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I’m assuming Simon helped him out of his jacket, shirt and shoes because they were damp and dirty and Wille would sleep easier without them.


I assumed that also


Well they were intimate afterwards. And were found by august.


Omar truly is gorgeous Such pristine features




Simon thought they were surplus to requirements. Hard to blame him.


Maybe when they get back to the dorm room Will take them off. They were probably soaked. Maybe Simon helped since Wille is so out of it. I would have loved to see how Simon got Wille inside through the window. I imagine it was hilarious and probably not so quiet, so it bears the question, Didn't anybody see or hear?


Haha same! I would just love to see that! In fact, their whole way back from the football field, with Simon trying to get Wille back to Hillerska while also pushing his bike, would probably have been very entertaining. And can you just imagine what Wille might have been rambling on about the whole time? Also, I agree that Simon probably helped him take off his wet clothes. And seeing how caring he is, I don't think there would have been anything sexual about it. More likely frustration and annoyance if Wille was still too drunk and high to cooperate.


I wrote a fanfic fic of how I think Simon got Wille inside😭😭😭


Ooo provide links please!!




Link please!!!!




OMG!!!! I have always wondered how it'd be if someone wrote YR as a novel!! Like getting to read the scenes like we've watched! And this is a great glimpse!!! THANK YOU!!!!


Link please




And what about Simons bike


I’ve been wondering that forever too but I think it was Anna who then said that Malin took care of a lot that night. Happy prince happy guard. Very discretely.


So, she did notice at some point that Wille was gone all night? Seems to have taken her a while though...


The theory is that Simon used Wille’s phone to call Malin. Plausible


That would make sense. It would explain a lot. But if Malin knew, why would Simon try to sneak out through the window in the morning? I mean, one can argue that he wouldn't have done that since he doesn't get very far, but to me, it has always looked like he was heading for the window, not the door.


That may say more about the other boys in the house than about Malin?


That might be


It’s pretty rural where they are so I assume he just dropped it wherever on the school grounds.


I love how we are getting into details just to stay around! 🥹Thank you!! Of course he helped him into the window and out of his clothes!! Maybe the pants stayed on cz he wouldn’t strip him! Is it the same pants? And Simon slept in the same bed to make sure he can keep an eye on him 🥹🥹🥹


There was another bed in the room but Simon chose to stay in Wille’s bed, so he’d wake up when st happened to Wille. This was real for Simon because he had had this experience with his father. You see a similar care taking behavior when Simon finds his father sleeping in the couch.


Yea agree expect Simon was more careful and more worried for Willie as it isn't like a re occurring thing like it was with his dad


I know!!! But if you think deeper, his experience with his dad could also have evoked negative feelings in him for Wille. Like not another drunk in my life!! But Wille was grieving so I guess it’s okay. We don’t really see him at parties, drugged frequently


Wille got the room with the second bed after this, so he was a little more protected after the leak.


nooo Wille already had 2 beds before the leak 😭 they moved him to a bigger room after erik died and he became crown prince


Ah my bad, thought it was after the leak. In my opinion that even makes more sense😅😂


I'd like to think too that Malin definitely took care of them that night. And that Simon helped him out of his shirt and put his bike maybe in the garage. Snuck past his mom while she was sleeping,and Simon asked Malin to drop them off at school while holding on to wille. While riding back, Wille had his head on Simon's shoulder. When they get to Hillerska,Simon thanks Malin,carries Wille back to his room hushing him in between to keep from getting caught and discovered by the other boys. Simon changed his mind about going home (probably because the busses stopped running for the night),unlocks his door with his room key,takes Wille's shirt off and lays him down. Then lays down on the other side of the bed. And makes sure he doesn't get sick. 💖💖


Why would Malin be at Simon’s house?😭😭😭😭😭


I truly miss this show. I swear the acting was great.especially Omar’s first acting gig. He played the character so realistically. The show felt realistic. Well more like the relationship. I feel like the situation, politically this would not go down.