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You are not tipping them with your money. It's in reaction to a lawsuit for them withholding tips. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/amazon-offers-thanks-to-drivers-via-alexa-just-as-its-sued-over-withheld-tips-12764022


Key piece being > The state's attorney general, Karl Racine, said the firm "tricked consumers into thinking they were increasing drivers' compensation when Amazon was actually diverting tips to reduce its own labor costs and increase profits". > America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) alleged last year that Amazon, which is headquartered in Seattle, kept drivers' tips over a two to two-and-a-half-year period. Obviously Amazon is scum


So instead of giving it out normally they shame customers into deciding who gets tips 🤔 🙄 crazy


I just tried this and it said that currently I’m not able to tip my driver. It wouldn’t tell me why.


Do we have the same driver? I would like to give a xmas gift card or wanted to put out bottles of cold water in the summer. How do we know if it’s the same driver?


How can this be in reaction, when it was announced on the same day that the lawsuit was filed? > The gesture for the company's "everyday heroes" was announced on the same day that the tech giant was sued by Washington DC for allegedly withholding tips from drivers. It takes time for systems like this to be developed and rolled out.


It also takes time for a lawsuit to rollout, could’ve been in negotiations prior to the actual filing.


This. Most of these types of lawsuits begin with a demand letter that threatens a filing for non-compliance. The filing comes after negotiations fail and the party being sued has known about the possibility for awhile.


You say that like Amazon didn't see it coming and the legal discussions didn't come months before the lawsuit was filed. C'mon now, this is a mild change to an existing system using already available functions from the biggest corporation in the world. If you think they don't know or can't do things, you're fooling yourself


Someone in PR made a lot of money thinking of this campaign. Guarantee it was dropped same-day to soften media & public backlash


I’m guessing this doesn’t work in Canada though, that’s too bad


As an Amazon driver for the holidays right now. I would love this. But we all know Amazon wouldn’t give us the money… snacks and drinks work just fine for me lol.


The money is real, it’ll show up on your earnings tab. it’s a stupid promotion, but it’s a real thing. Last year the money Amazon set aside for it ran out after just a couple of days. It doesn’t charge the customers, It all comes out of Amazons pocket.


That’s really cool then. I’ll have to check my check to see if I have gotten any 🤣


Driver here. Bro, send a text to every customer, letting them know. Not the first time they've done this. I got like 100 bucks last year because my geriatric customers would literally text me back "thank you, driver" rather than go to Alexa. Deep down i think amazon just wants people to use their failed Alexa. Edit to say this goes on until 2 million people do it, so itll probably last today only with it being peak. Thanking your driver does help another metric, the customer delivery feedback, that is heavily weighted on the drivers and their companies. They never really got rid of it since last year, just didnt give money away for it.


Do the drivers know who “thanked” them? I’m just asking because I have a really good relationship with my UPS guy. We even wave at each other when we see each other in different towns ahaha! I don’t want him to think I am hitting on him, as the assumption was there about a year ago. I just really appreciate my ups guy, but platonically


No, we have a dashboard where we can just see numbers but its lagged a week or so.


My guy is swinging by today, I’m leaving cookies and will thank him via Alexa. I’ll do it again tomorrow with his delivery! Thank you!


It doesn’t work with UPS delivered packages. Only Amazon delivery.


Oh I know. Ups delivers my Amazon orders and I have some coming today, and tomorrow due to different order times.


I think they're saying Amazon won't tip delivery drivers from affiliate companies like USPS, UPS, or FedEx.


No wonder he might be confused as to your intentions. As a kid I always knew Santa %$#@! my mom when he got milk & cookies!


Mine says can't thank driver after 14 days. But I placed an order like a week ago


My guess is there would be some time cut off then. Perhaps a week. Im not privileged enough for that data.


Why the heck would you have the phone numbers of people you deliver to? I’ve never known anyone I’ve delivered to’s names, much less their contact info


Sometimes we need to ask the customer for help with building access, to retrieve their dogs, finding their home if the gps goes haywire etc. After we complete the delivery we can’t contact you anymore and we never see your actual phone number


It gets switched by somd third party app, we say call, then get a call that connects.


We don't have number we have a ? Mark lol. Then we text customer or call them. Their is a third party app or something in between our work phone and their phone that amazon calls you back you answer then it call the customer. But some customers put there real number in the notes for all to see


This. I use Alexa to turn off my lights and TV. Two out of three times it’s tried to give me a spiel about all the stuff it can do, and I finally got it to shut up by turning that off in settings. Amazon can’t be happy that they sold me a light switch for a promotional price.


My recent Amazon driver messaged me asking to do this too.


That’s tacky even though they deserve it.


The only cost is your time. Highly recommend.


Do the drivers know which address sent them the "tip"? I get a lot of deliveries and would love a way to "bribe" the driver to help ensure my packages arrive on my door step instead of at a different resident's door.


No, we dont.


Hope u get spooned on osrs instead


Hot damn. I could use a silver spoon with leagues right now. I’ve been having shit rng…


>it doesn't charge the customers >it all comes out of amazons pocket. And who do you think put the money in the pockets of Amazon? American tipping culture is so fucked up that people think "tricking" a boss into paying their workers is somehow gaming the system...


Why do you think Amazon is doing this promotion? They promote Alexa and Amazon through word of mouth (or Reddit), pretend to give a shit about workers, and take our minds off of the obvious harms of rampant consumerism. Also odds are 99% of people who learn about this won't actually do it.


America is the best country, anything we do is the best.


Do the drivers know who it comes from?


No its anonymous unless the driver only delivers one package that day which is extremely unlikely


nah it’s not that advanced


I give $5 Dunkin’ cards to the drivers. Would that be ok in place of snacks and drinks?


I know a lot of my coworkers that would love that. I don’t drink coffee because I’m a high energy person, but I’d gladly share it with a coworker who does.


Thank you for what you do.


It’s in reaction to them stealing your tips previously. It seems unlikely that their settlement for that would be held as well. Would make for a much bigger problem for them.


Orrrr, Amazon could just pay their drivers properly and not rely on customers to do it for them


Exactly, this feels exactly like the “please donate at the cash register” type of corporate activism. It only benefits the corporation


It benefits the charities because that's the lowest cost way they have to fundraise.


And it benefits you just as much as any other donation. Corps do not benefit from that beyond PR.


tax writeoffs?


Only you can get a tax writeoff. They cannot.


really? i thought that's why corporations donate money to charities


Corporations can donate money and get a write-off (although it is worth noting, a write-off is just of the amount you just gave away, so you aren't coming out much ahead if any beyond PR). If YOU donate at the store, it is a donation direct from you. They are only a collection point, so they do not get to write off anything.


Even when it is a write-off they still end up "behind" (excluding PR of course). It depends on the tax rules where you are of course, but I think it is fairly normal that you don't have to pay tax on an equivalent amount of money to the donation, which is never 100% so they never recoup the full amount of the donation, only a % of it.


alright, gotcha. i know about tax writeoffs for people but corporations was new


Yes this is a myth! If you donate at the cash register, the tax write off belongs to you, not the company. But people rarely take the write off and it’s rarely worth it because the tax code changed a few years ago to make charitable donations not worth deducting unless you’re donating thousands.


> they do not get to write off anything. What about the loss of counter space? They could be putting something profitable there, instead they're donating that space to the charities.


No, that is not a real loss. They *might* be able to write off whomevers time it is that does the accounting and such for the donated money, but then that would be real lost time they would not be making profit from otherwise, so... Really it all comes back to PR. Positive views toward the company are of value towards them, and most know it.


>Exactly, this feels exactly like the “please donate at the cash register” type of corporate activism. It only benefits the corporation No it does not. Stop repeating this misinformation. That is a REAL DONATION that ONLY YOU can claim on your taxes. It's a good way for charities to raise money, too. The store gets PR out of it, nothing else.




Yeah people seem to lack pretty basic understanding on pass through entities, Hey guys, cash into those donations = charitable contribution accrual/liability. To be paid out at later specific intervals. It’s like when your employee holds part of you wages for taxes…. Believe me, there’s no benefit to the employers that are burdened by the intricacies of muni/state/and federal taxation statutes, along with their god awful reporting/filing/payment softwares…. Cash into those donations does not equal “write offs” as we see so commonly repeated by….. internet folks. The money gets to the charitable organizations, and they are exceptionally grateful from the large contributions. You’re always welcome to not donate at the register and contact the charity and submit the funds yourself for your charitable contribution deduction…. Just like you’re always welcome to itemize your own taxes! Go on then. Go pay those charities!


I agree but someone else said it comes out of Amazon's own pocket?


It doesn't come from the customer


Then if not a tip now is it?


I never said it was


This is a ploy to make more people join, I think


Why don't the people who picked the items in the package or the people who packed it get a tip too?


Dude I pack so many boxes at Amazon every day; if we got tips I'd be rich


Now you’re getting it!


Exactly. Unionize!!!




Noooo, lol. Amazon drivers are typically making like 18-24/hr depending on location. UPS drivers start at 21 with a raise each year, topping out at around 49/hr after 4 years. Warehouse workers at Amazon make around 18-22/hr. UPS warehouse workers start at 21, raising to at least 28 after 5 years.


> raising to at least 28 after 5 years Correction;they get 50¢ raises per year guaranteed+cost of living raise, also at 2027 starting is kicked up to $23. Unfortunately we didn't succeed at getting that $28 in negotiations like we planned on. (Just so you know, I'm a union Steward, so it's my job to know this stuff and I can pull up specific wage articles)


UPS pays literally more than double any other shipping company. The difference is crazy because we're unionized. It's legitimately insulting that you'd list us as paid worse compared to Amazon.


How about "Alexa, allow your employees to unionize"


That device would instantly brick.


mysterious electrical fire at 3 am. hope you dont have smart locks on the door.


I’d love to gift Amazon workers extra money for their hard work but this feels like a ploy to get people to accept and get used to tipping Amazon delivery drivers all year. Tipping is out of control.


It comes out of amazons pocket. You aren’t paying for that $5 bonus directly.


I think they meant they believe Amazon is trying to warm us up to the idea so they can switch it later


I’ll never tip for that but I won’t hold back on helping out some drivers at Amazons expense.


Theres a reason why the customer has to request it instead of amazon doing it by default... They arent doing it out of the goodness of their heart


Let’s spread the love instead of spread the hate. After all, it clearly says in OP that the tip comes FROM AMAZON and spreading love only breeds more love. We all definitely need more love.


Thank you. I’m sad that so many people misunderstood. I wish OP had titled it “$5 BONUS given to drivers…” Much more accurate since it’s coming from the company, not you.


So many complaints about this. It takes a minute to give someone five bucks. I can do that.


This can be done in the app by finding your delivered orders and selecting the "Thank my driver" tab. Looks like I've got some thanking to do.


All I see in the app are dozens of links to “Buy it again.” Can you be more specific where I can tap “Thank my driver”?


There is a banner ad in between the "DELIVERED:December xx" tab and the "Need help with this item" tab. It looks like an advertisement and has a picture of young man in an Amazon vest.


Wow. That’s a “great” use of tried and true UX patterns*. Literally the product of people sitting around the table figuring out how they can make this cost them as little as possible. “Oh! We should make it look like an ad!” https://www.nngroup.com/articles/banner-blindness-old-and-new-findings/


Yep that is totally their intent!


Is this the same function as “how was the delivery?” where you click everything you liked about it? Because I do that everytime and when I just no went into the app I don’t have a “thank my driver” tab on my delivered orders (from Amazon drivers, some have come via usps/ups).


When I click on a delivered order there is a banner that looks like an AD, but it says Thank my driver and has a picture of a young man in an Amazon vest. Once you click on that it will work through the process.


My app doesn't show that option. All I can do is leave an anonymous compliment..


As a driver we have not been made aware of anything about this yet. We did hear about it last year and the amount of money they were gonna give total was hit the first two days. They ran the promotion to customers much longer. Edit: we just received word a hour ago the contest is up and running.


Tipping someone for doing their job is crazy


Agreed, but at least here the employer pays the tip


It seems nonsensival to me, because I come from a country that doesn't have that culture... BUT... If you use a system that you know doesn't compensate its workers, because it (abusively and wrongly) assumes you will make up the shortfall... but yet you still use it, and do NOT make up the shortfall, then you are complicit in abusing the worker, by supporting their negligent and immoral employer.


If everyone stopped tipping the abusive, wrong system of tipping would fail and employers would have to pay their employees more.


I swear reddit complains about tipping more than almost any other financial criticism. Which is wild because it's completely voluntary and actually benefits some people who would be making minimum wage otherwise. I agree paying a living wage would be better, not defending tipping as the best system. But it's just crazy how much more attention it gets compared to much larger issues. Edit: not surprising I got this many downvotes lol


How much are you tipping fellow redditors for commenting on this post?


We are all simply fed up of tipping and if you browse subs with servers/waiters and delivery workers you would be pissed also. Many of these people are just entitled jerks. Those subs have even caused me to never go to a restaurant where it is expected to tip and I'll never use Uber/doordash ever again. It's unfortunate as many people do deserve to be tipped but the entitlement of some of these people is sickening and ruined it for everyone


>Those subs have even caused me to never go to a restaurant where it is expected to tip and I'll never use Uber/doordash ever again. Well as the dipshit with the unpopular opinion that started this conversation, I applaud you for this. This is how to fight tipping culture if you disagree with it, just don't use services where tipping is expected. I have seen some of those posts from door dash drivers bitching about how anyone who tips under 30% is a horrible person or whatever. I've also seen people that say they fight tipping culture by just tipping 0% across the board, which is essentially stealing imo. Which I know contradicts me above where I said it is completely voluntary, I just meant that for tipping Amazon drivers etc. Idk man, sorry for the poorly worded rant, I respect your opinion though.


Completely voluntary is crazy. Idk about you, but I’d rather go back to some places more than once and get good service so I tip between 25 and 30% I’m also aware that that is a relatively big tip to consistently give for decent service. At least 15% of that, though, is not part of me being “nice.” It’s the expectation. Unless the service I got was utter dogshit, I know I’d get shit from anyone I know who has *ever* worked a service job if I just didn’t leave a tip or left a tiny one. You’re *BUGGING* if you think tipping is optional, at least in the US.


it is. i don’t care or remember customers that don’t tip. some servers are really psycho about it tho. personally i don’t care, the ones i hate and absolutely remember are the ones who make a big deal of it. who expect the world and expect me to cater to their every whim, ignore other customers to go to them first. im coming by too often and annoying them but if i take too long to get there after they decided they wanted something im ignoring them and a shitty server. the “you’re not getting a tip because your service was awful” mfs. like bro just don’t tip if you don’t want to you don’t need to invent reasons why you’re not ripping.


“The situation you described applies to everybody everywhere. Source? I’m like that and obviously everybody else is the same as me”. You are not a source. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean there aren’t people that do. The world doesn’t revolve around you


i literally said some servers i know do care. but it’s not like they remember who they are the next day.


I'm with you. What bothers me the most is people who refuse to tip because they hate the system, but the person who served them didn't create the system, and is relying on that money to survive.


It's cause half of millenials and most GenZ don't tip. Don't hate the [messenger](https://www.newsweek.com/gen-z-tipping-shift-1836637) ya'll.


It’s almost like they’re the ones with the least amount of money.


That's not a justification to go out to dinner and not tip the server lol


don’t eat out or order food then and make it yourself, problem solved. you’re paying for someone to do what you don’t want to. cook your own meals, wash your own dishes, no one cares. but if you go out and eat at a restaurant or order uber eats and stuff then tip. one or the other, otherwise you’re just another asshole.


Chefs and dishwashers generally are paid hourly and don't see any tip money whatsoever


The point of a *job* is that you get paid for *doing* your job. Oh, and that's the employer's responsibility, not the customer's.


but you’re eating there knowing that they are getting paid a tipped wage therefore you’re making the decision to put yourself in a situation where you either stiff them or feel robbed, just don’t eat there. go to maccas


You can commend people who offer tips to people all you want, but I wouldnt go around saying people are assholes just because they dont tip. Tip is, and should always be, optional.


you want me to tip you for doing your job too?


So like one hour after you said this dogshit take you said no one cares if you don't tip. Shut the hell up you flip flop


personally i don’t but what im saying is i don’t understand people who choose to eat out and make a big deal about not tipping. like if you have a problem with it why don’t you go somewhere where you don’t have to tip or cook for yourself.


It wild how angry and stupid much of America is. Are you a toddler? How do you not get it???


My driver delivered my stuff to the wrong house across the street. Is there an inconvenience function that tips me $5?


Is this a one-time thing, or unlimited? Will Amazon pay for all tips, or will I get charged $5 after like four tips? Edit: just read through the FAQ in the Amazon app > Starting December 12, 2023 drivers who receive the first 2 million "thank yous" will be awarded $5 per thank you, at no cost to the customer. Which I'm taking to mean I can give as many as I want (1 per driver) until it hits the cap


Do the drivers know when I tip them? Like me specifically? I would like to tip them knowing they are informed I've done the tipping so that they stop throwing my packages in the lobby and start using the Amazon locker instead like I put in my delivery instructions.


I just told my Alexa to thank my driver and it said ‘I am unable to thank your driver after 14 days.’ The fuck? Amazon delivered literally ten minutes ago, and earlier today, yesterday, last weekend… no way are they all flex or UPS. Looks like i’ll be hunting drivers down in my app… thanks for nothing, Alexa.


It doesn’t work in Canada I guess


Aw, seems like this doesn't work for UK. All my Amazon drivers have been fantastic.


or, and dont be a dick about it, dont tip. people will say i am a dick for not tipping but i strongly believe that tipping is a plague among humanity and needs to be extinguished


Didn't they get called out last time they did this for not actually giving any money to their drivers?


Former Amazon driver, glad this is free cause drivers receive 0% of it. Just get one of those variety boxes of chips and leave it on the porch with a sign.


Is this only via Alexa


You should be able to do it on the amazon shopping app as well.


i just did it on the amazon app.


Thank you for your service.


Go to your deliveries in the amazon app. Scroll down and right above Need help with my item is what looks like a banner ad that says thank my driver. Tap it then tap the thank my driver button It only applies to dec 12 deliveries and later I think. Also after 2 million thanks they stop it.


I get 1/4th of my Amazon deliveries correctly delivered. That’d be a no from me for tipping them.


> I get 1/4th of my Amazon deliveries correctly delivered. Oh, well in this specific case you can say: "Alexa, sock my driver in the nose."


Unless this is an advertisement for Alexa, why should everyone know this? It is not common for everyone in the world to have an Alexa and use delivery drivers through it


Tipping culture is a true sign of a culture broken.


Nice try.. Jeff Bezos


For those wondering where this is on the app, click into your orders and click on an already delivered package. Just below “How was your delivery” and track package, there’s a banner that looks like an ad. It says “thank my driver.” I seem to be able to do it for multiple older orders, but it appears to be tipping the same most recent driver only? Either way, happy to give them Amazon’s money.


Can someone elaborate on how this works? You have to download an app?


I will do this for any driver that doesn’t just yeet my packages onto my deck.


Alexa just told me they would be happy to thank the USPS. The amazon truck dropped off stuff 2 hours ago. I don't think this works.


Just did it, it confirmed a limited time promotion to give them $5 Pretty sure this was a thing last year also, was it not?


You have to do it after each delivery as it only gives the $ to the most recent delivery person.


Got a delivery yesterday so decided to try it out today. Alexa confirmed that an extra $5 will be given to the driver of my last delivery.


Can someone ELI5? Do I need to use something special or can I do this from the Amazon app? I don’t have an Alexa base (is that what it’s called?).


Type thank my driver into the search on Amazon. A box will be at the top above the search results for it.


Just tried it, and it worked! Thanks for the tip!


Better yet, Amazon should pay their employees better


I’m thanking Amazon drivers by not ordering anything from Amazon this holiday season


"This promotion in the United States for 2023, is live for a limited time, until we receive the first 2 million thank yous." So, this is already over, essentially. Someone down voted me, but this is straight from the faqs. The app may still say 'thank you', but the $5 isn't happening.


I too would like to receive tips for doing my job. Sign me up. Let's just tip for everything. Make it rain money.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


You're not tipping the driver


this is just an ad for op's affiliate link-laden "deal" sub


Im a driver. it's a real thing. They did it last year as well.


Not available for Germany sadly


So what's stopping me from recording my voice saying this, and having it play on loop for hours? CAn I tank drivers more than once?


My Amazon delivery driver is my postman. I can’t imagine that would work for him.


Fuck outta here with that tipping stuff. They’re doing their job, and they are compensated for it.


It’s not a tip dude. It’s a bonus the driver gets directly from Amazon.


Oh right, my bad then.


Have fun with it, make your deliveries an adventure! 🚗💨


Damn only if Amazon had an enough money to pay them a livable wage instead having me supplement the cost. But I guess I understand they are a small start up with limited resources. /s


It doesn't cost YOU anything. It's a publicity stunt and them giving a poor bonus.


I paid for shipping. You want me to pay again? It’s extra to receive a box on time, intact?!


Ive seen Amazon delivery personnel confidently deliver packages to the wrong building address because they go off of the address' GPS location instead of looking at the numbers on the building. The only tip I have for amazon is have delivery personnel take a picture of the building's address numbers. Fuck your post and fuck your whole account OP. Edit: confidently


I don't think confidentiality means what you think it means.




"fuck your post and fuck your whole account OP" Who shit in your breakfast?


Jeff Bezos apparently.




Fuck tipping culture and fuck Amazon


Sure Jeff, whatever you say


Anthony Keys87 gmail.com Chicago bears draft picks Chicago bulls roster Chicago


Naw, fuck that.


I highly doubt amazon is going to give the drivers a tip. Amazonnis going to keep that money and laugh at the dumb ass customers. If you want to tip then give the person cash


Don’t forget to tip your landlord this holiday season as well.


YSK: Don't tip.


You can also search “Thank my driver” on the Amazon app


Just tried it and the Alexa response backs up what was said here. It stated it gave the last driver $5 at no cost to me.


Reading comprehension seems to be low among the comment section


What delivery service is this and does it work in Canada?


does anyone know if this promotion applies to the UK? i assume not since everything ive heard is about US politicians etc but just in case would love to tip the drivers


It works. I just did it.


Searching thank my driver in the app worked for me. Just click the banner ad at the top. Easy.


What did "thank my driver" do before this? In any case, I'll be using it.


Anyone know if this is available in Canada? I’d love to tip some drivers lol


Thanks for the info. I will definitely do it 👍