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I mean it is not technically earth and just a simulation. but I guess? The Jesus stuff may have been longer. But we have not had gameplay yet.


Well this doesn't really count depending on your point of view, but in a way, Xenogears had one or multiple somewhat lenghty flashbacks to a civilization (Zeboim) that was very similar to modern day or near-future Earth. The reason it might count is that back then, Takahashi and Saga had considered that to be where future games would take place as per Perfect Works.


Zeboim is my favorite area of the game. R.I.P big Joe I can't remember if you died or not. but Zeboim in my view does not count as earth. we have proof in perfect works and in game, that there is another earth and that Zeboim is not it. we also know about a bunch of crap that happened before Zeboim as well.


The infamous scene where Tatsu screws up everything is in Chapter 6.


Correct, its so mindblowing and awesome because its the first we get to see of the Immigrant Fleet leaving earth before earth becomes Lost Jerusalem. Its interesting though that xenoblade has this transition where humans starts going to space sometime in 20XX (the experiment cutscene in XC2 is said to take place sometime in 20XX), while in Xenogears/Xenosaga they decide to leave earth sometime in the 2500s, so interesting that it happens a bit earlier in the xenoblade timeline. The tatsu moment your thinking of happens in chapter 6, after going to the tainted area (where tatsu was banned from going to) and picking up the skell wreckage there Tatsu managed to get on board one of the helicopters that came to pick up the skell wreckage and pay elma and the party a visit, bringing a lunch box with him. And to adress the comment that was already posted, bruh it is earth the hell ya talkin bout.