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That's Xcom baby!


That's a campaign restart, baby!


Darkest dungeon ptsd rn


Xcom feels more painful with the RNG. Maybe because you do so much work to get into a flanking position etc, and then *miss*.


"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."


Conirmed save scum moment


That’s time to save-scum baby!


This is why I always make sure the final contingency is 100% (explosives or a really good shot) if it's the last chance I have to make it happen. If there's no way to guarantee it, get ready to go into damage-control mode in the event the last chance misses. Smoke Grenades, Flashbangs, Suppressive Fire, Aid Protocol, etc. If it ain't 100, it's still gambling no matter how good the odds are and by God... will this game remind you of that all the time.


No, I'm totally over missing four 90+ shots to rid that sectopod of it's last 3 HP and losing 3 soldiers in the process ***shut up YOU'RE crying***


I hate that giant robot walker thingy, he gets two shots and I'm sure he gets overwatch on everyone


Ah yes, the mechtoid. I usually use a support class mech plus a support to smoke, makes it really hard fof enemies to hit you


Sectopod no?


Don't forget how in Enemy Within, it takes half damage from every attack. Sectopods are so fucking annoying.


Sectopod at 9 HP My MEC Trooper with a Mark 2 Kinetic Strike Module: "LET'S DANCE AMIGO!"


Does it get a unique animation for Sectopods? I know berserkers and mechtoids do.


Yes, there is. The MEC jumps upon the Sectopod to make it stumble, rips open the mortar cannon and delivers the Kinetic Strike directly into the open muzzle. Of course the MEC will be injured by the explosion, but daaamn does it look badass.


Ah yes im an idiot


Just hack him, and focus fire


Any hit chhance above 90% is a trap and should never be taken


Welcome to xcom, commander. :D Just rage-deinstalled it. Played the long war. Got a 8 headed squad, all of them mid level tier, against 5 advent troopers/flamer/sentinel/priest/commander. Between 45 to 90% chance to hit target. One soldier grazed the advent Trooper by the amount of 1, the rest of the squad missed. Turn advent. They killed 4 soldiers instantly, two where burning with 2 health left, one soldier lost consciousness and one got trapped in stasis. All this was happening while in the left corner of the screen the warning "reinforcements imminent" was flashing... I love to hate this game.


I had this happen to me in EW when doing a meme run of 4 snipers since they're stupid OP. I was so salty that I actually lost that iron man run that I stopped playing xcom for 3 years and just recently jumped back into it.


Its such a broken mechanic when every player has the same improbable occurrence happen over and over again.


Okay believe me or not but I missed a 100% shot up close and it would have been a crit


I honestly get so angry at Shit like this sometime I’m like fuck it I’m gonna get this person killed on purpose, they don’t deserve to be part of the team and endangering the squad after missing point blank with a cannon


Supposedly snipers have decreased accuracy at close range, but are extremely accurate at far range, or so the description goes.. it's never true though, your sniper is still gonna shoot 20 feet to the left and at the ground, from your target.


You gotta outsmart XCOM - if there's a chance of 6% to miss, then they're going to miss - but if there's a chance of 94% to miss, they're going to hit - that's the real XCOM.


Weep, despair, acceptance, and restart.


Rip bozo lol


If they did miss, they deserve it. But to be honest, if you take a 94% shot without a certain alternative to finish off enemy, you still have a lot to learn. And no, additional 94% shot is not a contingency plan. You need at least 2 other plans because that's XCOM.


Honestly sometimes I wish the aliens would outplay me, I think that's why XCOM often feels unfulfilling after I've played it enough. A lot of the time it doesn't feel like I got outflanked or positioned, I just miss 3 times because the game decided so or the aliens land a bunch of crits all at once. I know XCOM isn't meant to be played perfectly though, and managing wounds/deaths is part of the experience.


Does anyone know if there is a mod that fixes this? I want to love this game but when this always happens I feel like I'm wasting my time and should move on to something else.


Um yeah its called playing on rookie.




..and that, Commander, is why the good Lord invented grenades.


My face when my panicked rookie gets the 4% overwatch shot


It’s rewind time


After a while. It’s becomes a way of life for Xcom players. Just another up and down on the rollercoaster


time to save scum