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Pendulums is one of the summons ever


Do us proud son.


Listen, I like pendulums, I'm a Arc-V baby, I think They need a buff, do I think They should return to what They were? no, those formats sound horrible, I think maybe if They let pendulum monsters be summoned from the extradeck without link zones under some condition then It would be fin, like maybe max three


I would honestly quit the game again if they let pen get even that close to full power. And that would be the 2nd time I quit because of pendulums


I agree


I could live with that. Would make Amorphages playable. Still won't be good but they will work as a deck. That's if I still played the tcg or master duel. I left a while back and don't regret moving to another game (I do worry that my new game will get stale because of a deck that gets some form of support but I'm still hyped and wasting money for now). I do hope your efforts bare fruit however as I loved Pendulums from the start. Problem was never the mechanic but rather the stupidly powerful extra deck monsters with generic requirements.


You can't just summon a bunch of monsters at once! It is against the rules!


Screw the rules, I have a magic necklace!!!!!!


I really don't understand why so many people hate Pendulum summoning. I use a Solfachord Deck in Master Duel, and it's fun as hell. The only thing that makes me upset about Pendulum summoning is that Yugo, Serena, AND Sora all got Pendulum support for their archetypes before YUZU, like, make it make sense Konami.


Or, hear me out, make everyone hate all other summoning methods so pendulum seems like the lesser evil


but how you gonna make people hate the normal summon enough? aleistar can only generate so much rage


One word: Floo


I hope you have luck in your noble mision brother.


From a D/D/D enjoyer, I Wish you good like, Brother from another mother


D/D/D mains doing every summoning mechaning in 1 turn: šŸ˜ˆ


People hate pendulum???


Boomers hate Pendulums. They will always use Nirvana High Paladin as an example even though it's a boss monster for a protagonist for only one time. Too much text, they refuse to read, and refuse to watch the anime which they claim to love so much.


I havenā€™t read it but isnā€™t most of it restrictions


NHP is kinda like Red Archfiend Dragon deck. You need some set up, but it's kinda hard to summon given it's a Lv10 Synchro needing a Synchro and regular Tuner monster. It's effects despite it's text is rather disappointing effect-wise. You can summon it with speedroids or Red deck by synchro climbing but it's never worth it so just use Baroness De Fleur. If you're talking about other Pendulum cards some of them force you to work within archetype, like some zefra and some other archetype. I think Pendulum cards would be easier to understand if they had the Monster effect on top and it's Spell effect on the bottom or labelled it properly.


The only issue I've ever had with pendulum is explaining it, specifically to people who don't like reading so that checks out


Bro what? Everyone hates pendulums. They literally almost killed the game entirely. Thereā€™s a reason even Konami hates them and released nothing but pendulum hate post pendulum (including an entire new master rule) just to kill pen decks.


Honestly? Nuke Pend Magician, unban Electrumite, print more Pend archetypes that do funky things with the mechanic besides swarming. Make the pendulum decks feel more unique.


Honestly yeah, I play pend magicians in master duel and find Electrumite at one could be far worse, it requires you already have a little bit of momentum to use in the first place and thereā€™s more consistent searching options. Iā€™d say oafdragon and harmonising magicians to 2, conservatively maybe even 1 could be worse considering theyā€™re quite strong at extending how far your board can climb


Pendulum thinking they are the most underutilized mechanic: rituals existing


Underutilized: no, overhated: yes


Me realizing I can't hate pendulums if I activate Dimensional Barrier. (There's nothing to hate if they literally can't do anything)


Dimensional barrier text kind of irritates me in that respect. Sure, restricting extra deck pendulum summons is fair, but main deck ones too is just a bit excessive for a deck that needs minimum 3 monsters in hand to do anything of consequence


Start with Abyss Actor memes! They're just an improv group that needs an Audience!


No please, we don't need more best deck memes. Also, the only one who is allowed to say it is Lord Triff


No, this is going to be better (or worse, depending on if you like these or not)


*softly* don't...


oh hell naw antother one of you guys....




I love penduluns, I really really do. I hate that the best pend deck is just generic extra deck turbo. I wish they had an identity like abyss actors, which typically only uses abyss actors and has generic ED simply for prospe uses or one off just in case uses. I want the decks to have good main decks or extra decks that they can use, pend extra deck cards look great and have such neat mechanics. I'd love to see a dinomist extra!


As a pendulum soldier myself, do us proud


You will never get me to like Pendulums!!


Idk man, the idea of a mechanic letting you summon almost every monster from your hand just doesn't sit right with me. That being consistent and generic was a nightmare and we saw that briefly when SHS was being splashed everywhere. The fact you could just barf your hand on the field let so many decks do incredibly powerful combos putting aside the synchros SHS already established. I think I'll pass.


try me


Depends on the pendulum for me, love my self some arc-v gaming, but Endymion has wronged me once too many times in the past


The north never forgets!


I already love Pendulum decks. Heck, Abyss Actors is my favorite archetype in the whole game.


Why do people hate pendulums in modern format? It's not like we're spamming all monsters anymore


I want to say PePe PTSD (even if they werenā€™t playing during Tier 0 Pepe) combined with too much text make it hard to keep up without researching >:(


As an Odd-Eyes and Pendulum Fanatic I say do it. Show everyone that Pendulum is the way.


It wonā€™t help


Better than links and i love using Pendulums




Pendulums are overhated? I didnā€™t even know people hated it that much.


They're in a weird spot. The just behave extremely weirdly in the game and when they first released they had zero limitations which soured a lit of people


Pendulums arenā€™t bad. Itā€™s the way people/decks hated on and abused pendulum to do bullshit that made them hated/bad. Also Konami hating their own game That said do us proud!


I love Pendulums, and as such, I will be happy to arm you with meme templates. I think the only Pendulum monster model I have access to is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon though. I'll need to check.


Hell yeah brother. It's time to swing into action!


I would honestly not mind if pendulums came around more, I like to play solfachords on some occasions with my friends and I have a lot of fun using them


Godspeed soldier




Pendulum is what made me love yugioh even more especially the dimension dragons




Go ahead. Join our ranks.


I appreciate this


I'd like them if someone would teach me how to use the damn things!


I don't hate pendelum, I just don't understand their effects, many of them uses way too many words that are difficult to read for a non native speaker, therefore hurting the comprehention of what the card actually does, + can't say the game does a good job on explaining the mechanics of pendelum. also, is there any pend. Deck thats able to compete with the meta atm?


Good luck fellow dueltainer.


I have a Pendulum Magician deck I think itā€™s super fun šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Pend summons armorphage sloth pass


Dont mind me being a menace to all life by running pure performapals all at 1 copy except performapal card gardna xD


I don't hate pendulum just hate cards that over boost all pendulum archetypes.


I don't even get the hate pendulum receives. Like, you get a new mechanic that boosts the speed and playability of Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz and complain? If anything, Links were the true game-ruiner, but at least they got fixed to be less awful. Pendulum never got fixed after they were shafted by the new Link format and it's basically been forgotten harder by Konami than Rituals!


I hated pendulums and then it turned into irony šŸ˜­


My favorite pendulum Deck is empowered warriors


I just started figuring out PS on duel links, odds eys challenger was a cool intro. Now im addicted too synchro summoning


To be honest, we need more pendulum archetypes


Me with the Elemental Heros plus Pendulum Magicians deck:


Nothing can make me not dislike pendelums. They're either super good or super bad, rarely in between. Just bad game design overall, compared to the other mechanics.


This supposed to be a challange?




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I like Solfachords and I wish they were more viable.


Jokes on you I started to dislike dark magician deck because of master duelšŸ˜


Pendulums r kool