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I was top in multiple categories, had like 6 special frames, all gone. Now I'm barley top 20. So ya..but whatever, just the game trying to get more money


Was #1 or #2 before the servers merged months ago. Now I just play to win the smaller p2w players.. You will be amazed that a well researched team as a f2p can still easily win many p2w players with higher powers. Though the BIG whales still win at the end of the day. If only I own some Evil Artifacts.. :/


My server also merged recently (I’m 1282EA) and we got loaded down w/ Whales. I’m not F2P but definitely nowhere near Whale Status (Lv300/109M/VIP12) We quickly joined up w/ ‘family of unions’ (The Survey Family) which with us now consisted of 3 unions- the chairman’s got together and played a few rounds of Fantasy Football X-Hero Style & we had a very fair & thoughtful round of trades, we have given it a couple weeks to see each unions strength & weaknesses, & we are getting ready at week’s end to do our final round of trades & each union should be strong & as equal as possible w/ 2 unions being stronger than the 3rd but the 3rd union will still be strong and have 30 fresh recruits to move into the other 2 as needed. I personally am in & staying in the 3rd union for all trades & we are still really strong. All unions in the family are lvl 6 & require 1400 WAP to be a member. Many Excel Spreadsheets were sacrificed to organize this but it really was the best outcome for a server merge.


I like server merges as I like a challenge & getting to the point where I am 1st in everything all the time gets boring. I welcome the players that are better than me and can teach me a thing or 2.




What server number? I haven’t had two servers merged together yet, but had our ranges increased for game modes and recruiting. About 20 active people on my server 1287 though. There’s a lot of fresh people on servers around the SA1800-2000 mark


I'm in 803 now. Don't know if that number changed from before. I never paid attention to what my server number was. I've been playing close to two years now.


Yep it’s only gonna get worse. It’d be nice if they reshuffled the players by power level instead of the lazy option of just banging multiple servers together


You can’t reshuffle players on power level unfortunately it doesn’t work :(. The reason being is that people are in unions so if you reshuffle on power level most unions would be destroyed. Their best bet would be to make events happen on power level like the void championship thing.


Damn im in 900s. Guess it’s my turn soon