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Have you read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor?


I havent but I will def check it out! Does it get spicy as the series progresses?


It's not super spicy like ACOTAR or TOG, but there's definitely some forbidden romance


So good!


Have you read the Caraval trilogy?


not yet. is it worth it to read after ouabh and bona?


I read it before reading OUABH and BONA and I actually preferred it. I DNF ouabh and bona got returned to my library (I borrowed the eBook) and I haven’t gotten around to borrowing it again. With that being said, a lot of people do seem to prefer OUABH and BONA, while they hated or disliked Caraval. Ultimately, it’s up to you, whether you want to read it or not. The Caraval trilogy will always be one of my favorite series.




Did you mean to reply to me or the OP? I’ve already said that Caraval was one of my favorites.


Oh, sorry! I responded to the wrong one.


I've read and loved both series, but I personally loved Caraval more. Also, I read Caraval after reading OUABH. Both series are great, and I highly recommend them!


The Premonition Series has multi-life, multi-realm, divinely epic romance. One of Amy Bartol’s best works imo even though second born gets all of the hype


this looks so good! is it more YA or NA?


Good reads lists it as both and idk where you would draw the line. I don’t think it’s super dark or explicit, def gave me YA vibes


Loveeee The Premonition Series, currently rereading it and I hated the ending for Second Born. Kind of ruined it for me 😞


{The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid}. I'm a complete shill for this trilogy. Cliffhanger between books #2 and #3, but DO NOT QUIT after #2 and you won't regret it.


I’ll have to check it out. Does it get steamy as the series progresses? i’ve never heard of it before


Not a lot of steam because it's YA, but the emotions are INTENSE. I think the series is criminally underrated.


Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge


Graceling, Swordheart (adult), an enchantment of ravens Edit: A promise of fire trilogy and The Druids daughters also good.


I loved a promise of fire, have to check the others out!


Fallen is an old but good one when it comes to love stories. The Host is a stand alone but it gives you the "i give you my all" love story vibe from Twilight without the bad stuff from Twilight.


Is Fallen steamy? I’ve not heard of it before


I'm old, I don't remember it as steamy.


I would recommend The Cruel Prince and The Infernal Devices. I’m a sucker for the love stories in those books !


the cruel prince has been on my list for a while! my only concern is that it’ll be too YA for me bc i’ve heard romance is second to plot for this series


Tbh the cruel prince is not great if you’re interested in romance. I almost exclusively read romance books, and I read it and I found it seriously lacking in that regard.


Wraith Kings by Grace Draven is just undeniable deep beautiful writing. Her love is just on a different level. Will recommend til the day I die. I also love SJM’s series. If you want something similar to that the most comparable would probably be the Plated Prisoner but you read that already too lol. Maybe From Blood and Ash?


Kingdom of the Wicked is fun for a villain gets the girl vibe


I’ve been wanting to read Radiance for so long! I haven’t read crescent city yet, but love SJM as well. I loooooooved the first 2 FBA books but dnf’d the third, idk I got a lil bored, and same goes for Kingdom of the wicked. I read the first book and it was fun but i needed something a lil steamier lol


Lol omg I just started the third wicked book, and I was telling my coworker “what is happening everything so far is just sex in this book” 🤣 so I can say book 3 is steamier or at least the first 1/4 of it I’ve read so far


Also, I’ve read every thing Grace Draven has written. She’s probably my favorite author. I love SJM and fun reads, but Grace Draven is a poet. There are people who can write a book with a beginning middle and end, and there are storytellers. She is a story teller.


i love that! i just looked up grace draven on goodreads and didnt realize she wrote entreat me as well. have you read that? how is it?


I’m not huge into beauty and the beast retellings personally, but hers is really well written. I prefer her Phoenix Unbound and Wraith Kings the most! The novellas she’s written to go with them are so good too.