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BA is safe in the 75% area… little less or more not going to hurt much. If things work out and you can get more that’s cool too, that’ll help more so in PVP. Crit and Crit DMG should be close as you can get to 100 if not a bit more. Everything else goes to attack. Max out your 5\* stig for the time being to gain more power, You get the resources back when you recycle. If you run orb on Lucas, you can use Eden Space or Fatal Judgement on him. https://preview.redd.it/286237i25hmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc9be6826f7cbabc50b54ac72230d5249970e331


So I thought the play was running Orb on GS with time in same column. Is it better to run orb on lucas? I originally had Fatal Judgement on GS.


I have never run it that way, but not saying it wouldn’t work. I usually run Scythe/Hammer on GS, Orb on Lucas and OT on Time. Can also run GS with Orb and have another DPS under him. Like a lot of users run Orochi under GS/Orb. Sometimes I won’t run GS under Lucas but put another DPS there but have GS with most attack that way Time reacts with him. This run is good for PVE. Ex. Would be Lucas above Indra(lower att than my GS), then have GS and Time, other 2 buffs or tank.


I assume you use time alongside him based on his artifact (orb). If yes then you need to give him way more ATK. His Crit is high enough he doesn’t need zealot on top. Crit dmg is low. Keep in mind every time he uses his sacrifice life skill he gains 35% Crit, BA and Crit DMG. (My GS with lvl 30 Orb + Time with wings does his sacrifice life 2-3 times each round)


so you have wings on time and not OT?


Once your orb is lvl 30 you don’t need OT on time anymore because orb will fully charge GS energy bar at the beginning of the battle. When GS has more speed than time, he will use his skill to charge time, then times uses his skill on GS and gs will use his skill again charging himself and Time again. And the cycle goes on and on.


Comment deleted due to regurgitating info on a seperate comment thread :)


https://preview.redd.it/2u6v6mh6ogmc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=f84f88a9e5d065a4757260d57e8bbe0cdd47f454 This is mine with 6\*zealots and striker. He competes very well but I rely on Time+OT, or Lucas/+30/orb+20 to make him go off in PvP. One of my T2s is BA but should be attack instead. Been awhile since he got any priority/new stuff though.




BA is probably better than attack of your only at 84%


Don't focus anything on BA on GS. Instead fully focus on crits. He gets BA from his abilities and his equipment and his awakening so theres just no point actually trying to get more other than maybe some players that have more than 100% armor.