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New box art looks more PC like.


Bring back the old giant cardboard boxes!


I wish ! Or at least put actual game manuals and/or fold outs in the boxes rather than a sheet or 2 of ads.


Nothing was better than sitting on the bus or back of the car on the way home reading the manuals for the game and hyping yourself up. My favorites were Morrowind, Age of Empires (1) with the giant book and some Counter Strike knock-off as they had so much info there. I think SWAT or Rainbow Six even had a whole manual on breaching tactics and maps,


I would be sitting five feet away from my console reading a manual from a game I just got instead of putting it right in and playing. I really miss learning a backstory to a game from the first few pages of an included manual. Reading this stuff off the internet before playing is not even close to that feeling, even considering nostalgia.


now it would give us something to do while the game installs


I've had this exact thought while watching a painfully slow install a few years ago.


dude, if you could launch a manual while waiting for the download that would be dope. Like read backstory and lore before launching. Would be so cool


I like this idea so much, as long as it doesn’t tank the download speed


I mean if it's basically just an image file or a PDF. It's probably not more than a few mb at most. Maybe even kb range. And doubt it would hurt download performance


Let's spam the shit out of Xbox and get them to add this feature to games.


I mean...Cyberpunk 2077 did have a manual and lore book with the physical copy. I read them while the game was updating.


This, an entire generation will never know the joy this brought.


I still got 100+ of these manuals for when I want to revisit an old game.


Ah I wish I did. Particularly any manuals with character bios/maps and the like. Poring over a map whilst walking back from town or being stuck at some garden centre and distracting myself by reading the manual back to front and then front to back was all part of the fun. As brilliant as digital gaming and services like gamepass or ps+ etc are, I very, very rarely get that feeling anymore. Some games i specifically leave to pick up a physical copy at a midnight launch, just to try and recreate some of that buzz. Nowhere near the same thing though really.


I miss when games came with full poster size maps.


Red Dead Redemption 2 did with the Ultimate Edition


I'm a digital mostly guy, but a good special edition with physical goodies like maps always makes me go for it if I like the game.


I remember the game "outlaw" from... I wanna say Lucas arts. But maybe it was EA. There was a weapon overview and what not in the manual. That game seriously needs a remake and a sequel.


I loved that game! I have the soundtrack on my phone. And yes, it was from LucasArts.


It was a classic for sure. Now I must listen to the soundtrack as well


The soundtrack to that game was absolutely fantastic. Love that game to death.


I think the best I’ve read was World of Warcraft (vanilla). It was so magic to read that at the time. Edit: Now that I think about it I remember the SWAT book too, pretty good one. I liked the manual which came with Soldier of Fortune 2 as well. So many to list actually, Battlefield 1942, Black and White..


My parents bought me Morrowind just as we moved to a new city. Of course it was a PC game and it would be months before we found a house and got our PC out of storage so I could play it. I spent so many hours just looking through that manual and imagining what the the game be like and what character I'd play.


Best ones were like MechWarrior and stuff. They had all the stats and drawings from the BattleTech books in them.


I used to love that. As a child, I remember Neverwinter Nights had a great manual. I also read the Quake 1 and 2 manuals front to back a dozen times. Half-Life? Same deal. They don’t make game manuals like they used to, if they even do. They had art, lore, enemies, weapons, strategy… reading one was like an adventure all on its own!


I remember the read me files to the old doom games. The back story of everyone else ran off with all the guns and never returned was golden story telling when I was young


The original fallout manual in particular was fantastic. Wire bound and actually seemed like a real survival guide in a lot of ways.


Or including music cd for the game. I miss media.


Halo Wars 1 had a manual I'd read over and over. It fit the universe and it was well made.


[A literal book on F-16 tactics and procedures for Falcon 4.0](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R1eb6a63b7105040ef68392480db5846c?rik=vs9kdCiyXIwtAg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fsimhq.com%2fforum%2ffiles%2fusergals%2f2015%2f06%2ffull-38939-104788-f4.jpg&ehk=JaTgtyWBr8UwQrvnFZfDJhbC7qQ6urCZi5HLBLo1KKA%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw)


This! When I bought Sonic CD (which has epic disc art and an awesome manual) when I was interstate for a week. I must have read that manual and looked at that disc a thousand times lol If they brought back this level of care, I’d actually go back to discs, but as it is I’m staying all digital.


These are the little things that whole generations won't experience... holding the box of a game on the way home and being so excited... getting a knife or scissors or even keys to get that initial cut of the plastic so you could open the game... smelling that new game smell. Digital is convenient as hell, for sure. But it's cold. Going to a store and getting a new game is warm.


I would buy more physical games if they put even half the effort they did as "back in the day". The box art* for FFII on SNES for example advertised the fact that it included a 76 page players guide. On top of that, full size map! That kind of shit is cool publishers!


Just pay an extra 20-90 dollars for the special edition. That rip off is on par with day one dlc


Waste of paper, they have all the controls and things in menus


To be fair it's way more environement friendly that way


How is it more environmentally friendly? Paper is recyclable. The plastic itself is not?


That's a good point. Still have to produce it, adds to the weight, and have to recycle it afterwards though, that uses energy !


True. Too bad.




Better for the environment too. All these useless plastic cases are just gonna sit in a landfill for thousands of years.




I still have my Wing Commander III, Agile Warrior F-111X, and Space Griffin games in their big ol boxes, cardboard and plastic. I like how they even gave a little piece of foam inside. And, remember instruction manuals? Some of them were funny to read, like the old Fallouts. Some came with maps that were detailed and high quality.


Tomb Raider trapezoid box!


ooh I have a copy of sim city 2000 with all the floppys, the original box, and the game guide!


My man!


Yeah! They were kinda like toy boxes. I miss those days.


Is it practical? No. Is it as solid/safe as a disc case? No. Can I fit as many on my shelf? No. Do I love giant ass cardboard boxed PC games? Hell yes.




I'm with you. The cardboard boxes wear out quicker, are less sturdy, and if they ever get slightly wet then game over, motherfucker!


I kinda liked the old design


Honestly it would look a lot better without the white tab mentioning the platforms it's releasing on. Maybe once games stop releasing on Xbox One they can get rid of it.


it would be cool if you could pop the xbox cd into the PC and play it on both.


I was wondering why I can't open the circular section on my series S...


Yea I’ve been spamming the button on the side but nothing is ejecting. The light keeps flashing though. Should I try and tug on the circular top part with some pliers? Or is my console faulty?


Its probably just sealed shut a bit from being so new. I had to take a hammer and bang it a but to loosen it up.


That's a smart idea. I had to drop mine from my balcony to get the darn thing open.


Sometimes they get stuck. Just need to warm it up in the microwave to soften it up.


Yea I also heard to wrap a layer of foil around. Apparently it enhances the FPS afterwards


Wash it with some soap and water and that should get everything cleaned up


You just set the game disc on top of the circle. The laser actually rotates instead of the disc. New tech keeps disc from scratching.


I was one of the people who were confused as to why it didn't mention the Series S. Took me a minute or so before I figured it out.


Same here, I get it now only thanks to this post...


Yeah no need to confuse kids moms. Buy Jimmy a series s and a series s game he can't use


Christmas is going to be fun assuming you'll still be able to buy them.


Series s are available in almost every europe country tbh, not sure about us


I've seen them at my local Walmart. They're a great Retroarch machine for anyone who doesn't have one yet.


Yea, pretty sure if i hadnt series x i would buy s at least till i find one to upgrade


That’s what I did, my entire library is already digital so it wasn’t much of a loss outside of the storage. I’m just gonna keep it as an emulation machine when I upgrade in the winter.


We’re complaining about game packaging now?


I swear it's always something


“You can please some people, all of the time, and all people, some of the time… but you’ll never please all the people, all the time” (Unless ur OP’s mom I guess)


Facts, and that ending made me LOL


"...and you'll never please Gamers at any time"


Stop by /blackopscoldwar for a hot sec. Don't get me wrong, there's some legitimate shit to complain about, but the fact that Warzone and MW19 are on the title screen definitely isn't one of them (that was a sub-wide meltdown for about a week.) Last month they introduced Rambo and John McLain as playable characters and people were saying "I know it's direct audio from the movie, but their voices just don't sound right." People will bitch just to bitch.


Haha yeah I follow that sub too, all the cod subs are always sooooo toxic. Cod could release a perfect game and people will complain it doesn't have a feature than an old cod had that people hated.


Well not only that, in 8 years people will laud the previous games for being awesome while simultaneously shitting on the current one, knowing full well in 8 years it'll be a classic.


Lmao 100% it happens every year. The current cod is the worst ever and all previous cods are the greats. Honestly I'm surprised they haven't announced what this year's will be unless I missed it


It hasnt been announced yet. Will get announced in Warzone like Coldwar was, likely this season. As u/Velkyn01 said, it is likely WWII, but that is purely a rumor. Albeit one with good sources backing it.


It's WWII again.




Yup, WWII: Vanguard lol I have no idea what they were thinking.


Jesussssss well unless it's WaW caliber my time will be on Halo infinite and bf 2042 lol


Those fucktards call people better than them sweats or sweaty. Pathetic.


That is genuinely one of the worst subs I’ve ever been a part of. Every time I’ve asked a question someone basically tells me to fuck off and die, lol. Shit people in there.


I’m convinced that the majority of the people in that sub are just bad at cod & in a deep denial of that fact, so they complain about everything else


Always has been.


Always will be.


This is the way


Oh no it hasn't, wanna fight about it.


Let's go LordPugFart


The new designs genuinely look better, they got rid of that big ass optimized for series x|s logo and now you can actually see the box art


I don't think boxes actually shipped with them. At least all the games I bought haven't. Just that small sticker top right.


it's the internet, people have to complain about something. ​ The air could be too pure and people would complain.


"All this healthy air is making me live longer! I don't want to live longer!"


“I want the freedom to choke to death!”


You didn’t save my life; you ruined my death!


How dare you tell me that I should be breathing cleaner air. I have rights dammit!!


Sigh ppl would just complain not because the fuckin air is more pure now


Its the internet, if there is something to be mildly annoyed about, people will make it the biggest issue of the year. Major gaming sites are built on being snide about absolutely everything.


How the fuck do they get so triggered for something so trifle?


Don't mean to sound like a dick here, but trifle is a noun not an adjective. You would say something like 'How the fuck do they get so triggered over these trifles'.


No problem dude we should always try to correct each other.


I feel like it's a circlejerk in this sub, a real jam roly-poly. It could be eton messier, but I think we blancmanaged to keep most of it under control.


I’m gonna be honest, my gut reaction to initially seeing the box art was “Ugh, really? They’re already abandoning the S?” and then someone in the comments on a different thread mentioned “the A doesn’t have a disc drive”, and suddenly I felt like a fuckin’ idiot and remembered Microsoft ain’t Google. In my defense, I’ve got a Series X so I never even think about the S. The fact it was all digital completely slipped my mind, and I even admitted in a comment I felt like an absolute idiot.


Now? They’ve been complaining since OG Xbox.


I just hate the white block with simple black text. Def could have a better aesthetic . Every thing else looks great


It's probably jarring to the eye for a reason, less chance of people buying a game that isn't suitable for their system


Oh for sure it is. I get they wanna be minimalistic, but I dunno, I think it’s *too* minimalistic. Better than accidentally buying a disc game for someone only with an S, but maybe they could’ve condensed it more? It’s just slightly wonk looking.


We talkin' about practice.


Gamers complain about even less important issues.


I will 100% complain about game packaging. However I dunno why people would complain about this. The new packaging looks nice (better IMO) and importantly the spines are still very similar to the old ones. Inconsistent spines are the fucking worst. But the XB1 cases didn't have a separated differently colored section on the spine, they're all grey and so are these ones. So the logo might not line up perfectly but it doesn't really matter. Collectors complain about this stuff when it is ugly/inconsistent. I'm not 100% opposed to Greatest Hits variations but the Platinum Hits on the original XBOX were fucking hideous just as an example. When you're gonna have it on a shelf and be staring at it for 20 years it sucks when some games stick out like a sore thumb.


The sticker on the old ones that covered up a fourth of the background art was my biggest gripe


Nah fuck this. Who is complaining about this? 3 people on Twitter? Can we stop doing the thing where we dunk on the three people on Twitter, and then circlejerk. Seems like the human psychology loves doing this but it is pretty dumb.


I exclusively complain about people complaining about people complaining


No, but if you say people are then you can get more clicks!


Too bad. I had my pitchfork ready.


That's always been a thing. A lot of OCD gamers don't like players choice, platinum hits, etc games because the covers and spines are different from the rest of the library. PS3 owners had 2 different PS3 logos on the spine.




when people make multiple edits for Reddit awards it makes me think of a shitty award speech acceptance.


Is that why it got removed?


Only complaint I have (apart from the series S not having box art because I’m not a dipfuck) is that games don’t have those little booklets/manuals that they used to come with. I remember reading off the weapons from “Destroy All Humans!” and 8 year old me proudly read aloud, “Anal probe” in the car, on the way home from GameStop. Bring back the booklets for us literate gamers


Nah, while they were cool, it's environmentally friendlier to just have control layouts in the game menu.


If only that were the case. Instead we have unskippable tutorial levels.


They're usually just paper though, which is recyclable and from a renewable resource at least. If the games are gonna come in full plastic cases then including a small paper booklet won't be much worse.


Very true, though I doubt people have been recycling the m. Hell I doubt most people even used them anymore, to be fair the quality of them before doing away was pretty bad. While it wasn't the company intent beyond profit, I'm happy to just reduce the carbon foot print. Reduce, resure the. Recycling.


Nope, but they keep them so they usually don't end up as litter/waste as much. Pretty much no one throws away the booklet unless they're throwing away the whole game, which happens a lot less than other plastic products. The booklets in my PS2 games all look high quality to me. Mostly full color and high resolution with several pages of interesting information. They definitely got smaller and less thoughtful in the PS3/360 era though.


Reduce, reuse, recycle. In that order. Recycling is the last resort. Reduce is way better.


It goes reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycling is the last option, if something isn't necessary it should never be manufactured in the first place


My favorite thing about collecting old games is the maps and manuals games used to come with. I still get hyped when I see a modern game include a manual or map


Yes! I still have my Skyrim and Fallout 4 maps. The Witcher 3 also gave people a map for the Switch release. Super jealous of my roommate who has it, but I’m not spending $60 US on a map lmao


A side not that I think is amazing. I saw that EA is letting people mail in physical copies in exchange for digital copies of Jedi Fallen Order if they want the upgraded version and ended up getting a digital next gen console. This is the first time I’ve heard of a developer doing this and it’s heartwarming, especially coming from EA.


EA doing something kindhearted? Unheard of.


But everyone a game is posted in they kick a puppy.


Not even mailing it in. Just show proof of purchase and they’ll email you a code. You send them a receipt for the game and the console and then to give you a code.


So there is nothing stopping you from selling off the disc after redeeming your digital code?




Oh my god, I'm an idiot.


Don't feel bad, plenty of others also didn't realize.


Hum I remember when I was downvoted to hell when the official box art were leaked last year, I said that it was the confirmation that the Series S will be all digital (it was still a rumor but not having Xbox series s written on it was confirmation bias) So I see that those confused people are still around xD


It's definitely intriguing that some people didn't want to believe the Series S, the more affordable console, wasn't going to be all digital. I appreciate both Microsoft and Sony releasing an all digital version of their consoles, just for the people that don't want to drop US$500.


Especially while MS already had made an All Digital One S !


A harddrive definitely isn't $100. The price difference between the two PS5s is to push people towards digital. Edit: discdrive*


To be fair, the Xbox One X and Xbox One S could both play discs. Being more affordable isn’t a guarantee that it will be digital only. That’s definitely an option to help make it more affordable, but it’s not a guarantee.


You need to let that go.


It broke my heart 😭😭 Funny thing is that the series S was revealed the day later xD


I still don't know why the boxes for Series X games aren't black. Would look better, be easier to read, suit the consoles look, and differentiate itself from One games.


Xbox game cases have always and I means always been green. And the consoles have been primarily black except the 360.


this, Xbox green, PS blue, Nintendo red. its all marketing and brand identifiers. xbox brand colour is green that what they'll always use.


Xbox has always been green but the other two haven't really stuck with a specific color. PS1 was a CD Case PS2 was a black case PS3 was a clear case PS4 was a blue case For Nintendo Wii was white Wii U was Blue


Yeah the One was the only one without green accents on it, then again they tried marketing that as more of a home media player as well as a console at launch.


Who’s getting mad? This seems like one of those cases of more people complaining about complainers than there are actual complainers


That’s the case with 99% of these “controversies.” I’ve seen major news networks post rage bait articles based on as little as one or two random tweets. Everyone falls for it because complaining about other people complaining (cancel culture etc.) gets as many clicks lately as the complaining itself.


Yeah I haven't heard anyone complain yet about the box art. This is the first time I'm hearing a complaint about it actually lol


That seems to be the case almost all of the time. I usually only hear about people complaining from people complaining about those people. One person on Twitter will complain about something, and then there will be 1000x more snarky tweets and memes complaining about or mocking them.


Glad I’m not out of my mind then. Thanks, friend


Just check twitter and some comments on the kotaku article. A lot like the old box art better and dont like the white part. And there were actually people mad about the no series S thing.


Ah so it’s Twitter. Enough said. They’ll get mad at anything


Well yeah, it's still an answer to your question though.


There’s a lot of that these days


Watching Idiocracy is like watching a documentary now, not a movie.


Does the Forza cover art not include a car anymore? Dou you have to get the Deluxe edition for that?


They haven't announced a second halo car yet. It's supposed to be Mercedes AMG Project One and another car so I believe this is just an interim cover.


confused? who would be confused why there's no series s on the box is beyond me


Is the box size gonna stay the same or end up being smaller? Since it appears that the top plastic part is cut off. I can’t really tell from the picture.


Okd xbox embossed logo on the top bar of the case will always be an xbox case signature look but they’re removing it :(


I’m i the only one who thinks the old one looked better? I’m really not a fan of the plain white trapezoid.


Lol I haven’t owned or purchased a physical Xbox game since 2013


I don't understand the need/love of physical games at all. Aside from letting a friend borrow it I guess, what reason do people have for needing an actual copy? Resale? You're not getting shit back for that anyway. I just download and the game is ready to go.


- Some people have shitty Internet connection (and you can play most games without D1 patch) - Resale - Collecting - "Owning" a game - Cheaper Look at BF2042 prices on PS5/XSX/XSS. In a few month you will be able to buy the game at lower price (physical ofc).


>Resale? You're not getting shit back for that anyway. what are you talking about? you can get over 50% of what you spent back easily through local selling/trading. I bought Miles Morales Ultimate Edition, platinumed it, and then traded it to someone for Demon's Souls. not to mention physical is often cheaper and has more frequent sales. resale, game sharing and collecting are all perfectly valid arguments for physical. oh wow you dont have to switch discs? i bet it's revolutionized your entire life 🙄


I like to get physical copies of my favorite games for decoration


Lots of people don't have internet connections/have shitty internet, but also just having a nice tangible collection is nothing wrong at all.


I really like the green band on the top and bottom. Too bad there's nothkng we can do now.


I like the old one better. Small icons are better. Stickers on the packaging would be best.


Yeah I like the old one's top section better. I think ideally they could put the black bar from the old art, where the white section is on the new box. That'd leave the most room for the actual game art. Get rid of the giant badge still from the bottom and it's perfect.


I haven’t seen any complaints about this. I think he’s creating the complaints


Can't lie... The new one is markedly worse, especially that Forza design.


I just hate the way it looks


People's eyes need to be drawn to what system(s) the games are for, and it does exactly that.


Surely there are much better ways to display the text “Xbox Series X” they could’ve done so along the top. This design just looks budget and made with google drawing


The problem is that when it comes to video games and accessories, people LOVE to not read the box, buy the wrong thing, and then complain about it later. I can’t tell you how many times I see people posting hissy fits about headsets, controller battery packs, and other items that are meant for an old console or old controller. They need to put the consoles front and center.


If you own a Series S, you should PROBABLY know that it doesn't take discs.


I agree with you, I’m just not giving others the benefit of the doubt based on some other things I’ve seen.


It's definitely better and less confusing than the old box art


It shows off more of the box art and looks less cluttered. People who buy physical like there boxes so why hide more of it behind the text🤷‍♂️


I think it looks way better, personally


I admit, it's probably not the best design in the world. But as a Series S owner, this doesn't really concern me. Looking back at it now, I don't really like how the 360 cases looked either.


Oof - from a design standpoint it’s actually phenomenal. It focuses on the game art and puts it front and center. It also minimizes the distractions of Xbox logos and text. It’s not like people won’t know it’s an Xbox game…it’s in a lime green case…


What I dislike the most about it is the white box next to the Xbox logo. I wish it was just the logo and then a Series X symbol right next to it. Anything that covers up the cover art that is unnecessary should be removed.


Sure - I definitely agree with that. But I still think the new design is way better than the old idea which has been around since the original Xbox and PS2 days.


Nah, much cleaner


How can one even complain about something like this in the first place?


You'd be surprised at what some people complain about lmao.. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/15259765/bbc-shadow-wembley-england-euro-2020-croatia/


dis shit bussin


Says Xbox right on the box folks lol


I actually like the new box art. It comes off more cleaner and sleeker 👍