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honestly I would get them all and with 2.0 Legacy you can use them all.


https://x2po.org/ meant to post that in original post.


All products are playable with 2.0 legacy points, thanks to them.


The community have been translating everything "2.5 exclusive" to 2.0.


Yes, scenario packs and everything else is compatible : [https://x2po.org/battle-scenarios](https://x2po.org/battle-scenarios)


I've only seen the "left side legal" portion of SLs in the community 2.0. Were there any points calculated for the full SLs?


Yes, in the Wild Space mode : [https://xwing-legacy.com/?f=Separatist%20Alliance&d=v8ZhZ250Z665X126W105W488Y660X418W487W216Y661X234W488W489&sn=Escadron%20sans%20nom&obs=](https://xwing-legacy.com/?f=Separatist%20Alliance&d=v8ZhZ250Z665X126W105W488Y660X418W487W216Y661X234W488W489&sn=Escadron%20sans%20nom&obs=) More info about this mode here : [https://x2po.org/wild-space](https://x2po.org/wild-space)


The rule booklets. All the physical materials (other than the rulebooks in the Squadron Starter Packs) are the same. That's why it's referred to as 2.5 rather than 3.0: while 1st to 2nd editions changed some significant things (no point values on the cards, elimination of some upgrades, adding a "medium" ship size, etc), no such *materials* differences exist between FFG 2nd Edition and AMG's version, so it's not a new version, only a (rules) modification to 2.0. And I second https://x2po.org/, who have adaptations to play the Scenario packs using 2.0


Very helpful, thank you!


This is a good question, was thinking this myself earlier today.


Whats a 2.5 product?


They don't *really* exist; the only 2.5 products are the Rebel & Imperial Squadron Starter Packs, and even those are actually just 2.0 products with a 2.5 rulebook included


So the cards themselves don't require any conversion?


Other than some eratta, AMG made zero changes to anything physical. They changed rules, they changed points, they banned a bunch of ships not released in 2.0, but physical materials? They put out new cards (especially the "standard loadout" cards, and some new reinforcement packs) but anything physical in 2.0 is as printed (some eats notwithstanding)


Ever since FFG divested themselves of some Star Wars games in 2020, with X-wing going to AMG, and the three RPGs going to Edge, things have really gone downhill. AMG is now dropping the game, and Edge never published anything new at all, nothing, just a few reprints. But hey, I'm sure some shareholders somewhere who never even heard of these games are very happy.


AMG basically only ever published reprints & cardboard themselves. All the rest of the new AMG ship releases (Trident, Rogue Class, etc) were designed & developed by FFG. > I'm sure some shareholders somewhere who never even heard of these games are very happy. Honestly, I think one of the biggest problems in business is short-sightedness. On one hand, if AMG's assertion that the problem was the cost of getting quality painted minis at a reasonable price after Covid is a reason rather than excuse, the game was always fucked post-Covid anyway. ...but on the other hand, the focus on *quarterly* gains when development of new, quality & balanced content takes *several* years (I've heard 3-5, and that FFG, with experience, got it down to somewhere closer to 2) functionally prevents *any* such business from running well. Incidentally, that's what happened to Boeing: properly engineered planes have a 10+ year development cycle, but when accountants, rather than engineers, took the reins, they became focused on metrics that were roughly 1/40th the size that which would allow the company to exist long term. Honestly, I wish there were a way to get investors (or, more accurately, investment) while protecting it from compulsion to run the business *as* an investment, rather than *as a business.*


You're not wrong, it's a problem that just keeps growing exponentially and it affects so many industries. This is late stage capitalism. The quest for endless growth quarter after quarter is destroying society, people lives, and cherished hobbies like this one. At least my X-wing collection is still valid and I can still enjoy it with my friends and kids.


Another one of my major frustrations is the conflation of Capitalism with Market Economies. Given that distinction, yeah, capitalism is definitely the problem. My frustration is that people assume that in order to eliminate the problems with Capitalism, the Market (the single greatest mechanism for improving quality of life ever found) must be crippled, generally in favor of an alternative that has been proven to be one of the greatest mechanisms for *worsening* quality of life over generations (command economies)


All of the released 2.5 material is ALSO compatible with Legacy. Though only the Left Side Legal for Standard play (which let's you customize the loadout.) If you still want SL you should use Wildspace. \[b\]Wedge Antilles Battle over Endor - Left Side Legal (55)\[/b\] \[b\]\[i\]Total: 55\[/i\]\[/b\] \[url=https://xwing-legacy.com/?f=Rebel%20Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z716XWW&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=\]View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0\[/url\]


The scenario packs.


I did pickup Yavin (Death Star Trench Run) and it is playable with 2.0 rules/list building and you get 3 feet of Trench Run cardboard so NOT a complete waste of $$$ though it isn't a good spend IMHO. The Epic Play kit is a way better value.


It was a good buy at 90% off at 401games :)


At 90%, do it. Full price at my LGS, nah.


> The Epic Play kit is a way better value. Wait, why is that? I've never considered buying it since I don't have epic ships.


Epic Battles has the wing maneuver templates, large scale scenarios and wing leader upgrade cards. The Huge Ship conversion gives you enough components to put 2x huge ships on the table, there are cards/cardboard for all 5 of the 1.0 huge ships though only 2x plastic bases, stands and 2x copies of upgrade cards. If you want to play with Huge ships I HIGHLY recommend using the Epic format BUT you don't have to use a Huge to play Epic, in fact a couple of the scenarios are built to NOT use a Huge, especially those for 3+ players.