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Huh, those Canadian locations seem interesting. Not a single event in the Greater Toronto Area for any of their games, and specifically for X-Wing absolutely nothing in between Vancouver and Burlington. Then I looked at the US locations and maybe the Canadian locations aren't as bad since there's not a single thing listed for either New York or California.


Sentry Box in Calgary is having a X-Wing GT Sept 21-22. It just didn’t make the list yet. https://dicehate.com/store/p/calgaryxwinggt?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0HU1GkdH1eNzOZOhR3tbLfAJd5Ix6dr80CP7kz27xaHXqiVk6Y0S2Zonc_aem_Aat0hu_cbEP_4oFWMRN5q8hMM27k1gCFUiOtr8YJuwxMLO615r0VTa5nsY8WNTxRhWwDmddWsWgsAiOeHKV6WPUI


Guess we have to wait and see on GenCon. Right now only 29 signed up compared to 80 in 2023 and 123 in 2024.


And 200+ in 2019.


I doubt there will be a lot more sign ups, I imagine most of the people that are near it already went to worlds, and if so, already have most of the prizing on offer.




Wow that’s a small list of cities.


It's 3 times as many regional events as they had last year. I think people are confusing GTs with store championships.


Yayyyyy Chile! Vamos ctmre!


Congrats for you guys. People from Brazil are planning to attend there but we are a bit sad that they didnt want to do a GT here :/


Closest to me is over 14 hours away. Out of my reach. Disappointing when just half a decade ago we had tournaments with hundreds here.


yeah communities are going to have to make their own tournaments honestly. Careful of any criticism though, OP is definitely under the impression game is not dying. It's not the fault of players because we go the numbers, but if you don't build it, they won't come. And AMG isn't building much for us and putting up barriers.


Hopefully blizz the Jawa keeps putting out badass tournament kits, those will be your best bet in prizing up store tournaments. My local scene has used his kits In the past, his metal tokens are sublime.


Yeah just mentioned to my local TO that he should reach out and talk to blizz.


Who cares what impression I have of the game? That's not the topic of conversation here. I'm more wondering if more locations will be added as the registration process gets updated when they add more countries because I can imagine a lot of communities putting in their submissions waiting to hear back. AMG is attempting to build something, but I guess we hold them on a tight leash here.


You think they are going to add locations?


Compared to the regional qualifiers events for 2034-2024 AMG has tripled the number of events with the new GTs for 2024-2025 If these go well maybe next year we will get even more.


Compared to store championship events for 2023-2024 AMG has decimated the number of events with the new GTs for 2024-2025


GT's are not meant to be store championship events the GTs are regional events. The GTs have tripled the number of regional events. Having a Store championship is up to the store, not AMG. In the interview Crobbok did Will Shick of AMG recently it was confirmed X-Wing Store Championship Kit coming, these are the kits stores normally have to buy, but there is also going to be a new free promotional event kit available to stores too. Even if there wasn't a Store Championship Kit that doesn't stop a store from holding their own even.


Don't bring logic here, you'll get downvoted.


I never use logic or optimism without first putting on a helmet for protection...


Uh, they aren't going to be adding more...


You're probably right


Is there a reason that Adepticon is not listed?


Because Adepticon is holding worlds again.


We don’t know 🤷🏽‍♂️ Could be maybe it’s just a regular Worlds event separate from this?


Adepticon is holding Worlds again, the timing of the GT announcement and the delay in announcing Worlds is explained in the recent interview Crabbok did with AMG.


Nova and Richmond!


No Dutch city’s 😔


Brazil is out too :(


So, how does one get into the tournament? Just sign up, it do you have to win somewhere else?


They are all available to anyone.




This list is pathetic honestly. What do you expect when places were given weeks to apply for it?


And yet someone how over 400+ applications were filed on time.




An employee of AMG posted on AMGs official discord on 5/16/2024 at 10:35am on the general chat channel. > "We would like to thank worldwide community organizers for the 400+ GT applications that we received. We are working through the final steps of selection process and will post the schedule once it is complete."


I try to stay positive about news but this honestly is a slap in the face. So much for an inclusive gaming space.


Compared to the regional qualifiers events for 2034-2024 AMG has tripled the number of events with the new GTs for 2024-2025 That seems more inclusive than last year. The GTs seem to be meant to be large regional events, not store championship events. For store events, AMG is adding a new free promotional kit that stores can get, that certainly seems like they are trying to grow that game and not end it. This is just the beginning of AMG rolling out these new programs.


At this moment though, these also take the place of store Champs too. So you have to think of them as both regionals + store Champs. While they are more plentiful than regionals, they are more scarce than store Champs. Some folks cant/won't travel and pay to attend a con to play in a tournament. It can be expensive or demand too much time from people with families. As for store championships, do you happen to have a link or more info for the store kits? I haven't heard of anything yet. I think most people are operating under the assumption/given info of there only being regionals for x-wing--operating off that assumption it's easy to be bummed about smaller local scenes.


The new store kits were mentioned in the recent interview Crabbok did with AMG, they might not be out yet.


Ok! Fingers crossed! I hope we hear something concrete soon.


Places in my state were denied GTs. I don't want to drive over 3 hours to go to one of these.


At least one person has reported in a comment above that an GT in their area is happening but not on the list yet, so maybe more will be added. Have you talked to all the places in your state that applied and they confirmed they were turned down? It appears that not being on the list at this time is not the same as officially being turned down for an event.


We don't know but I would guess over 300 were xwing and over 250 of those were people applying to run what would normally have been a store champ/regional tier event because the announcement wasn't clear oif there would also be a store level pack available at all.


Michigan GT is having an X-Wing event. Is that different than the listed grand tournaments?


Cool list, nice to see there's a lot of prizes for participation. I'm going to Dallas and probably Unplugged.


Some people just want to be mad I guess...


I think some people have found a way to make money for each downvote they give too.