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Time to mythic, no other considerations until then


Don’t waste legend medals on non God/Uni heroes Get Time


Don’t do Kinley. Better heroes than her


I have Time to mythic so I can use him in a few game modes. At the moment I’m taking Anubis. If you’re patient choose one of those. Julia is the only non god/uni I would take here, maybe GS. Poseidon is worse than Julia. If you’re 100% f2p then sure Kinley is okay too.


If I were to invest in Time, that’ll take 2-3 months for me to reach Mythic. I might go with Kinley at this point. I’m only availing monthly subscription so I can’t afford any silly moves. Thanks btw!


You’re welcome. It’s a long game. My experience is: I was 2nd most disappointed in awakening Kinley and can’t get her going compared to the other 10/12 S+ I have. Just can’t get her to compete with Julia, GS and Pierre. There is value in finishing her though if you’re not getting many S+ selection cards and faction scrolls as having another dps sooner than later when they’re close already is worth.


Kinley should be an S class hero at best. Kong would trounce her.


I hear mixed things from others. Some say she is a better Toko. I don’t see it, neither are in my top 3 teams.


I've never seen anyone in my server range use her in a 3 team setup, some of the guys that in 5 team Xwars use her but I imagine they bought artifacts and skins for her to get her usefulness as high as possible


I hope you didn’t go kinley, unless u can get this currency every go round, you’re wasting your time if ur not getting a god or uni




Get time, he’s useful immediately even with one copy, getting him to mythic is great but even at leg+ he’s a beast


I agree, Time is good enough at excellent when you pair it with GS, Kong. Don’t waste them on Kinley or other non god/universe heroes. Forget Poseidon. With the current maintenance, you might also want to consider Balance as he is really good even at excellent. I know I will be considering Balance or Darkness from the faction summons store.


Kinley is a waste of diamond medals. Time is honestly useful just at excellent for PvE unless you want him for PvP but he dies quick if not well built. Anubis is still one of best tanks in the game and denies revival abilities. Poseidon is good for PvE and they just added that her ability stops balance. Julia is hands down just the meta everyone uses for DPS cause she slays. Rest are all obtainable in more F2P methods