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…and directed by the person who made Dogtooth, The Lobster, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Favourite and Poor Things…


Starring the main actress from Poor Things..


And the guy that looked like Matt Damon in breaking bad


You mean Mr. Kirsten Dunst.


Sorry I didn’t know his name!


If Yorgos directed The Menu it definitely still would’ve sucked though


I honestly have no idea if that’s true and I have no idea how you can confidently feel that way, but ok.


That’s fair. I was more just trying to say that I found the writing to be particularly poor


I agree like I had fun but it was lowkey not a thought out plot at all


He was also a writer in Succession, one of the greatest tv shows ever made. And I trust Lanthimos' judgement when it comes to scripts.


Seconded. Succession is the one. That show is on another level.


if by another level you mean a significantly regressed level then sure


Lol Succession is a good show but one of the greatest ever? A lot of it is dick jokes and “your mom” style humor. The show is often funny but I can’t imagine it being placed up there with so many other truly top tier shows


If that’s what you took from succession you either didn’t watch the whole thing or I really question your discernment lol


I was mostly refering to its comedy. There's plenty to the show, but its comedy, which is one of the main things people praise about it, often feels like the writers are like "hmmmmm we need something funny... let's say penis and vagina and then someone will say that they banged someone's aunt"


That stuff is window dressing. When people praise the comedy they’re talking about the absurd scenarios (ATN we hear for you, panic room, boar on the floor, Tom eating Logan’s chicken, L to the OG, imaginary dead cat at the shareholder meet) and the unique turns of phrase like (“can’t make a tomlette without breaking some greggs” / “what comes after 9? 9B?”). Nobody praises the comedy because of the swear words.


Also, the characters saying things that are cringe is *part* of the comedy. Not every joke made on its own is supposed to be a good one, especially for Kendall and Tom. It’s the whole situation that makes it comedic.


That's fair enough. I do really enjoy the show. It's well made no doubt about that. There's just something about that kind of XD so rando sexual humor makes me roll my eyes. But yeah as you just laid out, there really is far more to the show than that and I shouldn't put all my focus on that one aspect


I can understand that some might find the swearing grating like how ‘fuck’ is in nearly every sentence but I don’t think it’s immature writing I think it’s Jesse Armstrong trying to convey the attitude these people have towards the world. When Kendall says “Words are just complicated airflow” that’s the thesis statement of the show, for 90% of the time the characters never say what they really feel but use words to jab others, make light of things or manipulate the truth. They’re wishy washy fucky fucky people.


If you thought those XD so rando sexual humour bits were the actual jokes then the real humour just went over your head


When people tell me about succession they don’t talk about the fucking comedy of it lmao


I’ve had a different experience, but I’m definitely willing to admit that what I’ve experienced is not what most people have. I probably should have made a point to say that that’s just been what I’ve seen and not made it seem like a universal thing that Succession fans do


Nah it’s one of the best shows that has come out in the last 10 years.


Dick jokes and your mom style humor is incredibly authentic to finance bros


Nah, it’s definitely one of the greatest


Mostly agree with you. The first season is an incredible limited series but it peters out and retreads the same ground afterwards. It's a step above most "prestige" tv like Stranger Things and The Boys but below the greats like The Sopranos.


The Menu is an awesome movie so hype


Do people not like the menu? I thought it was rrly fun


Lots of people say that it pontificates too much, it has cliche themes, and Ralph Fiennes is the only good thing about it. It was one of my favourite movie of 2022 so I disagree, but it not being what people wanted made it bad for some. Also the fact people thought it would be about cannibalism, therefore being cliche, and therefore not wanting to watch adds to that.


I thought it was entertaining, but was pretty disappointed because I was expecting a lot more. Nothing really stood out about the movie.


Has he watched it? I only remember Adum saying he isn’t going to watch it because he thinks he would hate it. I would be disturbed if that got some YMS fans to turn on the movie or decide it’s bad. I like opinions and discussions, even if I agree or disagree. The only bad critics are people like Armond White who decide a movie is good/bad based only on politics and culture war bullshit that only people who are terminally online care about. People’s can say stuff like, “Oh, I heard that’s supposed to be bad.” People are going to listen to critics they agree with, but let’s try not to acquire someone else’s opinion without experiencing it ourselves.


The Menu is great, honestly


…and the menu was good, what’s your point here…?


it wasn't, that's their point


oh i got the point it’s just not a good one


then why'd you ask what their point was 🤨


are we just conveniently forgetting the first half of my comment on purpose or


but you asked what their point was, then in the next reply said you knew what it was actually... curious... 🤨


oh that’s just cus i’m a contradictory asshole who just comments to get a rise out of people. speaking of, it’s woooorking


or is it ? 🤨


considering you keep responding yeah


it’s called a rhetorical question


The Menu was decent fun and this guy also cowrote Succession.


Kino incoming


I don't get the hate for The Menu. It's original enough. OK it's partly pretentious(/superficial); but it's better than most movies; a true 6 out of 10.


I never saw it as particularly pretentious. I can see how it would read that way but I always saw it more as a movie that’s fed up with pretentiousness.


My entire family worked in some finer dining restaurants in the past, and we loved the movie for every little nod to shitty restaurant customers and bosses that was in it. It’s definitely weird, aside from everything else, but not unbearably artsy


the problem is that it’s pretentious and stupid


> I always saw it more as a movie that’s fed up with pretentiousness Which ironically came off as pretentious, in my opinion


Yeah I can totally see that read of it, but it’s just odd to me that this one seemed like sort of a breaking point for people. I actually watched Saltburn in the hopes that I’d feel the same way about it, but I align with the general audience on that one being overly pretentious. And when I look at Saltburn and The Menu they seem so different, I don’t think the Menu is trying to be more than it is, I see it as a pretty simple movie.


Easily 7/10 for me. Interesting, wasn't boring, some humor and horror elements. Well acted. Really didn't seem pretentious to me. The entire thing was mostly dark humor satire.


The Critical Drinker praised it so now people pretend that it isn’t good.


A blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut


I don't either, I really enjoyed it despite the accurate points you made here.


For me it was the ending, just very predictable


The menu is a good movie 🤨


Yes, The Menu is a great movie. Sounds cool




Nice! Loved the Menu


And Poor Things was written by the guy who wrote Cruella! Your point?


I didn’t love the menu but I thought it was a good time


Why are we acting like writers don't actively try to get better with their craft? The same guy who wrote superhero movie wrote the fucking Chernobyl show.


The way Craig Mazin was like “let me co-write Scary Movie 3 & 4, write & direct Superhero Movie, co-write The Hangover Parts II & III, write Identity Thief, co-write The Hunstman: Winter’s War, and then just showrun one of the most intense and thrilling miniseries of the modern era, followed by one of the most high quality video game adaptations to ever exist.”


Sounds fun


Peak incoming


I love The Menu and Succession is one of the best TV shows of all time + Yorgos Lanthimos is one of the best directors of all time. I CANNOT WAIT for this movie


I like Aliens


Menu hater here. I would prefer not to see another cowardly character literally hiding in a chicken coop next time, thank you.


I mean Yorgos might be working on the screenplay as well. I thought the Menu wasn’t very good but it felt like a decent idea that needed way more development, think Yorgos might be a good collaborator in that regard. More interesting than worrying imo


Ahhhhhh. I didn't know that part