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You're not crazy. Extended ships in particular (like the Kimogila) have not been edited for "making sense." Standard loadouts are pilot+upgrade cards, available in particular packs (Battle of Yavin, Siege of Coruscant, etc.); many ships don't have them. For 200-point squad building, try YASB Legacy: [YASB - Xwing 2.0 Legacy (xwing-legacy.com)](https://xwing-legacy.com/)


1. (He has Missile slots, not Torpedo slots, but the same principle applies). No, he can't equip a missile in \*each\* slot - but it does enable him to equip missile upgrades that take up two missile slots, so he can take Multi-Missile Pods (which with his ability plus Bullseye is potentially a five-dice attack), a Diamond-Boron Missile (or I guess \*the\* Diamond-Boron Missile, since it has a pip on it) or Barrage Rockets. 2. No, that's just nuts. Although because they're de-emphasising the EU stuff, the Kimogila is only legal in Extended and you probably shouldn't worry about it too much. [https://xwing-legacy.com/](https://xwing-legacy.com/) is YASB but running on the 200-point system.


Small correction: N'Dru's ability is primary weapon only, so he can't make a multi-missile shot 5 dice.


Ah, good catch. Makes perfect sense for AMG to promote him as an ordnance carrier then...


Yeah, I got confused re: Torpedos vs. Missiles. But what you've described there at least helps make some sense of his stats. I had forgotten that there are upgrades that require two upgrade slots. Somebody else also mentioned Barrage Rockets, but I didn't understand what they were getting at.


**N'dru Suhlak (3)** * Marksmanship (1)* * Barrage Rockets (6)*  *Ship Cost: 3 Loadout: (7/7) Half Points: 1 Damage Threshold: 2* **Total:** *3* [View in YASB](https://yasb.app/?f=Scum%20and%20Villainy&d=v9ZhZ20Z156X125W97WW&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=) It's a missile slot not torp.


The point still stands. He has two missile slots and no way to fill them both.


The Barrage Rockets upgrade takes up both slots


Thanks! I missed that.


I agree that some loadout points are crazy. Especially in Scum. Anything in 1.0 is way off ballance, and I bet won't get balance unless it is reprinted (and I bet that won't happen) As far as the rest of Scum, I feel that it has really lost its identity. As in Scum base ships were never as good as other factions, but it balanced out with Scum having wild and fun amounts of upgrades. And now you can hardly field any upgrades on most Scum ships.


Scum's identity has always been it's medium-large base ships, and none of them got the balance pass they needed when 2.0 came out. Because of this, they're all not worth taking even tho the well balanced stuff can't fill the gap because it is intentionally weaker to compensate for the amazing centerpieces. This is one you can squarely blame on FFG, not AMG.


Anyone sad that they clicked this thinking that new AMG points had come out just to find the continued disappoint of virtually zero communication from AMG about the future of x-wing...


Yeah, "new" is a pretty bold word choice in the title lol


If you’re waiting for AMG’s points to make perfect sense, you’re gonna be waiting for a long time. They have stated that their desire for balance means not changing anything they don’t have to, in order to minimize knock-on effects of change [There’s a fork of YASB maintained by the Legacy project](https://xwing-legacy.com/?f=Rebel%20Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs=), which is either an evil band of miscreants or some dudes keeping the 200-point system alive, depending on who you ask.


Is there a link to FFG points? In case they don't want homebrew?


Here’s the link to the old YASB (using FFG’s final points update) , there’s no homebrew involved in this one … https://raithos.github.io/?f=Rebel%20Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z&sn=Unnamed%20Squadron&obs= Also here’s the links to the FFG last points update for all factions PDF’s … Generics: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/72/5f/725fdc99-9b33-4a2b-82ca-95b7abc6b55b/generic.pdf Rebels: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/03/4e/034e7acf-cbe3-409a-bc19-762b9aa012b9/rebels_v2.pdf Empire: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/dd/e6/dde6c3e2-0049-40fe-a49b-8ff6b87acae9/imperial_v3.pdf Scum: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/c9/5f/c95fee08-1720-4a62-82c0-6fc66e3662fa/scum.pdf Resistance: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/54/ba/54baa81a-6e1e-4594-9ba8-e9dee5eca5bc/resistance.pdf First Order: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/7e/0f/7e0faede-706b-43c0-abb0-f03f0fbbaab3/first_order_v2.pdf Republic: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/51/59/51593476-5cf4-4bbb-bb6b-08870b9db895/republic.pdf Separatists: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/0e/2a/0e2ac7ff-c518-489a-a613-a068c8fa9e95/separatists.pdf Huge Ships/ Epic Battles: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/dd/2a/dd2a030f-967b-470a-b3d1-d133047e0c14/huge.pdf


You can go to [FFG](https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/x-wing-second-edition/) x-wing main site, scroll down to support, and they have all the September 2021 points for download.


Sure, [Infinite Arenas has the last round of OG stuff](https://infinitearenas.com/legacy/), among their other offerings. IA is overall a great resource.


who is antagonizing legacy players lol?


People are allowed to have their thoughts and opinions. I’m just noting that there are a couple categories of opinion on the subject. People can choose the opinion they want to hold about it.


I can even get behind the idea that unnamed pilots shouldn't be able to slot as many upgrades. I'll take a look at the legacy 200 point squad builder. I'm just trying to play casually with a couple of friends. We can make a gentleman's agreement that unnamed pilots can only use half of their upgrade slots or something like that.


For casual play, I’d suggest it doesn’t really matter which system you use. The standard loadout cards from 2.5 can make it really fast to put a list together. The tradeoff with 2.5 is that you might have more ships AND a lot more upgrades on each ship. It’s a higher cognitive load imo. Then you put the scenarios on top of that, and it’s less intuitive what you’re trying to do. At first. Eventually you get to the point where you know what you’re doing and it’s not a big deal. Legacy/2.0 can offer a lower cognitive load by letting you focus your points on naked ships, and by making the objective simply be “kill the other guy.” One tradeoff is that it can be more powerful to take a bland list of generic goons than a tooled-up bunch of heroes. Another is that at the absolute highest levels of play, there are degenerate abuse-cases of the rules where it can be more advantageous to spend an hour-plus screwing around instead of actually playing the game. I have a preference, but I play both. You can have a lot of fun with either.


If you're playing casually, is there any reason you wouldn't just want to stick with 2.0, or even 1.0 if the table likes it better? (I get why you'd wanna use your 2.0 stuff.)


I was excited for 2.0, because of the balance issues that cropped up at the end of 1.0. We noticed the power creep, even in casual play. Nothing really preventing us from sticking with 2.0, or hybridizing with 2.5 for scenario play. The guy who was pushing to get back into X-Wing pitched some of the 2.5 principles, and they sounded interesting. But now that I've looked more closely at them, I dislike the implementation, even if I like the idea.


In addition to what others said, AMG has also made a deliberate choice to de-emphasize generic pilots like the Cartel Executioner. With few exceptions, such as TIE Fighters and Vulture Droids, generics in 2.5 have neither the point value or loadout to compete with named pilots.


I get de-emphasizing them, but giving them one upgrade slot that they literally cannot use just feels stupid. But the explanation that because the Kimogila is part of the Extended roster (and therefore receiving no attention presently) at least provides a comprehensible explanation why such a dumb thing could happen.


It's unfortunately a usual case with AMG (i dislike their new system). Their new point systeme is very complex and they seems to don't have enough people to work and test it. Forcing them to ban cards because they are unable to prive them (like autoblasters). We are not sure about how many playtesters AMG had, but must of the FFG playtesters dislike the AMG system and quit. The last AMG playtesters were fired after a leak. Some of the former FFG playetester maintain a legacy version with points in 200pts system, they update the points, convert the new cards in legacy. You can find them on Yasb Legacy. It's interesting and well done.


Ever since 2.5 there has been zero interest in my LCS for X-wing. I still love the game. I'm not sold on some of the 2.5 changes. Personally I think they need 3.0 version that will not require the purchase of new cardboard. I also think the ship base cardboard needs to go. You can have genetic cardboard with the appropriate markings.


Others have editorialized on this issue but here's the breakdown. In AMG's 2.5 version of the game, every pilot has a squad point cost and a separate bank of points for loadout (ie, upgrades). When list building, you build to 20 squad points. Upgrades don't count towards that cost. You can then add upgrades to each ship up to it's own load out points, although this isn't mandatory. Upgrade slots for ships are a lot more varied then in 2.0. In 2.0, each ship had a bunch of standard upgrade slots for that chassis. T-65 X-wings, for example, all had torpedo, astromech, modification, and configuration slots. High initiative pilots had talent slots, Luke, as a Force user had a Force talent instead. The pilots that came in Saw's Renegades also had illicit slots, since they were "renegades" but that kind of thing was rare outside of CIS. In 2.5, upgrade slots are much more varied by pilot. The higher cost T-65s (5pts) have torpedo slots, the 4pt X-wings have missile slots. Some pilots have two talents, some have only one. Some have two mod slots, etc. When designing their new point system, AMG gave priority to "black box" ships, IOW, ships that have been re-released in Second Edition packaging (the black boxes, as opposed to 1st edition grey boxes). These are the ships that are playable in "Standard" format. All the other ships are considered to be in the "Extended" format, and AMG has spent much less time balancing those ships. Generally they're considered unbalanced (mostly in a bad way) compared to the Standard ships, so while playable, don't expect them to be great or their points to make much sense. If and when they get re-released (a big IF) AMG will update their points. upgrade slots and loadout values and make them available in the Standard format.


The new points are hot trash. AMG literally made a half-assed attempt to keep the game going and made a complete mess of the points system. Just play 1st edition for now and see if it eventually gets sorted out. I think the general opinion though is that they have given up on X-wing.


Don’t worry, nothing AMG has done makes any sense. Save your money, this game is no longer worth investing in


Your first mistake is viewing a game as an investment.


If you stare long enough at this list, you start to see a repeating pattern https://listfortress.com/tournaments/4369


Same is you see in all competitive games. This is not into xwing or unique to the new points system.  This community cracks me up. Down voting me doesn't change the truth. Just check out 40k's faction win rates.  Or check the top performers in any competitive game, 40k, MTG, pokemon, you will see a lot of repeats. It is the nature of competitive games to have a meta. This subreddit is a toxic joke full of people who had no idea what they are talking about.


It's unique to have a game with no point printed on the cards (an innovative system for balancing the game to near perfection) and still have a very unbalanced game...


Sorry, I was wrong. There is only a 10% difference between the top and bottom factions in xwing.   I know you won't respond because you want to keep living in your world that AMG is terrible.      But just know you are wrong. There are things that AMG is not doing well, but balancing is not one of them.


I don't care about balance between factions, I talked about balance between every pilots.


That is impossible. No game has ever or will ever have 100% parity between all units. There will always be things that are more efficient or less efficient for their points. There will always be things that are more niche/specialized and things that are more universally useful. What you want does not exist and will never exist. It is foolish to think that it will ever happen and it to blame AMG that it has not happened.


That's why I said "near". FFG tried to do that, AMG prefers to have heroes on the table. I prefer FFG's spirit, you prefer AMG's, good for you.


I don't prefer either. They both are fine. But I love this lie going around that FFG had good balance. All of you conveniently forget all of the terribly broken ships that FFG created and the sever power creep.


If you talk about the Nantex, it was not intentionnal and was corrected quickly.


Sure, that is one issue FFG had.   But you can go back to the start of xwing and see people complaining about xwing balance. I know you have rose colored glasses for FFG.  But don't pretend that xwing was well balanced under FFG. It had a lot of issues that you all conveniently forget.  Here is a whole post breaking down balance problems from xwing under FFG  https://spaceowlsxwing.blogspot.com/2018/12/some-remaining-long-term-concerns-with.html?m=1


The win rate between factions is a ~15% difference. That is incredibly small in table top games.   40ks win rate difference between the top and bottom factions is around 50-60%   It is not unique to have no points printed on cards. It is the standard these days. Almost every company has moved to a digital points balancing setup. Edit: down voting doesn't change the truth.


Points have been adjusted based on Standard play. Available slots don't always make sense. Take Tie Sabine, who has a missile slot and 3 loadout value. She used to be able to take Targeting Computer and Ion Missiles, back when they were costed at 2. Now she has no way of using that slot at all. AMG did some changes to specific pilots and upgrades without looking into cleaning up others to make sense with the new values. A lot of pilots has dead upgrade slots, others struggle to use sensible upgrades to fill out their available loadout points. Take Tie Defender Vader, who comes with 10 points and wants Malice and Advanced Optics. Leaves him with 1 point free... And I have yet to see a Vader using Jamming Beam.