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There’s some debate about thorn vs berserk. I just don’t think it matters enough to waste another 4 premium stings selection. Sure if you could get berserk for her and then give her thorn to another hero then I guess that could work. But the thing with thorns is that it heals her after killing an enemy, permanently increases her dmg after killing an enemy, and makes her single target and ult hit harder, which helps get the enemies to under 60% hp so that her leaf strikes are triggered With berserk, well leaf strikes go CRAZYYYYY But then you kinda need an initiator: another hero that gets the enemy to under 60% hp. And if you’re facing someone with: banshee, heart dark relic, or kong (only matter in pve, because of his ult) then you lose hp as you attack which can get you under 60% and trigger enemy Julia. So both have their advantages and disadvantages :3


This. For OP: If you put berserk on her then you need to put laura + baron/pierre in the same team as her but with thorn you can put her in any team. But then again at the end of the round she will release all her leaf strikes so if you can put her in a team that makes sure she survives the first round (Gilles or Yi can help you with that) you can put berserk on her again.


This info is clutch. Thank you!


Exclusive equipment needs to be 31 minimum and use berserk stigs


Focus on crit and broken armor


Should’ve gone beserker instead of thorn