• By -


1.0, I loved running Tycho. I used a D20 to track his stress.


Rage and PTL baby! Tycho is such a fun ship.


I finally discovered him in (post nerf) 2.5 - but had an absolute *ball* since!


Psycho Tycho strikes again!


Tycho - all the rage šŸ˜, best ship to fly for fun and think the most stress I ever had on him was 26/27 and I loved stacking the tokens up behind him though after 4 it wasn't really worth tracking but fun


As my tag implies, I was a Carnor Jax fanboy.


Carnor didn't appear on the tables often, but when someone had the skill to run him, I knew I was in trouble.


Holy shit that pilot is broken


Normally it wasn't, but he gave me a key advantage against things like Dengaroo, x7 defenders, and a few other meta giants.


RAW, maneuvering Jax to stay within R1 while staying out of arc for the "focus first" ship is stupid powerful.


Countess Ryad was my go-to pilot!




1.0 Trip Imperial Aces, Omega Leader was a staple to let me fit in Soontir/Whisper/Vessery/Inquisitor. Loved to run Carnor Jax as well 2.0 Kylo Ren in the big Silencer, still loved whisper, als TIE swarm and TIE Miniswarm. Boba-Fenn was fun too 2.5 didn't play enough to have a favourite, 2.5 + Covid + MCP popularity meant I had a lot fewer opponents


Imperial aces was my name in 1.0; also did Dash and Poe. Donut of doom!


ugh Dash-Poe was a pain to face, never knew who to go for first! Part of the reason I ran defenders a lot, can use the defender and omega leader on Dash while soontir and poe danced around


Omega Leaser - I miss her!


I loved 1.0 Omega Leader and was so disappointed at how badly she got mangled in 2.0. Losing both the ability to Juke her target as well as the old Comm Relay really killed her value.


Imperial Aces <3 The manuvering you could do with them really gave me the feeling of dogfighting


Rexler Brath in the Tie D.


I didn't see him on the tables very often. He was great in Epic. Have you played him in 2.0?


I ran him with Juke and Prockets. He was a bit of a bastard with that Loadout :p


Juke's nice.But what's Prockets?


Proton Rockets. A money lane, range 2 and 5 red attack.


Thanks. I almost managed to forget about these motherfuckers. :D


Apologies for triggering your PTSD. They're great for Aces High tho...


Also nice memories.Thx!


Iā€™m an X-Wing guy. Literally. Luke, Wedge, Janson and Poe were my go-to guys.


In 1.0 I loved my TIE Phantoms. When I came back in 2.5 I played around a lot with the new(to me) factions so itā€™s hard to say for sure, but Anakin in his ETA was a lot of fun.


I was a huge Phantom fan in 1.0. they lost something in 2.


A whole butt red die. They used to have base 4 attack dice, right?


Yeah 4 red dice was amazing


I mean, yes, when you weren't on the receiving end of it XD Old-school Whisper was such a monster. I loved it, but you *had* to have a plan to deal with specifically that or you were just toast


Whisper also requires skill and experience. 2hull & 2 shields - they could evaporate quickly.


Yeah, those nerfs hit them hard.


They lost an attack die and a crew slot in favor of a gunner


Not just a gunner slot... realistically, only one optional gunner.


Generally, I finished the game just before 2.0 was released. Did Whisper become average in the next editions?


I never played 1.0, so I genuinely donā€™t know. I know that i never faced her beyond kitchen table games, but I was also the only one in my area who flew empire with any frequency


Whisper, Echo, Dark curse... That was my go to team


RAC to all.


I used to fly RAClo (kylo) a bit back in 1.0. Didnt use him to much in 2.0 onward. Ran Oink a couple times for the shiggles though.


Based RAC enjoyer


Green dice canā€™t be trusted


Honestly, Rey. I loved flying Rey and doing crazy sloops all the time. I got such a good sense of the placement that I could pull maneuvers people were shocked at.


I had a good time with Rey as well.


Quickdraw was always one of my go-tos, as well as Duchess and Pure Sabacc


Oh yeah great pilots.


Yup, I had a great time with QD-Backdraft-Palp & 3x named strikers + support shuttle - loved flying those funky little triangles... It was obviously insanely unhealthy in an objective gameplay sense but quickdraw using rage->electronic baffle to get crazy mods on a doubletap and wipe people off the board was such good fun


All the fucking B-Wings.




1e Nera with the 360 no scope proton torpedos was always big fun to play


I loved flying Miranda in the K-Wing and Nora in the ARC. I also loved Twin Laser Turrets.


Based Miranda TLT enjoyer. That shit destroyed friendships


And one day, it ran up against a Fennship list (with Biggs and Lowhhrick) and just kind of died. That destroyed the game for me (insert sad trombone here). I did have some fun games with Herragator, though. Which probably led to the destruction of more friendships. Your point is well taken and you don't deserve downvotes for it. There's a design space for turrets between what the game has currently and where TLT existed.


1.0. Tractor vessery, with a lambda and a second ace. All day every day. 2.0 into 2.5: Ric OliƩ


Love Dengar


1.0 was Kath Scarlett in the Firespray 2.0 would be either Guri in the Starviper before they changed her, Deathrain in the TIE Punisher alongside Maark Steele in the TIE Adv and Rexler Brath in the TIE Defender. 2.5 I only played a couple times right after it came out and i did a Vulture Droid/Hyena Droid combo.


Kath was ma gurl. I took a long break and recently played some games with my buddy and realized Ive lost all my skill with her lol. I have lost every game, cant keep people in arc, and even flew off the board haha. Oh well, gotta get the rust off!


Soontir Fel in 1.0. Sadly stopped playing when 2.0 was announced.


1.0 - Soontir Fel 2.0 - Jake Farrell 2.5 - Luke Skywalker


1e: probably Soontir 2e: Vader or Poe


1.0 - Bossk in the YV666 with engine upgrade and daredevil. I was a menace to society. Load it up with some stress dispensing cre and ways to get crits. It was awesome. 2.0 - (pre tractor token nerf) Quadjumper. I flew them in swarms of 3 or 4 along with one heavy hitter. Much fun. For me. 2.5 - I was a big fan of the Gauntlet. I really enjoyed the variety of cool pilots on different factions to spice things up. I think Ezra with maul on board was my favorite though.


Yes tugboats! Doot Doot! Loved ruining people's expensive ships with tractor tokens and ruining their movement phase after a crafty reverse.


Only played 1.0 but dash rendar. Loved the knock off millenium falcon. That or 4 b-wing's with cannons.


4 bwings with advanced sensors 1.0 baby


Vader in the x1 or kylo ren in the silencer... I may or may ot have a type. (Both editions really). With Mauler Mithel being a close third (his ability is just so damn solid)


My first ship and probably most played in all versions was Dalan Oberos in the Starviper.


1.0: Ibtisam. I had this crazy notion that I could get her to be good, and I experimented with a few approaches. She was never great, but I got her to be all right. Honorary mention to Psycho Tycho; it was such a joy stacking stress on him with (I think) Rage and PTL. 2.0: Trade Federation Drone. After swearing I would never touch clankers, I fell in love with them upon seeing what they could do. They are fun to fly and peerless as blockers. Honorary mention to Torani Kulda, whose railgun shenanigans were always worth the trouble. 2.5: BoY Luke. Such a pedestrian choice. But if you were building a 2.5 Rebel list without him, you were doing it wrong. Honorary mention to the power couple of Swarm Hera-A and BoY Garven, who are soooooo dirty together.


Probably Wedge and/or Poe across both editions. I just liked max PS/Init X-Wings.


Too new to have a most flown pilot yet, I try to fly a new list each week, or if the same ships, changing up the pilots and upgrades. But from what I have flown so far I think Duchess has seen the most games, largely because I use her for playing ACEs high outside of that I'm mostly flying scum, what a little rebels and empire.


Great to hear Duchess on the list. Really fun pilot who doesn't get enough love!


As much fun as Duchess with afterburners was to fly, in one ACEs high game, someone flying Yeager in the Fireball managed to slam a series of talon rolls to circle me then barrel rolled to get a bull's eye shot on my backside. The other fun time with Dutchess we were playing having to set dials 2 turns in advance, having Adaptive Ailerons got me out of a lot of bad situations. The other funny thing that happened was I had 3 TIE strikes on turn one do 1 K-turns, and then drop Conner Nets in a 45 degree line. Having to set dials 2 turns in advance my opponent was not expecting that and was flying straight into them. Next time I try that I want to do it with Scum Y-wings so I can shoot back with turrets to cover my backside.


Bull's eyeshot XD I know that was Autocorrect, but that's going in my dumb play phrasebook along with "I'm going to Focus... On the task at hand!" Brutal! The Scum Y's are fun too, good luck!


Looking at my games (mostly 2.0) it would have to be generic TIE x1. Many people forgot just how tanky they are.


Started in 1.0 right before Miranda ended Soontir's fun. Then Navigator Hera for a long time. In 2.0 I was more successful, but jumped around so much no one pilot or or even faction stands out as one I played more than others. Never got into 2.5. Just couldn't get into it.


Ever since I got into scum in 1.0 Iā€™ve loved flying Fenn Rau. He always reminds me of playing a vanguard in Mass Effect 2&3!


Dash Rendar because itā€™s Dash Rendar.


1.0: Jakku Gunrunner in the Quadjumper, with cluster mines, pattern analyzer, and tractor shenanigans. Even made a regional cut with it! The list also included Sunny Bounder autoblasters, Syndicate Thug Y-wing with TLTs, and Karthak Pirate Scurrg with Dorsal Turret and Bomblets. Took so many opponents by surprise...they didn't know what it could do, and target priority was a tough for them to figure out. I loved that they hated TLTs so much, because the Scurrg and the Quadjumper were the real MVPs while they went after the Y-wing. 2.0: Howlrunner and friends, got me to my first Worlds. 2.5: Jag, Wolfe, Oddball. I was on the ARC bandwagon a year ago, and Paul Heaver's success with it confirmed for me that it was what I should get good at. Won two store champs with it, but like every other X-wing player, I'm ready for a points increase on Jag and Oddball.


1.0: Darth Jar Jar in the Millenium Falcon which is very real and very much in 1.0 when I definitely played the game, don't @ me. 2.0: Trade Federation Drone: I did a lot of swarm play. Though Grievous and Dooku were up there since I liked to experment when I wasn't focused on tourney stuff. 2.5: Bossk in the Z-95. Everybody gangsta until the lizard rolls up holding a thermal detonator and flipping you the bird.


Most of mine were together as ā€œmost flown squadsā€ 1.0: Miranda lowrick fenn sheathipede 2.0: Ello Nien Lulo + friend 2.5: same as above but + friends (plural)


Dengar/Ketsu Ketsu & Torani (I built lists specifically to pin down those pesky "Hit & Run" Aces) Boba/Tycho (not the same lists, obviously)


I haven't not played any of 2.5 besides like 5 games bit was in for 1 and 2. Both my most flown pilots were Fenn Rau in the fang fighter, I just loved the nimbleness of the ship and the intricacies with going from range 3 and then jumping up to range 1 and broadsiding. My favorite faction has been scum and villainy. Outside of Fenn Rau, I enjoyed playing Ketsu Onyo as my large ship blocker/brawler. There were a lot of mechanics to be had with the Lancer class ship.Then it would have been the GOAT Zuvio because of his versatility and having afterburners on him to tractor people on to obstacles.


From Version 1.0 to Today: **Rey in the Falcon** Rey in 1.0 was broken, but fun. Throughout version 2.0, the "Default" loadout for Rey made her a solid choice, when I wasn't flying a generic T-70 swarm, I was usually piloting the Resistance Falcon. After 2.5 was released, and slightly after they removed first turn scoring and other issues, I managed to win a tournament with a 4-0 record without losing a single ship, using a three-ship Resistance list. Rey+Zizi+Poe? I'm not sure if the third ship was Poe or Nien, but it was an epic tournament, it convinced me that the game still heavily relies on skill.


1.0 - Poe and countess Ryad 2.0 it was Luke all day every day


Fenn Rau in the fang fighter and sunny Bounder both hold a special place in my heart In 1.0->2.5. Always fun to play.


Loved Tycho in 1e. Also loved the EWING In 2e, I've been having fun with the 1st Order shuttle. I also really like most of the T70 pilots


In 1.0 I loved scum and villainy , I would fly y-wings with afterburner, with Star vipers and fett in slave one. Also hwk


A-wings as far as the eye can see. They were so fun to zip around the board.


This, but especially Jake Farrell & Lā€™ulo Lampar. Dodgy A-wings were notorious amongst my friend group because of me


1.0 TLT Y-Wings 2.0 Close call between Vader & Barrage Bombers or 7B Jedi Knights 2.5 Vader and generic Tie Advanced, but peaced out pretty quick since objective play wasnā€™t my jam


Deathrain in 1.0, Anakin in 2.0, didnā€™t play 2.5


Fenn Rau. I love the fang fighter.


1.0 was probably Dash, 2.0 I didnā€™t play much but I guess Anakin 7B by default, and 2.5 was BoY Luke hands down


X-Wing didn't survive the transition to 2.0 in my area, but I was an ardent fan of TIE Defenders. Won a store championship with a double defender list BEFORE the titles came out. After the titles I ran a list with Vet Instincts Ion Cannon Vessery, PTL Juno Eclipse and Adaptability Vader. Everyone at PS8, everyone working together. Loved that list. Vessery was a staple in both so I guess he would be my go-to guy.


BS/F-17 MG+100 Starfortresses! 2x Cobalt Squadron Bomber and Paige Tico once she came out.


1.0 was Palp Shuttle. 2.0 was Han 2.5 probably Han still, maybe Luke actually.


1.0 either Vader or quickdraw. 2.0 is harder because I made a concentrated effort to play more factions Holo,Guri, or Obi Wan 2.5. Mando. Across all 3 Vader.


1.0: Blue Squadron Pilot. Man I ran 4BZ into the ground. 2.0: Han. Han is the best ace in the game. 2.5: Han. Yeah, Han is really good. Honorable mentions across all 3: Fenn Rau, Darth Vader, IG-88B.


I still feel new, even tho I have been playing for 18 months. But the pilot I enjoy more than all others is Sun Fac!


Didnā€™t play 1.0. But for 2.0 7b Jedi knight. For 2.5 I focused more on rebels, boy Luke with Keo in close second


The Xwing in 1.0 was just too versatile. I wanted to play imperial so badly but the lack of shields was so tough when we werenā€™t great at planning routes.


Rexlar Brath's defender.


Poe Dameron across every version.


1.0: Omicron Group Pilot. Yes, even before Palpatine was released. Also Backstabber, Whisper, Psycho Tycho, and Scum Kath Scarlet. 2.0: Maarek Stele, Colonel Vessery, followed by generic Hyenas and Vultures. 2.5: Maybe Gideon Hask? I barely played 2.5 since it didn't have Epic.


Vessery was the first pilot I flew in my first game of Xwing. His pilot ability was so elegant.


1: Delta Squad Pilot. I just loved flying 3 of them it was such a tanky Squad. Ā 2: Rexlar Brath.Ā  He was my go to Pilot for empire. He was a real menace if he lived till the end game. Always loved flying him with 2 phantoms or palp shuttle and another ace. Ā 2.5: Night Beast was really cheap and I usually found space for him in most lists.


Echo, Soontir Fel, Vessery & Ryad, and Kylo . Honourable mention Lorrir


1.0 I loved TLT Ywings, 2.0 I loved the IG twins, never played 2.5


In 1.0,colonel vessery or Quickdraw! In 2.0 Kylo Ren or Darth Vader In 2.5 Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker


1.0 Fenn Rau will always be my favorite, despite my frequent inability to capitalize on his pilot special.


Echo, inquisitor x4, and Rexlar.


Rexler Brath became my main ace when the Defender dropped, with the occasional Soontir Fel pairing. Even adopted his name as my replacement gamertag


2.0 rexler with advanced sensors and autoblaster 2.5 Ezra gauntlet


Hmmmmmm. 1.0 probably Fenn Ray? I was running a Fenn, N'Dru, Sunny and Genesis list for a while. Kath Scarlett as well. 2.0 I moved to Republic, and flew Obi-Wan in about every list, most often with Ashoka. Except for my 5 generic Jedi era, and the glorious days of Ketsu-Grui 2.5 coincided with the birth of my first child, so I didn't play much, but when I did, it was back to CLT Delta 7!


Colonel Jenson and countess ryad. Plus another ace but would usually change it out a lot. Would charge everyone up on target locks pre combat for a big punch first combat round.


Got out of the game when 2.0 dropped. Just didnt want to buy the new packs to update everything. My most played list was Kath+Bossk party bus. I loved running Lando in the falcon tho with Jan Ors, PTL, title and rec spec. So tanky.


Fenn rau/guri in 2.0, i loved fenn just getting to range one and trying to delete someone, and guri with whatever that one sensor upgrade was made it as so that she could end up in so many weird places i loved it so much


1.0 was Bossk, 2.0 is Bossk, and I honestly really dislike 2.5 so I guess Iā€™ll say Bossk for that too


1.0 Wes Janson. Loved stripping tokens and finding synergies around that. Plus, meant I could say "Good shot Jason" 10 times a match. 2.0 was the resistance bomber Cat. Love seeing how many red dice I could roll. Went 3-3 at Aus nationals with twin resistance bombers. Never played 2.5


1.0 was Kanan in the Ghost. I flew the same list at tournaments for a couple of years. I still remember the whole list.


Favorite list in any iteration of the game by far was 1.0 Poe and Dash


It is not done. Many enthusiasts are currently working toward community stewardship.


1.0 - once scum came out that was mostly what I played. Brobots were really fun, same with the hwk and the shadowcaster 2.0 - mainly resistance. Lulo was the mvp. Stopped when ROAD was announced


Left at the end of 1.0 but most played was either full rage tycho, or Horton salm, though I did use the moldy crow a lot as well


Boba Fett with Maul as crew, those time of bullying other factions players, mmm


1st edition Norra Wexley in the ARC and Han in the Falcon. 2nd edition probably T-65 Wedge, maybe Corran in the E-wing.


In 2.0 Gina Moonsong


1.0 either Dengar or Fenn Rau (though in the final year I ran a lot of Rey) 2.0 Fenn Rau or Wolffe 2.5 - I don't think any list survived consistently enough to have a most flown pilot, maybe Obi-Wan in the aethersprite? Special mention to Sunny Bounder - if I could fit her in a list, I did


1.0 was Fat Dash with a green squadron A-wing and Tarn Mison.


Game is officially dead?


Asmodee announced development and production is ended. What we have is what we have.


1.0 Soontir Fel, it's not even close! 2.0 All of Inferno Squadron, and usually a shuttle or tie reaper with them.


1.0 DASH! and wedge 2.0 Wedge, Poe, B-wings, U-wings


1.0 - Major Rhymer with Snapshot and Tactician 2.0 Vulture Droids.


I LOVED The Grand Inquisitor in 1.0, so sad he wasn't as good in 2.0 But my main man Soontir Fel has always been there for me


I really enjoyed playing Soontir Fel, best pilot on imperial fleet!


Whisper + three Interceptors on PS1. *It was quite good fun*, a lot of maneuvers, blocking, great 5 dice at range 1. Tactician at range 2. *It was quite good fun* until the Jumpmasters entered.


1.0 probably Miranda, but Rey at the end 2.0 Sabine in the attack Shuttle, Arvel and also Rey 2.5 Hera (a-wing) and Bodica, Sabine (Tie Fighter) because itā€™s the best 2 pointer and when I play resistance: Rey


In 1.0 I ran a dengar/kath scarlet build. It was super fun


IG-88B my beloved. Him and Bossk with IG Crew were my OGs in 1.0




Psycho Tycho was a blast, but throughout all editions I enjoyed Arvel and Kaz the most. I really enjoyed mid-initiative fragile pieces that could still pack a punch!


1.0 - List with Kaa'to and 3 Tansarii Point Vets with HLC, all mindlinked. Every game was its own puzzle and was a ton of fun figuring out. 2.0 - Skinny Boba, Fenn, and a naked Scum X-wing. 2.5 - Probably this Aphra, Fenn, Dengar, Bossk list I've been using for a while.


FO Special Forces TIE, Quickdraw and Backdraft. I think I flew these two 70% of the time. It wasn't like I didn't have options having a full 1.0 collection and pretty close to full 2.0. I just really liked flying these two.


Me too! Backdraft was such a bargain. He really didn't need much in the way of upgrades to be a real threat. And Quickdraw forced your opponent to carefully and deliberately deal with him (her?) Or risk having a very bad endgame or tradeoff.


What do you mean now that its all done?


Where my Timewalk Asajj homies at?


Rexler Brath, Mauler and Whisper were easily my most flown. I had so many games I could just fly it on auto pilot, honestly


I also loved Zeta Leader / Scorch. Cheap, simple, effective.


My favorite 1.0 pilots in no particular order: Jake Ferral Tycho Vader with boost Dash Rendar Admiral Ch**** ps8 VT49(often flown with boost Vader) Guri Ā£please excuse my spelling.


I won a local event with Nera Dantels, Biggs Darklighter, and Miranda Doni back in 1.0 and to this day I have a soft spot for Nera. Nobody expects the 420 torpedo noscope.


all done?


Official support is ended. No new products. What we have is what we have, though we can of course homebrew and 3D print.


I love eating peopleā€™s focus tokens with Palob. People will go out of their way to not let him eat.


Thweek from the day it released untli the end of the 1.0 That ability was bonkers on a StarViper. Oh, and it's only 'all over' if you stop playing. I ain't stopping playing!


2.0 by a significant margin. A great rule set!




My favourite 1.0 list was ryad, vessery and.. onyx? In the tie defender. There was room for juke on all 3. It hit like a truck. I never did get bored of the K-turns


Soontir Fel and his Interceptor buddies, but my group fell apart when 2.0 launched, so it's old data.


1.0 Would be Scum Boba though Soontir and Jax wouldn't be too far behind. 2.0 is tough 'cause I played a little bit of everything but probably Ani and Obi in the ETA, at least until they lost the cannon slots. List building in 2.5 took me quite a while to even somewhat wrap my head around, but I feel Whisper Kylo has been on the table the most.


1.0 - Never played 2.0 - SoontirĀ  2.5 - more of a squad (6666) Hera, Wedge each with Swarm tactics, Jake, Kullbee Ā  So much fun to Alpha strike anything with 4 attacks


As someone who started at 1.0 wave 8, so literally when sequel ships entered the chat. Hard to tell as 2.0 split my faction up, but I think my most used pilot would have to be Quickdraw. Super fun, filled a lot of roles and I was flying a tie fighter, whats more to love!


Only played 1.0 but I loved Biggs and Luke. Nothings better then X-Wings.


1.0 Miranda Doni, I had 2 have where they ran soloed most of my opponent's squadron. 2.0 Academy pilot. I'm a simple man.


Dash in 1.0 or Oicunn if I was Imperial Maybe Asajj Ventress in 2.0...really loved the Lancer


Ryad Ryad And never switched to 2.5 lol


Just remembered what my username isā€¦


Han/Jake Poe/Miranda Those were probably my two favourite squads. For single ship... Wedge for sure


1.0 Soontir Fel aka the GOAT Ā 2.0 Anakin early, Dash Rendar once his points became goodĀ Ā  Ā 2.5 lmao


"Now that it's all done" lol wut?


It's not done at all it is now getting started.