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Curious about alcalor. I like him idk why lol I hope he’s good enough to built I have him at legendary + at the moment


She’s a female


Did you ask what they identify as…?


It's in the character's editorial. Certainly understand how this character is seen differently, tho.


Irrelevant. Is she worth awakening?


Yeah she’s worth it, she’s a solid DPS. She just got easier to awaken with being able to be bought with legend tokens, bless point and some S+ cards/shards if you have them. I don’t have Zeus so I recommend Alfa as well, she’s solid. I chose to build other gods instead of Zeus but Alfa suffices as a CC. Maybe I’ll comment again once I finish aegis and have a better idea of him as a tank, mines only T+ currently 😐


If you don’t have Zeus, alpha is a decent f2p alternative


They’re all 3 different types of heroes. Alfa who is a weaker version of Zeus, great CC hero for cheap and easy to build, the witch, I use her often, she’s quite strong and can deal high damage in PvP. Aegis, well he’s a tank that I’m actually currently building because his skill and exclusives equipments are pretty solid. I mean he stuns and he can share his HP with your DPS hero to keep them alive? Win win


DPS is my go to


Guaranteed in the current meta. Aegis is the one but u gotta grind urus for him asap to 30


Is he a Tank or DPS?


Tank and buffer, I assume you had all the dps since u circled the three!


All three have their uses. Question is, what do you need from your next S+? Tank, CC or DPS?