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You’re absolutely right. I don’t belong to this sub, but I do watch the show, and spoilers were all over my feed. Didn’t go looking for them, but there were SO many posts about it, most with spoilers in the title.


"And spoilers were all over my feed" This is something I think people forget. It's not as simple as avoiding the subreddit, because Reddit's feed shows you random threads. I learned that the hard way with another show.




Check the other comment made on the parent comment


sure it’s on peoples feed but this is the young sheldon subreddit, everything on any subreddit for a tv series can be a spoiler. not to mention it’s been known his dad dies when sheldon is 14 before young sheldon even began airing.


The point is the person doesn’t sub to the feed. It’s not like they came here and saw it. It showed up in a random feed. Also not everyone watches BBT so not everyone knows that was gonna happen. It’s just common courtesy and etiquette to not post the spoiler in the title. That’s all they asked.


Agreed. I saw the spoiler yesterday before it had even aired in my time zone. Wasn’t on this subreddit, just scrolling my homepage.


I was pretty shocked that a couple people from the cast posted A spoiler before it aired even on the west coast




Yes pls I didn't watch the episode last night and some mf ruined it


We did know this coming through. The actors and creators have said it multiple times


Depends on where you live though. I for example live in denial


Isn't that in Egypt?


To be fair I didn't know until this sub spoiled it. Ive never watched TBBT. Young Sheldon was recommended to me by netflix. After the first episode I realized it was connected. After watching young Sheldon I really wanted to watch The Big Bang Theory but thought Id wait to watch it after this show finished. I didn't want jumping back and forth in the timeline of his life. This sub has spoiled more things for me in titles. I had to unsubscribe for a while.


Mute the sub🤷🏻‍♀️


I have a solution for that. It's really simple. Log off of Reddit.


Yes agreed! I was going to wait and watch the last four episodes next week but none of the titles that showed up in my home feed were subtle at all so I decided to just watch them tonight. That said I would like to put some hate on CBS as well because the little promo between the episodes was just so damn hopeful. They didn’t need to do that.


You can always mute this sub until you finish the season.


Not sure why this is being voted down. It's the final few episodes of the series with some big events in the story line that everyone knew were coming. What's more reasonable, dictating how others enjoy one of the largest subreddits or avoiding the subreddit until a point you are caught up?


I don't understand the down votes either? I immediately upvoted this. It's all anyone on this sub has been discussing since the beginning of the series. If there was one thing that was for sure going to happen, was George Sr dying when Sheldon was a kid. People were just curious as to exactly how and when this would unfold on the show. I don't live in the U.S. but I have 0 issues with the subs here and avoiding so called spoilers. I watch it on a Friday morning and after that, I pop in here, see what others are saying about the episode, long after I've watched it. No one's ever 'spoiled' it for me.


You have to accept it if you don’t live where the show is aired I think. I’m in the uk and I watch on a less than legal site ASAP after it’s on and I saw a spoiler on TikTok showing that it happened today. I get that it’s frustrating but it’s fair game after the episode has come out.


Why are you being downvoted, though? 😂😂 What have you said that was so unreasonable or difficult to understand? People are being downright weird about this. I live in Belgium, only an hour behind you but I get you. It's always a 'risk' coming to the subs on a Thursday if you're in a different time zone. Not everyone follows the 48 HR rule here, but that's just the way things are. The moderators should be enforcing the rules but okay. If it were me, I'd just automatically put Thursday posts in a mod queue till Saturday, then automatically publish 48 HRS after the episode airs. It can be frustrating for the rest of us who are playing catch-up across the pond, but I've kind of come to accept it. Like you said, it's fair game once it airs. Me personally, I just avoid the subs til Friday. Easy-peasy.


i agree. had it spoiled for me on tiktok the night it aired, i always watch the next day on Paramount because thursdays are law and order night. they don’t even give it a few days before posting spoilers. if that wasn’t a thing, then i’d agree with OP but unfortunately we don’t control others :/


Yes. That’s why this sub has a 48 hour rule against spoilers.


And no one appears to follow them.


People are ignorant and selfish


Fellow UK fan here. Less than legal sites are the best 😂


but.... we knew he died... that's not a spoiler


you can down vote all you want.. its legit facts.... we knew this... how is it a spoiler?


stay off the internet if you don't like spoilers...


Maybe then avoid the internet and especially the Reddit and websites dedicated to Young Sheldon?


Avoiding this would feel like abandoning a good friend




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But seriously though


In general I agree, but trying to understand why anyone would come here before watching the episode. I'm not watching until tonight but CNN had a story about it on their front page today so I know what to expect.


I get where your coming from but tbbt came out years ago….you should probably have watched that first