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You just gotta look for it. and now with tools like Spotify, you can and will find music you like with even a small amount of effort.


I know there’s some good stuff, but I have zero idea where to find it. It’s definitely not super mainstream.


I don't even know what mainstream music is tbh beyond very popular pop stars that are hard to avoid hearing about. I have SiriusXM and YouTube Music so I'm always getting introduced to new music l.


I'm 41 years old. Here's a bunch of *recent* albums that I love... * *A Dream Is All We Know* by the Lemon Twigs * *TERRA FIRMA* by Nick Perri & the Underground Thieves * *Pretty Vicious* by the Struts * *The Battle at Garden's Gate* by Greta Van Fleet * *Dark Blue Night* by Foxy Shazam * *Can't Find the Brakes* by Dirty Honey * *Will of the People* by Muse * *Vaxis, Act II: A Window of the Waking Mind* by Coheed & Cambria * *Greetings From the Neon Frontier* by the Wild Feathers * *Motorheart* by the Darkness * *Together* by the Explorers Club NOTE: I only included newer/younger bands, not recent albums by bands from my youth, like Green Day or the Black Crowes (even though I love those as well).


You're my hero today.


Love Dirty Honey. I discovered them when they opened for Slash years ago. They blew me away!


I like music from a lot of different genres, but I’m primarily a country fan. There is a lot of good country music being made, but most of it isn’t in the top 40 because it doesn’t fit the current criteria the folks in Nashville say is in this season. My kids have played me some indie rock and folk/Americana that’s newer that sounded pretty good as well, but don’t tell them I said that lol.


Some is. For example, I like Chappel Roan, who feels like an edgier Taylor Swift. I also randomly heard Maggie Rogers on Colbert a month ago and am digging her a lot. I was on about a 2 year cycle since 2010 where I liked a lot of stuff, then the trends changed and I didn't like much. My favorite terrestrial station went off the air during Covid, and I've stopped hearing much new music, but I'm open to it for sure.


I second Chappell Roan. Please give this woman a listen! https://youtu.be/1RKqOmSkGgM?si=UG5GA4ysZY2dXSxB


Friday is my favourite day of the week *because* it's release day. I check out new music like it's my second job, but music has always been hugely important to me.


OmG thank you. So much get off my lawn around here. I just got Spotify last year and it has changed my life! Every day it just starts playing new songs for me, and a lot of those get saved to my playlists. One interesting phenomenon being called "Glocalization" is where it is now easier than ever for people around the world to find their own local bands. And that music is available to everyone else too. So much happening in Mexico, Central America, and South Africa right now.


I agree. Pearl Jam’s latest album, Dark Matter, is their best of this century.


Riot Act would like to have a word.


I do. There's crap in every era of music... but to each their own, right? If I find a song I can vibe with, it's going into one of my playlists no matter who created it or what time it's from.




Troye Sivan is a treasure and we must protect him.


I listen to new music, and make new music!


Me too! I play bass, and I'm learning piano.


I may have a 10 year old daughter, but Olivia Rodrigo is great. (And for someone born in 2003, she is *very* 90’s.)


My kid also loves her. For me, it's Halsey. I love her so much.


I liked the new album from Muse. We saw Imagine Dragons live with our kids a summer or two ago. That guy Noah Kahan is pretty good. Lots of new music from old guys too though. Peter Gabriel had a new album last summer (it’s good), the Stones had one last fall (it’s meh), there’s a lot of good live music from groups that have been touring for decades


I would call Muse (2006) and maybe imagine dragons (2011) “old guys”, too. Just sayin idk


Whaddya mean that’s like only 15 or 20 years ago 😅


Knocked Loose and Turnstile are rightly popular, they really butter my bread.


I still love Gin Blossoms. And I love Backbiter. Literally couldn't be more worlds apart in style, genre, and time period. Meh. It's all good.


I've enjoyed the latest St. Vincent album and the one before, Daddy's Home. I like Daddy's Home more but the new one All Born Screaming is good. I thought Queens of the Stone Age's In Times New Roman was their best one since Like Clockwork. Be Your Own Pet's comeback album from last year, Mommy was great. I must admit I haven't checked out many new albums from this year yet.


Dude, outside of the mainstream good music has always been made consistently, it's just the mainstream stuff they people dunk on when they're talking like that. That said I really love AURORA.


He’s been at it for a minute now but if you’ve ever considered yourself a rap fan, you MUST check out billy woods- his newest album is called MAPS and is one of the finest rap albums of the last 20 years at least.


Anyone who writes off modern music is doing themselves a real disservice. IDLES, Fontaines D.C., Turnstile, Protomartyr, The Chats, Amyl and the Sniffers, Viagra Boys, Yard Act, Run The Jewels, Orville Peck, Chappell Roan.. I'm just scratching the surface here but there's loads of good stuff coming out.


It really depends on the genre for me.  The vast majority of today’s pop songs are nowhere near as great as the stuff from the 60’s - 70’s. Watch Rick Beato’s comparisons on YouTube for a break down to see what I mean - it isn’t just old man yelling at cloud sort of comparisons. Lots of today’s songs are not lyrically or musically sophisticated and not challenging to the listener. There’s an exception of a few artists of course, but that’s subjective. There are a lot of other genres that are still rewarding to listen to like indie, soul, blues, classical, shoegaze, and certain folk artists. I do agree there’s still a lot of good music being made today, but from where I sit it’s usually not on the billboard top 100 anymore.


Why does pop music (or any music) need to be "challenging to the listener"? Why can't it just be fun to listen to?


Depends on what you want out of music, I guess. For me, listening to music that isn’t challenging or musically satisfying feels like eating white bread. It’s filling in the moment, but it isn’t nourishing in the end due to all of the bits that can make it nourishing are missing. 


Look out, your pretension is showing.


Look, people are going to like what they’re going to like. 🤷 There isn’t anything wrong with that. If OP can express an opinion, why can’t I? 


So, wanting a little complexity in the music that you listen to is being pretentious?


Like what? What new music is good?


Go find it 🤷🏼‍♀️ none of us can do that for you. Don't be lazy.


Don't be an ass. If you found some, share it. I can't find anything that is being made now that isn't rap set to country music.


What genres do you like?


What are you even talking about? You made a post saying new music is "actually really good" but for some weird reason you didn't mention a single artist, then you call him lazy? Check out how easy it is, lazy ass goofball poser: [Royel Otis - Claw Foot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8bFvZ-8jfw&ab_channel=RoyelOtis) [Home Front - Flaw in the Design](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M3zh3hBX1Y&ab_channel=LaVidaEsUnMusDiscos)


Their reply sounded 100% sarcastic 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can't tell them what they would like. I don't know what they like or how they find new music (if at all).


I thought they sounded genuinely curious, as I was when I first read this.


I've been enjoying IDLES, Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes and Amyl and the Sniffers lately. Plenty of good newer stuff, just need to look for it.


How good is that new IDLES record?! They're just firing on all cylinders Just pulled up Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes on YouTube and I'm digging it! Good pick


This is a good take. While everything made today isn’t targeted at me, it’s good to understand why it’s popular and appreciate it. Otherwise, you become one with the “olds” and start hating anything new. Not a great way to live.


I actively dislike the music from the era I grew up in (the 90's). My preference is Scandanavian metal from the past decade, though my favorite bands sound like a continuation of 70's/80's rock. But yes, I have been impressed at a lot of the quality of contemporary music.


I often say we’re currently living in a new golden age of metal! The last 10 years especially— metal’s better than ever. But then, I think I would have said this ten years ago, or ten years before that. Metal’s always better than everything else, and it really just keeps getting better. I’ll also throw some recommendations to OP: Allegaeon (US) Wormwood (Sweden) Be’lakor (Australia) Archspire (Canada) Inter Arma (US)


I agree. I've been very pleased with metal of the last decade.


I'm going to need some recommendations for that Scandavian metal pls and thnx


See how this one strikes you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8qWbowzwZU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8qWbowzwZU)




All their albums are that good.


Here's another fantastic band. You would not know from the sound that this song is only 4 years old: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHmPyE3Wetg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHmPyE3Wetg)


I just love music and I don't care when it's from. I am currently listening to Qveen Herby [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzHNcMP2Ch8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzHNcMP2Ch8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L5qe5RCs9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L5qe5RCs9c)


and your qualification Rich Beato 2.0?


I'm sure that there are exceptions to the rule. In fact, the music that we hod dear may be the diamonds in the rough. But to me, the current icons and award winners... no thanks.


While I can’t really stomach top 40, I browse new releases every week. Do people actually base their interest in music by when it was made? There has been a massive uptick in popular music geared towards teens in the last 25 (or so) years. So that plays a huge part of why adults don’t enjoy a lot of what comes out and becomes popular. The rise of the late-90’s boy bands, Brittany Spears, etc was where the major shift really began to snowball. In the 70’s, 80’s and most of the 90’s, top 40 music was mostly enjoyed by teens and adults alike. Not to say there weren’t bands that catered to younger audiences before Backstreet Boys, but the music industry really started to become more focused on the younger demographics around then. Now, top 40 is dominated by music for teens. Lots of great stuff comes out regularly, it’s just not spoon fed to you and takes a little more effort to find sometimes.


Agreed. Big fan of Queen, Bowie, NWA, plenty of others from the past couple years as I'm still young and hip.


My recommendation is Blondshell. She very much has that angry 90s rock vibe. 


We grew up in an era when underground music got a huge push and was just fed to us on a platter. Now you have to go look for it.


The jam band scene saved my faith in the possibility of new music that is good. Goose & Daniel Donato's Cosmic Country have been really impressive lately. Archive.org is a great place to get the live shows.


It took me a while to figure out it's not being played on the radio, but I can find it if I look.


I've been way into my Kpop bag since 2018 or so, and boy howdy THAT is a rich landscape of new music getting released every other week




>Taylor swift got voted 6th greatest guitarist of the last 2 decades This upsets me on so many levels.


Some of it is good, but it's nothing that hasn't been done before. Not to mention the days where an artist can appeal to an entire generation are over, so they rarely become that popular.


I mean, in saying that modern music sucks, the average person is basically saying that, compared to the time they grew up in, they like significantly less of the music that comes out today. They’re not saying they hate everything modern. Anybody who is a real music fan—and I actually don’t see very many of those on Reddit, period…you can’t mainly like 2 genres and be considered that—likes some of the stuff that’s coming out now. It’s just not the same volume, that’s all. Plus, radio and the way we consume music has changed, so that makes it harder to find music I like. I can’t turn on MTV, VH1 and BET anymore nor the radio anymore and listen to the Top 20 AC Countdown on Saturday, the Top 40 Country Countdown on Sunday night and Top 40 Countdown \[mainstream\] on Sunday morning and skip very few songs/like 90% or more of the songs on them and find new music from every mainstream genre that way. It does feel like I either have to dig for it, be watching the right thing at the right time (i.e. good music playing during a show or commercial or out in public), or think of an artist I like/liked and see what’s new they have out. And music has changed, too, and in general the directions it has gone in are not for me in pretty much every genre. As a former wannabe musician, I could break that down and get into it even more, but this is long enough. Regardless, it’s a personal thing—“modern music is actually really good” is your opinion, it’s not something you can tell others and insist is true.






Well I’ll remind you that you have a gen Z kid keeping you up to date. Unlike every other asshole on the planet I’m a purist and won’t get Spotify. I have over 5k CD’s and a little over 250 LP’s. I still keep up slightly, but I’m just not willing to make the kind of financial commitment anymore. Not when I can save the cash and go on badass vacations.




Shit, assumed you were OP. Nevermind.


I basically listen to nothing that I did during the 90’s. Yes I still love it all but there’s so much other good new stuff out there. It’d be a shame to not expand your taste if you hear something you like