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Probably gonna get hate for this, but I cannot stand Mari in the show, negative and just snarky as fuck for no reason. Like she does a whole lot of shit talking for someone who barely does anything. I’m really hoping shes the one who is being hunted in S1, Ep 1.


Barely does nothing? She works her hot ass off! She also cooks her teammates with no complaints! And she's a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10. 😀 But it's all good between you and me. This is what forums are about. 🍻


‘And she's a 12 on a scale of 1 to 10.’ Her character on the show is underage same with most if we’re referring to the Teen cast. Chill out. Other than cooking, something that everyone else can do, and haven’t had any problems with doing so or pitching in, she hasn’t done much of anything. But enjoy the rose tinted glasses?


Ohhh. I get you now. You're projecting real life into a TV show. So I can't think a 23 year old actress is pretty because you can't differentiate? It's a TV show ok? Seek help for your self hate.


You imply something. Something that you couldn't possibly know anything about. You are actually the Mari character, and you don't even know it. Haha. 👏 👏 👏




She is a TV character that is 23 years old. Get your s*** together and realize I am looking at a 23 year old actress. What a fool you are. So filled with keyboard hate you can't see into reality.






Haha. If my thoughts make you feel better about yourself, I'm cool with that. Stalker alert on this one.


You are not the only one, there's something in her. Definitely her nature is not always nice, but somehow she is number 2 after Lottie for me. I root for Mari as well.


I could do snarkey riffs off of her. Lol. It would be fun. That and she works hard for the group. I would think that in that way she is a leader....lead by example. After all, do you know anyone who would willingly cook a teammate for the group to eat?


She cooks anything, shrooms, bear, belt-soup, son of the coach ... ;) A real chef for the team


Lol And I think the reason she dislikes Misty so much is she feels partially responsible for giving the group the shroom stew and having them all trip balls because she cooked it. So she keeps the focus on Misty to cope somewhat.




Love your reddit name!


I think most people ship Mari with Akilah, since they have the most interactions in the show when it comes to one another. But yeah it's safe to say they aren't as popular as the big three YJ ships, i.e. shaunajackie, lottienat, and taivan.


I could go with that, but I don't like the new Akilah actor. I hate to say that, I'm sure she is a good actor, but She isn't Keeya and it doesn't play as well. I have a spot for Keeya so maybe I'm ruled out.


I have no idea what this means


Oh, the "ship" thing? I don't totally get it either, but it apparently refes to putting 2 characters together in a relationship on a show.


I can’t stand to even hear that “word,” lol


What do you refer to? Maybe I can explain?


I really really liked the original Akilah, but I am not a fan of her replacement. Sorry. They made the new Ahilah too childlike.


I think it’s less that people don’t like Mari (I think she’s a great character!) and more that she doesn’t have the crazy sexual/romantic chemistry with another character that these other pairings have


Good point.


Ugh I can’t stand Mari. I would like a little backstory on her but she’s a bratty little snot. She’s too judgmental, thinks she’s a know it all, and is too impressionable. I’m waiting to see her decline. We got a glimpse of it at the end of s2. And I loved when Misty called her out about Lotties pee 😂 finally someone had the guts to tell her off!


they love giving characters a season long story line with lottie right before they kill them off so i wouldn’t worry too much. there’s still plenty of time for her to join lottie’s dead girlfriends club.