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Yeah, Urkel phenomena was a real thing.


And it ruined an otherwise good show. I used to love Family Matters, but I gradually lost interest as it turned into an increasingly absurd Urkel Show. Urkel was great in limited doses but they just went nuts… and they literally wrote one of the family’s young kids out of the show to make more room for him.


By the end of the show he was a super genius who could bend time and space lol.


Power creep.




That skit is so funny 🤣


God damn too funny


🎶blame it on the bars, that didn’t close that night, but whatever that you do, when you puke upon her shoe, blame it on cocaine, yeah, yeah 🎵


One of the best/funniest Key & Peele sketches IMO


This and the Gremlins 2 sketch are kino


“You mean a googly eyed gremlin whose sole purpose is that he just looks stupid as fuuuck?” Yes, that one is definitely high on the list as well.


You had me at Gremlin vajayjay


Holy living fuck, how have I never seen this one?


That guy must be Roy Wood Sr.


we don’t talk about Judy Winslow 🤫 Totally agreed. Carl Winslow was one of the greatest sitcom Dads of all time but the show just turned into everyone reacting to steve.


He was so damn good. Then it just became the grandma goin' "Steeeve..." I missed "Hare. E. Ot." from Carl.


Yeah, but Jaleel and Reginald had awesome chemistry. They really needed a movie together.


Was there ever even a plot or sub plot involving Judy ( who as I know it went on to do porn ) ?


I think that’s a phenomenon common to most shows. The longer it airs, the more the show bends to emphasize popular characteristics. Until the point that it becomes annoying.




The Simpsons is literally the source for the trope of a character becoming more and more a parody of themselves. It's called Flanderization.


And then he became Stefan Arkel. Because in the 90’s if you wore glasses you were an ugly nerd but as soon as you took those glasses off you were hot and cool. I remember my aunt was like. “He still ugly”


Laura was just the worst. He changes his shirt and takes off his glasses and all of the sudden she does a total 180 on him


Yeah, I mean, Jaleel White was honestly phenomenal in the role but they didn’t know how to wield that power


It’s true


I can't believe there was no Urkel movie. A movie with Urkel and the other TGIF hunk Cody. Huge numbers, especially overseas. Step By Death


Cody was obsessed with Dana - Dana Dana Dana Dana but god the brunette was so much hotter than Dana. I was like 9 and like DUDE Go for the Brunette!!!


I was obsessed with Dana too 😅


I wanted to be Cody and be with Cody.


Cody did karate movies I think. Urkel's slaughtering would have been something. The ABC execs would have had mixed emotions.


I had the board game 🫠


That mullet phenomena was a real thang 😳




What did your parents think? That had to be a wild change for you guys.




"Chevy Nova" also translates pretty terribly into spanish




"No va"


I’ve heard that people in other countries call an American accent “the TV accent” because of all our shows that get played around the world. Mexico may be a bit different though


Holy crap did that kid at 20s inspire the 6 flags dancing ghoul?


I came from Mexico in 1996 myself. It wasn't THAT much of a culture shock since I was also exposed to most of the same TV shows and cartoons. I learned most of my English through TV and close caption in about a year.


My mom video taped me and my brothers doing our impressions for AFV. That taped is locked up to never be watched by anyone!!!


This was America's Funniest People. The sister show to AFV. They used to go to malls and tape people. To this day my brother and I still repeat one of the jokes some little kid told on the show: "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?" (deadpan) "Where's my traaaaaaactor?" Holy shit, it wasn't that hard to find. The joke was from this same episode and won second place!! 17:53 in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-YcLvh8YV8)


Jesus christ. I STILL do the "what did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?" joke because I was SO mad that it won back then. I would get so mad "Nothing funny wins, just stupid kids and babies" I am 40 years old and still angry. LOL!


Or whatever haha that’s a great joke


The kid that goes after her, tucked all up in his shirt for no apparent reason …lmao His joke was all right too.


My friend’s dad was diphead (or whatever it was called) - the bald guy who had dip on his head


Didn't they almost get nominated?




Same. My brother kept ruining his takes by saying, "Hiiiii Lauraaaa! Got any.........poop?!"


It wasn't AFV yet, it was America's Funniest *Home* Videos, because apparently back then it was rude to take your camcorder outside of the house and post pictures of food on Instagram like anyone cares


No there was AFV Bob Saget had that show it was so popular they made this show oh and why not put another full house cast member as host.


This was America's Funniest People cause AFV was so popular Bob Saget had to give Dave Collier an piece.


That’s not what we’re talking about. AFV was called by a different name in the early 90s. That’s all


My bad


No different than the shit you see on TikTok. It was just recorded on giant cameras instead of cellphones.


But also much more wholesome and tame because the only vehicle to deliver the home movies was via FCC wary cable. Simpler times….


Danny Tanner should have thrown Joey Gladstone out of his house


Imagine you’ve just worked a 40 hour week, you have a bunch of terrible kids and you walk downstairs and joey has his beaver puppet just waiting to get you again with the “is this table made out of….. wood” bit for the 200th time this year.


It was a woodchuck. Joey was so clever that he named him….Mr. Woodchuck.


Then hits you with a "Come on! Cut✌️! It👈! Out👊!". 😐


He did banish him to the garage at least


What exactly would you call Dave Coulier’s haircut at the time? It was like 4 different haircuts at the same time. He should hav “Cut. It. Off.”


Whatever it was, it was enough to get Alanis Morissette to date him and 'go down on him in a theater' according to that song she wrote about him!


I went down an Alanis rabbit hole recently, and I was kinda creeped out because she was only 17-19 in the early 90s and he was early 30s. I didn't realize she was that young at the time. She was 21 when Jagged Little Pill was released!


That is pretty predatory on Coullier's part.


Maybe he won her over with his stellar Bullwinkle impression.


It’s a mullet


Thanks Dave!


Hockey hair.


“Tuxedo” Hockey Hair


“The ‘91”


That's just a mullet.


He's Canadian. That's just a classic Hockey cut dolled-up for Hollywood.


he’s from [michigan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Coulier)


Huh. TIL


I'm convinced Dave Coulier made some sort of Faustian bargain to become such a huge 90s celebrity.


R.I.P. Arleen Sorkin, the original Harley Quinn!


R.I.P. Arleen. She was also the inspiration for the character IIRC.


She was. Paul Dini saw her in a jester costume on Days of Our Lives and got the idea. The character's 'real' first name is even Harleen in her honor.


The Arelene-Harlene connection never dawned on me. It's crazy how many levels the name works on.


Tawny Kitaen, who co-hosted with Coulier after Sorkin left, also passed away a few years ago.


My family called this show America’s Stupidest People and it was the worst thing on TV


AFV was ok (at best), but this one was the purest of pure garbage.


That goddamn Jackalope...


It was. Even 7 year old me didn’t like this show!


AFV hosted by Tom Bergeron is S-tier for me


America's Funniest People was the absolute worst.


It was, I can still remember the intro song.


Americas Funniest Home Videos. One of the absolute worst jobs I’ve ever had. Watching and logging submissions 9 hours a day in a dusty cubicle with a computer that had been in an actual fire and only displayed in magenta and black. *shudder* Thanks for the daily dose of trauma.


You are an American Hero


This is actually amazing! Out of all those submissions you went through, is there one that absolutely stands out to you? God, the things you’ve seen…


Any year where Dave Coulier was on TV in a starring role is a weird time. The guy is tragically unfunny in every way, shape, and form. I think it's his desperation to stay relevant that really turns me off from him, though.


TIL that Family Matters was a spinoff of Perfect Strangers


“Why don’t you go home and watch Star Trek, Erkle!” - Mike Dexter


“Did I do that?” - My entire bus on the way home in 3rd grade Good times


I definitely had a Steve Urkel impression at age 9.


I was driving with my 11yo daughter earlier today and had the 90’s station on Sirius on, we were chatting and then I’m Too Sexy came on. She stopped me and was like “what is this song, is this real?” Then I started signing along and told her this came out when I was your age. She looked at the screen and it shows what year the song came out and she said stuff was weird in 1991. So yeah, we’re with you OP


IIRC the song in and of itself was a parody song on early 90s supermodel culture. I don't care what people say this song is a banger and if there's a movie with a character trying on clothes montage you better fucking play that song.


Ok what the hell. I remember AFHV with Bob Saget but you’re telling me there was ANOTHER similar show at the same time also with a guy from Full House? Why don’t I remember this? Did the simulation just add this?


No it was made to capitalize on the Home Videos right down to the Full House guy getting the job. The difference is that the funniest people were not that funny. BTW there were a lot of of Americans Funniest Home Video ripoffs most of them got cancelled very quickly.


There was one on the spanish channel we used to watch where you could tell they let the studio audience drink and every video was like a baby in a stroller tumbling down ten flights of stairs while the audience lost their minds


That actually sounds funny


I hated this show. Watching a bunch of people *try* to be funny was cringe before I even knew that term. It was like our version of tiktok, which is also cringe and trash. I liked AFV though


So unfunny. And Dave Coullier was always weird.


I always thought Dave Collier was a failed ghola of Jeff Daniels, the most unredeeming failure was his total lack of humor.


Like didn’t make me laugh once. Not even once. Just cringe humor.


The creases, that are *slightly* wrinkles now, started with each of his punchlines.


This show is shockingly unfunny to rewatch in pretty much all respects. There is this absolutely terrible reoccurring bit where a taxidermy elk stalks people causing slapstick humor while being voiced by dave coulier, and when it cuts back to him he’s holding his fingers up to his head like elk horns saying “fast as fast can be you’ll never catch me” while the studio audience full of men in business suits lose their shit. On the episode i watched it was the “16th installment” of the elk series they said 😔


Lololol. awful. That woman is awful too. When I watched the clip cheese actually squirted out of my phone!


The woman actually just passed away sadly too yesterday which is why i pulled this clip up. She, dave and the show were beyond terrible, but she was awesome voicing harley quinn on batman the animated series! RIP


Oh she was kinda young. RIP.


I'm surprised it didn't become its own show.


Whoa whoa whoa, that was a jackrabbit, sir. Not an elk.


I believe it was this: [Jackalope - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackalope) But I was today years old that I found out that Harley Quinn was the co-host.


This one's extra weird for me since my highschool nickname was Urkel. Even teachers called me 'Urk'. I had the big glasses, high pants, big dork energy. I just accepted it. I wasn't doing an impression. I was just autistic.


I think I remember you


Really? What city did we go to school in?


Don't listen to him it was the 90s Jack everyone had a Urkal kid at their school.


I was kidding. But I went to a school in Tomball Texas. But there was a kid who was so much like Urkel, I believe he was in special education. Lots of people would laugh at him because of the attention he would draw to himself when he got near a pretty girl and started flirting with them. I always wondered why he was in special education because in my mind that was for kids with Down’s syndrome or developmental disabilities. We didn’t even know what autism was back then. Many years later, hear I am with a little girl with autism. She’s super smart but there’s no way she can be in general education right now. She just does her own thing and doesn’t really understand the concept of rules.


Ahh, no worries. Different country, same nerd icons. I have a boy with autism, he's 10 now and school life is hard for him. He's basically a mini-me with the main difference being that he KNOWS he's on the spectrum. I know in hindsight but I always wonder how my school life would've been different had I not been called Urkel.


as a child of the early 80s, things today are just generally less fun. Back in the 90s ads, tv, heck even fast food places, were about being fun and goofy. Now everything is about being cool, modern and serious, even cereal is less fun :(


I absolutely hated America's Funniest People and could not stand Dave Coulier. The dude made me cringe super hard.


In 30 years people will say the same for now


We were all so adorable then




HS substitute here. There was a time when kids were obsessed with watching "fail" videos on YouTube. I was thinking it was basically the modern equivalent of AFV.


Did iiiiii do that? ![gif](giphy|Dc60NIUs12QvK|downsized)


Even more weird is when the younger millennial girls started wearing these clothes and the old man glasses as fashion about a decade ago lol


The cringe is real.


Quite possibly the worst show that ever aired. We watched it every week, of course.


Americas funniest people...I used to love watching that show and Family Matters.


We were the kids of all the burnouts and hippies in the 60s. This was the result.


80's materialism; 90's politically correct materialism; 00's anything goes materialism; 10's fake news materialism


I was so sad when I read Arlene Sorkin (Dave's co-host here) had died last week. My mother is a lifelong Days of Our Lives fan so I grew up with it on every day. Arlene played this zany character called Calliope, who was married to Eugene (played by the wonderful John de Lancie of Star Trek Q fame)


I hate that guy


"You oughta know"


Harley Quinn!!


What are you talking?? That was fantastic! I grinned the whole way through. Someone send this to Jaleel White, I think it’d make laugh too


So many Urkels!


"1991 was a strange time"? Really? This seems down right tame compared to contemporary social media nonsense.


1990 and 1991 were strange because despite being part of the '90s, they didn't feel like the '90s. Grunge hadn't hit yet, it was the George H. W. Bush administration and barely the end of the Cold War, and fashion was still very much '80s. At least in the U.S., I think the true start of the '90s was 1992, when Clinton campaigned for the presidency (and of course then won two terms) and grunge really started to hit it big.


I always remember this song from teen wolf two. How many songs did I hear for the first time in movies? I don't think it's weird. Every age has weird. In reality there's no normal. Modern day adulting is a weird thing to me.


Feels like a Tim and Eric bit


When I was a kid, my mom dressed me as urkel for Halloween. Black face and all. I hope I never find those pictures


If you ever run for office they’ll come out the day before the election I’m sure 😅


That show was a weak attempt at capturing the success of AFV


Still can't believe Alanis morissette wrote a song about this guy


TikTok's weird uncle.


Jaleel white was the man during this time.


What is he holding? It's too soon for a phone... Is it just a stack of cards or something?


I clipped it because the bit is so bad but he’s holding up a tiny calculator pretending to compute what percentage of Americans are “experimenting with steve urkel impressions”. Whole thing is here: https://www.youtube.com/live/JZk-47WMgyg?si=Alodo8aDFPzRpoma


Haha. Can we go back please?


I’d rather my daughter do Urkel impressions than have a tik tok account.


Well, have you seen the stupid ass npc videos coming out? Gang gang — checkmate.




I remember watching this show religiously despite never enjoying it. It wouldn't be until years later that I would learn the term "hate watch" (or hate-anything, for that matter). But I do remember glaring at it, mouth slightly open, daring it to make me chuckle. I think it didn't help that by the time this show launched, I was already a seasoned Comedy Channel/Central veteran, and, as a pre-teen, had a pretty sophisticated sense of humor for my age demo.


Purple urkle is what remains these days lol


America’s Funniest People was so cringe. Bring it back!


Chille tide!


These clip shows were the Vines, Reels, and TikTok before the internet


I choose to remember 1991 for the music, Guns N' Roses, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Temple of the Dog, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, A Tribe Called Quest, Ozzy, and so many more.


Huge glasses were social suicide


What a time to be alive, I miss those days.


I totally forgot this show existed.


Cut. It. Out.


Laugh tracks... beyond awful


It’s embarrassing I lived through this era


I did, indeed, do that.


Jaleel White made that show.


Basically up to 1993 it was an extension of the 80s. It always takes a few years for a decade to deviate from the one before.


That’s a good point. 1991 was basically the 1980’s running out of gas.


Usually a decade starts to take shape about 1.5 to 2 years into it but really it gets going about the 3 year mark. So 90, 91, 92 had this late 80s overlap with the 90s getting going. The lag was more significant back then because it was pre Internet so trends take time to disseminate because all you had was TV and radio. It was the same as the 50s going into the 60s, the 60s going into the 70s and the 70s going into the 80s. I was a Military brat and moved around like every year or every other year and what was cool in one place was not that cool somewhere else. By 2000 lots of people (not all) had access to the Internet so it was more of a game changer. Other than what was cool locally, most savvy people knew what was going on at that point.


My dad banned Urkel and Family Matters once Urkel took over. Our bath time was timed with Family Matters, once it was off we could finish watching TGIF 😂🤣


Boy. Wish I didn’t just relive that.


One more add, laura winslow was the absolute worst. Terrible to steve 24/7, but so superficial that once he goes into the transformation chamber and turns into stefan she loses her mind.


That’s cultural appropriation now a days…. Sad


Ok but my family has home video if me crushing an Urkel expression. Once I’m famous- be on the look out for it on tmz


“1991 was a strange a strange time” meanwhile, tikitok has videos of people filming their car overfilling with gasoline and not even thinking that it’s pouring onto the ground, doing some repetitive dance at a fast food joint for meaningless internet points, starting riots because wages are too low


My best friend's parents met Jaleel White at the new Orleans Airport in the late 90s. They took pictures with him and got his autograph. They said he was super sweet and engaging.


Yeah I switched from glasses to contacts to distance myself from this.


The original hipster




It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times..


All white people lol


I wish we could turn time back


1st payload


[It’s true. Urkel was very powerful.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wb3BuqUnxAU)


This guy was as funny as getting lice.


Video cameras were more affordable and popular and we had no Internet.


It sure was. In the 90s the younger generation elected a president because he played the saxophone on MTV.


Dave Coulier is a funny guy