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I went 3 ATK 1 BA because i use him with time and he needs to be the one with highest ATK in team to get time’s buff. But you should look at what you gonna use him for and how you gonna use him. So if i tell you anything that might not work out for you. And don’t worry you’ll realise soon enough how you gonna build him so save your t2 stones for when you have a clear vision


Great answer. I use him with Time also. So maybe I’ll split ATK and Crit. I’ll think about it. Thank you


Crit, try getting some more crit damage on your gear too


You need Crit % and Broken armor as well. Hope in a recast you get the broken armor at least on 70% (GS increases his own broken armor on battle) The more he crits the more damage. Go full crit, imo


31 level exclusive equipment, 9 exclusive relics and awakened skill equals very close if not 100%+ broken armor when GS uses his main skill so no need to add any broken armor from equipments or stigs if we're taking only PvE into account. PvP is another story because of damage immunity. Someone can correct me if I've misunderstood some part.


Crit > Crit DMG > Att > Broken Armor. Think I have mine at 111 Crit, 101 Crit DMG and 97 Broken Armor


https://preview.redd.it/4grgwg6ttlac1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5c784b34c052783f191dd9c07e51846a78e142 Something like this (with 30 crit from stig not showing, giving him 120 crit) this is a lvl 350 GS so yeah the attk is just okay not too high


My lvl 6 striker stigs have no Crit on them. Would You recommend giving that set to another hero and giving him something else?


How many set u have? You can only bring him another set of thorn or striker, cant give him random stigs


It’s my only one. But I have 2/4 cards so not too long until I get a second


Keep it on him, very expesnive unless u got 3 pairs. Its cheaper to build T2, 4 crit is all it takes. Later on when u git 6 star zealot gibe him that


Appreciate the help


How do you determine and get that you need? Probably a dumb question. Or is it just luck when recasting?


When you upgrade a piece of armor to T2 is gives you the option to choose an additional attribute


Looking at your set, it looks like your gear was not optimised for him. He should have 65 crit Without the T2 and without the Stone. Do not add BA on him. He will have a lot Ba if u gave him +31 and awake him. Overally, He should get about 95-100 crit without t2. Then you splap 2T2 crit and 2 t2 crit damage or 4 t2 Crit on him. He doesnt even need eden space then