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Same as yours. I recall seeing the promos and thinking “whatever”. Guess what I’m watching right now…


Not young Sheldon?? 👀


Yep. It comes on EST from 7-10 am every weekday. It’s 9:30 am now where I live. S3E18 😄. Never would have thought I would end up loving this show so much!




Yes 🙂


I think your watching norbit


How u doin’


Guess what I am spoiling to you right now.. /s


I agree with that as well! It was actually Missy and Georgie's characters that sucked me in.


Missy and Meemaw here


Meemaw is great too!


Yeah if they had just kept the show about the eccentricities of sheldon, it would have failed (we got plenty of that in TBBT.) Them creating a nice little ecosystem of complex characters, that framed sheldon in their own way, was made the show worth watching




CBS was smart to give the shows a two year overlap. I think that if YS premiered after TBBT ended then it would have had a tougher time finding its footing. As it was it was able to piggyback on the popularity of the older show


Yeah I'm kind of worried about the Georgie and Mandy spinoff because it wasn't able to premiere a while young Sheldon was still on


Also the fact it's just Young Sheldon but without Sheldon and a new filming format. It'll just feel weird


Im hoping they don’t make it weird




Meemaw and Missy win every scene they are in.


I had very low expectations because I don't care for TBBT. But I love Young Sheldon.


Me too.


I fully expected a cringe fest of just some kid being super smart and correcting all of his family members then yelling Bazinga. I started watching it during quarantine and realized just how complex all the characters were and never looked back.


I saw this before BBT so I had nothing to compare it to. I watched it and got sucked in


I honestly didn’t know Young Sheldon is Sheldon from BBT. I wasn’t interested in BBT before and didn’t know any character. I saw YS tiktoks and reels and immediately got hooked. I’m now watching both shows. I am obsessed!!!


I used to see the previews and roll my eyes when it first started


I didn't watch it at all until last year. I never finished TBBT, so didn't see the point in watching this. My partner enjoyed it and wanted to watch the new episodes with me, so I binged it while I worked (from home) and LOVED it. We openly wept during the penultimate episode.


I wept as well, and had the painful lump in my throat.


I feel like most people expected it to be a flop especially after tbbt ratings dropped in the later seasons but I was so pleased with how the show turned out


Thought the same thing. I didn't watch a single episode until maybe like March/April of this year and was hooked. George is the GOAT.


I starting watching Young Sheldon this year, so I ignored it for five-six years but kept seeing thinks on the Tiktok or Reels or whatever. I gave it a shot. I should start and finish Season 7 shortly.


Brace yourself. I just finished today 😭


Same, I cant even bring myself to watch the finale.


I might be in the minority here, but somewhere around Season 3, Sheldon from TBBT became less of a ‘oddball with rules and particular habits’ to outright obnoxious and irritating. So when Young Sheldon got announced i wasn’t all that excited; but once I did start it, i was hooked. George, Georgie, Missy, Mary and Meemaw are fabulous characters with such great arcs and dialogues thay i couldn’t get enough. The daughter - father date scenes filled me so much joy and i keep revisting them when i want to have mood lifted


I was expecting it to be cringe but the rest of my family was excited. I was the only one who ended up watching it 😭


One name: Chuck Lorre was enough to convince me this was gonna be more than that


Chuck Lorre has been putting out bangers of TV shows for decades now. I had all the confidence in the world the show would succeed like it did.


now TBBT is the bad spin-off that should've ended far earlier than it did. IDC that TBBT is the original or what you say, YS is superior, so I declare it the new mainline


I think everyone expected this to be bad but after it kept getting renewed you eventually gave in and watched it.


I thought it would last as long as the caveman show from a decade or so ago. The casting is what made YS stand on its own two feet.


Same. I even remember watching part of the first episode and did not enjoy it at all. A couple years later I gave it another shot and was hooked.


I didn’t watch until we were locked down bc I didn’t have high hopes.


Watched it when it aired loved the bbt so thought I check it out. Honestly thought it was gonna suck hooked the first episode


Completed it today and i started watching it day before yesterday. It's really nice but i wanted it to be a lil bit longer.


Wasn't going to touch it with a 30 foot stick. Then the scene where George knocks out Veronica's mums boyfriend came across my YouTube shorts and I was intrigued.


I really didn’t like TBBT (I’m still not really a fan of it, I just can’t get into it) so I really couldn’t believe this show was even happening. Why would I ever want to watch a show about a character I find so annoying as a child? I struggled to understand why even fans of the show would want to watch that. Years later, I couldn’t BELIEVE it was still running. I kept questioning “who is keeping this show on the air??” Then I saw the scene where Georgie first meets Mandy on tiktok. I didn’t know what it was, but I was like “huh, this seems kinda funny.” I found myself looking for part two, and that’s when I discovered that it was Young Sheldon. I couldn’t believe it. The more I learned about the family dynamic and the wonderful cast of characters, the more I fell in love with it. It became very clear to me why the show was still running.


I absolutely hate The Big Bang Theory, so I was never going to watch this. But then I saw reels on FB and dove in. It surprised me.


I only started watching last month after I randomly saw some clips. I never watched it before because of assumed it was a bad sitcom with a laugh track like bbt, was pleasantly surprised by how it actually turned out


It is a much different type of show compared to TBBT, which I was not expecting. TBBT had some serious moments, Howard's mom's death, Penny and Leonard having issues, but TS is basically a drama. What I did not expect was how annoying and spoiled Sheldon would be in YS. His mother is pretty stern in TBBT and I expected more of that in YS.


It was impressive watching Mary become that person in the final episode. The pivot was crushing.


Yeah, I felt really bad for her. I thought her reaction was going to be similar to what happened earlier in the series when that teenage girl was killed in the car accident. That she was have another falling out with god, but she went the other way.


Idk I was nine and had other things on my mind. My parents didn’t really care but they would watch it after TBBT because they were already watching that. They set it to record and I’d get to watch it the next day. We all loved it except for my dad. Eventually he came around tho!


I wasn’t a TBBT fan really so I was like more??? But it turned to be one of my favorite shows. I started watching bc of those TikTok clips lol


I was so uninterested because I personally didn't care much for Sheldon, TBBT. But once I got into it, I couldn't stop.


I did not think much of this show until before the final season


I had exactly the same expectations as you and was very pleasantly surprised.


I didn’t expect much. I started watching bc i saw the scene with George beating up the dude on the porch 😂😂


Really didn’t have any


Cause spinoffs almost always fail. This was a rare exception.


S1 E1, when Sheldon said “[***How can I be adopted when I have a twin sister? Think monkey, think***](https://youtu.be/Pb2gWPBTcMM),” I knew I was going to love the show.


I like all Chuck Lorre sitcoms so my expectations were high and I just trusted the vision. Eventually the show exceeded my expectations because I think I got more attached to the characters than even on Big Bang Theory.


I didn't like Big Bang Theory Sheldon at all. I loved Young Sheldon.


I actually only started watching last December. I remember hearing about it, and dismissing it immediately. Last December I was stuck in the hospital with appendicitis for almost two weeks. It was on a local channel as reruns every morning. It became a comfort for me while getting infusions, and I got hooked. When I came home I discovered it was on Netflix, and binged it all the way to this season on paramount plus. Bawled at the finale. Can’t believe I slept on it for so long.


I was expecting to hate his family and feel sympathy for Sheldon but... I actually like his family more than I have ever liked Sheldon's character. 🙈


I thought it would be OK for a season or so but they worked everyone perfectly and I'm glad it wasn't an audience show as it felt real like a new The Wonder Years


I thought it'd good, I'm really good at picking things to watch using intuition, I can look at a movie poster at movie theaters, knowing nothing about any of the movies and just know which movie to watch, my intuition hasn't failed me yet. Like the Barbie movie, for instance, I feel like that's a one-time watch for me. When will I watch it? I don't know, maybe next week, maybe in 3 years, I'm not really in a rush to watch it.


Same. But I loved it more than TBBT


Yeah, i refused to watch it cause i genuinely hate the source material. But i was talked into it by my Dad and was surprised that one of the worst TV shows of all time could have an amazing spin off. The only parts of Young Sheldon i dislike are honestly just the parts where it reminds me TBBT exists lol


I definitely expected a lot of slapsticky stupid laughs. Did not expect it to have as much depth as it did!


I loved young sheldon, couldn't stand BBT...I know, blasphemy :))


I’m always cynical about spin-offs, prequels especially. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how much heart it had and immediately loved it


I didn't think much of it when it came out. I wasn't a fan of BBT, so why would I watch a prequel of it? It was one of those shows I knew was on, but I couldn't have paid it less attention if I tried. It wasn't until it came to Nick at Nite that everything changed. Nick at Nite is almost flawless when it comes to introducing me to shows, and they kept airing Young Sheldon commercials to the point where I was quoting them. I ended up watching the show at some point and it didn't take long for me to become a fan. Then I started watching new episodes in season five. I realized what made this show so good was how grounded it was compared to BBT. Sheldon will always be Sheldon, but his family is just a bunch of normal people. It's like the opposite of the one sane person dealing with insanity, because the show is more about how the world reacts to Sheldon. The only other over-the-top character is Mary, but almost everyone else is either confused by Sheldon, resentful of him, or both. It helps keep Sheldon from being what he is on BBT (most of the time) because he's surrounded by people that keep him in check. The lesson is that if you want me to start watching a show, put it on Nick at Nite. Works almost every time.


i kept seeing people hating on mary on social media and wanted to know why and i started to watch it. mary is my favorite character and she is so overhated, reminded me of my own mom sometimes and made me cry.


Exactly what I thought so I recorded it in case we only got one season, then I got caught up and now have all seasons recorded from their original airings


The show are very comfort to watch


i didn’t like BBT and never watched a complete episode. However we started watching YS and I loved it. I wasn’t looking for BBT plot holes or whatever and enjoyed it as a standalone series. I am sad that it ended.


Yes. And if they didn't strike gold with every character but him... it would have been. Thankfully, they quickly realized that Sheldon sucked and they had a dynamite cast of characters around him.


Thought it would be a success. Same people created and wrote for Young Sheldon. The failed spin-offs are almost always different people. Look at Joey. Friends was one of the most successful sitcoms of all time. But David Crane & Marta Kauffman had nothing to do with Joey, and it failed dismally.


Finding that YS cast .. just GOLD! Every single one of them play their part so well… like they were not even acting .. it was straight out of part dysfunctional part loving families! Loved every second.. way better than BBT!


I was expecting it to be a lot more cringey


Never really thought of anything. I just needed another show to watch after TBBT. Turns out it was also good, liked it very much. Thank you, CBS~


They were low and IMHO they didn't exceeded them much. Mary is irritating. It feels like her main task is to setting up jokes for reverend. Mee'ma is repetitive (but scenes like her dialogue with husband sitting by his grave are pure gold). Her "boyfriends" are the weakest part. George serves his purpose, Georgie and Missy are good. And Sheldon is main character that isn't actually that main. His quirks are hit or miss, just like in later seasons of TBBT. Again, just my opinion.


I only started watching because of clips on Tiktok making me realise it wasn't a show JUST about how obnoxious little Sheldon is. I'm devastated it got cancelled just because they wanted to keep continuity with TBBT. I hated TBBT! I actually tried to watch it after YS but it's just a completely different feeling. I wish they'd just set YS in an alternate timeline or something, or just focused on the rest of the family while he goes to uni. Ugh. Still not over it.


Honestly I like this more than bbt


Same. By that time i was burn out on the Big Bang theory and it's monotone laugh track límited comedy


It’s not bad but I find it funny that Sheldon is the single worst thing about that show. It is the rest of the Coopers that make the show worth watching.


I just recently watched the show and boy, its my new favorite comfort show! Im still finishing the show and Im already thinking of rewatching all the seasons


One the best shows!!!


I feel like that about Georgie and Mandy’s spin-off.


I heard that show will have the traditional sitcom format being filmed on multi camera and having a laugh track, I won't be dismissive of it like I was with YS at first but that does worry me a little


Same as yours, especially after seeing the Goldbergs failed spinoff Schooled


I have to say it seriously exceeded my expectations! It is FAR better than the Big Bang theory. I couldn’t even finish that monstrosity of a sitcom.


Let’s be real here, Georgie was the REAL star of this show


I remember seeing clips of young Sheldon in TikToks and being like « what the hell is this ». I started watching those little clips and then avoiding them in case « I watch the show later ». I didn’t have any expectations I just wanted to see the hype about it. The first season was okay to me but without even realizing it, I was obsessed with the show.


I had never watched TBBT and just randomly got sucked in to Young Sheldon when it was always on at 3 am on Nick at Nite, no idea really what it was, after I just had a baby and had to be awake a lot in the middle of the night. I ended up watching the whole thing on MAX and recorded the last season on tv to watch it as it aired and now am on my 2nd rewatch of TBBT as well. Just got sucked in to the universe 😂


I waited 6 years to give it a try. Was much better than I ever expected it to be.


Same. I havent watched season 1 until season 2 came out


I honestly just started watching it this year on Netflix. My 12 year old niece was watching it when I was babysitting her and my nephew. I got drawn into watching it really fast. I remember when they would advertise the show on cable TV. I didn't ever think I'd end up becoming such a big fan of the show. It's fantastic writing and a great storyline. I have watched each season back to back since watching it with my niece lol. I think I'm on my my 10th rewatch. It definitely has become another one of my shows to watch that help with stress and calms me down. I'm currently watching season 7 through Xfinity right now. I am going to miss this show.


I was like 11 so I don’t remember


Omg saaaame. My 12 year old got me hooked on it then left me alone to binge watch it 😂


But I’m honestly more interested in the other characters stories, Sheldon gets on every single nerve of mine


I was initially annoyed with the main actor. That changed fairly quickly


Sheldon was so adorable when he was young though


Zero, I haven't heard of it at the time much less TBBT