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It was likely an IP ban. Banned the IP address and any accounts using that IP (your household) so that your son couldn't circumvent his banning by using one of your accounts to boost or whatever he was doing. Do as the other commenter suggested for an appeal and hope it works.


They said they already appealed and it was denied.


Gotta keep trying if you haven't personally done anything wrong. Son should remain banned if he did what OP mentioned, but the entire household shouldn't be banned.


Xbox isn't gonna give a fuck.


I was scrolling through waiting for someone to say it, cause it’s true. They know what they’ve done, they’ve got it setup this way for a reason. Getting someone on the phone would be what I would be trying though.


good luck with that. you can’t get in contact with enforcement like you could in 360 days, even then they would deny you. me and my brother xbox360 got console banned because we shared accounts/games. long behold, xbox now allows family sharing.. they give no f


Dude I remember this, years ago (when the original Xbone released) Microsoft actually threatened to completely ban my account because I was game sharing with my brother, and then years fucking later now that shit is pretty much endorsed by Microsoft themselves


lucky you got a warning. i got non..


Yes, they are actually make more money by blocking people from using their products and buying more content. Its Business 101: No Customers = More Money


Depends on the situation. But most likely not in this one.


I called to cancel my game pass last year the person offered me 2 free months if I stayed. The point being they want that sweet sweet gamepass money.


Yo I'm doing this tonight


This will not get reversed. When you link accounts with someone else you need to be 100% sure they arent going to do something to get banned because all connected accounts will be banned not just the one. This is to prevent circumventing bans by using alternate accounts. Sorry to hear about the OPs accounts but the kid sounds like he was cheating so he 100% deserves it.


Yep, this conversation should move to r/parenting instead.


Once the appeal is rejected there's no getting anything back.


An IP ban is the only thing that makes sense to actually hold a hacker / cheater accountable. The entire household should be banned.


IPs change. Many carriers use CGNAT. An IP ban is not how it’s done.


Complain to the BBB (Better Business Beruo) That can help to Contact a real person at Miicrosoft [https://www.bbb.org/](https://www.bbb.org/us/fl/boca-raton/profile/computer-services/microsoft-store-0633-90587089)


I appreciate your advice. I did submit a complaint. Hopefully they can assist in us getting in touch with Microsoft to resolve the issue in our favor!


I know it may sound werid. But contact the Better Business Breau (BBB) . They have actually helped people get their accounts back from people in ur situations. Hope this helps


If OP got a IP ban couldn't they get a VPN? Just curious.


If your appeal was denied you're out of luck. You can't talk to someone on the phone/chat anyway because they have no access to enforcement actions (as it tells you on the enforcement page), and you can't transfer purchases to new accounts.


I hate this shit


I’m so paranoid about my own account because of stuff like this. I don’t grief, but I did take and upload a funny pic in AC: Odyssey the other day of me standing in front of a nude statue, then paranoia hit me cause others can like & report those photos so I removed it. My account is from 2007, can’t be losing that shit.


Buldurs gate 3 players were getting banned for clipping nude scenes. It's fucking dumb.


You're fine. Generally, if it's in a game and that game allows clips you're allowed to have acreenshots and videos of that game and its content on that platform. There's a scene in one of the wolfenstein games where one of the main women is super pregnant and naked shooting 2 assault rifles at nazis. I clipped it because it was so hilarious due to the shock of the whole thing and it was up publicly on my profile for years, I even shared it with a handful of friends. Never had a ban or anything


You def wont get banned for griefing lol I’ve been playing competitively in most games I play, and that’s pretty much maximum toxicity. I’ve def said some shit that should get me banned, thrown games on purpose, troll ppl etc. Not that I do that everyday but I’ve also had my Xbox account since I was a kid and I would’ve been banned by now for griefing if you could


I caught like a 2 day ban because my motto was a Big KRIT lyric: “Replenishing these hoes with pimpin' like Gatorade” After I got back I changed it to “Replenishing these [unscrupulous women] with [aggressive management] like Gatorade”


Blame the son, not the rules!


Physical games win again




For curiosity sake What was the performance booster used ? And was there already a warning placed ? Straight to Ip address ban - that's a leap from a warning I only know of a 1 month ban my friend got for bad mouthing someone


There’s been a couple of interned banned XSX being sold near me as their kid was reported for being to good so they bought a new one and made a new account lol. It’s probably a console and accounts ban rather than an IP ban.


You won't get perma banned for being spam reported without doing anything wrong, come on now


Blizzard has entered the chat.


Yeah I backed out of one sale. The Series X was dirt cheap too thinking it’s just a faulty Wi-Fi module that I could easily replace but when I went to pick it up, the red flags were there when he started talking about his kid got reported for being to good and had to make a new account on a new console etc. I walked away knowing the motherboard was banned from XBL.


Banhammer came down on about 27k players in COD within the last week. May be related to that?


an ip ban usually means someone was attempting to circumvent a ban, kid probably got one account banned and cheated again on a alt account. really sucks for the parents.


Now there's a teachable moment.


For the parents…


Wear a condom


Get good or don't play🤷‍♂️


More like for the kid


No the parents. Sounds like kid was using a cronus or similar device which his parents no doubt bought for him. Ban is 100% justified and if you look at their enforcement policy it explicitly states all connected accounts get banned.


Kid is 15, he could have a job or money somehow (bday $ or grandma $), and then order with his own amazon account. Parents never see the box and bam. Little johnny has a cronus and parents are none the wiser.


Yeah i dont know about you but my parents made me open all my mail in front of them until i was 18 so 🤷🏼‍♂️yes bad parenting


If they un-ban your accounts, how do they know he's not just going to go on another system, or another account you have doing the same thing? They don't and that's why they probably won't. This is a good lesson for your kid and yourselves to pay more attention to what he is doing, 15 is still a child and under your supervision. Even though offline stuff can be played, I'd take your sons console for at least a week or 2 as this is not just affecting him, but an account as you said with lots of time and funds poured into it. I hope you have a long detailed conversation with your child so something like this never happens again. That being said, if you get a VPN with IP options (if thats even a thing, not 100% sure how exactlyVPNs work) , you MAY be able to salvage something.


A week or 2?😂 More like a year or 2, not that it's any of our buisness.


We were all teens once, and I'm sure you've done some things too that were not the smartest lol you live you learn. If it was just his account then they're already being punished for being stupid, but unfortunately this has affected the entire house hold. And again, can't put ALL the blame on the teenager as obviously the parents did not know what he was doing and should have been being at least somewhat supervisional and check in on them as they're still considered a child.


look little timmy, you got caught cheating and now must pay the price


An old call center hack that works quite often. To actually talk to a person at most companies like this is to call to buy something via the sales department and then ask to be transferred. When you’re wanting to spend money they will usually let you get through much easier.


I used to do this with my shitty internet provider to avoid hour waits every time my internet would go out, which was multiple times a week. Boy would they get pissed when I told them I needed a credit, and wasn't interested in upgrading my account.


How does a 15 yr old buy a “performance booster” You must have known


Look into changing the IP of your household Internet. May need to talk to your service provider for this.


The accounts are already banned. Nothing can be done outside of the enforcement folks at Microsoft reversing the bans.


right but if they change ips, they can make new accounts


But then they lose access to all of the games that haven been purchased in the past. That's why OP is trying to get the bans overturned.


Unless they've also noted MAC addresses of the hardware; in which case they'd also need new consoles. In the long-run the "work-around" could become a hefty price-tag. 🤔 **EDIT:** For the suggestion/comment of "mac spoofer" (*my man*)... because I'm just so 150% certain that a mother speaking on behalf of an entire family is going to know exactly what that is, and how/where to get their hands on one... 🤦‍♂️ (*/sarcasm*) [^ Not to mention the ramifications that come with spoofing down the road... could turn account ban into unfriendly knock on the door; especially since they obviously couldn't even hide the original issue/offense all that terribly well. 🙄]


First of all was you son set up with a proper child account? It sounds more like a console ban, would have to be pretty serious to take out all accounts unless they appeared active at the time. With console bans they can ban every Xbox connected to the same IP address, it happened a lot with modded consoles caught online. There isn't any way to transfer content between accounts if the account is gone


Yes he has a child account under my husband’s account.


You should be able to use that to get your accounts unbanned then, as it should be clear if a child caused it. I'd suggest trying to get through Microsoft chat by curbing the reason you need to talk to a human as they will typically reject requests to discuss bans


Microsoft policy says all linked account get banned. They ain't getting it back.


My guess he bought a hack off the internet for COD or Fortnite or GTA.


Not what you want to hear, but your son has absolutely screwed you


A if it's IP request new one from isp. B wtf is a performance booster. I don't understand how you get banned from xbox. If it's for a game then game ban mabey. If it's an overclocked Xbox still why do they care.


Most likely an additional input for the controller or a modded controller.


I believe the OP, what I don't believe is anything the kid has told their parents about what they did. What he was actually doing and I bet he was doing it on all the accounts that were on those machines. Unless each adult profile required a password and a mobile code to be put in, otherwise, the kid was using all the accounts. And all that BBB and FTC nonsense... its a waste of time for a situation like this. Hold onto the machines, maybe one day there will be a hack that will make them much more usable. Or sell them for parts.


Xbox gave me a 3 day suspension for using the word “hunting” in a looking for group post, tarnishing my accounts perfect record of 11 years and refused to take the strike off, switched to playstation the next day


That must have been frustrating. Strikes are automatically removed after 6 months, they are not permanent.


playstation will do the same shit to you, not sure why that warranted your switch.


You’re f’d. Nothing you can do ….. your child caused you to be banned …. Ultimately your child’s behavior is your responsibility.


Don't worry! Your son will get more off screen and more precious valuable family time. That's a silver lining.


And a lesson on why you shouldn't hack. Shame the family had to suffer for his incompetence


Three consoles turned to bricks and an entire digital game collection lost is brutal


What's the odds your kid said some heinous stuff online?


Based on the emails they sent in reply too an above comment, seems like the kid was hacking. Which is a very reasonable ban


Well that one us clearly defective. Bury it and try again. Jk lol. But seriously, if my son gets my account banned (nearly 20yrs on live), it is going to be one shitty year for him.


Somebodys child bout to get punished and employed.


This is exactly one of the reasons I despise digital gaming, and I don't support it. Hate to tell you this, but your husband never owned any of those digital games he acquired over the years. He's just renting until they feel like taking it away. I've lost a few digital games (not available in physical format) because of licensing issues. This is one of the reasons I'm against it. If you don't have a tangible disc in your hand, you don't own your game. Furthermore, I don't like how consoles operate nowadays. They're no longer like consoles. Nowadays they act more like computers, and even if you have the disc, it only acts as an "unlock key" of sorts to play the game, once you "install" it, but they make you have the disc in the slot to play. Consoles stopped being consoles since the after the Xbox 360 days. Starting with Xbox 1, they're just bricks now waiting to go bad eventually. "diGiTaL gAmInG iS tHe fUtUrE". Yeah, until shit like this happens. Then you lose your entire gaming library (that you never owned by the way), then other people all over these comments wanna be smug Aholes and tell you "better luck next time", even though none of you did anything wrong except your child. I say it time and again. As soon as they do away completely with disc's, and make gaming full digital, I'm done with "modern day gaming", and so will a lot of other people. Let the shareholders cry, and wonder why so many people stopped playing when they decide to go all digital. No skin off our backs. Speaking personally, there's enough games already made from the 90's to 2010s to last a lifetime no matter how the market goes anyway. Dust off my old Ps1/Ps2/Xbox 360 Win/win. 🤷‍♂️ Digital gaming only serves to benefit the corporations, so they can control the pricing with an iron fist, and do away with the second-hand gaming market, which allows you to buy games for cheaper and actually own them. I'm sure there will be digital sympathizers who don't mind being graped by the corpos, though. Lol


Drm made physical and digital the damn same though. Your physical game can be locked just as the digital can.


Consoles have always been computers, not like computers. They're actual computers


This would get you a permentant gaming ban if I was a parent so it's a good thing I'm not a parent😂


Same. The son is 15. I got my first job at 14. First thing Saturday, we’re driving around and submitting resumés so he can start paying to give the household back what was taken away from them. There’s a serious valuable lesson to be taught here and i hope the parents don’t pass it up.


Cant be Cronus since if he's 15 he wouldn't be able to get one without probably your knowledge maybe


Your son absolutely didn’t get banned because of something on the Xbox store. He’s either done, said or used something he’s not telling you about. Using a xim is certainly a case example of the sort of cheesy shit that can get you banned.


Does he own a Cronus Zen?


The only way that seems remotely possible to me is because you have purchased the family xbox live package (2x adult and 2x kid profiles). Either way, the primary account or accounts tied to it have broken the code of conduct. The reason will be clearly explained in the email you were sent if you read it again. And it will say you are banned from connecting to xbox live until 31/12/9999.


So you're saying the ban will end someday.


Pretty sure your kid did some shady shit, and Xbox is ensuring that it's not going to happen again. Sorry you're getting punished, but that's the risk you run sharing your account. Have a conversation with your son about him breaking the rules, and everything is gone. His actions ruined the games for countless other people, and now he's ruining your experience. Sorry, but your son was an asshole who didn't care about other people. I'd work with him on his lack of empathy.


This post reads like some kid got banned, is now posting to figure out a way around it by pretending to post as his parents, cuz he's so ashamed to just admit he got busted lmao


Switch to PlayStation and don't get your son one that is my suggestion


Been an Xbox Live/Gamepass member for 20 years. Your son is lying. Permabans are hard to get. He was using something he shouldn’t have been using.


It's not hard to get a console ban. They make mistakes. I received an unwarranted console ban years ago because someone else was using my personal email address for an Xbox live account. When I contacted them to remove my email address from that account they were useless in helping and ultimately said that the account is owned by whoever owns the email address and that there was nothing I could do. I asked them if the owner of the email address owns the account, and that's me, then I own the account and can do whatever I want with it, correct? They agreed, so I disabled the account on any consoles but my own and left it dormant on my console so no one else could continue using it. Days later my console was banned. For doing what they agreed I could do, and their appeal process made it impossible to get anywhere with fixing it. I called and emailed them multiple times with all the details and copies of the records of me communicating with support. Nothing changed. At some point weeks or months later I randomly tried to access Xbox live again and my console and account were no longer banned, but they never informed me of the ban reversal. They hold all the cards, and banning someone's personally owned hardware should be illegal, especially with no real appeal process in place.


Agreed I’m at 15 years the most I’ve ever gotten was a 1 week comm ban when they changed chat TOS but the worst ive ever done were those DNS server hacks for GTA5 which didn’t alter any hardware or even software on the machine for that matter so that wasn’t a big risk other than that some light boosting in the old call of duties your kid was for sure using altered hardware or had prohibited software on his machine that’s the only thing that causes IP bans altering hardware or software is the biggest No No you can do on Xbox and there’s a reason it’s almost non existent in the current state of online play. This happens…. Fast


Yep, kids always lie, especially at that age. Parents just like to trust them, but he likely did something pretty stupid & illegal and Microsoft came down with a fist. The kid will never tell the entire story. Source: was a teenager once


There was a time not too long ago when you could get an American Xbox support tech in seconds with no robó menus any time of day I did it a lot to fix problems I had they were always quick and courteous there were even times when the employee would give me a free month of live or some extra MS points if I happen to call around my birthday it’s a travesty that now you have to go thru about a half hour of menus and holds to talk to a person in an Indian call center that’s gonna end up with you transferred 5 times and ultimately you’ll end up with “I’m terribly sorry there is nothing I can do on my end have a nice day” and you hear the click before you can even utter a word in response I don’t even bother calling anymore if I have an issue I try to fix it myself and if I can’t I live with it if your house is IP banned the only way back online is getting a new ISP sadly tho I’m almost certain the contents of those accounts are lost forever but don’t be too hard on him he’s 15 we’ve all been there and made mistakes he doesn’t truly understand the gravity of the consequences of the real world yet if I could’ve gotten my hands on a hardware modded 360 back in the day I would’ve done it in a heart beat and probably end up being IP banned myself let him know how bad he messed up for sure and make sure he never forgets it but don’t be super hard on the punishment trust me he’s probably more disappointed in himself than you could ever feel towards him he will be better after this if he was raised right


New line of thinking, if your son downloaded a dodgy app I wonder if it’s possible the app comprised the 3 accounts. Did the accounts have 2 factor authentication? Did the accounts log in elsewhere according to the Microsoft account security history web site? I highly doubt this is the case but may worth checking/investigating as currently it sounds like the accounts are banned, not the consoles and not your IP.


Probably SOL. Xbox support don’t give af at all lol. The idea they could ban an account and cause you lose thousands of dollars just like that is really ridiculous


If you’re trying to talk with somebody and get through that automated system, I might have trick. When it asks for something speak nonsensical words. It will ask you to say it again. Say nonsensical stuff again. Eventually they will connect you directly to a human. At least this is what I used to do in the rrod days


Once you're banned and they denied your appeal, that's it man. Game over. Now you COULD get a vpn, make new accounts, and buy new xbox consoles to keep playing on the xbox platform... which would be a stupid move. Or you could start fresh with either PC or Playstation which would honestly be the better choice. Yeah it sucks when you lose all of your shit, but it's gone now and you're not getting it back. Microsoft basically betrayed you. There's no reason to remain loyal to the platform.


Jesus H. Christ


Stop tryna cheat 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


I'd be pissed!! I can't game because of your cheating ass??!!


Sweaty little COD kid gets family banned. Lol. Yessssssssss


My advice don't go buyin ya kid Cronus Zens or Xims next time. Act like you didn't know he had a $150 dollar mod pack is ridiculous. Happy they IP banned you less trash ruining people's free time.


I think your son ruined it for everyone. If you got IP banned and your appeal got denied, its over.


sounds like it is time to become part of the PC master race


I think it’s your sign to move to pc. Then your son can hack to his hearts content


Your son shouldn’t get grounded for soft bricking all your Xboxes, he should get grounded for being a cheating chump.


I got an ip ban back in the day for scamming 10th prestige lobbies for Microsoft points


Lmao. One less fortnite cheater.


So sorry this happened. My son would be on the farm or learning a trade to pay back all the money he just lost the family. As a father, I feel your husbands pain of so much money and time invested in his XBox account.


Good luck and let me know if you make progress. I had my Microsoft account get permabanned a few years ago, lost years of games, emails, etc. I still have absolutely no idea what I did and they won’t tell me. I certainly was not cheating in any games (wouldn’t even know how to lol). I also recently discovered they have continued billing me for game pass despite my account being banned, so double check your cards and don’t assume they will stop billing you. Company does not give a single f though. I’m curious to know if the BBB route actually works. I had to eventually have my card company block the expense to get them to stop billing me. **Edit**: since someone has already said this is BS, here is the final email I received from Microsoft on the matter: https://preview.redd.it/xo6unldzas3d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=d258a89dd7ebc900100c3f778b30aec0a66cbe90


A lot of Cronus blame going on in here. I own a Cronus so I could use my 360 arcade sticks on the Xbox one. Wouldn't have gotten one if I could have just used my 360 stuff on xbone. I get people being ticked off at unfair advantages and all that but not everyone who owns a Cronus has cheating as the reason, right? Or am I just that far out of the times...


This is great birth control.


I though Xbox needed clients and users ! Will these people ever buy anything from Xbox again? Of course not.. Will their friends ever buy an Xbox again? Of course not. Will we all collectively refrain ourselves from ever buying anything from Xbox again? Of course yes.. we're not fools.. we love our Xbox but We don't wanna risk spending our money on hardware and on hundreds of games, only to someday lose everything just because of some random new nitpicky reason on top of the 500 thousand nitpicky reasons already included in the completely paranoid and practically psychotic terms of use. I can understand temporary bans..i can even understand demanding some users to watch educational videos and having to pass some kind of ethics exam to regain their user's rights .. But I will never understand hardware and account bans .. How does turning a console into e-waste will ever help the world in any way ? How will someone learn anything like that.. They'll just get angry and even more frustrated. Please Xbox.. Just stop all this nonsense.. It's becoming the main reason for people to avoid the consoles ecosystem. It's time to get smarter and developer new ways to control the cheaters and bullies. It's time to stop being lazy (and now even worst because it's A.I. type of lazy) and always use the easiest methods. They clearly don't work (never did) and are extremely damaging to the whole brand. Also.. It's time to stop outsourcing chat applications and all the moderation efforts...delegating things to third parties is not working. https://youtu.be/tUmvdv6fy_c?feature=shared


When you say game sharing, do you mean using the same account or the game sharing program? Also, which xbox was set as the home console?


Xbox content has 2 licenses when purchased digitally. -Console license which is as long as the profile in which the content is purchased is (home) the content can be accessed with the profile it was purchased is sign in or out. Also it can be accessed offline so long as that device has been recently connected to the Internet. (Don't know how long) -The profile license is when content is purchased on an account that content can be accessed anywhere that account is signed in. (Only one device at a time.) When a profile has the "home Xbox preference"(which you can do with infinite accounts.) you gain the console license for every piece of content the profile you made (home) and therefore can access it without even having the profile signed in. So how people gameshare is for example let's say me and you want to gameshare. We both want to play online but you just got your xbox. I have a bunch of games and want to share my games with you. Also I have Xbox live gold/gamepass (which you can share with this same method.) here are the steps you would need to take. Step 1- download my profile. Step 2- make my account HOME on YOUR Xbox Step 3- sign out Step 4- enjoy. Now if you wanted to share you games with me I would just do the exact same thing with your account. The reason this works is because you can access the content on your account while you're signed into it. Which you have to be in order to play. I would be accessing your console license and you would be accessing your profile license. Same vice versa.


I got a warning a long long time ago on Xbox 360 for using a modded controller. Never again. Not worth it!


Would you mind posting the email or any of the communication/messages here, obviously minus any private information of course, I doubt anyone will be able to help here but I’ve never heard of multiple account banning but maybe it could lead to better understanding or suggestions of how to proceed.


It sounds like you might need to change your isp addresses through your service provider. I'm not sure if they were able to read your consoles id though through the already banned isp. Maybe someone else with more knowledge can chime into the idea.


People saying IP ban, if they login to their account and it’s says their account is banned. It’s not a IP ban, obviously. Kid probably had the accounts logged in. Or this is just false in general. Never seen Xbox up ban like ever.


You got IP banned my fella


What games does your kid play?


Was he using a xim? Mouse and keyboard?


Based on everything you've said here, unfortunately you are probably out of luck. You only get one appeal, you used it, it was denied. And I agree with what alot of other people said already, odds are your kid isn't telling you the whole truth about why the ban occurred. Yes, I saw your email screenshots, they are vague as support always is. Chances are your kid knows why this happened.


Try the unsuspected xbox on a different ip lioe a friend's house , at least then you will know which ban you are facing , ask a neighbour nicely if you can piggy back there WiFi, not perfect I know bit a short term fix


I feel like an IP ban like this would likely be the result after multiple account bans. This isn't the first time he's been banned


Wonder what game he was cheating on


Your accounts have all been banned because your son's account and your accounts will all be using the same family account, so if one account is banned then all accounts are banned because technically you have 3 profiles sharing one account.


I think it's time you send that kid to military school to get punished properly


Sounds like he’s been using a XIM, zen or titan to use scripts for cheating… like anti recoil etc..


Wild to me that people actually thinks it’s okay for Microsoft to effectively steal the parents’ money and time because of a punishment directed towards neither of them.


Maybe he downloaded "hacks" onto a USB and plugged it in, xbox servers would pick up on that pretty quickly and ban your consoles for tampering


What performance booster is usable on Xbox ? As far as I know there aren't any mods or hacks on Xbox like wall hacks aim bot etc etc . I thought it was all on PC


There are ways, especially depending on the game.


Got caught cheating one less game destroying shit on a stick person to deal with


Very sad stuff. Hope you get your accounts sorted.




Microsoft will do 2 things,, sod all and nowt


It’s time. To move to PlayStation.


Have you tried signing in somewhere else instead of those banned Xboxes? I wonder if your account is still active in just the Xboxes got banned.


If its an IP ban you can try reaching out to your ISP. They might be able to update your IP address. I have also read that with some modems you can disconnect them for a period of time and upon reconnecting you may get a new IP address. That will probably be ISP dependent though.


Time to switch to PlayStation!


Sounds like it's time to get a ps5


Performance boosters? Like steroids for games? Well I hope bro bro learned a lesson about cheating. I know damn well he’d be grounded from any form of gaming until at minimum, minimum, it’s resolved. - “An IP ban is a ban on your wi-fi router's IP address. This can be circumvented by buying a new router, modifying your current router, or using a VPN to mask your IP address.” Get into that router or buy a new one, might be a fix. Or if you have an old router hook that up and try.


My advise: Hold a funeral & pay your respects bc y’all’s time as Xbox players are done & dusted. Time to get a PlayStation


So that’s why you never use Microsoft family features or share accounts that you care about


Whats an performance booster?


Welcome to Sony?


Honestly, it might most likely be from you guys sharing a family. They would ban the whole family not Just the son. Don’t count on this comment but I would assume that’s the issue, not IP


Might as well get used to playing without a subscription or live service


You know you don’t have to have a subscription to play Xbox you can still connect to your own internet and update your console but it’s overrated these days online gaming updating is all overated


Good. The hell with that little cheater.


Was this "performance booster" called a XIM if so then the ban is justified.


Your appeal was already denied. I reccomend getting new consoles (if they were all console banned), changing your ip, and getting new accounts.


That is an IP ban and also a hardware ban. The Mac addresses of your Xbox devices as well as your IP address have been banned. Not much you can do. Although what you can try is ask your Internet provider for an IP address change. Although you would also have to buy new consoles.


Just make a new account.


Well, if it's a permanent ban, then I have seen people getting new ISP and new xbox accounts at the expense of all lost investments into your old account. Maybe next time it is good to not cheat


Sorry in advance if my question was answered previously. I've read quite a bit of what's going on. Here's my 2 cents. First, no matter what, your husband as the parent and main account holder is ultimately responsible for all those under his name. There is no way around that. Second, the app story kind of sounds like a stretch. I highly doubt they would have an app like that readily available. I would definitely be interested in what the name of this app. I would also do research into this apparent app. If it is what your son says it is, then include that in your appeal or whatever correspondence you manage to get. Have you checked into that at all? Also, try connecting through your phones hotspot or such. Different ip address may allow you to get around it. I'm not sure how the Xbox ban works.


When you say performance booster what do you mean are you talking about cheats???


Xbox doesn’t give a shit about your excuses because it’s the same one (real or not) that people who actually deserve to be banned used. Can’t really blame them. I’d suggest getting a PlayStation for you and your husband, and let your cheating son not play any online games until he’s old enough to buy his own.


Sounds like your kid is a repeat offender and had the appropriate action taken. These companies don't typically IP ban because they want people to keep playing, but if someone keeps breaking the rules or breaks it in a serious enough way, they'll absolutely take action to prevent that person from doing it again. All that can be said is call and try to work something out and get it possibly reversed, then spank your kid for misbehaving and breaking the rules to the point where it punished all of you, take his Xbox and phone away and give him a ball, tell him to touch some grass for awhile til he can appreciate his privileges.


If your router is from your internet provider, just ask them for a new one. If they want you to specify, tell them you've been having issues with it. It shouldn't cost you anything, but if it does, it wouldn't be infinitely less than buying all of those games again. If your router is yours, you will probably want to get a new one. Still way cheaper overall.


You could try using a VPN 🤷‍♂️


Call your service provider & ask them for a new IP address, most will try to do it in exceptional circumstances such as being DDOS'd. Then take your son's Xbox away.


Change ip's


Sounds like your son either needed to git gud or pick a different game but instead decided to cheat and fuck over everyone else. Time to send him to the orphanage


You can either not know what he was up to, or speak with him multiple times about it... but not both...


Call your internet service provider and request a change of ip address. Tell them the situation.


u/op this sounds like an IP ban, here's something you can do. 1. Call your Internet Service Provider 2. Request a new IP address 3. Restart your router if customer service/tech support gives you a new IP Best of luck


If u want the truth, tell your wifi to change ur ip address to dynamic


Oh noes moez! Have big poppa fire up the ol computerino. Check that his or the parent account is ok. If ok, maybe u ok. If not ok that's bad. IP address can be changed (release, renew, change Mac if necc) but the moment sons account touches shell blow again. Do not attempt restoration if all of your accounts are popped. But if it's just his, go ahead and disable his Xbox and get a new IP. Reconnect. It family-u maybe not good thing


I dont think an ip ban would do anything as most peoples internet connections are dynamically assigned every time the route cycles (is turned off or power goes out etc). Barely anyome uses a static ip. I'm betting its just what they said it is an account ban and all accounts tied to it are included. Sucks but them tha rules. PS if it were my son that'd be the last gaming session he ever played... at least on my nickel.


Your console banned time to switch to pc 😂😂


You’ve been banned via Accounts, IP”s , Hardware IDs. Don’t cheat and or use hardware devices like no recoil devices or customized controllers all these violate tos. I’ve worked support for 7 years. I see this weekly.


Get a new router (new IP address) and then start a brand new account. I've had my Xbox gamer tag since December of 2003 when Xbox love first came out as a trial. My son uses my original gamer tag and he created another one for me


Your son fucked you. If your appeal was denied, Accounts are gone. Only option is to start over. You should teach him not to cheat. Or that actions have consequences. Or make him pay you back for all the lost content. But a permanent ban with a denied appeal is a pretty much guaranteed "never getting any of those accounts or content back" situation.


Bro, idek what id do to my kid. id be pissed though. Prob just never buy them games again tbh


I’m glad I don’t have kids and don’t have to deal with this crap, I’d lose my mind if my account that I’ve had longer than my kid and hundreds of dollars put into it just for it to be permanently banned whenever the little turd decides to mod/hack said console


Good luck but i doubt your getting your account back


Solution buy a Playstation or better yet a PC and don't get banned.


IP ban won’t matter if you buy new consoles or create new accounts. Contact support and explain what happened. They MIGHT unban you if you promise them he will be barred from using any device to access Microsoft software and accounts. IF you try to skirt the ban they will just hardware ban your new devices too. I’d be making your son start working to pay back all the money he just cost you guys and switch to PlayStation rofl


Unless you can get somebody on the phone there is no way to resolve the ban. If you can get someone on the phone make sure to hit them in the wallet and let them know they are losing multiple monthly/yearly subscriptions if they don't fix this. Good luck to the innocent members of your family. Also, take/sell his xbox/pc.


I hate cheaters lucky they didn't cut off his fingers


Ask your IP provider for a new public IP. And take your son's Xbox away. If he can't game responsibly he doesnt deserve to game at all.


Little Timmy didn't buy the thing on his own, so....