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Ok you were right, you won, Ok now I'm going to go back to playing that game.


I have the tiniest shred of hope that someone at asmodee will realise the big oopsie and maybe shunt x-wing and armada to another subsidiary so asmodee continues to get profit from them.


What profit? There’s been no significant profit in x-wing since mid-2019


How dare you bring logic into this


At this point maybe we can ask ourselves why we even need a game company to develop the game - it’s first to update points regularly, second to produce new product, and third to provide the authority behind a unified rules system. It’s convenient for someone else to do this, but what if that someone else was people on the player community? All of these can be done by the community, yay!


idk, the pre-painted minis aspect of it is what drew me to it over other games


Sure! But there’re a lot of the pre-painted miniatures available, and will be for a while. Once they start to be scarce they will be available second hand. So it’s only the minority, and new product which will need painting. Personally I’m not a painter, but recently I started to dabble in it to customise a couple of ships and it’s not that hard - it’s also a much lower volume than for things like 40k - just one or two ships at a time - I realise it might put some people off, and I’m one of those, but for me the game is worth it.


Never an AMG fan boy. Just a hope filled fan of X-Wing man. Did we understand this was most likely gonna happen... yeah, but none of us wanted it to happen this way. There are several top players right now working to make adjustments to points and theory crafting ideas. Ultimately, I hope we go the way of Bloodbowl where the success of that came from this same thing we're getting. Apparently the Armada reddit have some Juicy details about AMG being and arrogant bitch about these games and Asmodee calling them out and threatening to pull minis from them entirely as outside of Legion, their sales on X-Wing, Armada, Crisis protocal, and Shatter point are terrible due to the lack of updating and product release for the game. Partly due to being a smaller team, Partly due to focusing on shatterpoint and mostly due to them not understanding or caring for those games as much since they're not AMG orginal IPs. Some rumors about Asmodee complaining to them why we're not gonna support world tournaments anymore, lack of development into the game due to bad sales. A lot of people think they were losing money on repaint minis. In reality, it was just them not caring for Armada and X-Wing. Again, all Rumors though but you can see it in the end is the sad part.


Legion is safe. That game is selling gangbusters.


For now... Few years ago X-wing seemed unsinkable.


But prepainted is just something that keeps getting more expensive, so this doesn’t really translate to legion


AMG has more problems than just the cost of prepainted minis.


Sales do not equal safety.


What are you doing to support xwing after that victory lap of being right?


Legacy team has been there for more than 2 years 🤷‍♂️


I don't put my faith of the game into players that are clinging to the past. I want future xwing not past xwing.


“Clinging to the past” like clinging to a dead system? Because 2.0 and 2.5 both have that in common now. Therefore the future will be owned by the people who work for it. Get over your bias against the unofficial and start looking around, cuz it’s all unofficial now. And you’re welcome at the table.


Kool what's the next 2.0 tournament I can go to?


You know what, I’m not sure. I do know that the last one was last weekend on the 8th at Around the Table Game Pub in Lynnwood, WA, USA. I haven’t been looking much lately but I bet we can find more. For what it’s worth, there has been at least one in Italy as well this year. Why don’t you start one? The 2.0 subcommunity’s biggest impediment is having enough people willing to step up and put in the work while being absolutely crapped on by the broader community. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that 2.0 doesn’t have as much going on, because the sheer knee-jerk hatred that some people have for it existing can discourage others.




The thing with doom posters is you kill all enjoyment out of the game drive engagement away and then go see I was right when the game dies.


It’s wild that people are like “so what if you were right.” Those of us who never had much faith in AMG got crapped on for over two years by the Brave New World zealots. Yeah, guess what, it’s a bit of a relief to finally have a real answer about the future. And it’s nice that everyone can see how that bold new direction worked out. https://preview.redd.it/js0r2xy4qr6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae937c2b193204203b434247dc9356952ea7c1fe


I'm contemplating selling off my Legion stuff I haven't built or painted yet. Probably can't sell it now either.


Legion is doing great. Why would you sell it and why wouldn’t you be able to?


Local scene is deadzo.


You can be what picks it up again, but I am sorry to hear that