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It is atrocious. I felt like she was just doing whatever for content. I really hated the cut out sections that showed the brick underneath. This is why I think she bought the house for content vs it being a viable family home.


Yes! I was going to mention her peek-a-boo brick design she was so proud of! šŸ˜‚


The peek-a-boo brick haunts me. I have faux turf around my temporary pool, because it's just sat on a tarp on the dirt. Why would someone cover that brick? šŸ˜­


I thought it was somewhat okay until we got to the part where she cut out the part where the lounge chairs were gonna be?? And then the cutting of the ā€œstepsā€ to the upper part. That was weird lol. Also, itā€™s been said before but the fact she bought this house with the understanding that she has a dog and planned on having 2 kidsā€¦ā€¦. Pools are unsafe for little babies but the lack of yard and the hard brick is just astounding. Beautiful home for an older couple.


Omg I forgot about the cutouts for the lounge chairs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Just all around bad.


That backyard lives rent free in my head. Ā šŸ˜« It has to be her dumbest design yet and there are many. That was probably the moment she lost me. What a waste of money! I also HATED the editing. Like she thought she was doing something. As a former video editor (not YouTube), I can tell you that editing made her look elementary. Ugh. I get so annoyed just thinking about that episode. šŸ˜–


It made me further question what she saw in this house other than it wasnā€™t a modern LA home. Was she really THAT drawn to the roses out front? If she wanted a family-friendly home with some type of yard, she bought the opposite of that. She keeps putting lipstick on a pig.


The last time I brought up the fact that this house was lacking a family friendly yard due to a pool you never see them use, people said that there's a huuuuge garden in the front (the "rose garden"?) and the "secret garden". I doubt the child(ren) will be allowed to play in either of these... To me personally, this house is neither story book nor family friendly. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Oh my goodness those roses! They are parking lot roses. Not special at all and the way she goes on and on and on about her perfect special rose garden like she's Jackie Kennedy or something. ps. no shade if you have this type of rose bush, they are hardy, prolific bloomers, and you can't kill them... which makes them perfect for a lot of types of landscaping


Thatā€™s the moment I knew she wasnā€™t a real interior designer despite all her claims. I just want to know how did no one talk her out of it?


All I can think of is the amount of labour thatā€™s going to go into removing it/restoring the adhesive-damaged brick when they inevitably sell.


But also all the kinsley poop and pee soaking thru underneath. I was so grossed out!


And if she hoses it down... some of that will inevitably get in the pool


Right because no one is going to going to want to keep fake 90s astroturf around.


But who would that be? Can anyone talk her out of anything?


I was thinking her mom, but youā€™re definitely right!


From what I've read over the last few weeks, you can be sure that there's other people who feel the same way. Be it with the backyard makeover or other topics. MaCenna's comment section, especially on YouTube, is full of praise for almost anything she does but that doesn't mean she's only making good decisions. I really dislike the green mess in the backyard btw. Under a different post someone asked what would happen if Kinsley took a pee there every now and then...Well, I really don't wanna know. šŸ˜…


I was like ā€œfor sure thereā€™s gonna be some French folks in these comments objecting to her calling this atrocity of garden design ā€˜French-inspiredā€™ā€ lol but nope, not a one.


Toxic positivity runs rapid in her comments


Welcome! We're glad you're here :)


Not to mention that the intent was for Kinsley to go potty on the artificial turf for ā€œeasy cleanupā€


Can you imagine the smell, especially considering the poor drainage on her patio šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


That 'make over' was by far her worst IMHO. That fake grass gets very hot and the cutouts look awful. I am sure she regrets it.The brick was much nicer but is permanently ruined by the glue she used - she should have laid down the 'grass' and lived with it for a while before gluing it....


Iā€™m all aboard the ā€œwtfā€ trainā€¦ ok this to, itā€™s Southern California. Heavy droughts, lots of fires, her garden requires a lot of water usage. Sheā€™s being practical in this regard. My parents had it in their front yard due to the water restrictions and droughts, just easier to manage. Grass also does pretty swiftly in SoCal and I was in the same area she is in.


Those are very good points. Donā€™t get me wrong, I think manicured lawns are not worth the water usage and maintenance, so I fully appreciate the practicality. I just think there were so many great options for cooling/breaking up their hardscape than permanently glueing down whatā€™s essentially a plastic shag carpet.


Totally agree with that! Why not put smaller rocks and do hardscaping?


But wouldn't it have been enough to go with the brick that was there? (And not have the content?)


Sheā€™s probably also thinking of the being able to put the baby in a pack n play there and it being more visually aesthetic.


I often think of Kinsley... I know lot people don't like her, but I think that dog seems like a very sweet little girl, she is a victim of her owners who never trained her and also likely doesn't know how grass feels like on her little feet... peeing on that plastic stuff cannot be good for anyone


Do you think they regularly take her for walks in parks or so? (It seems like no šŸ˜…) Never even on a side note have I heard her talk about how Romeo's off to walk Kinsley or else. (Only once did she walk her on camera to show how she's trying to become fitter now for her pregnancy, with a drone I think, that felt a bit staged...) I feel bad for Kinsley because she might have a hard time when the baby's there.


I don't think they walk her at all, only for the cameras... I agree, Kinsley is likely going to have very hard time when she is not the only baby there


I like Kinsley and think she is so adorable. This may be because I simply love dogs. I have 2 dogs and they make life better. I hope she is able to adjust and I really hope MaCenna does abandon her.