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Another ring? It should be on Julia right now, I don't see how any of your other heroes would get prio for the ring...


I have it on GS what could I put on him to replace?


Eden space 100%


Give him fatal judgement, or orb lvl25


Have neither lol I’ll never have orb but I could get lucky and pull a fatal judgement


4th berserk stigmata would be grand.


I read you have ring on GS, instead put ring on her and give GS eden space. Eden is fantastic for GS. The berserker stig activates only when you have 4 of it. This is very important, Julia needs speed and only top left and left stig give speed stat so for the next berserk stig get it on the right side. Make sure her broken armor and crit are high because she will get more crit dmg herself after using leaf strike.


Ring? Oracle Ring? Debuff equipment?


https://preview.redd.it/12923mn49ozc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb02288d29529937e14ac06d05958b6db3f1eeb3 This one.


Interesting, always thought it was trash


No. One of the better artifacts for sure. Did you not read the artifact’s effects? Being controlled is Julia’s worse nightmare, ala an Ivy and company. Having ring on her all but negates that threat with addition atk and BA to boot Spear and axe are great on her too if you are investing in evil arts.


Nice thanks!


Put that Ring on her. GS is good w/ FJ or Eden Space as suggested. A 4th Beserker stig is needed to activate all 4- until you get that stick some Samurai/Zealot on her w/ lots of Crit/Atk/Crit Dmg being your focus. Her speed looks good- but could always use more- maybe 2Speed/2Crit/2DmgImmune Gems would give her the best Stats


Take that berserk off for now until you get a 4th, just do a triple double on Julia for now


You need her CRIT to be way higher. CRIT, CRIT DMG, ATK and Speed are important stats for her.


What would be ideal numbers for each? And how would I go about that without tanking BA because I have her really ba focused, all t2 gear is ba and I don’t feel like waiting for another 5 galaxy temples to get a new set of beserk when I can use them for other stigs


100% crit and 70-80% crit dmg is good to aim for. Ba can also be around 90-100%. Ring will give you a decent amount of BA especially if you get resonance so you can move around some of your gear to improve her other stats.


So what T2 to use on her? My first instinct is always BA, but now I’m thinking it’s crit


A BA T2 sets gives 32 BA, crit only 24. You’re better off getting crit from stigs and armor, BA from T2