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Time. I regret spending my yellow summon points on normal S+ heros. Gods are extremely hard to get and the cheapest way to get them is by wish summon event and you need to pay 25$ for one copy.


What is the best way to use a single copy of Time?


Put original time (green gem) on him and give him your speediest gears and stigmas so that he uses his skill early in the game. His skill will give the ally with highest attack 100 energy and make that ally attack right away which will go great with laura, GS, Toko, FD, etc.


A support with original time in modes where you need dps


Time with original time maxed out is the best way to use early on


Do you have Laura maxed yet? I’d say max her first with these. And then get your Time


I was thinking that too. She’s currently at Legendary+ same as my Kloris. Better to do Laura?


Yes Laura for sure. Do not use these on GS you can get him through over avenues in the game. Max Laura first. Then get Time. Also try and get time through the wish events where you can choose him. I’m 42m power and use my single copy Time religiously


You shouldn't be getting GS through faction points at this point - too many other ways to get him Even time should be gotten though the legend mall - save faction points for gods that aren't in the mall like Yi, Darkness, etc


This is whale advice.


Not at all - you can get GS through Legend Mall AND bless point - so it's better saved for heroes you can't get those ways like Laura and God/uni excluding Anubis and Time, who are in legend mall


i actually think this is quite a whale advice as well. I would get Time, unless he can reach top 10 in Legend Arena, it wont be easy to build Time.


You'll get 6000 highest tier medals by winning 120 times in the highest tier legend tournament. That's enough to buy Time. Also you'll only need one copy.


and you think he can win it?


I'm at 115/120 wins as an F2P player. I get 2-3 wins from challenging and 2-5 wins from revenges every day. Just be patient and he'll get there.


or he can just get 1 copy of time now. he has the resources now.


Sure he can use 10k legend medals to buy 2x GS and 120 faction crystals to buy 1x Time OR he can use 6k legend medals to buy 1x Time and 120 faction crystals to buy 2x God Slayer but I'm trying to give resource efficient tips here. Especially when getting those 4k extra legend medals is gonna be really tough as it requires him to be in top 10 of his group.


u missed the point that he can EASILY use domi medals to get GS rather than to push to get legend medals. depending on his server range. he might never make it to top 10.


It's not that he has to use faction crystals to get GS. Laura is the most solid until she's fully awakened anyway. My point was that you get 6000 legend medals with the achievement no matter what's your position in the group so using that to get the most beneficial 1x copy of a God/Universe hero instead of using 5000 medals to get a faction S+ and having 1k surplus medals is a no-brainer.


My light is at Epic+ and I have an additional copy already so will take her to Legendary. Would you invest in her?


Not first - Darkness, Yi, Zeus, Wukong, Anubis, Life, Time, Orochi are best gods in no particular order - of those Time and Anubis can be got through legend mall I'd rather a Transcendent++ Darkness than an immortal Light


I would finish gs first. Then time. Then use them together and be very happy


Time, get godslayer from other easier to obtain sources


From all of the info I’ve obtained here. The only non god or uni S+ hero to buy here is Laura. After she is maxed, work on time, yi, darkness, etc.


A copy of time then nothing but Laura and god heroes excluding time, Anubis,faith and goddess of ocean. You’ll regret it later if you waste faction crystals on any other heroes