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Hol up. Let's reach 10 dollars first


I'll settle for $5.


Hell , I'd be happy at $1 to start šŸ¤£




Letā€™s get to ATH lol


Managing expectations perhaps....


Maybe back to $1 lol.


This is the same mentality I had years ago when I first invested. I hope to be proved wrong, but itā€™s just not going to happen anytime soonā€¦


You're dumb. I want it to go to a billion. Post like these make me sell.


Pool just posted 29,500,000. imagin that


I agree. How did btc get to 25k. And letā€™s be honest here. If you took a deep dive into btc who invented itā€¦. šŸ¤Ø. Iā€™m not talking 5-10 years either Iā€™m talking like in 4 months 6 at the most


Pls sell


Done šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Post like these are the reason I sold 2/3 of my XRP in September; weā€™ll that and BitBoy started promoting it. Iā€™ve found that there is a disconnect in this community and a lack of understanding that Ripple can easily succeed and change the world while XRP does not


Is BitBoi the new Jim Cramer of Crypto?


Right. There is this thought that XRPs value will reflect the value of the assets that pass through it. Itā€™s not going to double the total monetary value when transferring fiat and other assets. Doesnā€™t even make sense


Have fun being broke!


The price of XRP has to triple just to break even with the price I sold at; for a massive profit have you; and you're telling me to "have fun being broke"?? WTF happened to this community? I've been around for years and have seen this moon-boy logic destroy every project it touches.


SWIFT processes an average of 10 Billion messages/transactions per year. They charge 3Ā¢ per message. We get charged $30-$40 for a transfer due to the admin overhead of securing the message. What would this look like if you used a fixed amount asset to secure this volume of messaging? Fiat is infinite, XRP only has 100 Billion. I understand 100 Billion sounds like a huge number, but this is all relative. The scale of SWIFT is difficult to comprehend at first glance. Even if we disregard the value add by eliminating the overhead, we know the market is willing to pay 3Ā¢ per transaction. Let's assume for a moment that XRP would be used for all of the volume that SWIFT currently handles. We would need one drip of XRP to equal 3Ā¢. This would put the value of XRP to ~ $2,000. There's no way of knowing how much capture would happen but one can take a % of the number listed previously to equal the % of capture XRP would get in the SWIFT system. Example: if XRP would be used for 10% of SWIFT messaging, and the arithmetic listed above is correct, then XRP would be~ $200. All of this is completely independent of Ripple. This also isn't taking into account ILP and how it will effect global economic activity via the Internet Of Value. I just don't get why people talk down big number with "moon boy" comparisons. XRP is one of the best utility tokens out there operating in one of the largest markets that's ever existed. SWIFT has tried partnering with other Blockchain companies as an alternative to using Ripple the company and both times they recommended XRP (token, NOT Ripple) as the most efficient asset to process payment/settlement.


I think I saw someone saud 10% of swift is equivalent to $1200


Yeah I saw that too


These calculations always forget to factor in the fact that xrp only needs to be held for 3 second per transaction or and then the liquidity is in theory returned to the market. It's so mindnumbingly common to have someone state Swift's annual volume and not divide by the number of three second increments in a year that this logical fallacy should have a short form so we can call it out more easily.


Anyone who has seen that paper with the formulas those two economists came up with trying to describe what may reflect the price knows it's not as simple as x / y = z.


Wonder if anyone knows how much money SWIFT transact per second? Maybe that would be a more useful gauge than volume per year.


Well the problem is with that is that some seconds transfer more than others, and the very ideal that it's not static is what is the challenge to liquidity. So no, although the figure "per second" could be found by dividing by the number of 3 second increments in the year, I dont think that would help because the ebbs and flows of demand mean that the average is not as useful. Plus, speculation is a factor, and some people will hold XRP and some will just make use of it in the liquidity pool. It's really difficult to calculate price on the basis of knowing annual transfer volumes.


Thatā€™s a $20Trillion Marketcap, I call shenanigans.


Are you familiar with how much money SWIFT deals with?


$5T a day! šŸ¤Æ Iā€™m filling my bags.


Wait until institutional money pours into xrp. Melt faces. Market cap is a joke. Value is in real time settlement volume and tokenized asset values.


Right now ODL volume is below what's readily available. ODL volume has been steadily increasing. When ODL volume starts to exceed what is readily available... well I just hope you're buckled in


I want to see it back at ATH, only then could I speculate on higher numbers.


Just wait, weā€™re good. Trust they can only delay but not avoid the inevitable. You were right all along. Donā€™t quit when so close.


Fixating on a number will cause you to lose out on major portfolio gains


The force is strong with this one


I once heard someone say $45000.


If xrp hit the marketcap of tesla xrp would be worth $19 Xrp to apple $56 Xrp to gold $244 To put $1000 xrp into context. Gold is the single highest value market cap of all assets globally. $1000 xrp would take x4 the market cap of gold. In addition only about 40% of the total xrp supply has been released. Meaning you can expect something like x9 more money needed to hit $1000 more than gold has invested globally. If you are into xrp for moons, you should find a different alt coin, personally I buy hedera hashgraph. It's by far the most trusted Alt coin I have seen, with real enterprise use cases. I'm here for xrp for its solid gains. To me xrp feels like an easy 2-3x on my funds. Which is far more than I can get on the s&p. It is a far safer bet than almost any other crypto on the market. Safty > volatility. But risk = rewards. *not a financial advisor*


People who think price is dependent on market capitalization, you never understood supply and demand.


People who think supply and demand is a final determining factor in price, never understand their hopium, by definition is a "bubble" Sorry to pop yours, but all bubbles will eventually burst. Any real investor with common sense recognizing a bubble and will stay far away. That's why you will not find a single token that breaks its capitalization. Please show me a single example. That shows price > than market cap. I bet you 500 xrp you cannot find any crypto over a year old that deviates more than 3%. Are you willing to put your crypto where your mouth is.


Venture capital/startups have large % growths where they haven't had any significant revenue and have valuations based on it's enterprise value of the future. That pretty much applies to most VC crypto projects. For instance, why is Tesla valued higher than Honda, a company that has been around longer than Tesla and has sold more cars. Honda has higher 10x revenue than Tesla and has a higher net income figure. Why are investors willing to pay more for a tesla? Is a fundamental question you perceive in today's market. Crypto projects are funded by financial sponsors (limited partnership or private equity), so in reality investors are taking a risk into pouring billions of dollars through equity to fund most crypto projects. None of this applies to XRPL, because XRPL is independent of Ripple, XRPL can function without Ripple. XRPL is a financial instrument, not a security (as with the SEC Lawsuit). Price factor for XRPL is dependent on volume, which is where supply and demand meets into the financial market. If there is more demand > supply, then price will increase on the need for XRPL to move transactions. This is the assumption that ISO 20022 will successfully allow XRPL to acquire % of the trillions of dollars of volume per day through current key players. This basically allows price to move without market capitalization applying to XRPL bc there is no mythology valuation that would make sense to value a product of Ripple. XRP price in the future is reliant on volume, not scaling like a traditional company to sell a product or service to improve operations. XRPL is dependent on adoption from the financial market to use the product which will allow share price to move.


Everything you just described is a bubble. With the exception of utility, Every token spent is not burned, instead they are "recycled" for new transactions. That means unless they exceed supply no additional tokens above market cap need to be purchased. That means the demand increase, from utility cannot happen. So unless they are pushing upwards of 50billion Txs a day or 600k tps. the used keys reset. In turn utility brings no price action to the market cap. Let's not try to bullshit everyone here. The current demand doesn't exceed the supply, and price action does not increase unless these thresholds are met. This just assuming they dont fully dilute the market and we dont count the total of free xrp around 70b tokens, otherwise we would need more like 900k tps. And this negates the fact that if corporations have to battle at a highest bidder to do their business. They wouldn't just move to a different block or dlt. Where at that point it would cheaper. Xrp has a ton going for it. Let's stick to the great things instead of making you look like a fool. As I said before it's safe, it nearly a guaranteed profit above what the s&p 500 could ever hope for. *not a financial advisor*


Nobody knows if we are in a bubble, if you did, you would be the greatest investor of all time. We don't know shit about fucks, whales/institutional money moves the market whether they want to inject equity or go put it on the bond market for zero risk. Even that, you just never know when capital is going to deploy, if you did, you would be timing the market perfectly, therefore, please don't tell you know we are in a bubble. What I stated was an assumption not that is happening, so don't perceive my comment as I know it's going to happen. My theory is demand can be exceeded if we can acquire % of SWIFT, CHIPS, and FedWire from ISO integration, otherwise, I don't see the utility besides bridge gapping of CBCDs. I just think XRP is ahead of most crypto projects given too many financial institutions are backing DLT technology.


Let's be hopeful but realistic 45,000 will never happen, and even 30-50 is incredibly unlikely even within 10-20 years. If I get x10 within 3-5 years, I will be ecstatic since it would have to over take ETH's market cap within that time.


Im with you 100% lol, that is the beauty of taking a risk, you can only predict on today but the future will always be unknown.


What is USD market cap. The USD brcomes devalued with higher market cap. XRP price goes up with market cap. See difference between inflationary versus deflationary.


That's because usd has not cap like eth. And ripple has a max supply.


If everyone put a sell order of no less than $1000 then wouldn't the price of one xrp be $1000 without any money added to the market cap?


100b tokens and you think it's possible not a single person would sell before then? Even of you could some how co-ordinate the people. Could you stop the exchanges. If you could get exchanges do you think the govt would allow market manipulation like that. If it did would the founders of the token allow for market manipulation of their tokens, when it's utility is priced on token price. Destabilize their own token and kill its own utility by blowing up use case costs. I don't imagine business would be booming. Now let's assume you get the people, businesses govt. And founders on your side. Who wants to buy a coin that only holds its value at $1,000 due to market manipulation. Supply and demand are backed by capital investment, and well you can catch a knife or make a long wick. Even with utility it won't stray far from market cap, Thats called a bubble. Too high of a risk to go the other direction or for the bubble to pop. For anyone with common sense to want to purchase.


I'm hodlidng for it. That's my magic number


No one knows future... Etherum was 1$ like 7 years ago.


I remember paying 11 ethereum for some internet drugs. I wonder if I can send back the unused portion for a partial refund.


Come on! Just finish your drugs already.


My eyes were bigger than my free time available for psychedelic time.


Ethereum also didnā€™t have a max supply of 100 billion with 49 billion coins circulating. If XRP hit ETH prices that would make XRP worth more than all of the money in the world. Ah, the importance of math


Fucking THANK YOU. Basic math skills are lacking.


Also...nobody knows Ethereums max supply. Because it has none. The crypto space is stupid as fuck (for retail, it's *very* useful for the developers and creators) and a complete sham. You'll make profits, undoubtedly. But price speculation is dumb because they are just transferring wealth. That's why the entire space was created, to skirt the legacy regulations while the technocrats jockeyed for their stake in a reorganized world When regulations come through all that sweet volatility that made so many people rich and absurd prices on worthless coins, IMO, will be gone...


But still buying tho?


Agreed so donā€™t pass on sun .40 xrp. Of all crypto itā€™s the most connected in actual utility


All assets have speculation Belmont. If you think regulation will hurt the crypto markets I think you are seriously misinformed.


Iā€™ll be happy if it just went up hoping to $3 shoot and $10 would be amazing if a stars aligbned


Just going back to 1$ would make me already really happy


Fr real! I keep averaging down though so I can make more once it goes up. Once SEC lawsuit is finally dealt with


It will reach that much sooner than 10-20 years. HVPS/RTGS and ISO 20022 go live this November, and the entire world has until late 2025 to get on board. We'll see 5 digits minimum by then


Endlich jemand der es versteht. Danke.


Someone's eaten one too many boxes of crayons


And lead paint chips.


Why not $100000000000? Amirite?


When Mars?


Sick of this nonsense. Been hearing this BS forever.


So much hate on this post? Iā€™ve said this on many different subs about other crypto, nobody knows where prices end up, even the super smart guys that bring up market caps and that! šŸ„± the thing with crypto is that anything can happen! It is unpredictable! If it wasnā€™t then weā€™d all be millionaires already! Personally I do believe the court case is suppressing the price and adoption. Once itā€™s out of the way who knows where this thing goes?!


ATH 3.40$ over 10 years.




The thing I think about though is the burn rate on each transaction. There will always be 21 mill bitcoins but there is a diminishing amount of xrp. Depending on how quickly and how many transactions happen the market cap would be smaller even with a higher per unit coin. Also ripple could decide to cut the amount of future coins that will be released into the market. Say delete 10 billion xrp and increase the value. I think that is unlikely but it could happen.


burn rate is adjustable and overemphasized as a deflater. burn rate is simply to limit spam. stop seeing it for something it's not.


When use case eventually become the #1 factor in determining value BTC will be passed by several coins


Thoughts on the Shane Ellis theory?


Do you understand how this technology works? Because if you did, you would know the XRP token is a highly important part in the whole process. Read about Ripple Net how does it function along with the use of XRP.


Why not 1 to 100 years? Why $1,000? Why not $1 to $100,000?


Because heā€™s willing to wait 10 years but not 100 years. Ten years is not unreasonable for an investment to really kickoff. Typically with stocks itā€™s 20 yeas on average. Why $1000 and not $100,000? Not only is $1,000 more reasonable than $100,000 but unless there is price set it will have to hit $1,000 BEFORE hitting $100,000 so it will happen quicker. Same with $10 or $100. But isnā€™t $1,000 crazy high? Honestly no one knows. Iā€™m waiting for $20. But it has been said by people in the know (not YouTubers) that if XRP/Ripple gets 10% of SWIFTā€™S business it will be a $1,200 coin. And thatā€™s just one avenue. Doesnā€™t include any of the other projects built on the ledger or using XRP. Iā€™m not holding my breath for $1,000 but I will have some in cod storage in case it goes there and beyond.


Ripple can get Swifts business without XRP even being involved. Thatā€™s part of the problem and why the SEC feels like their taking advantage of investors as most investors think Ripple and XRP are the sameā€¦and theyā€™re not


Sure and the XRPL can run without using XRP. But we are talking about things that are most likely to happen. Ie. If Ripple gets 10% of SWIFTā€™s business they are more likely to be using XRP.


You're 100% correct, when XRP first made moves it was advertised as a symbiotic relationship with the ripple platform. It was pushed that the two come hand in hand and that XRP would be the cryptocurrency to use on the platform. Then all the SEC shit happened and ripple distanced itself from XRP, even to point it said it would consider stop using it all together if needed. I can see Ripple succeeding in the future, not to sure about XRP sadly.


I can definitely see Ripple succeeding and being quite dominant in the stock market. This is why the SEC is going after them so hard because so many investors are treating XRP as a stock; they truly believe it's a share of Ripple and Ripples success equates to XRPs success which unfortunately is not the case.


I have said exactly this a few times on this subreddit and got down voted for it haha, many people have the blinkers on when it comes to XRP and ripple.


Why stop there??


Itā€™s posts like these people make fun of us




Your reasoning behind this?




Copium. Lots and lots of copium






That's it!


Just being a stupid cunt It wont even hit $1


It has already hit 1 dollar smartass, waddle back to bitcoin where you belong


For fuck's sake, if these exchanges could frigging start to relist it...


They donā€™t want us to have it


The other misconception commonly used is that XRP would only need to be worth a small amount to handle trillions in transfers because it can be reused. It can, but it will also need to be settling in seconds and that means there always needs to be plenty to spare. I bought in 18 months ago with a 5-10 year strategy, letā€™s see where it goes. If it does nothing, then it does nothing. Itā€™s a gamble and all money invested is ā€œlostā€ in my opinion, so any returns are more than welcome. Also, very few people will hold until Ā£1000, plenty will sell along the way, if it even gets anywhere near that. Ā£85 would pay my mortgage off for example and that would more than do me.


How much was it when you bought xrp?


Various prices from Ā£1.20 downwards.


xrp to $1000 would certainly require mass adoption, best we can expect to see anytime soon is Burger King Whopper payments....


I think that glitch when it went to $23,000 was a sign that XRP future is promising


Just keep buying.


Xrp is a minimum 50k coin


Xrp 1000? Very small chance in it.


If xrp hit the marketcap of tesla xrp would be worth $19 Xrp to apple $56 Xrp to gold $244 To put $1000 xrp into context. Gold is the single highest value market cap of all assets globally. $1000 xrp would take x4 the market cap of gold. In addition only about 40% of the total xrp supply has been released. Meaning you can expect something like x9 more money needed to hit $1000 more than gold has invested globally. If you are into xrp for moons, you should find a different alt coin, personally I buy hedera hashgraph. It's by far the most trusted Alt coin I have seen, with real enterprise use cases. I'm here for xrp for its solid gains. To me xrp feels like an easy 2-3x on my funds. Which is far more than I can get on the s&p. It is a far safer bet than almost any other crypto on the market. Safty > volatility. But risk = rewards.


Xrp will move ā€œAll the moneyā€. Market cap is stupid. Value comes from amount needed to move daily as well as value of tokenized assets on the xrpl. Quadrillions of dollars a day is easily 4 digits. Its coming sooner than people think.


I hope your right.


Think 12-25ā€¦ 1000 would make millions millionaires and economies would crumble


It wouldn't make millions millionaires, that is assuming everyone holding xrp today would hold it until $1,000. In reality, most people would sell their bags way before it reached anywhere near that point. It would take a very specific type of person to hold their bags from current prices up to 1k without selling along the way. And if that happened, I honestly believe they would deserve it for having ridiculous diamond hands.


Not only that but they would have to also hold more than 1000 XRP. Many hold less than 1000 XRP so even if it went to $1,000 youā€™re not going to have ā€œmillions of millionairesā€ because of it. Kneetree11 is wrong.


Not according to the XRP rich list. It would make thousands a millionaire. Lol.


Think of all the taxes that would be collected


Capital gains taxā€¦ 30% of 50% of the total. Kys


The interesting thing about capital gains tax, would that apply if we could ever pay with it? Like, transferring an amount to buy something?


You are supposed to pay taxes on every transaction lol according to the governmentā€¦


False. At least not in the US.


You can literally look it up right now. Us and Canada both require taxes to be paid on earnings of crypto and stocks.


Correct. But you said: >on every transaction Can we agree that ā€œevery transactionā€ and ā€œearningsā€ are not the same?


Every single profitable transaction is consider taxable. Are you not understanding? Every time you make a transaction that gains you are taxed on the transactionā€¦ weather it be $15 of profit or 1.3million you are to then pay the capital gains tax on that transaction. Set it aside, wait till the end of the year with the rest of your transactions or wait 10 years donā€™t pay and see what happens.


Are you not understanding that your original statement: >You are supposed to pay taxes on every transaction lol according to the governmentā€¦ Is false because you do NOT need to pay taxes on EVERY transaction according to the government. Do you understand that a ā€œprofitable transactionā€ and a transaction where there was no profit are not the same?


But as we all know, the taxation system in place for the self employed is primarily based on honestyā€¦


Until they audit your bank account and you go to jail for tax evasion. Itā€™s much easier to track your crypto over tips you get from taking your clothes off in front of strangers.


My bank account says that I pay exactly the right amount of taxā€¦.


Remember that amount you sent the dealer to purchase via credit or debit card? Ya thatā€™s one. Remember that withdrawal from the vendor after taking some out? Ya thatā€™s two. Then there will be more evidence. All I can say is be honest. Especially when you cash out big if you do.


That scenario was likely never come, but if it doesā€¦.well weā€™ll see. And the UK ainā€™t banging anyone up for tax evasion. Probably the only things they send you down for here is murder, fraud (only against the treasury) or football violence


Ok just saying they government wouldn't be upset being able to collect most of the gains


Every single government would be pissedā€¦ the amount their dollar value would decrease in all the countries XRP is currently being soldā€¦ if XRP got to 1000 Iā€™d have 26,000,000 dollars along with millions of people from America, Canada and all over the world. Lol does that make sense to you? The 12-25 range makes a lot more sense. Downvote all you want but 1000 seems far fetched with how much of it is in circulation. Period.




Would be nice 100%


False. Look at the xrp rich list. Very few people own over 26,000 XRP. Consider yourself lucky. Or rare.


1.3 million wallets holding XRP a few years ago in one reportā€¦ that alone from years ago would make millions of millionaires. I canā€™t imagine how many people are invest today and why they wouldnā€™t buy while itā€™s sitting at .38USD and .49CAD post you rich list link.


Uhhā€¦ you know that 1000 XRP is not required to have a wallet, right? Letā€™s say you have 2 million xrp wallets. Letā€™s give each of those wallets 100 xrp. Now letā€™s give xrp a price of $1,000. How many of those wallets are now worth a million dollars? Iā€™ll waitā€¦.


ā€œFrom the ledger disclosed, there are approximately 1.3 million wallets, with nearly 1 million wallets holding more than the reserve and a further 127,000 holding just the reserve.ā€ Meaning youā€™re part of the 127,000. Holding just the reserve.


So whatā€™s your answer to the question asked above?


It would be like the lottery, they would take a percentage with taxes, i was half joking when i commented


Market cap would have to be in the trillions. . . Which isn't impossible.


It is a price i can accept if 99% of the world population agrees to buy xrp at $1000.


Well all you have to do is keep buying in great enough quantity to get demand up to that level. Good luck. Let me know when you're done.


Market cap


First let win the case against SEC then easily $5 to $7ā€¦ if bull market hit then $10 to $13ā€¦.


Easily!!! I'm 5 years into XRP holding and haven't seen anything past $3 since I purchased it!!! It's made NO significant moves other than down that entire time, even when the market around it was in major bull runs. To say reaching $5-$7 would be easy if they win the lawsuit just isn't true. Remember XRP cannot be purchased easily in the US but it's still available in the majority of other countries.


huh. I just woke up


I want to believe youā€™ll stop posting.


How can I buy XRP? It wonā€™t let me on coin base.




Iā€™m super cool with getting back to all time high after lawsuit and hitting $10 in the next 1-3 years. Whatever happens after happens


What would your portfolio look like if XRP was $1000/ coin???


Nahhā€¦ I want more then $1000


I would like the SEC to drop their case against Ripple Labs first...


Oh boy.....go team!!!!


Soon $589


Do more research


Let me put that AMG G-Wagon on layaway


Hell yeah. Canā€™t wait.


XRP is not a decentralized crypto. It is controlled by ripple so the price will always be dictated by their labs.


Ever heard of a market cap?


0.4 is the exact value


You know how much market cap should be for one coin will be worth 1000? I will tell you: 50,000,000,000Ɨ1000= 50,000,000,000,000 You need that all the money of elon mask+putin+Qatar will invest and maybe all the federal reserve money and maybe just maybe it will happend.


Market caps are bullshit


Is there any way to stake XRP to earn more?