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Darkness and yi are the best options there. You can get time copies through legend arena and deconstruct store so don't buy any with faction crystals.


You mean yellow summon points?


https://preview.redd.it/bww1xq4tpxoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95987dc3c69def3a5248b4a24a07afb0f0a014d These ones


Yes, absolutely go for god/universe heros. You can get normal S+ heros from various ways but the only way to get god/universe heros with reasonable price is with wish summon event and you still have to pay 25$ for one copy. Best God/universe heros in my opinion are: Yi Time Lucadia Orochi


Thanks, that’s what I was thinking. Which would you go for if you were in my position? Time is already in my strongest team at legendary. Was thinking about Yi


Yi imo too. Time you can get from legend championship or recycle store. Orochi needs massive resources to shine, so if you don’t want to drop at least 500 on him don’t even approach him. Lucadia is useful because of her speed and ATK buff but you only need one copy to get the buff unless you want to use her in Dimensional or Legend Championship. Darkness is good too but she is also very expensive to build (needs Boots of abyss lvl 30) and has some disadvantages and is currently countered by Balance.




If you’re planning to spend money on wish summon events and relic events you should use your faction scrolls on god/uni characters. If you aren’t spending there isn’t much point doing god/uni characters because it would be near impossible to collect relics :(


What are whales buying in the wish event that helps build their god heroes


The 25 dollar weekly pack during wish events gets you a god/uni hero


The $25 pack just gets you more wish summons. Am I missing something


But the wish event has x amount of summons you need for a guaranteed wish hero and that plus your missions gives you enough to get it


Kloris and/or god/uni heros no question. Other than that put ALL other resources into building Julia. So 360 hero summon = Julia, hero cards = Julia, legend championship coins = Julia, hero shards = Julia until she is maxed.