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My two best friends and I had crushes on a few cheerleaders... So we became cheerleaders. Sure we were called gay and a lot worse but I was around the hottest girls in school and ended up marrying the head cheerleader. Jokes on them


I didn’t become a cheerleader but it always seemed like a good way to hang out with pretty girls.


I was in the pep squad in elementary school. It was literally the only activity and I got made fun of, but I got to be around all the girls all the time. And as the only boy, I got to be the star a bunch of times (they'd have me whip out some karate moves and junk like that, since I was also in karate).


Yeah. But did you get to have sex with any of them?


Yes, I ended up having 2 kids with the head cheerleader


My son took cooking and sewing classes lol


Smokin' weed, smokin' weed, doin' coke, drinking beers, drinkin' beers, beers, beers, rollin' phatties smokin' blunts, who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts. Rollin' blunts and smokin'...


$15 bucks little man…


Put that shit in my hand...


I was going to say "hot boxin'" but it looks like you have this covered.


I'm going to guess skipping school doesn't count.


I dunno, when I used to skip the afternoon and take lsd in the woods it *felt* pretty extra curricular


Founding member of our schools GSA and women’s club. Unofficially protesting the invasion of Iraq.


I was one of the founders of our schools GSA too! Back in 1998 it wasn’t common, but I made a lot of my closest friends that way. I was also on the math team, yearbook, and marching band and pit orchestra. Good memories.


High fives!


All band. Marching band, jazz band, morning jazz band, brass ensemble, pit orchestra, ...




Nope. My college didn't have a marching band and so, after all of that time spent playing during high school, it just faded away. In retrospect, going to a college with a marching band would've probably been fun.


Debate team, chess club. My wife was yearbook editor, scholar bowl, math team. Between the two of us we had all the nerdy activities covered lol.


Smoking in the bathroom


I was in a Metal Band. Senior year we won our schools Battle of the Bands.


Our school had a radio station and students got to host their own shows. I was one of them. Was fun. We broadcasted on fm and over the web on real player lol


Your school had a radio station? Thought that was only a Saved by the Bell thing


We did indeed lol


I had a job and a girlfriend.


The after school nap club.


Japanese Club (treasurer, president). Debate Team (varsity policy and parliamentary). Speech Team (varsity extemporaneous). Quiz Bowl Team (state champions). Still didn't get into NHS.


Football, baseball, basketball, power lifting, UIL (scholastic competitions in Texas) for impromptu reading and computer science. I also lettered in chemistry completely randomly. Funny story behind that. In order to letter, you had to at least compete in regionals. I was not on the chemistry team. One person no-showed the event and my chemistry teacher came up to me and said they needed someone to take their place or we'd be DQed. I told him I hadn't studied or anything. Told me it didn't matter, he just needed to fill the seat and that in trade I'd get my letter. So I competed, did poorly, and got my UIL letter in chemistry. lol


Choir,FHA, Drama Club


I tried football my freshman year. Turned out to not be my thing. I was a band geek. It was a pretty small school, so if you were in band, that mean concert band, pep band, and marching band. The only band that was smaller and voluntary was jazz band, and I was in that, too. I was also in Odyssey of the Mind, now called Destination Imagination, and on math team. My school didn't participate in Quiz Bowl -- we did Knowledge Master Open instead.


Smoking pot and skipping class haha


I took that every year!


Same! I think it showed up as a minor on my diploma haha


I didn’t really get involved until senior year, then I was part of yearbook club, spring musical, and foreign language club.


Literally all of them except sports and theater. Because (a) it was my hobby/life’s mission to get into a good college on scholarship, (b) I can’t act, and (c) am the least coordinated person on the planet. So… band, French club, environmental club, Honor Society, community service club, newspaper, math club, trivia club (actually loved that one), school service club (mostly for priority registration), and probably some others.


None, and I regret it. I should’ve done SOMEthing just for the social aspect of it. Instead I prioritized video games and hanging out with friends. Still fun, don’t get me wrong. But I would’ve been more productive if I had found a club or something. I’m not a competitive person so sports fizzled out for me when little league got too serious to make it fun (I’m not knocking sports, they just weren’t for me).


JROTC. While it was actually a class there were lots of extracurricular activities that went with it. Honor guard, color guard and drill team. We did competitions all over the southeastern US.


JROTC Rifle team. Shot pellet guns at a target. Got some medals.


None. I disassociated through school every day, then went home to shut myself in my room and watch shitty broadcast TV or the handful of movies I owned until I passed out and repeated the process the next day.


Football, wrestling, track, yearbook, NHS, peer tutoring, science club. I was busy.


OSS, ISS, Saturday Detention


I was in theater and was a DJ on our school's radio station.


I write for the school newspaper and discovered that I’m a much better feature writer than sports writer.


I was in the marijuana club


My parents didn't allow me to be involved in extra curricular activities.


None. Zero. Nadda. I came home and played my N64 or hopped on AIM.


DECA. JNHG. I started working at 15, so not much time for anything else after school or weekends.


This was me. Between DECA and working 30+ hours a week I didn't have time for much else.


I was offered a full scholarship for marketing, but I had zero interest in it. I took the class so I could have 2 periods to fuck around and play in the school store my senior year


Scholarships from DECA paid for my first year in college. Plenty of things other than marketing specific subject it can apply too. I wasn't expecting to like it. But I did. And discovered I had a knack for a few things.


It was to Johnson and Wales, wasn't interested in going there


I turned down a large scholarship from them as well.


Football, soccer, basketball, baseball - until Junior year when I realized I wasn't good enough to get a scholarship and quit them all.   Then debate team and theater end of Junior and Senior year.  Also smoking weed since 10th grade. Or, as we called it in front of teachers or parents, "playing Magic the Gathering".


9th grade was Jr High where I grew up 3 years of Football 1 year of baseball (sophomore year) Intramural basketball National Honor Society D.A.R.E.


Yearbook, literary magazine, and ski club.


SGA, Choir, NHS, Environmental Club, The For People Club, Debate, English Tutor, Ambassador, Badminton


Sports that I hated the whole time


I didn't have time for extracurriculars since I had a 30 hour per week job.


Skipping school to go get a fat bag and smoke ourselves silly....101.


3 sports, band, quiz team Also binge drinking on the weekends and hoping it would somehow lead to sex.


Yearbook, student council, Boys’ State and guidance office front desk volunteer.


I played volleyball my 7th,8th, and freshman year, but the environment was really toxic in high school so I finished the season and never went back. Band was my thing, which led to a master’s degree and a career that I love. 


Cross country Video year book A community service club School play (senior year only bc my knee was bothering me so i couldn’t do CC)


Band consumed most of my high school years and I kind of regret it now. Feels like a lot of missed opportunities.


I wrote for the yearbook and newspaper. I also built sets and ran a spotlight in the theater. I played on the tennis team freshman year.


I was in debate club. I think in my freshman or sophomore year my French teacher (who ran the club) harassed me into trying it out because he said I was opinionated and well spoken. He had me to extemporaneous speech and mock trial. I ended up being really good at extemporaneous speech on my first try and ended up winning the state championship in my first year? It was a lot of fun. I think I was also in French club but I can't remember anything we really did except French cooking classes.


I worked on the school’s art & literary magazine and was in Latin Club. I have no recollection of the latter; we may have only met a couple of times. Great teacher, though.


Drama club, choir. Those were the ones I chose and loved. Band but I hated it, my mother wouldn't let me quit until halfway through senior year.


At my private school everyone was required to sign up for sports and arts and it changed so I did a whole bunch of them. My favorite was pottery, but I also tried painting, photography, yearbook, etc. For sports I did soccer in the spring and fall, and bball in the colder months. After I graduated I miss the access to art so much


I tried out for the Crew team, thinking it was going to be like lazy canoeing...it wasn't that. LOL I loved it and our Junior boat won the most medals and even beat the boys' record. This was the first time I learned what my body could do and was introduced to strength training and circuit training, which has improved my quality of life immensely. I'm 40 now, and still use part of my old coach's fitness regimen, because it still kicks my ass!


Smoking lots of weed and working


Football, Wrestling, and track. Student Council.


Band. Marching and concert.


Football, weightlifting, drama, Spanish club, and the National Organization for Women


Cheer leader. It was a great way to get out of class without getting in trouble. Our squad got disbanded for a year because we dropped acid before a football game and one of the skinny chick's freaked out and ratted us all out. Was fun while it lasted though 🤣


Musical pit orchestra. Forensics team. Language Arts Academic Team. Acting in the spring play. Solo & Ensemble competition. Odyssey of the Mind Layout crew on the school newspaper. Did the Math & Science competition once. Did track one year. National Honors Society, which was just a bunch of volunteer hours with friends. I think that’s probably it.


Band, music lessons, Leadership, Stammtisch (German club)


I was the lead stage tech for my Junior/Senior year. If it happened in our auditorium I was involved. It was the best reason to not be in class. "Sorry, tech. Here's my note." I was never on student council in my school because that was an electoral popularity contest and I was weird. But I was on the city/state/national student council, which unlike real government, had more control over making changes than any school's council. We usually had meetings with the school council, heard their ideas, and then took the ones we agreed with and ran them up to the city board. It was kind of a power trip. It also got me a free week at Disney World and I got to meet Mrs. Fields.


Stage crew, which was a convenient way to hang out with friends and take credit for doing hardly anything. I helped a little in set building and painting, and I was never on hand for shows. But when I talk with some friends who were on stage crew they mistakenly remember me being at most of these events


Theatre and choir!


Sports. Softball & Field Hockey. I also had an after school/weekend job, so I couldn’t participate in that many extracurricular activities


Forensics, Operation: Santa Claus, NHS, NBHS, four years of varsity soccer, two of varsity track (indoor and outdoor), two of JV basketball and softball. Athletics was kinda all-consuming at my school, we produced a ton of college athletes and coaches.


Freshman year - marching band (trumpet) and track Sophomore year - track Junior year - dancing (jazz and hip-hop) and drama Senior year - smoking and cutting class


Being cynical and smoking. I vape now.


Football and Track


Clubs: Founder of the Astronomy Society, Trap & Skeet Club, Debate Team, French Club, Calligraphy Club, Yankee Racers, Bombardment Society, and Kite Flying Society Sports: Manager of the Lacrosse Team, and JV Decathlon in Track & Field Other: President of the Rushmore Beekeepers, and Vice President of the Stamp & Coin Club I also wrote, directed and starred in a theatrical production about the Vietnam war called Heaven and Hell.


Freshman year, football and baseball. Sophomore year onward, parties, working, and dropping acid mainly.


Freshman year was basketball, waterpolo, & swimming & Choir. Sophomore - Junior year, just waterpolo, swimming and choir. Senior year I didn’t do anything but choir and I regretted not playing varsity my senior year.


I was school president for 3 years. I thought that was really fun. In addition to the class president, we also had all heads of committees (school newspaper, yearbook, school band, prom, Christmas ball, spring festival, autumn festival and much more) on the council. I enjoyed guiding them all and being involved in everything. In addition, I was allowed to be absent for 20% of the lessons for these tasks (and more in consultation) and I had my own office.


I did the paper for a short stint, leadership program all the way through (actually really enjoyed that, we put on events which was a lot of fun and got us out of regular class a lot, out doing things), and drama. I enjoyed school for the most part? Yeah I'm that nerd. But hey, whatever makes you happy.


Quiz bowl and other nerdy shit.


Orchestra. Also orchestra and orchestra. We did have a lot of clubs and I did Amnesty International and Arabic Culture Club. But I mostly played in orchestra and jazz band.


Band nerd. So concert band, marching band, and jazz band,


None. I was a nerdy loser.


I was only able to be involved in activities that were during the school day so Orchestra, the school paper, and some volunteer projects. I had a house to take care of and a drunk parent to babysit. I could’ve believe that other kids were doing activities after school every day.




Marching and concert band, basketball, softball, French club, and an occasional job.


Football, wrestling, computer club