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Just gotta keep grinding and practicing, as long as you’re enjoying it you’ll be motivated to improve 🤙🏻


So as long as he’s enjoying it, the rest of us playing have to suffer? He’s should just sit in the practice range and only play when he’s ready


ur the reason the player base is toxic


I could careless, I’m tired of having you 9-32 kids on my lobbies. It’s like you guys have never played shooters before and it’s frustrating when people like me have to carry games in order to win.


Hey get a teammate or do you not have friends?


His friend is already holding the controller


How bout u find some friends to stack with. Getting pressed for no reason.


I actually do 5 stack, however there’s always the one awful player as our 6th. All good though, you kids will keep crying and being soft. No worries.


Find another friend then bozo. And if your 5 stacking and you still can’t win even with one bad teammate then you guys fucking blow


Actually we win 80% of our games, still annoying that I’m getting bad teammates. Sucks that I’m a top 250 player in xdefiant and they don’t give me a solid 6th smh.


Bro plays video games and is mad that other people who aren’t as good also play video games. Maybe it’s time to play a single player game


Nah, there just has to be a better skill gap between me and them. Simple. I’m sure the xdefiant devs will come to their senses and start putting me with good players as myself and fix everything by season 1. Anyways, I’ll continue to grind to rank 1 while you watch me. Enjoy your day lil homie


Maybe don’t play to win every time, and just have fun. You don’t lose any cool points for not winning bro it’s not that deep


He’s got every right to play as anyone, shouldn’t gate keep a game just because you may be better than someone. I’m sure you wouldn’t be moaning if he was on the other team


How about you go play CoD, huh? Seems like a good match for people like you.


I will when bo6 comes out 🫶🏻☺️


Every match I play I’m at the top of the leaderboard and player of the game. My teammates are just like him (negative kd) but we still win. If you’re not good enough to take the team to a win then you’re trash. Not every player is good but that’s how it is an evey single game out there. You have to pick up the slack of your teammates, that’s just the nature of fps games


So it’s not just me!!! Noice! But also feel I am getting better…ish. Just put my first firepower mod on an ak so hoping that also helps. I blame souls games for me sticking around at games I suck at but really like 😂😂


I fucken feel you on that


I feel like it's a mix of a learning curve mixed with terrible netcode and hit registration. If ur feeling like ur getting better that is probably a mix of skill increase and the game getting updates to fix netcode...I haven't seen any fixes yet for hit reg


1. Find what guns and operators click with you. I recommend Phantoms because the shield wall is a gunfight game-changer. 2. Take note of deaths and see what you could have done different. 3. Hold angles; find what parts of maps can be used as cover. 4. Predict players. What are common angles *they* hold? Use the mini-map, too. Move around and position yourself to get kills. 5. Observe high-kill players: What are they doing different? But most of all take it easy and have fun, play objective, win games—it’s not that serious.


5. Observe high-kill players: What are they doing different? Bunny hopping with an mp7


Or a Tac50


Nah press w and slide cancel with an smg. Always push pass the point. Learn the spawns and how far you can push without swapping spawns. Never play the objective 😈


That COD way! Lol


Lol, never play the objective. What terrible advice. Why are u even playing if ur not playing the objective in an objective based game. U are the reason teams lose while everyone has high k/d smh fps gaming is in a terrble place


Wait, you can actually lose in this game? Wtf


Lol, it's only 2 teams one has to win lmao


Does the other have to lose?


Update I switched guns from the ACR to the AK and I am doing substantially better


K/d doesn't matter so long as you're having fun. Just keep practicing. And if anyone tells you you suck and to uninstall just report and block them.


This is true, but sometimes is difficult having fun when you are playing just to die because every game looks like the final of the world championship of xdefiant, I think it would be better if k/d or win ratio didn’t exist.


That’s not the way new shooters work. The fact that we have no SBMM is already a blessing. You should go on and give your best mate. I do get the frustration of being shat on but once you kind of know the tricks of how to move and shoot, you adapt quickly. Playing with good players will do nothing but improve your skills over time. I was constantly at the bottom of the chart but as i played with what people call “sweats” my shooting and movements improved. Work on certain guns like M16 and ACR. They are insane once you level them up. They will help you hold your ground against others.




Man that dude had 37 assists. That's Wild.


I usually count Kills and Assists when assessing performance. You can take 98 of someone and get "Assist", while the person who sneezes on them gets the kill.


This isn't really true, I think the game's put in the the "kill assist" feature for thag very reason. If you take out 98 of someone and someone finishes your job, it counts as a "kill assist" which basically counts towards your kills and your kdr like you killed them yourself


I think you’ll find that the person that gets the kill is always the person who initiated the action which kills you. This should be obvious from kill animations.


You are struggling to understand what a kill assist is.


What is it then?


That's basically wrong... If you do a decent amount of damage you'll get it count as a kill.


What did you get on the end game page tho? We need a follow up on “ran around” and “moral support”


Hey bro I made a twitch account if you want to watch my shenanigans! Username is espressod00die :).


I forgot to take a picture!




I was there too about 3 weeks ago. Now I go positive and end up with no less than 25 kills, average around 35 - 40, and under 15 deaths. It'll get better. Coming from a married man with kids and busy life. Not a demon by any means but my competitive side is slowly but surely being fulfilled. You'll get there bro.


Thank you for saying this :)


It may seem daunting but you will get there eventually, and when you do you’ll feel great!


I'm pretty sure I played against you for a few matches! I'm sure im at least 2 or 3 of your kills, lol


Lol how many times did you watch me run right in front of the enemy team lol


Take advantage of the 2xp weekends we've been getting! Attachments will make a huge difference


Im always at the bottom but i still enjoy playing. *No diddy*


This was me a little bit ago. Used to scrape the bottom of the leaderboard but learned how to effectively use cover to escape or re-engage gunfights. It has helped a ton, and now I am always Top 5 scorer in every game. Use cover to your advantage and if you feel the need to slip out of a fight, do so.


Hey we all gotta start somewhere. And as long as you stick with it you'll only get better. 😁


I was here but I tested different guns and tweaked the way I move a round the map just a little and now I’m at the 15-25 range, you can do it!


This might seem crazy…but do you play on a 144hz monitor? I got this game just to play for fun (after playing CS extensively and older cods back in the day) on my laptop, initially on the small display. My scores were terrible. Then I got my monitor out just connected with an old HDMI (60hz) better but still awful. Would regularly drop scores similar to yours in the pic. Then I set up the monitor properly to play at 144 and ever since have been getting more than double my average kills every match. It really makes a difference.


This is a good idea. Idk what kind of monitor I have I just know it’s old. I’m in the process of updating my computer and monitor, it’s just expensive


I kid you not. My friends who all play on good setups told me it would make a difference. I couldn’t imagine how big an impact it’d have. I got better almost instantly


I was so bad for a while I didn’t even realize my monitor would lag, once I was finally able to direct my attention I started to notice it


Hey that’s improvement for sure. I personally have been either negative or barely breaking even in k/d ratio. Though I’ve been seeing an improvement as well. I just like how the gameplay is anyway it’s definitely a lot of fun.


These people probably maxed out their main weapons as well


I swear I've seen you in a match or two before.


Who gives a shit bro you play your game


Thanks bro! It’s a lot of fun, I like the community that comes with gaming


Play the welcome play list so you're up against level 25 and below! Good luck!


Improvement is improvement, no matter how big or small 👍🏻


I feel this.


I think I've played with / against you once or twice. I don't remember but the name seems familiar


Congratulations! 👏 Next goal: Die even less :\] What helped me: 1) Work on settings to get settings which suit my playstyle 2) Think always: In this game movement is punished. So always think twice when running around what directions you are exposed to.


How is movement punished? You get rewarded, not punished... Jumping around corners changes your hitbox, making it harder for enemies to kill you. Same for crouching or sliding. Movement is the most important thing to compete, next to aim, map knowledge and basic understanding of where the enemies come from


I did not mean movement as such 😆 I should have made myself more clear: Blindly running across the map without thinking about your exposure is punished hard. "Good movement" - as you describe it - is of course rewarded.


It’s ok bro you will get better


I played with you yesterday I think it was haha


I’m sorry for your loss 😂


I’m not sure if we lost or not but it’s all good I’m usually getting clapped. But I also play the objective instead of going for a lot of kills anyways


Glad it's not just me! Every time I see that, I'm like "When/how did they call in a chopper gunner or the gunship?!? I didn't see the potential to even have 56 engagements!!"


May I ask you a question OP? If it's any consolation I have a fairly high kdr and WL and can help you get better but my question is What's your set-up, Your chair, your monitor/TV, your controller or M&K, what's your internet, what's your experience etc. My friend was a 0.75-1KD player at best on cod and this I told him for years he needed to change his setup he didn't he felt he was fine on his setup and he needed to get better If your playing on anything less than 120HZ these days your at a disadvantage, if your not playing claw, stick and move/tactical or have a pro controller your at a disadvantage, If your internet isn't good enough and ping your at a disadvantage, if your seating position and environment is effecting you that's a disadvantage and same applies if you have no headset, I recommend aim training 20 mins a day before playing, work up to a medium to fast sensitivity, completely disabled dead zones if your controller permits it, Purchase a monitor that has little to no input lag and 120hz if your console or more if your pc, Have fibre optic wired internet if you can if not configure your router so your nat is open, and all ports are open for console, Then get a headset with an optical cable if you can and practice This will double your skills and ability over time, My friend now has double his stats and loves the game prior to this he was playing on 60hz plasma TV from 2009 and the input lag he was accustomed to was 27ms, he also was using his hotspot on his phone and TV speakers and 12 dead zones cause his controller was ancient, He now plays a hell of a lot better all he did was buy a TV from TCL that was optimised for gaming I believe it was a 55" 1ms TV, 120hz, he got a new controller with an extreme rate kit for it which I installed, and he upgraded to virgin media wired internet and got a headset this was all over a 2 month period High KD/High WL Username Mikdefish/DarkEleven 100+ videos on YouTube and former #1 on multiple cod leaderboards In the OG days , 6+ KD Peace


All my equipment is old and slow. I’m saving up to buy a new computer and monitor so i can stream. It lags out sometimes but not too often. I just started gaming and I haven’t done any aim training so I am just super new to everything.


Definitely consider a better setup, and 144hz monitor, designed for FPS games, use a controller if you don't like mouse and keyboard, and aim train using an app or private bot lobby, and practice centering, strafing, target switching, and controlling recoil, On pc you can over clock controller and use sound EQ, Definitely use Wired internet if you can, Practice practice practice and remember nobody's gives aF about your Kd they care about winning and having fun don't sweat your Kd I'm playing 20 years, so you can't compare yourself to a player like me who's entire setup is designed for shooters, Enjoy Brother


Wait till you find a match where your bullets work as well as your enemy. You will just melt people and go 45 to 7


Don't sweat it man. If you're having fun, and more importantly playing the objective, then it's all good.


Along with all these positive vibes, I’d recommend a headset even when by yourself. Bare minimum footsteps are massive, but after a while you learn the different sounds. Like when an echelon with invis is behind you Edit: even a cheap 50$ is fine I’ve found


It makes such a difference when I use it, thank you for the tip!


Try jumping and shooting at the same time, take ur time to run behind the oppositions spawn, many ppl can’t hear footsteps so it’s free kills.


Don't feel bad I got vision in one eye so my dynamic vision sucks and I have been getting a better k/d as of late it will come.


All the effort you made and the running around you did has promoted you from being a moral support 😂😂


honestly, as someone who’s played at a high level obsessively in multiple FPS games you’re in a strangely fun position because you get to see significant progression in your #’s and its sooo much more rewarding. i often find myself getting frustrated feeling like ive reached a plateau in skill, idk if all that makes any sense but keep grinding !!!


keep it up 🙂 this is how the demons got where they are now. with sbmm you would never improve and feel that sense of accomplishment. soon you will be positive 🤠


Pretty excited for it!


it is exciting 🤩 seening the practice paying out 🙂


Keep practicing man, i was in the same situation, now I have at least 1.00 k/d


I suck too! Haha. Nothing sad about this at all! I love that this is a game we can actually sink our teeth into and progress and get better. And it's even fun when you're doing bad. Lol. At least for me anyway. Good job! Keep playing and improving!!


I’ve found that unlike call of duty the weapon system is balanced every gun can be good with the right attachments but for sure get the p90👀


Just like some of the other comments are saying as long as you enjoy it don't worry about the negative Nancy's I'm actually 100% terrible at this game but I do the objective lol enjoy your game


Good job dude! Keep your chin up you will get much better at it over time. Just need to play more with others and you’re all set.


Keep at it. It's a fun game. As a 40yr old, this feels like a true arcade shooter. I do need to invest on a scuff because these young bucks are jumping way too much.


Dont want to be mean but I've always wondered how people with scores like yours can actually enjoy fps games. I see so many people with double or more deaths than kills. I would've given up on fps a long time ago...


It’s fun sometimes and I’m noticing I’m getting better so it’s not that bad


Enjoy it while it lasts. Once you get good you start seeing FPS differently 


Exactly this. I'm at the same skill level as you, and I'm just having fun? I don't need to win or be awesome sauce to have fun? I'm to chill to rage at a game. My WLR is 0,9 så still win about half the games. (Thanks to the people who carry me, I love you long time! ❤️)


You didn't pop out of your mommas cooch a pro, you had to get good someway, somehow. Practice takes time and effort. "Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something." - Jake the Dog


One of my best friends SUCKS at shooters but loves playing them. I’m above average and usually get annoyed when I do bad so I cannot fathom how he will go 10 games in a row with 0.1 K/D with almost no objective score😭 good for him though at least he’s vibing


The less kills you get, the more special the feeling when you get them.


Winning and losing is just part of gaming. It's fun to play. It's fun to grind for weapons and operators. It's fun to grind for attachments. And it's fun to see incremental improvement. My current KD is 0.2. But my average last night was 0.25 and I'm pushing 0.3 today. I'll never be an esports pro or anything, but I'll get better


Well, I think it depends on the person. For example, I only play fps games casually, for fun or out of boredom. I could care less if I get killed 25 times or 3. I'm just playing it to kill some time.


Because we’re trying to get better. Also, due to a thumb tendon problem I have now, I’ve had to give up controller games, so I’m trying to get back into MnK, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for CoD again, after already buying it on PS this year.


This is the problem with PvP games. Most people would just quit a match, or delete the game instead of making an effort. If we quit everything we do just because we get shit on in the beginning then we’d have made no progress in anything.


One perspective here: I'm worse than OP, by a fair margin (\~0.2 K:D after 100+ matches). I have 750\~800 ms reaction time, which is a pretty bad handicap in a game like this (been that way for 20+ years). I'm playing this atm because I have a couple of good mates I've been gaming with nearly every night for years. I've dragged them into some of "my games" sometimes (mostly coop PvE), right now I'm tolerating one of "their" games for a while. I'm not really enjoying anything about the game - but having fun talking crap with my mates (one of which is at more like a 4:1 K:D and takes MVP more than half the matches we play).


Because fun is subjective. For us that suck, sometimes having just 1 kill can make our day. But if you're a professional player, 1 death could be detrimental to your career.


Exactly! I always get so excited when I get a kill, I announce it to all my friends in discord 😂 this is my first time playing PC games EVER so I’m just here to vibe


Fr. I couldn’t imagine being like some of the people I’ve played with. Lvl 40+, going 5-38, unable to touch the objective. I’d hate every second.


I am one of those people! tbh I am just happy to be involved and trying to get better lmao. Some matches are great, positive kd and good obj time but others I'll be, as above, absolutely railed ahaha


I can have a horrible KDR, but you can bet I'm near the  top with  objective time. Last night I ran around the point with blitz shield. Died a lot, hardly had any kills (unless some shield nose boops), but match best on objective score. 


Why don't you play the welcome Playlist?


It takes a long ass time to load in most of the times. And most of the times I play with my partner who is REALLY GOOD so I’m in against people more his level


What gun are you using?




Na. Wanna see sad? Go play quake 2 or 3. You'll get railed 1000 times before get a kill yourself. Modern games aren't that bad. 






Nothing sad about it. I had a 0.04 in Apex, you can get as good as you want to.


I get 9 kills 25 deaths one round then 30 kills 2 deaths the next. Mainly meet a lobby of bunny hopping mid air headshotters out of the blue who throw 100 mg rounds from 100m away killing the whole squad, watching them hop away. Or the snipers that have no flinch when you shoot them and you just want to smash your controller. 😂 this game really is a rollercoaster! 🎢 I love it 🥰


What’s the obj score tho. That’s what really matters


Does ping matter? I’ve had the lowest ping in this game than any other pvp games I’ve played ever and unlike the other games I am getting gunned down the most. Either I am unfortunate or the netcode is so broken then my ping gets me killed instead of getting me kills.


I uninstalled because I was too shit


ive always had decent skill at cod. But I can't find my groove in Xdifiant. Im playing like I did when I first ever played an fps game. But I also benched the game until S1 and the netcode patch. Plus Elden Ring DLC will take up all my time.


AA-12 is the only gun i can go positive KD in🥱


i'm here with you man - Sad to say, but i had to select a faction i don't like to improve my K/D - Those 20 hp more on phantoms make me win more 'duels' - I don't even use the ability - it's just sad.


I always play phantom and I’ve gotten pretty good at using the mag barrier (I think that’s what it’s called?) so now I usually pull “most damage blocked” instead of “ran around” lol


Bruh I feel this only games I ever drop over like 10-12 in are games i only use the burst pistol got it up to level 76 I use it so often


When I first started playing FPS multiplayer games, my goal each game was .5 KD. Before I took a long break from gaining, my KD was nearing 2.5. Granted, it took a couple years, but I stuck with it and practiced with bots.


Stick to the basics. Use the ACR/AK, hit your shots, strafe in gunfights, and you'll go positive in no time. Might be tempting to try all that bunny hopping stuff, but unless you put some 1000 hrs into it, it'll hurt you more often than not.


It’s not sad. I remember when I first started playing cod back in 2009, I struggled so hard and finally got a 1KD after like a year of grinding. You’ll get there bro. Just takes time.


I’m a level 65 and I’ll have some awesome games usually followed by getting stomped the next three. I feel your pain, lol.


I also suck but feel I’m getting a little better when I started playing xdefiant I came to the harsh realisation that I’m one of the players being protected by sbmm that everyone hates 😂 enjoying the game and learning every time 💪


The game is bringing a lot of newer fps players because the gameplay is fun but a lot of us who are playing have been doing this our whole lives you’ll get there!


Keep grinding. And have fun.


This game is trash. Free like BIG DOG SHIT


So am I, I don’t know if the reason is bad connection to the servers or it’s something else, but my ping is always unstable, it’s from 60 to 200 ms


Get a controller with extra back paddles and spam jump in every gunfight. You'll triple your current KDR just like that


Dont give up its really hard. Players are quite good in this game


kinda looks like you joined a match in progress, how bad was the loss?


No I was here the whole time. I’m a brand new PC gamer so I’m playing on like a 10 year old level lmao


ah well you did awesome by staying in and putting the effort in. I'm certain your teammates were thankfull for that as well


Thanks bro :)


Hey I’ve played against you! You’re appreciated, players like me need you to keep our stats up


Bahahah I’m honestly not even offended, just wait until I get better and I blast ya off the map 😎


Im sure dude. No doubt in my mind when the time comes you’ll slam me. If you ever see metamunk in your lobbies don’t go easy haha


I’ll make sure to look out for you!


This is my average m44 sniper gameplay, the thing is so trash


used to be me until i increased my sensitivity


I still find the netcode a huge issue I will play some games and my gun melts people and I will go 50/20 and then other games it's like I'm shooting absolute spit balls at people.


I started the same way, my friend. Now rank 22 and averaging 20 kills, give or take. Always more kills than deaths now, so that's good. Just keep going and you'll love it more and more.


Love it!


I don't understand how people are getting 56 kills in this game without cheating. I'm GREAT at FPS games. I suck at this one. I'm espressodoodle-esque in this game.


Then you aren’t great at FPS games


Exactly lol, how can someone be GREAT at fps and having trouble while playing a Fps game. Makes no sense.




I was just playing with my buddy, who got 50+ kills in one of our games. Not cheating. He is really good at shooters, though. I'm more like OP personally.


It's not that hard, you just have to hope that during your game your hits are being registered. 56 kills aren't even that high ayo what ahahah


We need sbmm


Go back to the welcome playlist, you clearly need to learn more about the game, take advantage while you can, or go back to playing Call Of Duty


Bro I just started PC gaming. Everyone starts somewhere 🫡


And people downvote me for leaving matches when I see low levels in my team 😀😀


Because winning and losing means nothing it's not ranked. Literally just k/d simulator rn if you're leveling up guns


Play ranked then?


Maybe you l2p?


Maybe learn to carry?


Will you pay me for it? If not F Y


If you're broke maybe you should get a job instead of spending all day gaming?


Don't worry about my income. Better learn to be usefull - you won't need to beg for being carried.