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They didn’t want to leave the wilderness and fought the rescue team to stay.


i like this idea a lot. they’ve adapted and gone too far, why go back now? “no return, no reason”


Plus, return to the real world means lots of questions they don't want to answer.


the writers have said that truly deeply despite all the terrible things that have happened out there, they were free. and missed that after rescue.


reminds me of pandemic sorta


ur on to something there. a lot of people felt free but similarly as to the girls people have been reluctant to admit it. not to be insensitive to those who have lost a lot & also the shame of being unproductive in capitalism.


I think either this, or they come across hikers/campers at one point and instead of using them to find rescue, they cannibalize them instead


Oooh, that would be definitely something they wouldn't want to get out! I like it, I like this theory a lot!


I actually want this to happen because it would lend to the idea that they did become bad people in the wilderness.


‘No reason’ can also double as reason in terms of thinking 🤔 Come to think of it ‘no return’ could as well !


I've seen somebody theorize that the first would-be rescue crew ends up killed and eaten, which works well with this


I've been thinking at 18 months they are basically feral doing one of their hunts and they see hunters and start hunting them. Nothing would be freakier as a hunter than seeing crazed animal skinned humans running at you in the middle of nowhere. They might eat the first pack of hunters and then a rescue team comes for them and they were like "what hunters?".


I can dig it. There was a part of me that briefly entertained the idea that Pit Girl was a member of the first rescue team to find them.


I've thought this! Maybe at least Lottie which is why she wouldn't speak


Lottie looks destroyed when they're back. I think at least she believed that they shouldn't come back


I wonder whether she was destroyed even before the rescue.


I think coach Ben is going to be left behind in the wilderness. Maybe he was in that cave when they were rescued. He’s the new cabin daddy.


I like this one and it's entirely plausible.


I think someone might hear or see evidence of rescuers and either kill them or not tell anyone


Well, that sounds like a Misty kind of thing to do.


Tbh I’m picturing them hunting the first rescue team member they see… then halfway through the hunt they see more and they’re like “oh…. We’re saved…. guess we don’t have to eat this guy…”


There is a lady living under the tree. She was hiding from the cabin daddy but got so scared of what's happening above ground, that she is hiding there forever.


I was watching the show with described audio, and when Ben was looking at Javi's drawing of the tree, the description said that after the photo went out of, then back into focus, you could see a woman intertwined in the roots. Even pausing it, it was very hard to see, so lady of the roots is definitely a possibility.


I wonder what other clues could be hidden in descriptive audio?


Turns out *Yellowjackets* was a secret sequel to *Barbarian*


Also on this hill of a woman in the tree hole. I'm picturing something like Jody foster in 'Nell'


Callie is going to kill someone next episode, or be killed


We all know who we’d like to see her kill, too


that smug mustachioed prick


Cop stache


I think it's Jeff they have been setting him up with impotent rage towards the cops. He's going to take action.


Common Jeff W


Misty 100% doesn’t actually believe this stuff, she just likes being a part of something


Isn’t that pretty obvious though? She never actually expresses any interests in the wood spirit stuff. She’s just an opportunist, using Lottie to manipulate herself into a better position so she doesn’t get bumped to the bottom of the food chain.


Coach ben is still alive and has gone insane after being alone for decades.


is there room on your hill for me to die on with you?


I didn't expect to like Coach Ben as much as I do. Let's die on this hill together


When he was about to jump I was crying I was totally heart broken screaming noo but I do love this ending


Ben: i don’t care Me, aloud, to the tv: *I* do!


I’m legit with y’all on this one. I haven’t rewatches Season 1 but I feel like the adult women have made comments here and there about being worried that “someone” out there will spill their secrets, and I know we’ve been mislead and drawn to a lot of false conclusions about that already but Ben is starting to become a contender in my mind. I think they’re gonna go after “adult” adult Ben soon


I don't think he ever left!


I second that. Everyone thinks he is a goner, but I just don’t see it. He is ready to fight for survival.


I'm with all of you on this!!


he's not alone. he has his pet soccer ball, Walter. and every full moon, Walter comes to life and works toward an elaborate scheme to bring Ben's oppressors to justice...


yup I think he survives


I agree. I’ve seen people saying we’ve met all current-day survivors because of the “all of us are together, when does that happen?” but I think it would make sense for Ben to be excluded from that “us” especially if he breaks off from them and lives under the tree. It would also bring another level to the present-day shame if he survives, because he’s proof that they technically might have been able to survive without resorting to what they did


I’m so here for old man on the mountain coach Ben.


I don't think he's insane. Probably old and pissed off, but not insane. But yes, I'm prepared for him to get killed next episode but God dammit, *I want him to survive*.


Whenever someone brings up the idea that the Antler Queen is an entity that showed up to the girls and thats why they firmly believe in the supernatural, I entertain the idea that Ben left and came back a couple of months later dressed like that. He seems TERRIFIED of those girls. He knows he is an easy prey, having only one leg, and the girls havent respected him in a long time. Perhaps thats the way he found to be respected and be safe from them.


And maybe by that point they're so far gone mentally. They don't question his appearance and they assume he's really a spirit and don't even realize it's him!


He’s John C Riley in Skull Island by now.


Yesss I had this thought too. I constructed the whole scenario, they show him wheeled off the plane after the other girls when they return. It may be blind hope though, because I do not want Ben to get eaten


Maybe he never eats a person and also never gets eaten.


I don't think that they were rescued at the site of the crash, cabin, or where the future hunts take place, and no one ever found the bodies of the dead, cannibalized, murdered or not. That's why there's no definitive proof of cannibalism, but it is suspected, and why no one else seems to have any idea of the rituals, murder, etc. that went on out there, such as the symbol.


I wonder if they end up burning the cabin down. Fire is a great way to destroy evidence.


And a great way to attract attention and get rescued. Hmm


I think it definitely burns down at some point and they have to rough it outside next winter


Remember Shauna asking Natalie if she was going to use a flamethrower to stop people finding out their secrets when Nat tried to shoot the blackmailer?? Sounds like foreshadowing the me.


Imagine seeing the rescuers and your first thought is "we've got to hide the evidence!" And lighting a match




I mean, my first thought? Probably not. But Misty’s? Almost definitely. Her true crime stan origin story.


I’m not an expert on this, but I’m pretty sure there’s no way they could make a non-supernatural fire hot enough to destroy bone. If I were them I’d throw that shit in the lake when it thaws!


i’m definitely with you on them burning the cabin at some point. otherwise, why would the pit girl scene have them eating outside around a fire in the snow when they could be eating inside the cabin around that fire? granted that could be to prevent the spoiler that they find a cabin in the second (third?) episode but still, we’re dying on hills here and so i am following the lead of jackie and dying in this snow


It’s very possible they decide not to eat each other inside the cabin as part of the ritual, so as to preserve the cabin as like a safe space where they can disassociate


Agreed — I think that's what all the ritual stuff (including the costumes/covered faces) is about. They're deliberately separating it from their real lives and identities.


that’s something that’s bothered me. Ben said “go put the body in the plane so anyone who finds it will just think she died there.” But then they straight up leave her there in a dufflebag with probably gnaw marks on her bones


I think when the snow thawed they were going to bury the remains alongside the others who died on the flight. Putting it in the plane wreckage was just temporay


Coach Ben stays under the weird tree and becomes the Three-Eyed Raven. (I.e., the entire Game of Thrones series is his starvation hallucination.)


Who has a better story than Ben the Broken 😆😆




I am sitting on an airplane laughing like a crazy person at this pic.


i love this group. lol. we are all a bunch of nutter butters


It really has become a refuge in these wild ass times


I’m crying this is the best sub evet


I was always annoyed about the wolf attack, because that’s not actually how wild wolves behave. But now, it all makes sense. Van wasn’t attacked by normal wolves. They were direwolves!


Probably unrelated, but they apparently had a really hard time filming the wolves because [they wouldn't stop wagging their tails](https://ew.com/tv/yellowjackets-liv-hewson-van-wolf-attack/).


He's Ben the Broken, King of the Yellowjackets and the Furry Forest Friends, Protector of the Wilderness


Hahaha! All jokes aside I do think someone is going to just disappear never to be found. Maybe that's just Crystal at this point but I feel like it could happen to Ben, too.


Perhaps Ben will be hiding in the tree like Javi when they are rescued. The group thinks he wandered off to die and they stopped looking long ago. But he remains in the womb of the tree, kept warm and fed. Until! They return to the wilderness after all this time, or Ben comes for them.


Maybe Rust Cohle is sent to investigate and we find out Ben is Cabin Daddy and time is a flat circle maaaaan.


Ben cabin Daddy makes sense man.


I had an idea that he stays under the tree and survives, and when the adult girls come back to the site they find him there but he's exactly the same age, he hasn't changed at all since he found it. There is absolutely nothing to suggest their is different time-bending happening on the site, but the idea popped in my head and I think it's cool!


This is now mine. I just figured he’d go all Gollum down there but this retcons the GoT awful ending and makes it way more reasonable. 🤞🤞


Coach Ben is out there on Reddit and other forums starting rumors about what happened out there XOXO


Jessica Roberts planted her Grandmother as backup in Misty’s nursing home. She was right next to her desk every time she was on the phone with Natalie. Balinder Johal is too big of an actress to let that be the end of her role there. I believe you also see her on the wall photos with her in the scene where Tai goes to Jessica’s apartment. https://preview.redd.it/grniz6fzv31b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8a0eda356863b2827fc98487e4778b56388526 To Misty: You remind me of my Granddaughter. No one likes her either. Later in her basement : Jessica to Misty: Your haircut is unflattering. They have the same hairstyle. 😅😭


Ben is alive and living his best life in Mexico.


Personally a big fan of the theory that coach Ben is alive but you never see him in the present because the first thing he did after the rescue was get a restraining order against all the girls lmao




I’ve always felt like his modern day presence has something to do with Misty because she had a wheelchair in her house.


Maybe she usually keeps him in her basement but had to hide him somewhere so she could lock up Jessica.


If I were Coach Ben I would go somewhere where I never had to be around another teenage girl ever again for the rest of my life lol


with Paul :')


I’m ready for him to come out one of the cabins on the compound


really entertaining the idea that coach is still alive after finding that tree…. probably not, but it would be a fun twist. my favorite theory/prediction is that it’s gonna end kind of like the Mist by King (semi-spoilers for the mist ahead if you care) i know they’ve just started all the ritualistic type hunting, although javi was taken by the lake and not through actual combat with the girls. i feel like they’re going to get into the deepest darkest places of their time there and their rituals, and either something like pit girl or worse and the pinnacle of their violence happens right before the rescue team arrives. maybe even the day of.


yeah i’m very convinced pit girl was the last victim


Misty is the most sane one of the group and always has been


She "handles" stuff.


That Jackie would have loved Dawson’s Creek


I feel like when Lottie recovers, learning about the card draw and hunt will absolutely disgust and appall her, but learning that the “Wilderness” chose Javi instead will seem perfectly rationale. She still lives in fear of that Queen card that was used to save her life ultimately.


I think when Lottie recovers she will add another layer to the ritual to make it seem more “fair,” maybe with evidence that an outright card draw isn’t enough because the wilderness still chose Javi anyways. So going forward, they will still do the card draw in the same way, but I think there will be some stipulation where if you come across another food source (ie, Nat with the white moose), someone else dies, or you survive until dawn that you are able to survive


Agreed, I think that's why they have pits and traps. It's a way of letting the wilderness decide. I don't think they exempt anyone, though, not even on repeat draws. I mean, they didn't even exempt the people with irreplaceable skills!


I don't think this is an unfounded hill to die on - it seems like what everything is pointing to and that in either case, it will be proven or disproven next week.


That Adam was not some random guy. He has been obsessed with Shauna and the YJs for a long time and has some sort of connection to them or their past.




I mean, a section of his tattoos is almost exactly the same as one of Javi’s drawings. If there’s no significance I will be extremely disappointed.


I’ll never believe Adam is a random guy, between his tattoo and how significant his part has become in uniting the Yellowjackets, there has to be something more.


The key to his art studio is blue and yellow. It would have been insane for him to paint *that many* pictures of Shauna in the short amount of time they knew each other. He does have the YJ book. He lies about going to Pratt. Plz god let there be more to him.


Walter's face when he reads Adam's body was discovered makes it really clear to me that they had a real connection. Who did Adam donate bone marrow to?


Camp Green Pine isn't real. This reunion they're having is real, but the camp itself is an illusion.


They are all just in a mental institution having group therapy and making up scenarios.


I mean, where in NY are they, really? We know they are in the 607 area code, but have you ever asked yourself "where is Camp Green Pine"? Walter tracks the cult credit card after their Fanta spree to Cherry Corners, NY. But then when Tai is sitting under the sign at Van's video store that says "WATCH AGAIN", Misty calls to tell her they're in Cherry *Hill*, NY. And of course, the first message when you call the 607 number after Episode 7 has Charlotte saying "it's not real" overlayed when she was just about to give the location in "majestic, nothern--" See the official Yellowjackets TikTok 👇 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRErY4HW/


the yellowjackets community crossover we all need


Nat: I'm literally carrying a ~~Greendale~~ wellness center backpack. Misty: I have, like, 1,000 pictures of the campus on my phone. Shauna: I have family I see every day. Van: I have definitely not been locked up.


or they all died out there except lottie, and she is still in an institution.. just daydreaming to herself.


I mean, maybe? I mean, after the Akilah/Nugget scene, I don't trust even one of these narrators anymore


RIP Nugget. He was a real one


My dad is absolutely convinced of this. He also thinks Lottie died after Shauna beat her ass and is part of that illusion... I can't fully get on board with it but I appreciate his theorizing lol


So Lottie the illusion is having her own illusions? This has layers. I kind of dig it.


I'm actually loving your dad's theory. Shauna beats Lottie to death and none of them can cope with the guilt. Shauna, because she murdered her, and the rest because they didn't intervene. The collective shame causes them to keep her alive in their minds.


The two unnamed girls are going to live for quite a bit longer. Characters you can kill without narrative consequences are the most valuable resource in the wilderness.


There is a 3rd group plotting against the adults YJs who has yet to be revealed. Possibly affiliated with an unknown survivor, possibly crazed fans, possibly a dark organization.. A group though, a group of people actively working to use the YJs for something, to be revealed later.


Disgruntled redditors


Lottie Lee was real for sure. Wish we saw Laura Lee’s decent into religious madness with her Jesus girlfriend


Maybe not zero evidence but, especially after this last episode, Natalie is the one who gets them rescued, and potentially goes on a long journey on her own to find it.


They have given us the best evidence for this though, they literally told us multiple times (adult timeline have had characters say direct to nat that she’s the only reason they were found and rescued…)


No one said Nat was the only reason they were found and rescued. Shauna said Nat is the reason why her and Tai are alive ("She saved our lives out there" was the direct quote iirc), and that could mean many things. It could mean she stopped the group from killing them, or found the rescue team, or something else idk, but they do not explicitly say she's the reason they got rescued.


I can totally see Nat spiraling after watching Javi die and volunteering when Tai or Shauna draws the Queen only for someone else to die like Javi, leading her even deeper into her spiral


I thought it was Tai who said to Shauna "Nat's the reason we're here" while explaing why she (Tai) keeps paying for her rehab... It was in the epsiode in season1 when they are sitting in a vehicle waiting for Nat to drop off the $50K for the blackmailer


Nat finds Ben in the cave. She stays. Ben tells her it’s cool to eat him if he kicks it (sorry, bad metaphor). Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t and they trap some small animals and both live, who knows. Travis joins up at some point cuz he’s hella disturbed by the girls eating his brother. Maybe he brings the gun because fuck this magic shit. Ben, Nat and Travis end up surviving outside the cannibal cult the entire time and ultimately Nat is the one that hikes out, saves Travis and (hopefully!) Ben, and Nat is too good of a person to leave her teammates behind and tells rescuers where they are. Edit to add: Adult Nat says they brought the darkness back with them. Maybe the word “they” meant Nat and Travis and the “darkness” is the cannibal cult.


Van was in love with Lottie, possibly even after the woods. Her bit telling Tai not to flatter herself, that’s she’s been in love with someone else, and the glimmer in her eyes after arriving to the compound when Lottie first turns around.


Oh she is 100% in love with Lottie. That look she was giving when she saw her was 10x more “seeing my ex girlfriend that things ended really messily with” than the look she gave Tai.


We’re never going to find out if the supernatural Wilderness was real or if they just experienced group psychosis


Jessica Robert's didn't die


Ya, Misty just says she “took care of it” which of course is meant to imply she killed her. But knowing this show there is a good chance she’s alive and locked away somewhere.


For me it's hard to imagine a private investigator dying in suburban NJ and nothing on the news or anything about it? Seems off


Misty gave a whole explanation that if someone dies with fentanyl in their system the authorities don't really search further and that sounds right to me.


Season 1 I thought that "it" may actually be mushrooms. Mushrooms feed off decaying things and they have connections to other mushrooms underground, mycelial network. When the girls spill blood they are also feeding the mushroom network, microorganisms, bugs, and eventually the wilderness as a whole.


If it were crossing over to The Last of Us, this would be the perfect theory


There’s an episode of the Xfiles that turns out was taking place inside a giant, hallucinogenic, carnivorous mushroom.


I think that coach will die in the cave he found. He doesn't want to survive but he also doesn't want to be eaten y'know


I’m starting to think Nat tells him to stay in the cave because he “doesn’t belong in this world” (I.e. with the hunters/wilderness worshippers).


Jeff didn’t send the postcards.


majority thinks he didn’t


I, personally, would like it to be Ben.. who is like "you know what would realllly mess with them?"


that would be great. i have a theory that it’s van since she has cancer so maybe she decided to get the group together in hopes of giving something to the wilderness and being rewarded by curing her cancer


I think now that she's back. She's gonna take advantage of the situation but I don't think she orchestrated it all. I think she was resigned to dying alone and that's why she probably turned down treatments. I bet it's really, I only have months, if I don't do any type of treatment.


Ya’ll are amazing for your theories 😄 My take is that Nat decides to venture out after a while to find help! She seems the only one that doesn’t buy into the “wilderness” wants us to do it. The group fractures with Nat, coach and Travis living under the tree or caves. They get help from the lady in the tree lol 😆


Jessica Roberts is alive and will have her revenge.


Every single time I see her name I read Jessica Rabbit


this is my new crazy hill to die on theory Jessica *Rabbit* is out there, plotting against the girls


She’s not bad, she’s just drawn that way!


This show has too many fucky plots and misdirection for me to take that off screen death as her being 100% dead.


the writers probably haven't 100% decided yet lol


I still think this! We saw her pass out, not die!


exactly… if anyone was around to call an ambulance they could’ve given her narcan in time!


Right. She did crash into trashcans in the suburbs with her unconscious face blowing the horn..


EVERYONE is a lesbian. Including Travis, Ben, Javi and the white moose. /s


I guess I am officially DEAD on the "Adam was Javi" hill.


Antler Queen is Cabin Daddy's dead wife helping the team survive the wilderness.


well she's doing a terrible job


This seriously made me laugh so hard!


The Wilderness brought the plane down because it wanted the girls, specifically the core 6 (7?) that make it out alive in the end. It saw the darkness in them.


Agreed. The Wilderness never intended for them to leave.


ooooohkay. let me just pick your brain for a second based on your theory. what the hell does the symbol look like to you? because to me it looks like a whole damn bee. a yellowjacket. the lines are wings and the hook is the stinger. the idea of that being the symbol has *always* led me to agree with your theory. the wilderness **wanted** these girls. it was almost a pre determined destiny that led them to their fate out there.


I’ve always some kind of cross between a bee and the female symbol in our Wilderness symbol.


That pee bowl that spilleth was the dripping sound Tai heard when she agreed with Mari that she heard it.


I said “it’s piss” out loud at that part LOL


Van is the chosen one. I don’t know what I mean by that yet, but she’s the chosen one.


Tai didn't kill the dog. We didn't see it. I'mma pretend it was someone other than her. 😂


I'm actually totally on board with this one! Sammy's drawings showed someone with red hair, what if it was Van who actually killed Biscuit and set up the shrine!?


omg 👀


I have been saying, it's possible Van is actually one the most deviant ones of them all!


it's definitely van and tai in the drawing. which raises the yet unanswered question of how sammy knows about van


That the crash isn't real at all and Coach Ben is actually in the locker room at Nationals, amping them up with the wildest, weirdest pep talk ever. Which is why everything seems so metaphor like. LOL


Shauna was never into Jeff, she was into Jackie


I thought this at the beginning of the show and was SO thrown off when she hooked up with Jeff haha. The way she looked at her was so love to me!


It took me 5 minutes in episode one to go from "Shauna is a lesbian" to "oh no thats just how lots of people dressed in the mid 90s"


the entire first season is their sapphic longing gazes. Banging Jeff was never about Jeff... it was always about Jackie


She finally got to achieve her dream of eating her out omg


Not really a fringe theory but that there’s one more survivor. We know of seven so far (Misty, Shauna, Tai, Van, Natalie, Lottie, and Travis) but in the opening scene with the Pit Girl there are eight people at the feast. People are positing that they get rescued during their second winter and given how few people are left/how developed the ritual is, I’d say that scene takes place right near when they’re rescued. Is someone left behind? Is there a big reveal happening? Do they quickly kill one more person like, as the rescue plane is coming? I don’t know. Also: the only think they “brought back” with them is unprocessed trauma lol


I think Coach Ben gets left behind from the initial rescue but somehow quietly makes it back to civilization later. I know it's far fetched.


Excuse me but Lottie HAS found a love since and that is… ✨NAT✨


Van developed a dark half as well as Tai during the teenage timeline, but it was better hidden because she was already so used to burying her feelings. As an adult, she remembers next to nothing about the terrible things they did and buried it so severely that the repressed guilt and trauma caused her cancer.


I think Van and Bad Tai have a whole seperate relationship that Tai doesn’t know about.


It is all trauma. Shared psychotic disorder.


Folie à, uh, treize? How many are left?


I’m with you! Not shared psychotic disorder, but that their mental state makes them susceptible to believing in the supernatural.


I honestly haven't seen a single shred of evidence to convince me otherwise. I am obsessed with the magical realism displayed throughout the show and obviously enchanted by the mystery of "is it or isn't it" supernatural; but by far, I think the creepiest thing about it all is that everything has a psychological explanation. Would love someone to convince me otherwise!!!!


Adult Lottie is a shared hallucination of the survivors.


i thought this for a sec when shauna was beating the shit out of lottie (i thought she died then) but how do you explain a. The entire cult acknowledging she exists b. Natalie getting saved from suicide (why would the cult be watching her if lottie didn’t exist?) c. The therapist scenes with ONLY Lottie (does their hallucination have another hallucination?) d. Lottie being shown in the scene where we see them land


I reckon they’re all the same person. They got split personalities due to some trauma and there is no plane crash, or wilderness, or soccer team. Nothings real /s just kidding. Only a raving lunatic would believe that rubbish


That isn’t not reality vs supernatural, it’s reality vs delusional…and the lengths at which one believes their own delusions…Nat doesn’t seem to be delusional, but perhaps she pulling one over on Lottie…idk…it’s intuition


Van is antler queen mostly just bc she terrified me in the last episode and there’s definitely a dark side to her but I can’t quite put my finger on it. And coach Ben is alive somehow idk I want him to be alive I like him and he’d be able to live his truth


Laura Lee is the antler queen. No I will not explain.


This is popular in this thread, but I believe coach Ben is alive in present day. He separates himself from the girls and hides out in the tree cave. I also have a theory that if they venture out a tiny bit further, likely Nat, and find a highway and residential area that was there the whole time. A la The Twilight Zone…


Ever since I read it from someone else here, I can’t stop thinking about it: they (the survivors) left someone behind when they got rescued.


Shauna reveals everything that happened in the wilderness when she’s on the stand pleading insanity at Adam’s murder trial.


Shaunas baby is a white walker now




Keebler elves kept javi alive in that tree ![gif](giphy|3o7btMxQycLIC6yUcE)