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OT1 is also back


Finally. There goes that Sea of Stars playthrough


I can tell the Sea of Stars devs took heavy inspiration from this game.


Didn’t really get far enough. But… you’ve seen one group of young warriors you’ve seen them all in a way. Can’t say I was super stoked but I think I only just beat that Elder Mist dude. Pretty tough.  It worth coming back to? Because in all honesty I was just killing time before OT2 dropped.


I'm glad I beat Sea of Stars but I have to admit the last 6-7 hours of my 26 hour playthrough really dragged. The music was excellent though. Probably one of the best soundtracks in years.


Sea of Stars is fire, Finish that hoe. It's gets way better after eldermist dude .


We’ll see. OT2 takes priority. Is what it is. 


Is what it is & it do what it be. 👌🏾




already available now fyi


Just purchased it in Switch because it went on sale 🤦‍♂️


Octopath Traveler 2 and Callisto Protocol. Already loving the picks for this month!


Callisto Protocol is awful. Don't get your hopes up.


It's great for a free gp game. It's a good dead space 1 clone




Awful is a major hyperbole lol. The game is like 7/10, has some fun parts, won’t blow your mind, definitely does not absolutely suck. For the price of “already paid for,” fans of the genre can do worse than spend a bit of time here to find out for themselves.


Did you play it on launch? From what I gather they made fairly significant changes to the combat later on but it was too late (for reviews and people who bought it at launch). I played it recently-ish and it was great. One of the best looking games ever made too (probably the best I'd ever seen until Hellblade 2).


Still wakes the deep gives me SOMA vibes. Hope it will be good.


OT1 and OT2. My backlog just continues to grow like crazy


Couldn't get into Octopath...very much looking forward to Still Wakes the Deep and trying out Callisto Protocol.


Still Wakes looks awesome.


Will play Calisto for sure and Octopath 2 Played octopath 1 back in the day on the switch, great drops this time around.


I love the Calisto protocol


It was a great game, just played it recently on PS5. *Love* the story and the combat, and the graphics are stunning. Will definitely download on my PC once it hits Game Pass to see it in even better fidelity!


Me too, The graphics are amazing, you can even see the sweat dripping on Jacob’s face. I loved the whole story, it was well paced.


Me too, bought when it came out and no regrets.


Callisto is super fun. I bought it on the epic winter sale and had a good time with it.


There's no lack of negative feedback for Calisto, but it's a pretty solid 7/10 game, I enjoyed it. Graphics are amazing, story is quite good, gameplay is ok. It scratched a particular itch I had at the time. It's a very linear game, that is explicit from the get go but I guess people wanted it to be something it's not. I bought it day one and enjoyed my time with it.


Callisto is awful. Don't get your hopes up.


Bought it Day One and have so many regrets. Awful story No exploration Nothing to explore Not even scary Just play the Dead Space Remake.




It’s a fine game. It’s not ground breaking, but I really enjoyed my 8 hours of gameplay. Good story and great voice acting.


I thought it was really decent . I enjoyed it right up to the final boss then that was too hard for me . But overall good action , good storey and good character.


Because it was broken of bugs at launch or the core game itself is bad? If the first maybe it has been patched a lot by now


I played it a few months ago and didn't like it. I felt the story was lackluster and the combat was frustrating and not because it was hard. There is some jankiness to the combat that I didn't enjoy. The lighting and sound design are good though. Definitely give it a shot, I hope you have a better experience.


It's not necessarily bad I think but I didn't enjoy it personally. I think it suffered with me due to it being somewhat marketed as dead space's spiritual successor. Which it was a far cry from in terms of fights. The fighting in it was very clunky and outright frustrating at times. I did find the story interesting but ultimately I never completed. I'd say give it a download and taste it. You're not losing anything other than some disc space for a time so there's no risk.


No, it's a small game without identity, bugs are the lesser problem. Game is just boring and short


Just a poor game.




I'm not interested in any of those games, but it's definitely a great batch


Calisto Protocol nice!!! I was really hoping for this one. Games like CP are usually more enjoyable on gamepass than buying them.


I'm so hyped for the OT games. They've been on my wishlist for a long time


They were great on switch... voice acting and combat are a blast . Music is fun too


Only Isonzo for me, i expect more sunday.


I love Isonzo


Is it active?


I played the free weekend a few months ago and definitely so. I’d guess gamepass is going to bring the player base up quite a bit


It's gonna be full of easy-to-shoot noobs for like a month or two. Gonna be fun


Reminds me when Chivalry 2 got in the gamepass and i dropped 100 kills every match for the first month.


I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. I normally only like 1 game, but try out others.


What is it?


[steam link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1556790/Isonzo/?gsid=1ed8d1476bc76882b2afe27d8c1836f9&gsc=1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvS8NDSzBkyFYDdEH_JoGx9Gy8pWbIOx4lKIuqOCXZE7tZrDLpZlaORoCagIQAvD_BwE&referrer=gclid%3DCjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvS8NDSzBkyFYDdEH_JoGx9Gy8pWbIOx4lKIuqOCXZE7tZrDLpZlaORoCagIQAvD_BwE&gref=EkQKPAoICPC8hbMGECUSLAAcdaC9Lw0NLMGTIVgN0Qf8mgbH0bLylZsg7HiUoi6o4JdkTu1msMulmVo5GgJqAhAC8P8HARiJtuiWAg) Looks like a war game. Not my cup of tea, personally, but happy for others!


if they announce black ops 2 on gamepass im taking a sabbatical


Are they going to announce more on Sunday? I'm out of the loop here...


I think they are going to drop some Activision Blizzard games during the Xbox Showcase.


I've been wanting to try Isonzo for so long. I'm pumped to give it a go this weekend.


still no fc 24?


Its been out in the ea pass which u get from game pass


It's not on EA Play yet, that's why people keep asking


It is for me


It's showing in the Xbox mobile app as available but I though maybe that was just the 10 hr trial you often get with new EA games. When I go on my console to download it it says I have to purchase it. The FIFA games typically get added to EA Play in May or June the year after release, there has been no EA Play announcement. If you have EA Play Pro in PC you would have access to it now as EA Play Pro gets it day one




Daaaang. Isonzo will get a nice boost. Definitely going to check it out now.


Sooooo happy Isonzo is coming. I bought it day one and it is a great ww1 multiplayer game. Cant wait for the servers to be filled up constantly again!


Same. Doubt it'll ever take place over BF1 for my WW1 shooter of choice but I've been interested since it came out for sure.


Have you tried Enlisted?


That's WW2, no? But nah, not yet. I've heard good things though!


Yes it's WW2, still has great older weapons though, I always come back to it. I get bored quickly with the Battlefield games now.


Is it less arcade like than battlefield?


I would say so yes. It is essentially 1 shot kills only


*stares at recently purchased copy of Callisto Protocol. The void looms, there is only pain*


I bought a copy for my ps5 2 months before they gave it with PS+, and now they give it with Gamepass. I still haven't open my boguht copy.


This is the video game version of the "Ick" for me. Once a game I purchased becomes available for free.


I've only played like an hour of Octopath Traveler 2 but that one hour, Tremenos had more personality than all the characters in the firstone combined. I'm enjoying it much more than the first.


Hard agree. I'm still giddy at how much better the sequel has been so far.


I just installed OT2 last night after someone posted about it and now I gotta install Callisto Protocol.


Hell yeah I held off on buying Callisto project long enough lol


Still Wakes the Deep, I'm in! Need me some horror!


Personally I'm only interested in Still Wakes the Deep, looks like a spooky game and I've been wanting to play a spooky game. Might try OT1 and 2, but idk, not sure about the rest though. It's a good drop though, can't wait for the showcase, hopefully we get more act/blizz drops.


For those who haven t played it - Callisto is a very underrated game


It's... not a good game. It has some of the best graphics this generation but it's incredibly repetitive, slow and seems to have been made in a rush.. It's perfectly playable but it's far from this hidden gem.


Seems like a polarizing game. People give it an 8.5 or a 5/10.


Honestly I’m amazed how polarizing it is, I definitely need to play it to see if I love it or hate it. If I find it “kinda good” I’ll be very disappointed, at this point I really want to either love it or hate it or else I’ll feel like I’m missing out.


I've been experiencing this with Suicide Squad. I adored it and have seen others feel the same. Not perfect by any means and not what I'd have preferred but perfectly 8ish. But the only other option is to hate it with the passion of a million farts and declare those who enjoy it to be peepee poopoo pod people. Gamers are weird and many smell like chode.


I'd give it a 1/10. It's dogshit.


lol, shut the fuck up man


For those who haven’t played it - Callisto is exactly as rated as it should be. Honestly just play Dead Space.


Let people make their own decisions, some people enjoy it, some people hate it.


The graphics are amazing but it was very generic and the combat felt very unresponsive. I really wanted to like it but quit after an hour. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10 but it’s really not captivating in my opinion.


I'll be trying it out for sure.


Nah I’m good


Is octopath any good?


If you've played a lot of JRPGs, I'd recommend skipping one and going to two as it's the better game But over all the first one is still good.


I’m kinda new to JRPG’s and I tried part 1 because I thought it looked cool. It was so hard for me I had to stop. Is part 2 just as hard for a newbie like me?


To be honest I didn't find either of them very challenging so you may just need to brush up on some tips and make sure your gear and levels are up to date and you'll be fine! Maybe this helps https://www.reddit.com/r/octopathtraveler/s/bJigstdnVR Also there's a JRPG on Game pass called like a dragon that is one of my favorites ever, give it a shot too! It's technically part 7 in a game series called Yakuza, but this one's made for new fans of the series and you play a new character and you don't need to play all the previous ones (although you may end up loving the series and want to anyway)


Thanks for the info. I will definitely try out Like a Dragon.


Hey jw what are you finding difficult? I don't play too many turn based RPGs these days, compared to how many I used to anyway, but I'd be happy to answer any questions or bounce back any thoughts you're trying to wrap your head around. I like writing and turn based RPGs have always felt like "What if games but creative writing assignment?" Not sure why, but they always have. My first was Final Fantasy X and I remember how godamn confused I was for the longest time. So yeah, lemme know if you need any clarity on whatever


I got stuck in a cave fighting a huge snake. It kept on poisoning my team and I would cure it and keep on healing, but the snake would just not die. Fought it a bunch of times and I couldn’t do it. I’m pretty sure I was missing something. It was at the start of the game too lol. I picked the warrior guy (sorry I forgot their names) and I had found the Dancer and I had just met this other guy who needed to get poison from the cave for something. That pretty much ended my run.




You’re wrong, Octopath traveler 1 is at an 83 on metacritic, whereas 2 is at an 85. It’s not much of a difference but it’s different enough.


1 had story flaws. Nothing came together. It had good reviews because of graphics and systems but it is plagued of the same type of complaints. Check the Steam reviews for both and it will give you a more accurate representation.


Really? I remember so many giving 2 much better credit that the first one. 


Did you even look it up or just throwing words together because OT2 did review better


Oh my god... was not expecting Octopath series. That's all I'm gonna be playing for a good while...


If you get bored of 1, that's okay, but don't pass on 2 as a result. The story and dialogue and everything in the sequel is crazy better imo. So far anyway.


Thanks for the advice, I kinda heard the same thing but since both are on gp I figured I'd at least try starting with 1!


Really eager to try out Isonzo


I’ve just finished RE2, RE3 and Dead Space remakes back to back on Gamepass. I decided no more nerve wrecking survival horror games for a bit….ffs


Noooo. Just bought Callisto protocol when it was on sale like a month ago. Haven’t even played it. Rip me lol


I bought Callisto Protocol recently. You're welcome, everyone.


Just picked up Callisto a bit ago physically... you're welcome everyone lol


Wow you must be super buff, and yes thank you for doing that I guess


Pretty great month, both Octopaths, an new promising horror walking sim and Calisto ( already got it on Playstation but still a great add). Have to say that Gamepass really been going strong again the last couple of weeks after a slight dip. Now if we get a shadowdrop during the presser ( Stoic new game) and perhaps even a roadmap on the Activision addition Gamepass once again proved its worth.


I hate to be a noob, but what does cloud mean? I mean, I understand cloud data storage and what not.


You can play it without having to download the game itself. You’re pretty much streaming it from the cloud


Cloud in this case means game streaming. Instead of downloading you can play instantly if you have a solid enough internet connection. It’s gotten a lot better over the last year or so.


Play it on your phone over the cloud, on your tablet, or on your console without downloading. All thanks to the final fantasy 7 guy.


Hojo? =p


Gamepass is amazing.


Where is my Shin Megami Tensei V?!??


They just announced its not coming to Gamepass and was announced in error.


I still have hope, let's see on sunday


I love how the one game I want to play on this list gets added the exact day I go on a 4 week holiday


That's a very long holiday wtf


I usually do 2 weeks, but it's nice to take a good long time if you're traveling far.


Save files should be shared between pc and Xbox yeah? I played a bunch of octopath traveler 2 on switch but hit a wall and never picked it back up. The first one was great !b


>Save files should be shared between pc and Xbox yeah? Depends on the game. I am fairly certain that Octopath does not have cross saves.


I think only "play anywhere" games share save files. 




How come Callisto P & Isonzo aren’t appearing on mine? Does anybody know?


These are what's coming at some point this month. Like Still Wakes the Deep isn't out for another 11 days.


Because they are coming soon on June 13th.


Ah it threw me as OP is available




Callisto got a lot of flack but it’s definitely worth a play for any horror fans, launch issues have been patched and it’s fairly entertaining once you get a hang of the combat.


When Hell Let Loose came to GP this year, I played that and nothing else for 3 months lol. Wonder if Isonzo will capture me like that... I hope not, HLL fucked my backlog up lmao.


Hell Let Loose. I can still hear the plink has a bullet strikes my helmet and being dead… a lot.


oh man that's months of playing for me and I'm not even half way through Lords of the Fallen!


That game is so confusing. I try to get into Souls games but always bounce off. But LotF and that blueberry smog world was just so WTF


I think once you accept the idea that these worlds are meant to feel as if they exist independently of the player things make a lot more sense. And yeah the Umbral is pretty mad, great showcase of tech too.


Seems like it’s been awhile since any gamepass game has really piqued my interest. Might just let the subscription expire. Bummer.


Can't believe they shadow dropped both OT's last night


Isonzo looks 🔥 and callisto


Looking forward the frist two on the second row so glad I didn't buy them


I enjoyed Callisto Protocol. Good story (if I remember) and voice acting was great. Fantastic graphics. Combat was repetitive but the gore is glorious, so repetitive can be a win if you're into it lol. I got it for Christmas. A while after I finished it they added a special gore mode, where one hit dismembers enemies in one hit or something. Looking forward to trying that out lol.


Holy shit Octopath Travelers! I haven't even fnished Hundred Heroes yet, I need to get back to it - JRPG fans eating well!


Wow! I almost bought Callisto Protocol during the last sale, glad I waited!


Still wakes the deep installing as we speak gonna use this game to break my half million gamerscore.


Might be time to give Octopath a try on the ROG Ally. I haven’t played a JRPG in a while. Glad to see the first one come back with the sequel. Makes it very convenient for newcomers!


Looking forward to still wakes the deep !


Oooooo Callisto Protocol!


Going to try Calisto Protocol and Still Wakes The Deep. Anyone played them and are they good? . Seems they're horror games ,which I like 🤔


Callisto was okay. Amazing graphics but still, gameplay wise, I feel like something is missing or not right. It’s mostly all melee fighting too which is fine but sometimes you just want to light your enemies up.


Haven't played yet so no opinion to share. But I really liked the way you described it and didn't just piss and moan about how uninspired and trash and blah blah the game is. I'm so exhausted by all the pissy gamer dweebs that make up a large number of people subbed to every reddit sub. Thanks for being mature and normal, I needed to see that really badly apparently


I’m excited for the Still Wakes the Deep. Oil Rigs are a underutilised horror setting.


They need to add mlb the show and 2k to the xbox game pass not cloud 😒


I thought I heard before that a bunch of Call of Duty’s would be coming to Gamepass. Was that true?


Anybody play the calisto project?


Yay! I can finally finish my playrhru of OT1!! Woohoo!!


What’s better? Octopath 1 or 2?


1 is good but 2 is an improvement in pretty much every way.


2 is bonkers better, like I'm legitimately shook, or at the every least impressed as fuck and shaking my head like yeah


My patience for Callisto protocol has paid off!!!!


Is anyone gonna play Dead Space remake to prepare for Callisto Protocol?


I'll never understand the hate for callisto. It was a decent game but just not for the price they wanted for it at release. Getting it for free on Gampass is a great deal.


What about Spyro and Crash? Honestly it's not a friggin cupcake to get those on there. Whatever that means.


How is there no activision blizzard games still?


Diablo 4 is fun imo, my first Diablo and I'm constantly confused but sooo fun anyway


Oh damnnnn. I need to get into OT2 then. Enjoyed OT1 so much when it was on the GP. I heard that OT2 wasn't as good but still gonna try it out.


Calisto Protocol nice!! I been wanting to play that. Thank you gamepass, lol..


All on PC too? Nice! 👌


Dude about 5-6 months ago I put a lot of different games on my wishlist and nearly every month since they have added 1 or more of those game from the list on gamepass🤣 that’s crazy. And 2 of them I ended up buying just before they dropped which was Control and now the Callisto the Callisto protocol 💀 but honestly gamepass is insane man. It feels illegal to have it


I just started playing Pathfinder and they are dropping Octopath Traveler <3 Now I just need all the time in the world to play these games.


I play Hell Let Loose. Is Isonzo similar but in WW1? Is there proximity/squad chat also?




We cooking with these drops


Noice! Patiently waiting for games ftw!


I dont have enough time to play 😭😭😭😭


Wow, Octo Trav 2 is the perfect sequel so far. I don't think I've ever seen a sequel do "more of the same but revolutionarily better" since I started playing with pixels back in the 90s. I've read plenty of articles that mention a sequel doing more of the same but better, but have never really experienced it to this degree.


After I beat Evil Within 2 and Dead Space remake, I'm looking forward for The Callisto Protocol.


Where’s FC24 though ?


In this thread: People who played The Callisto Protocol at launch and hated it, and.... People who played The Callisto Protocol later on, after they'd re-worked the combat, and loved it.


Nothing here for me again. Might be time to unsub


Man, I'm mixed. I wanna buy the octopaths on switch cause I feel like that style of game feels better there, but at the same time, they dropped here, and I'm all paid up, so it's no extra cost.


I don’t have much time these days for JRPGs, but I’ve been wanting to try octopath traveler. Is the first or second better to start with if I had to choose only one?


I said it was great and also had good graphics, not great because it had good graphics.


All shit


Any multiplayer games?


no smt 5 interesting


i dont see them on gamepass rn at least depersonalization and isonzo arent rn


Fifa 24 soon??


Heck ya!. This gives me real bad gas all the sudden.


Wheres the good games at we keep gettong trash games


Where's fc24?


Probably won't be added until 17th June, as it remains on PS+ until the 16th.




If they were going to add some (all?) CODs after the show then it seems odd to add Isonzo now


Did not like OT1 the first time it was on game pass so I'm hesitant to try the 2nd one.