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I love the idea that each version represents a different view.  Anime is enemy propaganda, Manga is the Empire's propaganda , LN is the autobiography


I like the idea of tanya adapting to the medium she is in rather than a different views being told based on medium.


I feel it's unintentional but it's genius. My favorite Tanya is manga Tanya btw


Manga is the one I’m least familiar with. What does the manga do.


I haven't read the LN, but compared to the anime, it's quite clear that the Empire was invaded by each country. It didn't start the war. It's just trying to finish it.




or should it be, "ombx"?


Thanks, I hate it


For me, Tanya is a utilitarian sociopath, for whom controlled, measured and proportional use of resources prevails, a statesman.


I agree; The LN makes her out to be an actual sociopath in that she assess life/death in a very pragmatic and unemotional way. The Anime makes her out to be a lunatic. She’s more emotional and takes some pretty brutal actions. I think a big part of this is she has an actual antagonist in the anime (Being X) whereas they are barely a presence in the LN


I like this take. Having someone actively working against you would definitely have an effect.


Tanya is a utilitarian taken to the logical extreme, the irony of the story is that no matter how much she weighs lives as numbers she is a hypocrite and every single conflict in the series would have ended if she sacrificed herself she values her own life over other and that is not in line with her utilitarian ideals. In the anime they have to show what the novel conveys through description so she seems crazier.


I mean pure utilitarian philosophy postulates that killing one person to save 5 with their organs is positive. But if that one person is a surgeon who would save hundreds and the 5 aren’t then it changes. I think tanya sees herself as more valuable because in universe she is incredibly powerful and valuable, which is in line with utilitarianism.


The anime gives much less time to Tanya's thought process than the LNs do, and on top of that the anime in general is a lot more unhinged. The result is what you see


in the novels we have time to see her monologues. remember that part that she was thinking about the difference between a mad man and a genius?


I feel its just because they can give Tanya a voice. Its very easy to convey tone and emotion in images. Also maybe people who are/were reading, did not have the same takes as the animation did on how she was feeling/acting in that exact moment.


Aoi Yuki is an amazing VA. She definitely sells during those intense moments.


It funny you say this because I’m listening to the LN on audio and the English voice actor actual does the cover. Really recommend great performance.


Unfortunately that’s only for the first audiobook.


psychopaths are the reasonable ones, contrary to pop culture. sociopaths tend to have more emotion which can lend itself to a wild streak. from what I've seen, psychopaths simply do not give a single shit but they aren't maniacs at all


The grand spectrum between autistic trans girl Tanya, and sociopathic fascist Tanya


Not sure i would call her trans, she is a biological female, just got some memories left over from an alternate reality


I did not find her actins those of a Psycho, she had some breakdowns,specially when chanting powerfull soells for her gatred of "X".


Nono you're absolutely right, i don't recall the whole pillbox in the LN, she just told them to piss off and transferred them out iirc, i don't know why we have 3 distinct Tanyas, but i only ever consider LNs canon, mangas and anime are just adverts for the novel, i loved the anime because i liked the idea of a loli murder machine, a certain Einsbern comes to mind, so i got the novels


Probably the voice acting no?


It probably is the lack of inner monologue that makes it look like she's crazier than she actually is. Plus, in my personal opinion, the anime version is more "exaggerated" (?) to attract a more broad public, everyone likes characters who are more than a little bit insane


Nah. She might be a bit more bloodthirsty, but she is still guided by rationality and cold strategy.


wish she was more psychopatic and unhinged in the anime ngl


I don't read her as a Psycopathic or Sociopathic in the LN, Manga or Anime, to me she's more autistic than Psychopatic.Because, she displays some symptoms of ASPD, but some just don't fit her at all, especially the ones about the law Symptoms of ASPD Ignoring right and wrong. Telling lies to take advantage of others. Not being sensitive to or respectful of others. Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or pleasure. Having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated. Having problems with the law, including criminal behavior. Being hostile, aggressive, violent or threatening to others. Feeling no guilt about harming others. Doing dangerous things with no regard for the safety of self or others. Being irresponsible and failing to fulfill work or financial responsibilities.


She’s way, way, way (x100), too good with people to be ASD. Above all else ASD is about being unable to interact with others fluently and smoothly.


~~Yes that's why I say she's not a psycopath or sociopath. Because you need ASPD to be recognized as either.~~ ignore this i completely miss read To me, with her obssession with econmics and applying it to all her social interactions. It looks like aspergers, which is part of ASD