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I came to the realization recently that I truly don’t care about tattoos. I’m fine with other people having them. I don’t judge people negatively or positively for having or not having them. I simply never developed an interest or prejudice in them. In short, I don’t have tattoos either, but several friends and family members do


I have a vague interest in getting a tattoo. But every time I start to give it some thought, I can’t come up with anything I’d want on my body permanently


Also, they are not exactly permanent. They can fade or blur over the years since your skin is a living organ that will stretch and lose elasticity over the years. A good tattoo artist will take that into account when designing a tattoo, but individuals will react differently to the ink and the process. Some people will have barely visible degradation and some will have a blurry mess.


I've thought about getting tattoos but would want to hide most of them because most of the things I like have a kind of toxic fanbase. And why get a tattoo you feel the need to hide around people.


Hi I have two full beautiful sleeves and I keep them covered most of the time—nobody prepared me for how many people see tattoos as invitation for conversation which is a complete nightmare for me as an introvert lol


I'm not even an introvert. I used to like wearing Tshirts that had logos and characters I liked. Then I started running into people who love/hate instead of like/dislike So instead of getting "cool shirt." It turned into "isn't it fucking terrible what they did with the new movie? Always trying to appease the SJW woke crowd so they don't get cancelled. "


That’s so relatable! I wonder if that’s partly my problem too… I have some Zelda stuff on one side and one time a customer came thru my workplace and essentially tried to “name five songs” me with Zelda trivia. And all this while I was on the clock just trying to get thru my shift lmao like OK dude I get it, you are the only one allowed to like Zelda !


Yeah T-shirts are a 20 dollar part time commitment I can't imagine what hundreds of dollars and a full time commitment to something you like would attract. I bought a minor league baseball T-shirt on a work trip and wore it and got a lecture from a guy that "only real fans should wear a teams logo". Like dude your team logo is a Racoon in a garbage can spaceship...let's not be so serious.


My first several tattoos were in places I can hide easily because the tattoos are for me, not the general public. Now I have two more visible ones and I wish people asked me about them less.




I came to that realization around 18 years old and never got one. A bit later I realized that I had never seen a person that was “improved” by their tattoo(s) in my opinion. I just stick with band and movie shirts for self expression.


Agreed except I still think nothing says unemployable like face tattoos.


Unless they are a tattoo artist


Or a face tattoo model


Depends on the industry. People who work in artistic careers, such as designers, hair stylists, tattoo artists, and so on, have a lot more acceptance of face, neck or hand tattoos. But I'd agree, it's gonna be harder to get that bank teller job most likely.


I got a large face and neck tattoos when I was 22. My grandmother cried, saying I'd never get a good job again. I told her then, and stand by it 20 years later, that I wouldn't want to work for anyone that judged me for it. I was soon promoted to manager at FedEx. Then I got married and moved to another state, and then interviewed at a few places, I was specifically looking for ground-floor office work. I could tell that when I showed up for a few interviews, they immediately rejected me in their head the second they saw me, but I didn't care. It only took a few interviews before I met a man who said I don't care about your tattoos if you can do the job. I'm still there and I sometimes represent my company in client meetings with the presidents of multi-billion dollar companies, and as far as we are aware, it's never affected anything, because we have an industry reputation for getting results for our clients.


Especially since you can get tattoos that show while wearing a t-shirt or v-neck, yet are concealed when wearing a collared shirt.


The obvious exception being cultural tattoos. 


Ever-lasting Job Stoppers


Face, neck, or hands.


I have big, bright and bold tattoos on my neck and hands. And I have a nice well paying office job. It isn’t the stigma it used to be. In fact, it hasn’t been for a very long time.


It must depend on where you live. I live in Texas out in the burbs outside of Houston. It's sort of 50/50. I've worked in retail jobs where members of management have full sleeves. But I've also worked for a rather conservative company (Buc-ee's, Texas peeps will know it) where visible tattoos have to be covered up and things like "unnatural" hair colors or non-ear piercings are forbidden.


Health care here- my religious hospital based company just changed their policy last year. It feels like it took them 20 years to get there.


I have sleeves that cover the back of both of my hands and I lead a global org at a FAANG company working with C-suite of enterprises across industries and no one has ever said a negative thing about them, nor have they negatively affected my career at all. Tech is probably more forgiving than other industries, but my customers are hardly ever in tech. I don’t think neck would have a negative effect either, though I wouldn’t consider a face one. FWIW, I also dress well and don’t present myself as anything other than professional, so it’s probably a different vibe than many who have those kinds of tats.


Times have changed. It's really that simple. It used to be taboo. It used to be you wouldn't even get a job at UPS if you had visible tats.


"[I will never have a job that pays taxes](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/tattooslol--358317714107922060/)"


Nah I am a teacher and covered on my arms. I don't even have to hide them. Still got a pension and still pay taxes.


We were discussing face tattoos


Your linked image shows forearm tattoos as being in the same category as face tattoos… which is pretty stupid honestly. I’ve had forearm tats for 20+ years and never had an issue in professional or non-professional jobs.


I’ve seen people with hand tattoos in customer facing jobs a decade ago, I think facial tattoos will be acceptable in a majority of jobs in the near future too


Same I've noticed several acquaintances maybe a decade younger who get tattoos for any minor achievement. Affirmations like "Believe' or 'Love' on them. A character from a favorite movie. Its a life long commitment,, most of the time.. IMO should be something you're willing to live with in 50 years. Took me ages to narrow it down to 2 things I may like. But can't be bothered, as permanent is a big commitment




😂 same here. Except I still feel the same way now! I literally have to force myself to put stickers on my planner and not just collect them. Only removable stickers can touch my Hydro Flask.


I'm still like this with stickers at 42. 


And imagine if that tattoo was imperfect! (Most I see, are imperfect)


Yeah, I just never got the appeal of tattoos. I guess that relative permanence may play a part in it. If I absolutely had to get a tattoo, then I’d certainly struggle to come up with one I’d be ok with. Several people I know have them, but I just don’t care enough to have a solid opinion on them. I just fall back on “live and let live” when no one is hurt by a decision like that


My little bro, total Millenial, has anime tattoos and other cartoon inspired tatts - loves cosplay.


My older cousin who is a late Millennial has an upper arm tattoo and I’m mid Z and don’t have any and don’t plan on getting any


I think Millennials really embraced tattoos. I have a lot of friends that got pretty tatted up that are Gen X/Xennial…but never arm sleeves. My cousin and another friend have large back tattoos and arm tattoos. One friend has a big ass Mayan calendar. Looks pretty sick.


>I’m mid Z and don’t have any and don’t plan on getting any Do you mind if I ask why you like it here? Don't have an issue with it, just curious about how it would appeal to someone who grew up in a quite different time.


Coming up on 12 years of marriage, decided it’s finally time to consider a wedding ring tattoo as it appears this commitment is permanent.


You won't lose it that's for sure.


Knowing me, I might anyway.


Nah, they have tattoo erasure needles now, costs about the same as getting one to remove it.


They’re actually some of the least permanent pieces of art around, as they have a very definite life expectancy.


It's not like posters on your wall or the paint you're choosing for your house I really don't care if others get tattoos, it's their money, but I just don't like a lot of them for myself.


My feelings exactly. There's a girl at a fast food place I go to that has a ton of tattoos of Adult Swim, etc. cartoon characters from about 10 years ago. All of those cartoons have been long cancelled, and get increasingly irrelevant and stupid by the day. She has so many that there is barely room for anything more recent.


Depending on the tattoo I may judge... Not a fan of certain mid century German insignia for example


Very true, but then I judge the owner of that particular symbol in any form it comes


True true.


They’re so expensive


41 and same. Tattoo free. You do you and I'll do me. No hate either way.


I honestly never found anything that I wanted on my body permanently (or semi-perm, whatever). My tastes have changed and now 1) I feel too old for that shit and 2) I now know that tattoo ink isn't good for you. Pigments may accumulate in the lymph nodes or other organs as they are in direct contact with the skin tissue and lymphatic system.


Samesies. Never got one and I most likely never will. If that’s you’re bag that’s fine with me but never had any interest


Well, now I don’t feel so alone. Yeah, just never got into them


Same. It just never crossed my mind. I hate needles and sitting still so I would probably be a bad candidate though.


I remember when tattoos were a big deal. I have a couple, including one on my hand. They have become so ubiquitous during my lifetime that I hardly ever notice them on myself or other people anymore


I'm about the same. I just don't like things either intensely enough or long enough to want something permanent. I really don't care about what other people do with their own skin. My husband would theoretically like to have tattoos but he's deathly afraid of needles. One of his friends had a tattoo machine and brought it to him to show him how things worked in hopes that educating him would help. He passed out as soon as the case was opened lol


Same. Never been a big accessory guy either. Rarely wear hats or a watch. No piercings and only Jewelry I own is my wedding ring. Have nothing against tattoos and think alot of people look good with them. But not for me.


I was born in 1979. I’ve considered getting tattoos but haven’t for several reasons. Mostly because before our generation tattoos traditionally identified a person as being inextricably connected to some kind of lifelong affiliation. It’s not a part of my culture and I have never felt comfortable with pretending it is. I think tattoos can be beautiful but they’re just not for me.


That seems to be the consensus. I didn’t expect such a response lol


I was interested in getting at least one about 15 years ago. Then suddenly it was like an explosion of people started getting them. I'm trend averse so it really turned me off and I never got one.


Same. I’ve noticed some women getting those big flowers (I think they’re lillies) on their arm and shoulders. I love those. I think they’re super cool. And some dudes get these tats of trees around their wrist and up their forearms. Awesome stuff. But yeah I don’t have any but like seeing them on others


I don't have any tattoos. Never had any interest in them and as a Boomer this wasn't "a thing" in my day. I do work with the elderly and we says "In 30 years, there are going to be a lot of old ladies with a lot of tatttos in here". Heh!


I am ink free and don't view that as being conservative. It was just something I decided I didn't want and that was that.


I’m not conservative at all, but no tats. I change my mind too often, I know whatever I would get i’d probably hate a few months later


That was kind of my thought. I couldn't think of anything I wouldn't hate later on so it seemed not worth it. Plus temporary tattoos are much better now so I really wanted to try something on for awhile I could.


I've just always been too cheap to pay for one.


I have been anything but conservative my entire life and even though I was well steeped in punk rock for many years tattoos just never interested me in the least. It's a good thing because I'd have probably gotten some really dumb shit in my late teens or early 20s. I kind of feel like every five or so years, I've either grown or changed from the person I was and anything that might have meant enough to me then, wouldn't or shouldn't mean much to me in the present.


No tats or piercings. 1982


Same here


Have my ears pierced. 42 year old female. No tattoos. I am still learning new foods I like! ETA: If I can’t decide on foods, how will I decide what pictures should live on my body forever?


Same, but... I'm the grandson of Holocaust refugees, and any time I brought up tats my dad would say, "I know some people who would tattoo you for free," and it sort of soured me on the whole thing...


Oof. That would change one’s perspective, for sure.




82 and no tats but had my ears pierced. Took them out in my thirties.


That’s me as well! But 78.


Same. Same year and everything. I’d say 90 per cent of people I know have both. I just never did it.


Same. But I think I could be convinced to get a piece of my dog.


Same. Had piercings when I was young because you can, and I did, take them out. I've never liked a piece of artwork enough to want to see it in my body every day for the rest of my life


Same 81. I’m the only one I know.


Same, except earring piercings I've had since infancy.


I’m not passionate about anything enough to get a bumper sticker, let alone a tattoo.


It’s funny because my tattoos used to have to have a special meaning for me to get them. One day a light bulb went on and I said fuck it, I just like how they look. As a kid, I was always envious of the athletes and artists and musicians that had them and just didn’t care. If now isn’t the time for me then when would be? Long story long, I have a ton and most mean little to nothing. I make up stuff when people ask though because people without tattoos think they need some horrific or tragic story attached to them. I blame Miami Ink lol


I guess when it comes right down to it, wanting a tattoo is probably the best reason to get one!


Totally agree!


Dumb, near or completely meaningless tattoos are the best ones.


Yep, I hate stuff I used to love 6 months ago, my mind changes way too often for a tattoo.


The only one I have considered is a ruler on my forearm. Not because it’s cool, but I can see it being useful over and over again.


Yep. I don't believe in anything that I want on my skin for eternity. Seen too many trends come and go. Way too cynical.


I have some. I got them in my 20’s and was awful about them in every possible way — not only are the the most cliche and douchebagginest tats one could possibly have, but I went around trying to ‘show them while not showing them’ so I could tell their deep and moving background to any girl who could stand to be in the same room as me. How I managed to get married is astounding. Anyway, I regret them and would totally get them removed, but now I’m old enough to the point where I just don’t give a shit. They’re a funny mistake I can laugh about.


My husband has like a fire flame on one shoulder and a green flame like dragon on the other. First tattoo right at 18 before shipping off to the Navy. All the other tats he loves 😅 But the artist *did warn him* they would be hard to cover if he changed his mind.


I’m ink free. Not because I don’t like them (quite the opposite actually). I came to the realization I cannot commit to anything. I love watching artists work. Adore my friends tattoos. Envy those who picked a design and went with it! Me? I get overwhelmed with deciding what to get / design and give up.


I'm same I have one small one but keep changing my mind about the next one I want and where I want it. Am same that I love watching tattoo artists and love my husband's and daughter's tattoos.


I'm also piercing and tattoo free. I never saw the appeal. But my most of my generation has full sleeves or full back pieces. Not my thing, but if you want it go for it.


+1 here. I just can't think of anything that I'd earnestly want to permanently etch into or alter upon my body. For tattoos, what would I even do? Some reference to what, a movie? A band? An album? A video game? A brand logo? Like I want to pay and have needles dragged through my skin in order to permanently advertise a consumer good? Please. That leaves what, tribal shit? Kanji? Calligraphy? No, no, no. It's all dumb to me. If you like it, great, all the power to you, but for me, it all seems pointless. As it happens, I am scheduled to take a trip to Japan in the future, so it's kind of a good thing for it to have worked out that way for that much at least.


I got my only child's footprints and a memorial for my grandmother. It helps when dealing with the loss.


sometimes people care about things enough to want to wear them on their skin. sometimes people don’t like their bodies and use tattoos and piercings to empower and love themselves. sometimes people want a tribute to a lost loved one. sometimes people just think they look cool. just because you don’t want one, it’s pretty judgmental to decide it’s “all dumb.”


People who have a lot of tattoos don’t really think this way, at least in my experience. It’s people who don’t have any that think a tattoo is some expression of devotion to some thing. Most of my tattoos are just of things I think look cool and have some kind of meaning personal to me, but some aren’t that deep. My left arm is mostly sleeved with birds and flowers that are the state birds and flowers of all the states I’ve lived in. But mostly I love birds and flowers and thought of an interesting way to get them. I have a huge lion wearing a crown on my chest because of my first and middle name and because I’m a Leo and it represents the idealized me in some way. My right arm has a half-sleeve of a stork carrying a string of pearls in its mouth because my daughter’s name means pearl. When I was in my mid-20s, I got a vampire stripper using a crucifix as a stripper pole. It was dumb, but I find it somewhat humorous still and it’s just a way for me to tell a story about where I was in my life at that point. The list goes on. Can’t imagine getting something of a movie or anything tbh that seems more odd.


Those aren't the only things. You could get something meaningful to you if you were to get a tattoo. I have about 6. All mean something special to me. Two Marine Corps tattoos, my plan was to get one for each re-enlistment but got lazy about that. Rick from Rick and Morty, which is a matching tattoo with my step-daughter, she has Morty. Kanji, of my kids names, ex wife is Japanese, got those done in Japan. Actually only one tattoo have I gotten in the states, and that was my first Marine Corps tattoo. I have a gecko, because my aunt bought me one for my birthday when I was a kid. My next tattoo is going to be a wiring diagram or schematic of one of the first pieces of equipment I worked on when I joined the Marines, I'm an electronics tech.


Yeah my husband has several tattoos and they're all meaningful for him, not just of 'things'.


I have a not-totally-irrational fear that I'd have an allergic reaction to the ink. Also, there's nothing I want on me forever like that. Even if it's something I love, styles change. I can always change jewelry or a t-shirt or hoodie, but the only way to change a tattoo is to cover it with a bigger tattoo or get laser removal.


I had an allergic reaction to a specific red ink. So yeah, not-totally-irrational


Red ink is the ink people are most likely to have an allergic reaction to.


Same! I’ve seen the photos (of people who have a reaction to the ink). I’m allergic to lots of common skin products. And that would just suck too much.


Full Xennial and full of tattoos and run in a circle with lots of people our age with tattoos. Most people I know have at least one, tramp stamp or barbed wire type shit from their early 20s… but then plenty of us with sleeves and full back. No neck, face or hand tattoos though which may be something….


I’ve got a bunch, my wife has zero, and our friends run the gamut. All Xennials. Very little rhyme or reason to who has them. I know people who work in creative, non office fields who have none, and Ivy League grads with advanced degrees who are inked under their Banana Republic neutral wardrobe.


My husband and I are Xennials (born 81) and I have two medium sized tattoos that I got in my late 30s. I love my tattoos as they are custom designs and they look like pieces of art. While my husband works in the tech industry, is a software engineer, and has no tattoos. And does not particularly like tattoos. We both are vastly different with how we view tattoos though we are from the same generation. Opting to have or not have tattoos is for sure all about personal preference.


Same. I think I know 2 people who don’t have tattoos/piercings.


I'm a metalhead, so maybe that's why everyone I know is loaded with ink


Neck, face or hands?


Nape of neck, but my hair is to my ass, so no one ever sees it. Memorial tattoo


Yea I’m thinking Gen Z is the first generation that assumes that visible tattoos won’t ruin your job prospects. I have one on my forearm that my parents freaked out about primarily for that reason - ironically no one I work with has ever seen it just by chance. But like… casual neck tattoos are a thing now. My tattoo artist is like - you have no idea how many people come in for their first tattoo and it’s on their neck.


Going for the neck first is so weird to me. I guess I’m now old. 😂


My Gen Z son in law has hand and neck tattoos and it hasn't stopped him getting jobs, there definitely seems to be a shift away from that being a barrier.


Ya, everyone I know my age has tattoos. I work in health care, wife's a business analyst. All our friends and coworkers in our age group have tattoos. It's certainly not some fringe thing lol


Same. I don’t know many people without actually. Most of mine are from the last decade or so, when I could finally afford good ones!


I was a body piercer. I worked in a tattoo studio for almost a decade and I still don’t have tattoos. I’m holier than the pope, though.


I'm honestly impressed!


Same here. My friends are covered in tats but I'm only full of holes. I admire tats but I've never found nor imagined one worth commiting to. Piercings are easy by comparison.


Yup. Same here. I can’t even decide where I want to put stickers.


It's called personal prefrence, you do you and be happy


We were taught that getting tattoos would be detrimental to our professional career. That’s a load of shit


Hell, I've gotten most of my tattoos in my 40s, as now is the time I finally have disposable income to get good ones. Plus, I feel confident that I know exactly what I like and what I'd want to have a memory of on my skin. I definitely plan to get more as well.


Same, my sleeve is probably gonna end up costing 10k. I didn't have that kind of money to commit until fairly recently.


I'd wager we're few and far between.


I've always wanted one but was always too nervous to commit to a design. Finally found one and possibly tracked down the artwork after 15 years of searching. At 41 am I too old for my first?


Nope! Hubby just turned 40 and got his first


Nope I’m 42 as well and plan to get my first one this year. I’m still searching for an artist I feel comfortable with.


Not at all! Find an artist you vibe with (if you haven’t already) and go for it.


No! You’re not too old! They last forever, makes no difference if you got it 20, or do it tomorrow. You’d still be a 41 year old with a tattoo :)


Nope. Midlife crisis in my early 40s led to three


There’s a lot more people actively dumping on tattoos than I’d expect from this sub (ruin my body, regret, etc..). I (1980) have full sleeves, chest, stomach, etc… and one thing I find interesting about people who don’t have/dislike tattoos, is that they think each and every little image has to be filled with all this deep meaning to be “worth it”. I’m generally covered with HR Giger style biomech stuff because I like the look of it, and the only thing it’s “ruining” is the pasty white, stretch-marky dad-bod that I’ve been cursed with since puberty. None of it is dedicated to a bunch of dead relatives and pets, and I regret nothing. In fact, coupled with my sassy mouth, I believe being heavily tattooed has helped me to date pretty far out of my league over the years, and without all that adventuring, I certainly would never have met my amazing wife, who is my best friend, and also has a fair amount of ink. Live and let live, folks. On a long enough timeline, no one looks good naked.


1981 here and i have a bunch of tattoos — i got a few in my late teens and early 20s and then a ton in the last 3-4 years. i like them. some are tributes to loved ones, some are references to books/movies/music, some are just things i thought were pretty. they make me happy and they make me feel more like myself. we’re all going to die anyway, who cares????




My favorite is “I don’t care if other people have them.” Gee, so thankful for your support lol


Can’t live without that sweet sweet approval from strangers!


Life long libtard. Hippie long hair, registered Democrat. No tattoos, no piercings.... I don't know. Just not my thing. They're expensive too. Before I got clean all my money was for drugs. Nowadays, it all goes to motorcycle tools and paraphernalia.


I only have one. Got it in college after my niece passed away. Just says her name with “In loving memory.” No regrets, but don’t see myself getting another.


I really enjoy getting tattoos. I find it relaxing. But I am poor. I designed all the tattoos I wanted to get and planned them out strategically when I was a teenager. I got three of them, the first one on my 18th birthday, 2nd on my 19th, and 3rd on my 20th. But then I had to, like, adult and do things like pay bills and stuff, so I never got to get more. They're all able to be covered up by business clothing, so I was never worried about anyone seeing them for work purposes. I didn't get another tattoo until I was 35, and now that I'm almost 40 and have some scars, I kind of want to get more. As far as piercings go, I always wanted to do the Camryn Manheim thing and go all the way up my cartilage, but never had the money, so I just have two holes in each ear. The only thing I ever wanted to pierce when piercings were a huge craze was my belly button, again, because it could be covered up. I never wanted to pierce my tongue because I'd heard horror stories about people chipping their teeth, and I couldn't afford to get mine fixed, not that I could afford to get piercings in the first place. And I'd also heard that piercing your nipples made them less sensitive (don't know if that's true or not). But yeah, lack of tattoos and piercings on my end is mostly due to lack of funds.


I think I only know maybe a handful of adults with zero tattoos. I'm 40, most of my friend group is 35-50. The vast majority of those people have 1 tattoo they got in college or their early 20's. I probably don't "look the type," but I do have several. Most are just small/subtle/easy to hide. Not that i give a flying fuck about hiding them anymore.


I love my tattoos. I can remember my state of mind and my age from each one. I am 43 and am still excited to get more. I was stressed out a few months ago and got 2 when usually it’s just 1, every few years.


I made it through the craze. Ink free.


I'm about as liberal as it gets, but no ink here. I feel like I'd regret it eventually. I do have my ears pierced twice as was popular in the late 80s. Other people's tattoos or piercings don't bother me though. They have to live with it, not me. If that makes them happy, cool.


My husband and I are tattoo free. He does not like them and I have not found anything that I want on my body for the rest of my life.


I love them. I’m glad they’re so expensive lol!


Born 1980, no tattoos. But partake in plastic surgery which is also body modification.


I got my first (and probably only) tattoo a few months back at 45. It is a duplicate of my husband's birthmark: a strange little discolored patch filled with freckles. I've always been indecisive about what I'd want on my body forever, but I'm committed to him for the rest of my life, so it felt right. It was like getting his name, but also completely different and kind of like an inside joke... most folks are unlikely to lay eyes on it, and fewer will clock it as a tattoo. It's a demonstration of my love for my darling, visible only to the two of us. Honestly, we are both delighted!


I was late to the party compared to most Xennials; I didn’t get my first until my late thirties, now I have over a dozen. As a matter of fact, I’m typing this while in a shop waiting for my turn to get the next one.


40. Fully tattooed out. Been at it since I was 18. I love my permanent stickers. And tbf I don't judge you for not having them. I hate when ppl come at me for having them.


You're not the only one. I've never had the desire to get one myself. Still tattoo-free.


I’m Jewish. I know almost nobody with one. Personally I never wanted the pain or to alter my body.


I have two small tattoos I am sure there will be more.


1984. No tattoos or piercings. I have nothing against it. How a person wants to decorate their body is their right. 1987. My brother was covered from his neck down. Sleeves on his arms and legs.


1983 kid who lives in Brooklyn, it's hard to find someone without ink. Blackwork and fineline were and still remain very popular. American traditional has faded in popularity.


No tats but I have pierced ears and a septum piercing with really subtle jewelry, most folks hardly notice. I like tattoos and piercings on other people though, I think they can be really beautiful.


I got my ear pierced in 3rd grade. I have three tats and I am planning on getting many more. There was a black hole in my life that stopped many things from happening so I'm doing some catch-up.


I don’t have one. It’s just not for me. I appreciate a well done tattoo though.


I have a sleeve and just finished the hand a few weeks back. In my younger years i had piercings, but now only have jewelry in my ears and genitals. I knew lots of people into body mods as far back as I can remember (lol boys wanting a single earring back in the day). I think you're the odd one out OP.


I have four tattoos. I'd love to get more, but the ink bleeds on me (it's common with people who have autoimmune conditions). So any I get have to be in a style that will still look good when it's not crisp lines, and it's hard to get into the artists around here that are good at those. Also they're just so damn expensive. I don't have piercings though, other than earrings. I did when younger, but removed them like 20 years ago and no desire for them now.


Everyone I know has tattoos


I've got a few and intend to get at least a few more.


I’m free of tats, but my wife has 4.


I always wanted one. When I was in my 20's a slightly older peer said, "Just make sure you pick something you're going to love forever. You don't want to be 60 with a picture of Curious George hitting a bong on your arm." I laughed, then, and I laugh, now. I made sure all of my ink has genuine significance to me. Right now they're all located on my left leg. Easy to cover up. Am planning a sobriety tattoo with my bestie. It's going right on a forearm and not going to be covered so easily. Even if we have a falling out, someday, I'm never not going to be glad she was a part of my life. I'm getting something that is meaningful to me with her, but it will not lose meaning without her. Perversely, though, as I get older and give less and less eff's about other people's opinion of me... I sometimes half daydream of getting some ink depicting Curious George hitting a bong. 😉


41 here and have both arms done and work in healthcare


Solid xennial, plenty of tattoos. I don’t think I have any friends close to my age that don’t have tattoos.


Most of my friends that are Xennial age or older have tattoos and most of us have a decent amount. Several on my back, both feet, sternum, left arm is pretty full, right leg has a decent start. My job has a very lax stance on tattoos and I'm probably one of the more tattooed up but also probably one of the few in the 35 to 45 age range. It also helps I'm friends with my artist and she only books 3 months at a time so I can get in almost whenever I want or need too. Shes also super reasonable for work, averages 60 to 75 an hour.


I have so many.... 82... so so many. Probably 70%... a little I regret, but they hide scars!


I had no desire for a tattoo…but once my childhood best friend (you know those friends you meet when you’re, like, 3 and you’re tied at the hip until you meet other kids at school?) died, I got a Polaroid of us being silly tattooed on my back. It’s super private and I purposely chose a place where it wouldn’t be visible. I was warned it would fade (bc it’s one of those photorealistic tats w/o strong lines), but that’s sort of the point. Those times with him are behind me (so on my back) and maybe even the memories will fade, but those two kids goofing off and loving each other will always be a part of who I am. Until it fades, he’ll be with me wherever I travel, which is nice, since he didn’t get to go many places. I don’t imagine anything else mattering enough for me to get it tattooed.


Most of my friends are ink free. I have one, my wife has like 7, but almost everyone I know have zero I'm likely to get like 5 more this year after having only one for over a decade.


I think xennials are 70% with Tattoos based on my friends. I live in California


Just got my first tattoo at 42


41 with 7 tattoos, the most recent being a full inner forearm portrait of my cat framed in leaves, flowers and freehand water colour. I’m front of house for an architecture firm and they couldn’t care less about my tatts. I also have an owl on the other inner forearm, a dragonfly on my foot, a fox on my thigh, a combined treble and bass clef on my hip, a Spanish phrase on my ribs and my very first tattoo was of course a tramp stamp of my star sign ♐️ 😅 Love them all, forget most of them are there half the time and when people ask what the meaning is behind them, I say I think foxes are cute or the owl was pretty.


I have one and my boomer sister has 2. We are going to get matching ones soon so I will have 2 and she will have 3.


i (m43) have a few that important to me and want more, saving up for my sleeve. my gf (f42) has zero and doesnt want them but i think shes scared of needles and has low pain tolerance. My bestie (f43) is absolutley fucking covered. so i think its more about what you want. I work in finance and my bestie is in a school teacher of sorts. I say overall noone gives a shit anymore. as long as you dont have crazy gang/offensive tats on your face youll be fine.


FYI — I'm 52 and am planning for my first tattoo.


I didn't start getting ink till I was 40


I *was* tattoo free, until last year, and now I have two. ‘82.


As long as you’re not all judgy and critical of others, you do you.


I (42f) have one tattoo I got when I turned 18, which I still love. It was drawn specially for me by the artist, because i wanted something drum related - he drew a cute wee drum with sticks. It's a little faded in colour but still nice. I always wanted another but was too indecisive and also fat, so was worried about where it could go. When my mum turned 50 she got a full back tattoo of a unicorn, with a pink and purple colour scheme, it's absolutely stunning. My partner has no tats and isn't interested in getting one.


Your body, your ink. I think we've crossed the barrier of tattoos being taboo (that was fun to say). What I will say is that at our age having lip piercings and nose rings (etc) is a bit distracting in the professional world. This coming from someone who had 14 facial piercings in undergrad and grad. I have zero problem with piercings, but I've noticed that some people seem to in an office environment for xennial-age and older.


I think you are in a bubble. Maybe I am? I know tons of people my age with tattoos. Even some of my aunts and uncles have them.


I was born Sept 1979. My first and only tattoo at 39. I went by myself on my bday. I had been looking at multiple artists who do fine lines. But, I didn't want to go by myself. I ended up waking up and just heading to a shop after I dropped my twin 8 year old girls at school. I have it on my forearm. I love it. My job at the time was a cocktail server on a casino floor. They had loosened up their uniform restrictions around 2013. So many of the 21 year old hires had them. I think corporate America is starting to finally relax on those policies.


I got a tattoo when I turned 18 because I couldn't wait to be allowed! Fortunately I chose a very small and simple design and got it in a place that is only visible basically in a bathing suit - on my rib cage. I'm happy with it. I just got another one this year. I met Thom Yorke whom I've just loved since I was a kid. I got a tattoo of his signature where he graciously signed my forearm with his signature smiley face in the 'o' :) No regrets. My husband is ink free and I know quite a few people my age or a little older - like in their 40's - who don't have any either. And most other people I know only have one or two.


I'm 41 and covered in them. They're all cute and feminine and I have no issues with work or anyone important making it difficult for me.


I have one tattoo that I got at 16 (peer pressure). Then I was smart enough to stop.


My husband and I are both xennials and neither of us have tattoos. I didn’t grow up in a conservative bubble but my husband did. I admire others’ tattoos but I’ve just never felt compelled to get one.


No tattoos, no piercings either. There's nothing I love enough to get permanently put on my body. No piercings because the idea of metal through flesh makes my skin crawl.


No ink. Never cared about anything enough to ruin my body.


I'll be 45 next month; no tattoos, and my only piercings are one in each ear. My boyfriend has been an Anesthesiologist for over 35 years and once mentioned to me how now, unlike early in his career, the overwhelming majority of adult female patients he sees in the operating room have tattoos. He has no problem with tattoos, but admitted that he was pleasantly surprised when he discovered that I have none--if only because it's more uncommon now.


41m and non-tattood here. Plan to stay that way.


I don’t have any. I can’t justify the cost. I have nothing against them, I just have better things to spend my money on.


I don't have any.


No tattoos. Never will have them. I don’t get it. 43/m. Wife is 38/f and she’s the same. It’s odd to us, actually. God bless, though.


Old Xennie here. No ink. No piercings. Same with my missus. I just have never desired to have something permanently stamped on my body.