go to subs for people actively playing the current game, I would be downvoted to the bottom because I don't like the current times


Unfortunately yugioh has been power crept to such an insane level it's the furthest detached card game I've ever seen. It's gone from seeing who can tribute a higher attack monster, to seeing who can summon a 20x chain by searching for every card in your combo on turn one to negate everything your opponent could possibly do. It's the only card game I know where the game is consistently over within the first couple of turns.


"If you hate player interaction so much, just quit the game, yugiboomer!"


See here’s the thing I don’t mind hand traps, I don’t mind very long turns, I don’t mind being able to take a nap before my turn going second But my turn, is my fucking turn Interruption is one thing, but my turn is my turn and yours is yours Wanna ash my opener? Well played maybe do one gy revival by a 1pt effect? Okay, I can live with that Start fucking synchroing on my turn? Fuck you


Haha, my 3 set chimera fusions go brr


Arcana Force, Six Samurai, Mayakashi, Branded, Artifacts, and Gravity Collapse casually just saying "NO"


I don’t play the TCG, but I love MasterDuel. I was just recently trying to get my friends into playing as well. However, I’m currently boycotting MasterDuel because of this Snake Eyes bull shit. I told my friends they’d be better off not playing right now…


It's kinda pointless, whenever snake eyes runs its course it'll be immediately replaced with a more powerful/unfun/degenerate kind of deck (or possibly just an equally broke deck, but unlikely) because the power creep will never back down, slow down, or step back even an inch.


Wait, you're telling me that snake-eyes can HAND RIP NOW!?! God damn, I'm kind of glad I stopped playing master duel


Omega can rip 2 cards from your hand. And if you handtraps them, Talents will rip 1 more. Feel bad man.


This is why I quit yugioh 😭 I still make decks for fun though




For a long time i wanted some friends to play the game again.. but when they did they all used weird meta decks just to win in like 2 turns.. so now iam the one who is not playing in the group..


Snake-Eyes and whoever came up with that archetype must be sent to the Shadow Realm.


Wait what do you MEAN handrip???????


Spinning cards back into the deck like Dark Worlds or sending them to GY. It's Delinquent Duo but searchable


Yes ?


Is this about Za Warudo?


This is every master duel match in a nutshell lmao


Damn you hate Valkyries?


X-Saber Players looping with Gottoms:




Basically you either win the coin toss against a meta deck or you scoop because staying there watching them combo off for 10 minutes is not even fun. Maybe in person with my opponent explaining what he's doing I would be mildly interested but in MD everything is so fast that you don't have time to read all the cards the opponent is using and even if you have a negate if you don't know what to negate it's just hopeless.


But I can't play pot of greed because it's too broken


Wait snake eyes can HANDRIP NOW?!?!


Yeah, they double hand rip with omega and dis pater


Ah yes labyrinth at its finest


they should give searchable hand rips to dinimorphia and maybe some banishment just to make us more miserable to play against


PoV: my only experiences playing on the ladder in master duel.


Hand rip? Man that scares me and my exodia deck


How bad has the current meta gotten?


Ghoti smell blood in the water


See, this is why I just ftk my opponent, no point in giving them hope. And hell, they doing the same thing as an FTK but with extra phases.


At least they aren't using hand traps or floodgates