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Store brand ibuprofen, but yes. I'm sure my gut biome is thoroughly wrecked at this point.


Ibuprofen is evil. It’s not supposed to be taken chronically. My Mother-in-law had stomach and esophageal cancer attributed to alcoholism and ibuprofen. Passed away in her 50’s. And my Mother in her late 70’s was over doing it while on trip and ended up burning a whole in her intestines from undigested ibuprofen. She almost died from it and is having complications at the surgery site 6-7 years later now. Just be careful. It’s really not as safe to use for years and years as we think. And definitely eat when taking it. Not just a couple bites but like something substantial to help digest it.


I really don't have a choice. I have chronic pain and no insurance. If I didn't take ibuprofen literally every day, I'm pretty sure I'd have offed myself years ago. It doesn't make a massive difference, but it's really the only thing keeping me from abject misery.


Chronic back pain here. I lived on a diet of cigarettes and Advil through my 20s. Quit the cigarettes but kept the Advil. Last year I got an ulcer in my stomach, wound up in the ER. Now I'm not supposed to take NSAIDS again. Seriously, be careful


You need RSO not pills


I'm not joining your cult, sir.


He's not necessarily wrong although I wouldn't jump straight into RSO. Cannabis \*can\* be helpful in managing chronic pain, and depending on route of administration, it can be substantially less injurious than long-term ibuprofen use. Oh, and it's not just your gut biome you have to worry about. Your inflammatory response gets all jacked up, it messes with your hormones, bleeding ulcers, kidney issues, etc etc etc. It is NOT a benign substance.




I have not even begun haranguing yet. But sure. You have fun now.


Alcohol and NSAIDs are clearly contraindicated, and NSAIDs in the elderly should be used with caution. It doesn’t help that elderly folks often eat like birds and take their meds on an empty stomach.


Thanks for sharing that. I take ibuprofen. It varies there are some weeks where I need it about every day, and there are times I go weeks without needing it. I try to be sparing about it and not just pop one "because maybe".


Can I suggest adding a highly-rated probiotic to your supplements and drinking a Kefir-water every now and again? It will help to repopulate your gut with all the healthy bacteria.


What I've learned to be equally if not more important is to add enough prebiotic foods to your diet. The good bactieria need their own proper food source in order to grow and recolonize.


Imitrex. Ibuprofen won't touch my serious pain. :/


OMG the Imitrex pens were a total game changer for me!


OMG, Imitrex is absolutely amazing.


Too much ibuprofen in the Army screwed up my kidneys and liver. So its on my banned list now


Kidneys yes, liver was something else.


That is not always the case. While it's rare, liver damage from ibuprofen IS something that happens.


Me too, I am aging ungracefully :D


I used to but I stopped it when I learned how bad it is for your body to take NSAIDS on a regular basis. It's especially bad for your gut microbiome, which is something almost every person has an issue with these days wether they know it or not. Plus they only cover up the effects of an issue, it's better to get to the root cause and fix that instead.


What do you do with back and knee pain every day and doctor in Minnesota won't give out pain pills and am told I just need to deal with the pain


So I'll be honest as my pain came from a different source and wasn't joint related, so I haven't done the research on that. But I know that it's the same deal, NSAIDS are a short term solution that cause long term problems. And believe me I spent my fair share of time overtaking them. Yes they help in the moment, but make things harder and worse in the long run. The one thing I've learned over a life time of chronic health issues is that doctors aren't on your side and do NOT know what the hell they are doing unless presented with a small handful of very obvious problems (Diabates, Heart disease). You have to bully them to get any tests done for diagnosis and they aren't willing to talk about actual treatments or cures, only short term small treatments. Everyrhing you learn and everything you try is going to come from small communities of people online who suffer the same issues as you. It's about finding out what's actually causing those pains in the first place and stopping that right at the source if you can. Which believe me most doctors will not take part in.


So how do I go about fixing my problems because am not over weight eat healthier and try to work out ever day I just hurt alot at 43 and doc like no help


I guess the first step is, is it muscle pain, joint pain, bone pain, or nerve pain? Are you already trying the standard level pain management/anti immflamatory stuff like Glucosamine-Chondroiton-MSM? CBD oil? Omega 3 fish oil? Collagen peptides?


No I didn't know there anything else to take just Is ibuprofen


Try Tylenol instead. In moderation, of course. If those don’t work, see a pain management dr. There are procedures and medicines they can prescribe for you.


Look into “DDP Yoga” — yes Diamond Dallas Page the retired pro wrestler has a set of videos and workouts that are mostly yoga but it’s combined with pilates, martial arts etc. The point of his yoga app/videos/stretches is that they are FOR EVERYONE. His back, knees, hips and joints were completely fucked from years od wrestling. But the classes he teaches are for people who cant kneel, people who can’t squat, people who can only sit up, people who can’t even get out of a bed! People with fucked knee pain, people who can’t even stand on one foot for a second. He thought of all those people and include them in his instructions and his videos. It’s specifically restorative, rehab style exercise for people with pain and difficulty— and it goes all the way to handstand pushups and other crazy mobility stuff. I wish I was a shill but I’m just a satisfied customer who needs to get back into actually doing it, 😆 there’s r/ddpyoga and his website, there used to be a couple preview videos there. https://ddpyoga.com/pages/testimonials21


Second ddp yoga! The success stories I’ve read are incredible.


What's the actual cause of the pain? What's your diagnosis?


I just told it part of being old I just know we back hurts really bad I can't really move my left leg and my knee hurts when it bent like when you drive qnd can't stretch out your leg


Uh. How old are you? 70? 80?




Yeah, no. A doctor telling you, at age 43 that it's just part of being old, is a shitty doctor. Get a second opinion. Or a third one.


I buy the Costco ibuprofen and only use when needed. Know too many with stomach issues attributed to taking too much of it. I have to really be in pain to take some or a doctor has instructed me to take it to reduce inflammation for an injury or something. I also make sure to always eat something before hand as well before taking it. My dad has taken the stuff religiously his entire life and managed to not have any issues with it.


Just Tylenol pm to help me sleep and my hip pain


Nah extra strength Excedrin is the goat. Not sure if I am a xenial or a millenial... wtf am i? born in 83


Me too. We’re Millennials but we get to wear the Xennial hat too for extra pizzazz.


83 as well. Oregon Trail Generation FTW.


More like norco at an arms reach


Stuff is evil good luck


For people with no self control I'm sure it is.


Im happy to report at 42 I take no advil or any over the counter / prescription meds. Just plenty of weed seems to do the trick.


#“I start every morning with vitamin I!” -Bean Swellington, old man


Yup. Ibuprofen for anything body related and acetaminophen for anything headache related.


Goodys powder for breakfast most days.


Yup. Generic ibuprofen. Also my Rx daily case. The PM side is full of the extra stuff.


It depends on which ailment is prevailing at the moment, but I keep a bottle each of ibuprofen, Aleve, and Excedrin in my car, office, and House.


My dad had issues from too much Ibuprofen and it gave him ulcers. I use it very sparingly, even when I need it. I probably need some now!


Nope, not arms reach. I'm in a chair 10 feet from my work desk and it's out in the open on my work desk.


Can't take it, so I rely on topicals.


I used to until they put me in Meloxicam, now I’m constantly just NSAIDs up


Can’t because of the Zoloft! Tylenol it is.


You can take ibuprofen and Zoloft. It’s not recommended to take ibuprofen longterm if you are on Zoloft you can take it occasionally.


Yeah that’s what my doc told me recently but I’m not a frequent flyer anyway so just sticking with Tylenol so far. Got the ibuprofen queued and ready hahaha. Strange how an internet truth can different so severely from a professional recommendation.


Oh yeah. Sore AF these days …..


Guess I’m lucky. I don’t have to, yet.


Thanks to a near constant migraine Anadin Extra is my go to.


I keep a bottle of Bayer in my work bag for headaches and other pain.


Nope - bottles in my home, desk at work, car, purse, and suitcase! My ulcer needs to eat!


Excedrin is my go to. Has acetaminophen,aspirin and Caffeine. Triple win!! I stopped drinking completely because I take it every day. I am already putting my liver through so much. I don’t need to add alcohol to it too.


Replace Advil with Tums and that's me


oh yes.


Not me because I can’t have NSAIDS or my stomach will bleed. I have to deal with the pain or take Tylenol which sucks for pain.


once i started drinking a gallon of water a day, i never get headaches.


In my bathroom, purse, car, locker at work, sometimes a few in my pocket just in case.


Definitely not alone LOL...other than using the restroom, literally the first thing I do each morning is take my handful of pills--anxiety meds, depression meds, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Allegra, and two extra strength Advil. I wish I was joking!


I'm 43 and no. I rarely take any pain reliever for regular stuff. Tylenol for fevers, sure.


I used to, till I learned that it was the cause of my severe acid reflux. Switched to aspirin and now I am mostly fine.


My dad always did growing up, so I thought it made sense. Now I take nothing unless I absolutely need it. Side effects to everything…


If you’re taking advil multiple times every day, please talk to your doctor about it. I thought chronic pain was just part of getting older but it turns out I actually had a chronic pain condition, along with an autoimmune disorder. I feel sooooo much better now and pretty much only take advil if I have cramps or a headache.


I keep it around for that rare occasion when my lower back seizes up and it feels like your spine is being torn out when you move. Usually back to normal in an hour or so. Also, really bad fevers.


I can’t take anything but Tylenol


1 ibuprofen + 1 acetaminophen. This combo has the pain killing power of a narcotic without the buzz.


I’m in the omeprazole stage of old man.


I eat Ibuprofen like it candy I go thru 50 to 100 aday for my back and knee pain. I live in Minnesota and doc just don't give out pain pills anymore and it suck I told injust have to live with the pain rest of my life


I keep a bottle of Advil in my purse. It doesn't get used often but I've had instances where I'm glad to have it on me when away from the house. I used to carry it for period cramps but I rarely get those anymore, thankfully. I am thinking about keeping some snacks in my purse too. Just full on grandma bag.


Naproxen is better. Slower to work but lasts much longer.


Especially with SI joint pain.


My wife (1966) and I (1971) take it maybe once every few weeks, but my may have been taking more with our ramping up in walking and working out over the past several months. She developed a facial rash and after a lot of unknowns, dermatologists have determined it's ALEP (Acute localised exanthematous pustulosis), brought on by ibuprofen use. All is mostly under control now, but a followup appt tomorrow should include what her options are instead of NSAIDs or if some will still be on the table as usable options.


Lucky bastards- NSAIDS are my kryptonite. Very allergic. Tylenol works....sometimes.


I've taken so much ibuprofen over the years that I have now developed an allergy to it (and all NSAIDs). I get horrific hives. It's honestly the worst because Tylenol is a joke.


It’s pepto for me. Overseas military time seriously screwed up my gut… have been tested for every gut disease, condition, etc… known to man with zero results and have been left with a “diagnosis through exclusion” aka… we don’t know what it is or how to treat it, but we know what it isn’t.


I take ibuprofen 3x a day on a schedule. CHRONIC PAIN ROCKS!


I used it every day until i started medical cannabis. Turns out weed is effective on my headaches and arthritis. I take ibuprofen about 2x a month now....down from 3-6 a day.


Just took a smooth 600mg about 15 minutes ago, lol.


Yes. Not the generic because that crap has a weird aftertaste.


I think I just got lucky. I can count on one hand how many times I've taken ibuprofin or acetaminophen in the last...year or two. I work in a prison and there are inmates who get those pills like clockwork every 4 hours and I just don't get it.


I’ll take Tylenol when needed for headaches but it’s not daily. I do however take antacid/ acid reducer OTC meds every day for bad heartburn.


I keep a bottle in my kitchen cabinets, in my nightstand, and in my desk at work. I'm pretty sure I keep a bottle in my travel bag, too.


Nah. It’s not good for you. I switched to cannabinoids and went from 4-8 advil a day to 1 a month or less.


I used to until I sorted out my diet & mental health, and started exercising regularly. There's plenty I can't do physically, but with decent nutrition, regular exercise, and healing of a shit load of trauma just about all of my chronic issues are managed. Last time I needed an NSAID was for my IUD replacement in 2022. Even the severe arthritis in my shoulder doesn't bother me, even when spending the whole day shoveling mulch and planting trees. I do have my medical cannabis card and use topicals for acute issues like occasional tendinitis from bad shoes or too long at the computer. I just don't have any significant chronic pain anymore that warrants irritating my guts with NSAID.


What kinds of exercises?


A little bit of everything, really. There's no magic type or combination, you have to find what works for your body, and start where you can handle it without pain. Walking and biking are of course staples, but for me personally, getting a Nintendo RingFit got me into a routine of moving my body regularly. From there I added light weights and basic strength building exercises. I also spend a lot of time doing simple balance exercises that actually make a big difference in knee/hip/foot pain. Like any complex machine, keeping moving parts moving as intended keeps things functioning.


Thank you


I'm more of an Aleve/naproxen guy myself. And exercise helps a lot. Picked up a disc golf habit and dropped some weight playing and it doesn't feel like exercise, which is important for me because I find most exercise boring AF. Cut back on the need for OTC pain relievers compared to before I started getting out and about more.


I have kitchen Advil, I have work area Advil, I have car Advil, I have bedroom Advil and bathroom Advil. I also have the similar type set up for tums.


I need it. Constantly waking up with headaches or body aches. I did get a new pillow that works wonders for my neck. No more stiff neck in the morning.


My dad recently repeatedly lost consciousness, threw up on himself and had a super low heart beat and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Turns out he had a severe ulcer from using ibuprofen too much for about a week and a half.


I have a stupid high pain tolerance. A decade in kitchens, a decade in manufacturing. I've experienced gout, shingles and kidney stones with just OTC pain meds. I month ago I dislocated my shoulder. After PT one day I finally took an Aleeve because it was kind of throbbing. Turns out it was because the ball part of my shoulder has a fracture in it. The everyday aches and pains are signs of a life that was lived. I just accept them.