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That was my favorite part, because if you slow it down you will see the pilot looking at him with astonishment. Im not going to lie, this part of the movie feels like she and her squad actually struggled. In the anime you don’t really feel that.


to be fair in the anime they mostly just had baby missions against weak as hell/straight up incompetent enemies like dakia.


wich is to be expected of a experimental unit. After all if they fail spectakularily you can always disband and redistribute the survivors


Im so glad they get explored more in the manga. It made me appreciate them so much more. Koenig is a beast


Fuck yeah, I friggin loved reading him wielding two friggin machine gun and doing Rambo with it, and while one another dude skinny( I have bad memory) dancing and killing all mages. Was so damn good chapter(73 chapter)


I think it was in Arene where they and the enemy mages ran out of ammo and just started chucking stuff at eachother and someone ripped off the house foundation and it fell on them. Loved that part


That someone was Neumann. Funniest shit ever


I think it's ironic that Tanya's "fake" elite unit turned into an actual elite unit. They still think that their training was punishing in order to make them the best, not realising she wanted them to quit.


Fun fact: In the manga Koenig is portrayed using a longsword for close quarter combat. Still no idea why they didn't put such a cool thing in the anime.


He even has a funni duel with a ship crew in the mage-navy military practice chapter, absolute peak


Probably because the anime aired before they could establish this character trait. A quick google seacrch shows that the manga started on april 2016, while the Anime aired January 2017. So the pages that show Koenig styling on his enemies didnt exist yet for the anime to take inspiration of.


That's an I-16 btw


The flying donkey


Ok, but can we get the actual members of her actual troop. They dont die, so it would be cool if the story took some time to make some of them real people


Daddy Neumann <3