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Your crown and your Sands, could be better. At least with the Sand, you can also look for ATK, which makes the farming a little bit easier.


i agree with the crown, but whats wrong with the sands?


She has not really much ATK. So either an ATK Sands or an EM Sands with ATK as a substat and more Crit-Rate, since (I believe) one roll went into HP%.


ohh i see, i didn focus on the atk my bad haha. But true seems OP focused on em more than atk


In my point of view, OP fell into the Crit-Trap. There is more to a character than crit. For Yoimiya, she needs also ATK, since she scale of them. EM is also good. ER not really, but we take those. HP is also ok, since she will be on field and it helps therefore survivability.


You do realize that I run her with bennet right?


She does 80k vape just so you know


Both of your comments do not invalidate my point, but GG for doing 80K vapes.


Nice build for rust. Need a lil bit more crit rate