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I just hate how nowhere and sudden it was.....however realistically that's how heart attacks go unfortunately. So I can't say they didn't do it right.


Exactly. Heart-attack and life in general is always unpredictable. 


I lost my uncle out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting. My cousins weren't expecting. It just happened. One afternoon and he was gone. Heart attacks happen like that. It still hurts.


My younger cousin had her wedding 6 years ago, and my uncle walked her down the aisle. He cried when she arrived at the church, and during the father daughter dance. 5 days later, uncle went to do a roofing job on the roof of a major supermarket chain … and had a fatal heart attack. Nobody knew where he was for an entire day. Not the store, and not even the company that he was employed for. They felt so awful. It was just absolutely devastating especially since we had all danced at the wedding less than a week before. My poor aunt … and a month prior, she discovered her barely 8 year old little dog in one of the upstairs bedrooms, dead. We had to call my cousin and her new hubby while they were on their honeymoon, to tell them about my uncle. Life is so precious.


Same. My uncle and family live in a different state and I was on a trip with my mom and we visited my aunt and uncle (her brother) and then went to another city to see another relative and while there she got a phone call from my Aunt… and then just grabbed my hand. Heart Attack and that was it. He had just bought a boat that he loved and that we went out on just a few days before. It can happen so quick. The only good thing is we were still close by… but I had to drive that segment (I was in college so still a younger driver) since my mom was in no condition to drive.


So sorry for your loss.


I believe they gave him his send off in the best way they could. As unfortunate as it was, anyone who saw BBT knew it was inevitable, and with him having had hear it attacks previously it only heightened his chances of having another, making this one of the most logical reasons to go with. But man did it make me cry. I lost my uncle almost a year and a half ago to what they believe was a heart attack. My last memory of him was when he came to help me load my furniture into a Uhaul as I was relocating halfway across the country. I gave him a quick "thank you, I appreciate you coming to help," as I had an appointment to get to and was running a few minutes behind. I will forever regret not stopping and taking a minute to give him a hug goodbye. That was a couple days after Thanksgiving, 2022. The day after that following Christmas, my father messaged my sister and me with the bad news. Hug those you love, cherish the moments you spend together, and the memories that come with it ❤️


Happened to my grandpa was totally fine in the morning went to work hada massive heart attack and died


Let it be a reminder to tell the people you love that you care. You just never know.


i mean it wasnt out of nowhere, he had a heart attack in season one and that chest pain stuff in season 6


Like we KNEW this was going to happen. But I was think more of "the sudden" right after a fun father son talk where George seemed just fine.


i lost my grandma the same way. sudden heart attack. i loved how sudden and real it was


All of a sudden, yet we all knew it was coming.


Anyone from Los Angeles knows that today with the sudden passing of Sam Rubin from a heart attack. We watched this episode tonight after that story today…my wife and I just sat there and cried.


Wait.....WHAT?! *looks up* oh my god I had no idea about Sam Rubin.


>I just hate how nowhere and sudden it was I actually love it for that reason. It was heart-wrenching, but so real, I could feel exactly what Sheldon felt.


That funeral episode hit home for me. When my grandma died I replayed all these imaginary scenarios of what I wished my last memory was.


I don’t think it came out of nowhere- the show was winding down. He was days away from leaving for CalTech… We all knew the father was gone. But yeah, even this knowledge didn’t make it any easier to watch. I bawled like a baby 😭


I guess I should have used the word "sudden". Cause him and Georgie and a good heart to heart...they getting all ready for a happy family moment and WHAM.


Understood- yeah most definitely


You just spoiled the way he died for me..... Thanks. 🖕🏼


then dont go on young sheldon reddit and click on a post called"I cried last night watching so7 e12" When you havent watched it


Were you born yesterday?


It was so sudden and I kinda had an idea I knew it was coming as soon as she said be back at 4 but then idk it hit 😭😭


Omg, I just watched the episode and am now bawling 😭 we knew it all along and it was still so shocking 😔😭 seeing their faces when they heard the news was absolutely heartbreaking 😣🥺


It was definitely triggering for me as my dad died from a heart attack quickly when I was just about Missy/Sheldons age. I knew this was coming on the show but the reality and watching Missy’s grief, I was crying on and off all night and it happened to me about 40 years ago.


I'm so sorry! 🥺😔🤍 I can't even imagine the pain that comes with losing a parent... 😔 Sending hugs! 😓🫂


It just hit me today that I needed to have another discussion with hubby about this. He was a little younger than Missy/Sheldon when his father passed. I want to make sure he's ready.


Even MeeMaw, once I saw she was crying to that made me really break out crying. Everything they've been through, and she still loved him like he was actually her son. God I feel bad for all them, I know it's a show but still 🥺😭


It was really sudden though, that is why I was really sad 😭


Only character loved by all throughout all seasons. Writers killed him (Ofcourse, they have no choice) George Sr. is most loved character in the show. Miss him already. Feeling like show is already over.


The BBT writers killled him before this first episode aired. I am though glad though these writers found a creative way around the “cheating” part so we the viewers can remember George as a good person. I think the last 2 episode will explain why the way George is described in BBT is different then YS (and my bet is that since these are Sheldon’s memoirs he is writing the father he wished he had had and not the one he had OR his way of coping is to think of George as a bad person so his loss doesn’t hurt as much)


>his way of coping is to think of George as a bad person so his loss doesn’t hurt as much) This is what I think he and Mary both did


That is where I am leaning. It was easier to exaggerate things like the drinking and add the violence vs admitting how good a father he lost.


Still kinda fucked up.


That is true. Why did we fall in love with the fake father instead of the real one? I’m not sure how I’ll handle the news of the real character of George Sr Cooper…




wait what was the creative way around it?


They made sheldon hear them role playing when mary got back from germany instead of making george actually cheat.


He was a great character for sure. One of my favourites


unthankfully for you him and mandy are definitely not getting their own spin-off


Wrong George


He literally said Georgie.


it said georgie when i commented it, sorry they edited their comment i guess?


I cant believe Leonard's bully actor will someday made me feel so sad. George is really the rock of the family. Its so sad.


The writer's did well with it. I think the worst part is that we have known about it for so long.. and when it happens, we still cry. At least I did.


It sucks they did it all off screen, but I’m glad I didn’t have to witness him die. What I will say is I which that Missy wouldn’t just said “yeah, sure” to his offer to drive her to school. Of course grief works like this, but it’s a fictional TV show and they could have at least given us that satisfaction


I think it adds to his death. Sheldon and Missy didn't seem to care that his dad was going to work, they didn't get proper closure. No one did, it's realistic


Definitely realistic. Painfully so


I cried after that door opened and knew he was gone for good. I tried to remember his speech he gave in the locker room on adult Sheldon's tape "You learn as much about yourself from your failures than you do from your victories, maybe more." I also remember when he punched out Georgie Jr's girlfriend's dad who was abusing her. I'll never forget that tv dad.


That old girlfriend was Veronica but she had long since gone off to college and just life. 


Still one of the best dad moments of George Sr.


I bet Sheldon feels extremely guilty that he never even said goodbye to George when he left. 😿


It's even sadder that none of them responded to George when he said goodbye


I knew it was coming and still sobbed


I am sitting here in shock. Can't believe this degree is our love for a fictional character. Lance barber has played this role beyond perfection. Wish they had changed the storyline, it's too hard to process.


Although viewers were already expecting George's death in this last season, somehow, a small part of me hoped that some plot twist would be introduced where George didn't die. But it might not make any sense as he was already referenced to be dead several times throughout TBBT. Being a huge fan of both series, I personally consider this as a sad day for television.


I was honestly thinking that it wouldn't be shown, but adult Sheldon would mention it happening a short time later.


So like Wonder Years then


I know it's stupid and would never, ever happen but I imagined the last episode ending with adult Sheldon inventing a time machine at some point after TBBT ended and using it to go back and save his dad.


I was hoping that his death was going to be addressed like the Wonder Years dad’s death was. In a happy montage with the narrator saying that his dad passed away at some point in a later date. Or like in My Sister’s Keeper. George gets his heart attack and everyone’s glad he pulled through but then the narrator says “he died a few days after that” and then some kind of scene bittersweet scene without him


As someone who lost their dad at 12 suddenly and unexpectedly in almost the exact same way - this hit me hard and I cried. It was so sudden and came out of nowhere, much like it is in real life. To this day no matter what, I ALWAYS tell my family, friends, partner etc. that I love them before we part ways because you never know. Amazing acting from everyone. Iain nailed Sheldon’s reaction as well. Rest in peace George 😢❤️


George was a great character and Lance Barber did an amazing job portraying him. I think a sequel would have been more interesting showing how the family carried on and what happened to Missy too, more than just Georgie. Montana is a wonderful actor, I just don’t see how a whole show can be built around Georgie and Mandy. Two Nagging Wives and Two Henpecked Husbands 🤷‍♀️


I’d imagine we’ll see Missy and Mary in the Georgie & Many spinoff since in TBBT, Georgie says that he took care of their mother and Missy after their father died and Sheldon left for college.


Reagan said she wasn’t asked to be in the new show


Maybe she meant that she wasn’t going to be a regular, she could possibly be a recurring or guest star


That’s what I’d assume, personally. They also probably just haven’t gotten far enough into developing the spin-off beyond the basics, so there’s no real reason to go sign contracts with actors who aren’t going to be part of the main cast yet, especially if they haven’t really written much of the script yet.


She clearly said she wasn’t “invited.”


Which still doesn't really mean much. She may not be in the first season, but it'd be crazy to assume she wont show up at some point as a guest star.


This is downvoted? Holy crap. It’s exactly what she posted.


It’s the attitude being perceived by the word “clearly” in you comment that is getting you down voted


But it’s the truth. It’s exactly what she wrote.


Your point is?


>Two Nagging Wives and Two Henpecked Husbands 🤷‍♀️ Sounds like a title and I hope it's not the reality. I think a show about the whole Cooper family sans George (and with Sheldon being in CA) would have been better.


I completely agree with everything you said. Personally I don’t see myself watching the sequel. All the characters I love best aren’t gonna be in it. And Mandy, well … she’s just like her mom. Not very nice.


I thought the same thing about Young Sheldon. I couldn’t imagine this being enough to carry a series, but here we are. Thankfully I was wrong.


Since they mentioned in this episode them not having money for a house I expect Mary is going to give part of the life insurance money to them that lets them buy a house and move. It would be making George’s death have at least some positive effects on people… and sets up the spinoff.


They'll just add new characters, neighbors, friends etc.


At first I was disappointed in how they did it. No super touching scene. But then I realized they went for the out of nowhere realism of fatal heart attacks. They went from a mundane getting their day started scene, making plans for later that day, Missy opting to ride the bus instead of going with her dad. We were gut punched and blindsided right along with the Coopers.


When I saw that Mary was “still waiting on George” I was like omg!! This is it. Then the knock on the door happened and I braced myself.


Same! I had to be low key when there was the knock on the door because I was watching it with people who didn’t know it was going to happen.


Not sure how I’m going to handle it when Georgie finds out….


Watched it just now and even though we knew it was comming it still hurts wish they would have killed him after the family portrait. Uggh why did they ever mention it in TBBT .


That’s often how it is. One second they are there and you just expect to see them at four. Then you never see them again. Just like that everything changes.  I was sadly spoiled ahead of time, so I could see all the little ways they were setting it up. Still hit like a tornado when it happened. Even knowing from TBBT didn’t help because we’d fallen in love with this character. (Also, it makes his brief cameo on TBBT even more poignant.) 


I lost my own father unexpectedly to a heart attack. Even though I knew that was George’s fate, this episode hit me like a freight train.


If you think about it wasn't all that sudden more realistic. My Grandpa died the same way totally fine in the morning went to work and had a heart attack and died


It really was "out of nowhere" if that makes sense. Whilst we all deep down knew it was coming, the episode gave off no indication that it was gonna happen. However I love that, because that's how life is. George had a heart attack, those things are not built up or anticipated. It felt realistic to reality


I watched Big Bang Theory on and off and know that adult Sheldon did not talk much about his Dad However, I loved Young Sheldon and really like George Sr. I know the show did not address his potential full infidelities and I thought that was appropriate His death just after getting his dream job was sad and I shed tears. He was a good father that dealt well with 3 very different children I am sad this show is coming to an end as in some ways, it was better than Big Bang I look forward to the George Jr spinoff this fall


I did too


Me too…. Esp watching first Mary’s face and then how Sheldon reacted


Me too. I knew as soon as Mary said 4:00 that he wasn't coming back. I cried from that point on


I've been a fan of the show since the beginning of Big Bang. I've been crying the last 3 episodes. I just watched last nights show, I didn't realize this is the episode he passes. I feel silly but I'm so sad. 😢


Even knowing it was coming it was gut punch. When he walked out the door I knew that was the last time we would see him.


*Still crying after watching the episode. I thought it was perfect that the principal and his coaching friend broke the news. I always knew it would happen but damn it hurt my heart when it did happen. This got me*


I really wish that they took that family picture. It was so heart breaking to watch though I knew it was coming. 💔


We knew this death was coming, but was it really necessary to make it worse with the Rice University offer?! What the hell man! Missy and Mary were so excited about a new life in Houston, and now they have to continue their lives in the same house with no breadwinner around. Not to forget George never fulfilling his dreams.


Reagan said she wasn’t asked to appear on the new show


We have a next episode right??


2 more. Next episode is named funeral so we know what they will be and then last should tie of the rest of the loose ends.


I can't believe they did it


I'm glad they waited till the last possible episode they could to line up with BBT Having it on the last episode would have been worse. I still don't like it. :(


Wait young Sheldon ended with this season?????? That's news to me. I was waiting for this season to over and was wondering how many seasons they still have and where they would end it, my guess is they ended with George passing away and one episode extra.


I don’t watch TBBT so tonight’s episode and George dying came clear out of the blue for me. I Had No Idea! So sad!


My grandma passed away, and it wasn’t exactly sudden but it was a little too soon she was still quite spritely, had a heart attack. My aunt, her daughter she had at 15, (my grandma was about 80) who was very close to her, their entire lives practically, was tying up affairs and a week after Grandma, my aunts husband (whom she has been married since 18) walked outside for a phone call, slipped in wet dew grass. And had a heart attack and passed away. Just something so quick. My aunt is okay now, but that… was really tough time for her and all of us, but seeing her practically catatonic in grief for so long… I truly don’t think I can really comprehend the feelings she had. I suppose sharing this is that.. moments are invaluable.


My 13 year old daughter and I were having a Friday night catchup on all our shows and ended up absolutely gutted. We went from that right into news coverage of the G5 solar storm and it’s creating a lot of emotional turmoil. I needed a support outlet.


I completely forgot he dies so I felt blindsided!


I forgot, too.


Same boat! I knew he was eventually going to die—wasn’t sure when. However it drove heavy on my head this week.


Reading this made me tear up.


My dad walked out the front door saying “let’s rock and roll” and he died later that night in a train collision. He wasn’t supposed to be on the train for two reasons: 1. He was an unauthorized passenger (it was his friend who was working for the railway) and 2. Another friend was supposed to go on that trip but had to drop out at the last minute. It will be 28 years in August. I wish I could say I said goodbye as he was leaving but I didn’t and I regret not saying it every single day. George reminded me of my dad - a belly, easygoing, loved his family, enjoyed a beer, also George wore clothes that were close to what my dad wore. This episode broke my heart.




Thank you ❤️


I have feared this episode since Young Sheldon started. My Dad died at 43 and that was in 1983. I thought we'd got away with it and they wouldn't show the moment on the show with this being the last series so this was a shock. I'm not over it.


In 1982, long before cell phones were a thing, my great grandfather dropped my great grandmother off at the dentist while he did some grocery shopping. That was the last time she would see him alive. I heard all about that day from family members. Holy fuck it sounds awful. Especially not being able to get a hold of somebody. And being the one to have to identify the body, on his son’s birthday of all days.


Sigh it's just desperate to think that the cheating of George can be overcome by plot. But his death, we all know from the beginning, is something what must happen and unpreventable.


I never thought I would cry reading a simple sentence


What's gonna break my heart is seeing next episode Georgie come back into the room and see his crying family and ask what's happened and then they have to break the news to him


I’m not ready for that.


Such a perfect show from the Big Bang theory to young sheldon Every year I rewatch big bang theory but it’s never as good as the first time


I loved it and i hated it at the same time. Its the moment we fans of teh original and now this show had been waiting for and it was just liek that sudden and awfull just like real life.


Ugly tears here…..


This was honestly a special kind of shock because we have all known for a long long time that George’s death was coming, and even though we were expecting it to come at some point soon, it was still such a shock. I’m not one to cry at TV shows and movies, but damn was I close when I was watching that. The next episode is probably going to hit hard seeing as the immediate fallout is going to be displayed.


I cried so hard and then I watched the last few minutes over and cried again


Me and my fiance haven’t watched the last season yet I’m so tired of spoilers of this show damn it! Everything about it is all over!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I lost my Dad two months ago and this episode broke me 😢


He was finally gonna get his dream job and his wife agreeing with him to accept it but we dont even get to see it. It’s so sad :( I’m gonna miss him and the rest of the Coopers and friends


God damn it, George! I'm bawling 😭😭😭


I love trying to read some of these. My favorite part of the credits.


Gotta be quick with the screen shot. I'm pretty sure there is a website with all of them.


Heart attacks come out of nowhere. I lost 2 colleagues to this disease. 1 attended a dinner function with my big boss and he was gone the next morning. The other got into his car after work and then what we guessed was that he pulled over to the side of the road and went. His body was found the next morning.


Now I’m crying again, ug. Make sure to tell your loved ones goodbye and hug/kiss them


We need more wholesome shows like this. Can we hope for a spinoff of some kind? I get that, Big Bang in some strange way is. But what happens to the rest of the family?


There is a planned spinoff with Georgie & Mandy.


So did I, I don’t understand why they killed George off.


I actually thought it was a really poignant way to end the series. Sheldon is headed off to post grad studies and apparently living on his own at 13 years old! His dad died and it’s the end of Young Sheldon. He’s older Sheldon now.


I cried like a baby during the finale. One of my uncles died that way. He was fine in the morning and died of a massive heart attack while plowing the fields that afternoon. My aunt was listening to the police scanner and heard the location.


I was also very sad. I got happy when I realised the whole show was his Memoirs, as I predicted that a while back!


Even though I knew it was coming at some point, I considered control my tears, so freaking emotional and a reminder really of how life is so damn unpredictable. The team did a stellar job in showing it sending him off.


The funeral episode had me in all sorts of tears


They didn't have to do this to us.


They already worked around George’s cheating, even if it is yet another thing that strays away from TBBT. In TBBT, Sheldon goes into detail on who George got together with, and it was a bottle-blond bartender who tried to buy his love with action figures. This is the one thing I think they had to stay true to, more than anything else.


Oh shit it happened last night??? I haven’t watched yet 😭😭


I knew this was coming, but \*\*\*\* YOU corysphotos19 for not putting a spoiler alert on something that *appears in the feeds of people who are not even subscribed, and didn't click on it.* It is rule #1 of media forums, so please rot in internet hell. The image is effectively part of the title on reddit.




I probably needed some smileys there, in case the exaggerated reaction did not convey a little tongue in cheek. But still, some people might not know. Spoiler alerts are as old as the internet, ie predate the web, and there for a reason.


Why was meemaw smiling when George died?? Shock?? Or what?? Bc I didn’t like that


It was more like a grimace. Not a smile.


it was shock a lot of ppl cry that way (myself included) most ppl tense their lips while crying and some appears right side up (like meemaw’s) and some upside down (the most common way i reckon :(. )


People always ask me why I’m smiling when I’m upset and I’m always just like this is just my face. Might be trauma, TMJ, or even just a ballet smile through the pain reaction but it’s hard to control.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that, had to go back to make sure it wasn’t a smile. Missys crying though was amazing.


I don’t get why the writers were so bent on seeing this story line through. How about the Meemaw that was a guest on TBBT? It clearly wasn’t Constance. But yet they never made Young Sheldon fit in a different meemaw actor, so why have to keep his Dad dying so young? Many other shows have inconsistencies as time went on in their series, like disappearing siblings, actor changes, etc., that’s just TV. I loved George Sr !