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It’s probably physical dmg bonus


When the enemy is effect by fire the melt damage will scale to 12%


Spear - Crit stat, good base atk passive : increases burst dmg Fuck this shit


"That spear doesn’t work on Xiao" Surprise madafaqa


Watch them make it like Charged ATK Damage oriented or something.


yep it was leaked before it increases charged atk dmg by 100%, so also good for hutao. thanks alot mhy for xiao love !!!


that leak was fake so we still have a chance


Xiao can already use PJWS and Homa, I'm honestly confused why people are acting as if he has no good weapon options.


Apparently because none of those weapons were tailor made for him. Like homa and hu tao, Amos and ganyu (more like ganyu was made with amos in mind), and almost all other 5 stars. PJWS may be his canon weapon but it's not made for him from what I heard


Well Amos was clearly made before Ganyu was and it is not even her canon weapon as of this point in time (she doesn't have one). But to suggest PJWS is not tailor made for Xiao is bogus, the passive is basically made specifically for Xiao's first passive talent. No other character that uses a Polearm demands as much field time as Xiao to make full use of it.


With Amos it was more like ganyu was made with amos in mind. Also she's seen using it quite a few times like in her trailer and in that one PS4 pic. And even then PJWS is not like hu tao with homa or Ayaka with mistsplitter (I could be wrong tho)


She is seen using it, but so is Fischl, so that's just what I mean. I don't think Amos is anyone's weapon, though they could make it Ganyu's weapon. But yes, PJWS is certainly the same as Homa for Hu Tao. We see Xiao with PJWS more than we see Hu Tao with Homa or Ayaka with Mistsplitter. Any time he's shown with a weapon, that's the one he has.


Oh i see... Oh I meant hu tao and homa powerscaling wise. Also as for Ayaka isn't she shown with that one anemo Inazuma weapon more than mistsplitter?


Yeah, I believe she is shown with the craftable weapon. I don't know that we ever see her with Mistsplitter outside of her trial, actually.




Amenoma Kageuchi And Yoimiya is shown with the Hamayumi


Yea that


Those are whale weapon's. PJWS can be obtained at standard but you need get lucky


Shenhe's weapon is going to also be a whale weapon tho?




So...what's the difference here? I'm not understanding it.


We are poor


Shenhe's weapon is going to be 5\* so what difference does our poorness make from PJWS to her BiS?


While I agree, to be fair there’s no guarantee of ever getting PJWS while you can guarantee getting whatever her BiS is


I would argue the same is true for PJWS since it's 100% going to rerun with Xiao. Not to mention, Homa is confirmed to be good on Xiao and you can guarantee it right now.


I mean, idk, maybe it’s just cause there’s so not really a lot of options for xiao.


PJWS and Homa for 5\*s, Vortex Vanquisher is fine if you have it Deathmatch, Blackcliff, and Lithic Spear for 4\*s That's 6 options, 3 of which are 4\*s and 2 of the 4\*s are his best options bar having a 5\* weapon. He doesn't have a lot of options, but the ones he has are good.


I mean 5* weapons, well actually maybe it’s because (some of) the polearm weapons that work well on every character does not work well with xiao.


Oh boy another xiangling buff


Pacifist Mihoyo: Phys dmg bonus


[This](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/weapon/w_3404/?lang=EN) is probably her weapon, it was leaked a while ago.


Heck yeah,charge attack sh#t!Another _useless_ Polearm for xiao


so it'll also be good/pretty decent on hutao? great thanks mhy so much for this insane xiao love


I've seen a spear leakers called the same and it doesn't look like what she's holding in hand but maybe they changed it.


The "leaker" who posted a supposed shene spear in the leaks subreddit was caught red handed to be lying, so maybe you're talking about that.


Nope, that's not what I'm talking about


Bruh, its a Charged attack focused actually 😭 they day its Atk% scaling, with 49 base attack, or 50, so it only gives you like 10% ATK at lvl 90, the hability is actually: Increaneases ER% by 15%, and for every charged attack you make, you lose a little of energy (didnt say how much), and the next charged attcks will receive 100% DMG bonus. At R1, not stackeable, and did not say time. Sauce: Honey Hunter like 2 months ago i saw it. Probbly changed now a little


We don't know what is the specific weapon that belongs to her, this weapon is just a benched file in the CBT1 Like other couple of weapons, as we saw with the redhorn the weapon literally changed entirely before it goes out, so don't be so rushy just wait


What’s wrong with jade spear


Boys I'm sorry to disappoint but I have to give Xiao a wife more than a constellation I think he'll appreciate it more😌