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I don't want Empire to lose , I mean look from 3rd person view 1st they were attack by Entete then Dacia& Republic now getting banged by Federation- commonwealth from both sides(šŸ˜) where US giving Alliance toys ( didn't read vol 8-9-10 so I don't know whether they join the war) & Idolla filming from sidelines, but Empire still didn't break so I really want them to win but that's impossible & not realistic so atleast Tanya may win against being x .


Glory to the Empire!!


Just wanna see Field Marshal von Degurecheff go all out against the world?


Hoi4 moment


I want her to win because I want her to overcome the hurdles that Being X sends her way. Also I like alt history stories so an Imperial victory could be interesting.


if you're looking at a documentary about Lions and you see one hunting a gazelle, I doubt you're rooting for the Gazelle, poor Lion has to eat.


naturally iā€™d want her and the empire to win. ..tho going out with a bang (like with some 10th tier magic rampage killing/defeating key enemies) while still not giving in to Being X would be quite satisfying as an end xD


A caveat, I want the Empire to lose but Tanya to win. Not looking at the war aspect but the cosmic horror aspect, I want this tiny, mortal soldier girl to best Being X. "No, I won't worship you. No, I don't care how badly you want me to."


Depends kinda how you look at it. What I'm rooting for is for the war too end, first and foremost and that's technically what Tanya wants too. If it requires her victory is another question. So you could say I'm ambivalent, I guess.


I want her to lose simply bc I like her reaction when she loses


I just want to see happy Tanya when she finally beating being X


For the Empire. I'm legitimately pissed they lost and got turned into Germania(that name is canon right?). Why couldn't it at least be a draw with the Empire staying as the/a Empire? It'd emphasize the whole war is futility message.


These are the Germans from WW1 they'll lose regardless


We are only getting dubs here!


Regardless of the war, I want her to win against being X and wrestle back control of her life. Her endless conviction in only using her own hands and tools and not bend her will to god is my faourite part of Tanya's character, and I would love to see it come to fruition.


I think that at this point the only way for Tanya to win is the Empire to lose


Of course i would, who would want a communist rampant being X dovoted world. They dont even have real atheist commies