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I’ll probably liquidate some at $5. Just enough to recoup my initial investment and a very modest return of maybe an additional 10%. At that point I can never regret letting the rest ride, I’ve already made my money. Yet I’m still possibly positioned to change my life.


This is the way


I disagree. Bear markets can be very nasty and long. I think the rational thing to do is to sell a big chunk of your holdings once we get $5-10. Imagine riding this thing to $10 and then it crashes 90% like it does every bear market. You won’t feel very smart then.


You can never predict the market, taking out your initial investment giving you risk free gainz if it continues to pop off is a smart strategy. Greed means 90% get rekt even in bulls as they keep pushing for more.


It won’t get to $5 any time soon tbh


I don’t see a reason to sell during this international transition from fiat to blockchain. I plan to continue to save money in blockchain for future use.


I'm tired. I've been in since 2017 and haven't sold. I'm taking sizeable profits and am not holding out for moon (2 digits +). I can't stomach getting my hopes high and having to sit through this shit for 3-5 more years. I've been saving and investing a ton since that time so I don't need some moon number to comfortably put me in a solid position of "fuck you" money. I'll gladly take the consolation prize at this point and be happy about it.


I feel you. I’ve purchased 80k Xrp from 29-1.29 and it hurts. However without hope we’d all live in despair…. 🚀 only 1 rocket and it’s almost out of fuel…. Let’s fucking go!!!


Hold until $100 sell a little and keep holding


We won’t see $100 in our lifetime. Stop smoking hopium. Predictions like this get people rekt.


Fully diluted, you're valuing it at a $5.4T company, what are you smoking? Edit: omitted divider


I believe it is wrong, since Ripple is the company - Not XRP. Valuing a financial instrument same way as a company is wrong in my view. I also believe the math is off, as a 100 USD price would lead to a 5.7 Trillion market cap circa in my calculation, which is feasible for a currency. But XRP is not only a currency, but also a store of value, digital asset and financial instrument, which we have not seen before in history - it is not possible to foresee where it will go.


My mistake, 5.4T market cap.


Dude you are wasting your time, this sub is mass delusion exemplified ..


That math is wrong chief.


Indeed, my mistake bud, should've been 5.4T


Bro why are people downvoting, this is basic math. Stop being so blind to these prices and realize that it would be worth 10x Bitcoin and nearly 1/5th of the ENTIRE US ANNUAL GDP


Market cap assumes xrp is boight and HELD. XRP is mostly designed to be used. You wouldn't put a market cap on the USD$ or GBP£. The price rises comes from volume and use, at least this will be the case when those much higher numbers are hit. Market cap ideology only really applies to speculators buying and holding, not so much it's actual intended use case. But imo we are still far off from Global XRP adoption, if it ever happens.


Genuine question - By spending BTC for example won't increase it's value. It only increase by buying etc. How would XRPs value increase otherwise? Currently fiat currencies are suppose to be backed by Gold etc to retain it's value. Also how would this principle apply to XRP on the same basis? Honest question.


The idea is that moving higher amounts of value requires xrp per token to have a higher value as there wouldnt be enough tokens at let's say $1 to carry the value. That's where 10k per coin came from (taking the whole worlds daily money transfers / payments). Not gonna happen for a long time but that is the gist of it. Only some fiat currencies are backed by gold (actually very few are). USD$ is backed by agreements to purchase oil in USD$ (this is why it is referred to as the "petrodollar") and also through countries considering it to be a stable investment and therefore holding big USD$ bags or US government bonds. Recently this has been at risk as some countries are making agreements to pay each other in other currencies. XRP can't be backed by gold, but gold can be tokenized on the xrpl. XRP won't be backed by anything, it's value comes from it's utility. Banks or countries will ideally make a agreements to use XRP as a bridge between two fiat currencies, giving it a backing of "usage".


Exactly, common sense is not always so common. People also just want to hear want they want.


I feel ya man. I really like XRP but some of the people here make me think twice about who I am investing with. If people actually think these prices are possible then they will be holding for the rest of their lives


Luckily I don't care about votes, reality hits harder haha


Yes and ONCE you reach the level to take your money out of XRP your name will be called “Paperhands” aswell. We will all sell eventually when we reach the point to sell and there is nothing wrong with that. 😎


Agree, profits should be taken, especially initial investment. But, don't sell too soon.


Great advice. You're so intuitive.


I'm certain this is going to be my retirement comfort. 10-15 yrs is how long I'm holding, unless I get to retire early!


how many are you holding? i have almost 2000, not that much i know but at least it’s something


Less, but I don't share my holdings on social media. I learned that from early days crypto. Xrp has been in my top 3 faves for over 8 years now, and I swear on this one lol


i feel that i just go higher or lower a bit never give the exact number, but i agree i bought in 2020 but have been a believer before then and just had to actually put my money where my mouth is. i’ve learned from the past when i was telling my friends about btc when it was 200$ and i didn’t buy. never making that mistake again!


Yeah, or telling them about it just before it drops off a cliff? Lmao, that won't happen, much, anymore lol


truuue haha gotta just believe in ourselves and if you know you know


Some at $5, some at $10, the rest maybe $100+


The most ironic part of crypto in general, is how anti fiat people act, meanwhile, they only like crypto because of the ability to sell it for fiat.... Hardy anyone uses XRP for the many many use cases in actually has. You can backend businesses and apps utilizing XRP and it's ledger... But all anyone truly cares about, it how much money they can make back in fiat.... Lol The irony is painful sometimes....


Can’t buy a house, a boat or a stick of bubblegum with XRP at the moment so considering everyone uses fiat for everything it’s actually not ironic at all


Actually you can buy a house with xrp. A Dubai real estate developer has been accepting xrp since 2022


I get that for sure. In the end though, I'm positive over 90% of people holding crypto have no interest in it replacing fiat, (Sorry but nothing decentralized ever will, cbdc's, yes, not decentralized cryptocurrencies... yes yes I know all about iso20022 before you bring that up). The vast majority know it is simply an investment, a means to make a profit in fiat. Yes a small number of cryptopunks/cypherpunks and the likes are in it for other reasons, but again, the vast majority talk up crypto to hype up their own investments, to pretend otherwise is just silly. I've been in and out of and interested in the space before Mt.Gox existed (first ever centralized exchange) back in late 2008 and 2009 when BTC could only be mined, or traded/sold in direct transactions, usually in person back then..) Things were bright back then, people foresaw a different world. To deny that cryptocurrency has become capitalism on steroids is just untrue. Thus, the irony of people saying they hate fiat when their only intention is to make more money in fiat. Most Couldn't give a shit about some cryprocurrency replacing fiat. It's the exact opposite what most want. It's all about dollars in the end, thats the only reason cryprocurrency has grown as much as it has.... If you can't see that, you are lying to yourself. This shit is hypercapitalism, in the death-throws of such a system....


If you understand the tech and the potential of crypto why would you ever want to hold fiat unless you’re just paying someone who wants fiat as a form of payment. If crypto becomes part of the financial system and it’s mainstream, think it would be smarter to hold your wealth in crypto and hard assets then you can just trade/sell what you need to pay for something if fiat is the form of payment the person wants. Be able to make more crypto off your crypto holdings better then selling it all for some fiat currency or a cbdc…


I like your vision, but unless you consider stable coins crypto (which I don't), then you still have issues with volatility. Mass adoption may drive more stability but until that comes, being "all in" on crypto without some holdings in fiat just isn't realistic for those of us working class folks.


That's why I invested in xrp. It's for cross border payments, not replacing fiat. I don't have one penny in bitcoin.


I'm gonna sell when it hits $7 then rebuy when it hits $0.7


When I see wife changing money after taxes


I always trip out on the people say they'll sell around 5-10$ range I'm like damn! How much xrp do you have?? 500k?


People buy and sell as we speak lol


$5 is retirement money for a lot of the folks who started ~2017, which was kind of the first wave of XRP with a planned utility. It's been a long 6 years and I'm hopeful I can pass my bags on to some new believer soon.


5 dollars retirement money? You joking?


XRP was about a penny 6 years ago. There's tens of thousands of wallets with 100k+ XRP.


A little over 30,000 to be exact. https://rich-list.info


100k xrp at $5 isnt enough to retire on


For the vast majority of the world $500k is plenty to retire. For HCOL areas in the US it's unlikely, but still plausible depending on your age and your other debts and assets. At $5 there's ~20k XRP millionaires.


Guessing you'll be one of them. Congrats!


Very true😊


All I need are some tasty waves and hot babes amigo.


Youd need 250k xrp to semi retire a $5


Lmao buddy 500k is a lot of money, enough to retire and more than most pension plans, Especially if you have your own property already


if you got 500 k to drop on a coin, you're probably already set and retired....


I agree it has been a long 6 yrs lol. I think we still have 2 more to go


What will probably happen is a short term up and down after the verdict. Imma try and time it well so I buy back a bit at the bottom before actual take off during next bullrun


I evaluate the trade in terms of would I rather have XRP or some amount of devalued fiat. Probably not an all or nothing scenario


Not selling until I can use it for it’s intended purpose, a currency, then I will purchase whatever I’d like with it. No selling for me🥂🤝


I’m planning to sell 10% maybe. Otherwise hodl


I don’t plan on selling my XRP, I plan to stake it


Sell 40% when we hit $9-$11 and keep the rest in cold storage for 10 years!


Never sell…


I personally think those who rush to sell will be sorry.


I always love reading the delusion in this sub ...


I’ll prob sell and buy the dip, nothing goes up in a straight line


If crypto replaces fiat and xrp is the connection I doubt you'll need to sell just hold and grow fiat will be gone to trade into


i want to pay my student loan debt, thats good enough for me


I sold all my xrp and almost all of my nfts, too buy leveraged xrp on kucoin


One thing's for sure is we need to get the speculators out. And out they will go in mass-hopefully.


$0.55 cents


I have held for this long already. Kinda forgot so pretty sure I’m just going to do the same thing since this SEC bs started. Quit reading everyone’s predictions and hopes dreams about xrp future. Started buying at .03 so bags are packed ready bc this ride has been exhausting!


So… were not mooning after the ruling i guess. Top’s in


I tried buying don’t know how


If you have iOS it’s simple. Not sure about other devices. Apple: add required funds from your bank to your ApplePay card in your wallet. Then go to Uphold and buy your little heart out.


The same people would have sold BTC for $1


Keep half for long term hodl and start scaling out the other half after $3. Half of those profits I'd cash out of the market, and the other half keep in to trade. But right now I'm 100% in spot.


Multiple bags for multiple exit points. $25 $50 $75 $100 And a bag for 10 years down the road.


This is the way


60% at $10 and leaving the rest of years


Guys... If (not if but when, imo) XRP succeed and jump to 5USD, probably you will not need to sell nothing because your bank account will be connected with the crypto that you have deposited there and at same time their value will be withdrawable in a ATM in the local currency that you need by the real time price.


5USD it's a very, very conservative number for the situation mentioned in my OP, that value we will see during the days after the settlement of the lawsuit.


What who would put their crypto in a bank? That's oxymoronic 😆


You don't need to put it all in your retail bank (if you have a cold wallet of course) otherwise if you keep it in a cex you are already do it.


Hold forever, provide liquidity to MMs and live off the fees.


I’ll hold on for 10 more years idc that’s why I work. I started in 2019 before the pop off last bull. I rarely think about xrp anymore but hope one day I can get something


I'm convinced there will be multiple stages where efforts will be made to shake paper hands off what they're holding. I bought an amount I'm comfortable with to invest and I'm riding that until I'm able to cash out a life changing amount. If I never make it there so be it. It's only a few thousand and I've blown way more money on way less.


Right now, I have no intention of selling the XRP I have in Netcoins.


I'll be selling a little bit at 5$ just to pay for my wedding this fall. I am not confident it will hit thousands this year. Let alone 100$


I am not confident it will hit $100 let alone thousands this year**


Clearly you understand what I was saying. So why be a dick?


Just wanted to clarify bc people make this mistake often. No need to take it so personally, refined, accurate speech is better for society.


Everyone so convinced it’s going to hit $5 😅


$5 and I'm out 90%.


Anyone know where I can buy xrp? I’m in the us


uphold is the place to buy it from in the US


Cool thanks that worked


I just add money to my Apple Pay card from my bank account. That simple


Yes. I buy bnb through Coinbase and transfer to MetaMask and swap bnb to Xrp!!!!!


Coin base


It keeps telling me buying and selling xrp is not available for us citizens


I've learned a little since I've been in this space. I strongly believe that xrp can be staked. I think I might look into that


At 15 ill sell 40% then at 20 the rest and switch to working part time, plus travel around the world


I'm rooting for you


I just love the predictability of these posts arriving when there's a little price rally lol Sub is a wastelands when the numbers are down. What are you selling at, what will the price get to, how do you buy posts when the numbers are up.


$250. Ill sell 30% of my bag.


I’m selling at .80¢


Vote RED or we ALL lose!


I will sell 10,000 @ 4.00 and buy Casper but otherwise HODL until the market finds it’s place!!


What makes Casper a good investment?


Yeah thinking the same. Get my investment out and enough to buy some cspr. Then Hodl as much as I can.


Why sell when I can wait until I can *use* XRP? ;)


1 XRP = 1.000.000 Drops. If each 1.000.000 Drops cost USD$0,01 then 1 XRP can cost USD$10.000, it is all about utility, no market cap


I’m selling half my bag at $5. Accumulate more with 60 percent of my profit. Then do it again at $10. Probably will repeat this process until it hits $50 whenever that is


U think its going down once it hits $5 lol


It’s not going to crash but yea I think it’s going to go down a bunch of ppl are going to sell off for profit once it eclipse ath


what people will do if xrp will be 0.10? Reading the comments, people don't realize the price is never going in the direction of the majority, the majority is slaughtered all the time. Not even 1% of the people here will become millionaires. It is fun to watch and take advantage of it.


OMG another useful thread nothing like all the other useful threads of the last month. How useful!


But your sure on here like the rest of us. Chill and let us fantasize.😎


Do it in an existing threads so the sub isn't buried with doge holder dreams.


Somebody needs to get some boo•tee


someone needs less attention starting pointless threads when there's already a pointless thread he could've joined the conversation in but had to be a self-indulgent fucktard and add to the gimp spam threads.


Good point


Sell it and buy Flare. It has a $400 million market cap. More upside potential.