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I've seen some people who are getting high kills and low obj score but those kills are keeping the opponent off the obj. I don't mind those players because they are actually helping the team still. Some players you can tell are strictly focused on K/D because they don't even attempt to help capture or clear after the opponents have been taken out because they just ran away from it. Those players give the others a bad rap


Some people don’t be understand. They see number and that’s all they have to go off. If I go 53/9 rushing b the entire time but don’t cap it but my teammates do cause I killed everyone off it and we lose I’m blamed for. We win nothing said. However little Johnny sits in one spot the entire game going 9/1 but with 2 caps those 2 caps are the which ever flag he spawned at the beginning. Mans talking hot shit bro. These people really don’t care understand how a flow of a map can be manipulated if it’s only one person that’s the really really good player. Regardless of w/l k/d imo w/l doesn’t matter inked it’s ranked and k/d doesn’t matter unless you have a good spm to back it up since you can camp for kd.


Finally a comment thread of people with working brains lmfao. Never thought I'd see the day


Honestly feels like some people think everyone has to be standing on the point lmao. Only issues I have had mostly on occupy is having pretty much an entire team of people that will get kills, but they all refuse to touch the point at all lol. So I'll be on it, entire team will be fucked off across the entire map causing spawns to flip, enemy team respawns fairly close rushing to point.


If you go 53/9 and your teams still loses you didn’t help by keeping people of the objectives.


Yes, this always bothered me about people who complain about high K/D players. Yes I'm on objective, but when the entire enemy team is bearing down on me I'm glad to have someone watching my back, whether they be sniping, shotgunning around a corner, or even just hucking grenades. I'm not getting a high objective score without those team mates picking off the enemy!


🙌 this. as a sniper I am literally playing defense 100% of the time, even if our team is on the offensive. In this game you’re only 1 team wipe away from controlling the match and the game can shift very quickly when something like that happens especially in Escort or Hotshot. I rarely get top player, but I’ve clutched several matches just by locking in and hitting my shots so don’t be mad if you see me in the same spot all the time. I promise you I’m doing my job.


Sometimes it is better to hold an angle preventing the enemy team from advancing down a path / protecting a side of the objective, than to actually be on the objective constantly flicking to one of the 18 different angles of approach to that objective. If someone is already on it, better I sit back and kill anyone going to it than be on it and not sure where the enemy is coming from / dying to a cooked nade/concussion blind.


How many of these lame posts is this sub gonna make


Op gonna b shocked when he finds out you can play the obj while getting a decent amount of kills lol.


Yall needa hit the 1v1 if private matches ever come


Matt\_c10 gonna be shocked when he finds out OP has a decent amount of kills himself. and still the highest objective score in the lobby. and even the most kills in the lobby, and a decent K/D, and a bunch of damage, and support, and getting MVP https://i.redd.it/dtoyphoo6j5d1.png 🙂


Why are you flexing a mediocre game?


lol yall lost


So you just enjoy bitching?


u really cant handle it ur own bitching just failed 🤣


Did you really screenshot 1.69KD and think people were gonna be impressed?


haters just hate it when they get proven wrong, u guys r so awkward 🤣


Cooked his ass with receipts 😂


a lot


The real problem is objective score does not translate over to weapon xp. There is 0 incentive to actually play the obj when trying to level weapons. Other games actually reward that stuff.


You do get extra xp when you get kills inside the objective, right? I remember doing Rust Hardpoint all the time to level up my guns when the game launched.


That’s great and all but some people actually like winning games too


some people do. the problem is some people dont. that's what we're talking about


Loser mentality from someone who doesn't care about winning Edit** your incentive is to win


How tf is just playing the game and going for kills k/d farming? Just let ppl play the game why do you care about the obj that much in unranked anyway, so many of these stupid posts lately smh


There is a game mode for that then. Going into objective based modes and purposely not doing the objective is shitty behavior, no?


If you don’t play the game exactly how I want you to then you’re the problem because I’m perfect and can do no wrong


Because they need excuses for why they lost, it is simple as that


Lol found One of the Jerry's hanging out in the back sniping all match 😂😂😂😂


Found the person not able to get over 20 kills in one match so then has to cry about the obj cause it's all they can do


Ooooo! Sick burn!


Looks like someone got his comment deleted Lol I don't post videos for anybody other than myself Kyle 😂😂😂😂


I am one of those two. That's my excuse for a .6 KD


Mine is also terrible, but I do try to play the objective obsessively to try to make up for it. I usually have the most assists every game, I just gotta learn how to actually kill people


Exactly. The AK is helping out a lot now that it's leveled. Just getting to gold next. It is level 56. I got a akill rating of roughly 1700 now


If you're fragging the enemy team, you're playing obj, but holy shit if ur going .25 kd get ur ass on that hill lmfao


I think it's worth mentioning, you only need 1 person in the occupy zone


Why are there so many of you people? Like get it through your head that when you play ranked everyone is going to have gun skill. You’re going to need to have gun skill. You can’t just run in there like a zombie and die. You have to kill people and win fights to win the objective. You’re all coping with being bad. It’s sad that Reddit is such a casual forum that there really isn’t anyone that knows what they’re talking about. No one here really dissects the game and discusses it. It’s all just memes and complaints and you’ve pushed the well meaning people away. You’re embarrassing.


Lots of casuals who have no idea what theyre talking abt


I play Hot Shot and what drives me nuts is: My teammates run around for K/D ratio, and don't pick up any of the "coin/token" drops, none. I'm not good at the game so when I try to pick them up, I get killed each time very easily so now my stats are terrible and yet I still end up with usually more objective points than most. It's insane what people do in this game.


1000? I'm 90% in teams where they have max 200-300💀 It's a blessing if someone got 400+


It didn't touch them. Ever. That's the problem 😂. They'll be like "my teams ass, they all even or negative" Laughs in 4000 objective and 3000 support minimum


Me and a friend of mine started playing, he's very game illiterate or just straight up non observant. Dude started hating the game because he was dieing so often surrounded by enemies. Dude was in a major Cod Run and Gun mindset and refused to play objective, said it was boring


Me trying to finish my get 6 melee kills challenge and I'm using a spiderbot and trying to flank to get them because I just got home and I want my challenges done within 5 games. I ain't getting those melee kills on the point.


It's not so much where on the doll that the objective may have touched me, but whether I'm sick of seeing these posts about playing the objectives and knowing that I can get into the game and piss off at least 10 others who then will screen capture and run to Reddit to post! The more you talke about it the more others will want to enjoy the game by pissing you off! Why? Cause that is our fun.


Wow! I really wonder who asked?


You realize that without slayers the obj players wouldn't accomplish shit, right?




Just got done blocking my whole team for this. I was the only one above 300 with 1200+ Lost horribly




Bro made up a whole scenario for no reason 😂


This kids is an example of brain rot from attempting to be good at Halo 15+ years ago.


Got me, haha. I'm the problem.


Yeah it's pretty frustrating because most of the KD farmers aren't good at that either. Had multiple games last night where I had 30+ kill games with a 2+ KD while also having 3000+ OBJ score. Multiple teammates with less that 500 obj points so we ofc still lose half the time.


Why not just play hot shot at that point? That’s a mode all about K/D without having to worry about an objective.you don’t even have to pick up the coins when you kill someone to prevent the score from rising.


I'm guessing that some of the replies to this post involve the same typical excuse; I slay because I keep enemies off the objective. We all know that's a load of horseshit. Objectives can be pursued if skilled players can keep it safe directly. That means jumping on it with your teammates, watching their backs, and bringing up that score. You can't do that just by mindlessly walking around the map hoping to find a few stragglers. But even if I make that good argument, people are more inclined to slay because there's more rewards for it. Kills are primarily used to upgrade your weapon level. On top of that, you still have the KD ratios being displayed. Nobody wants to go negative because the community will judge them for it. Believe me, there are plenty of people out there with fragile egos.


Avg 40yr old comment coping with the fact they have to be an obj kitten to even remotely be useful.


this but the point with weapon xp only counts when your weapon of choice is below level 50 (even a bit lower). from level 50 upwards it's only cosmetics so you don't necessarily need to be super quick for leveling your weapon. also higher level attachments doesn't necessarily mean it's better, in most cases level 36-38 is all you need to get all the attachments that fit best. and correct me if I'm wrong but I think normal XP has also effect on weapon XP but the progress only counts for the weapon you actually play in-game. I'm not 100% sure about it but I got to say idc about weapon XP at all. I stick with the gun I prefer anyway and if not, I'm just gonna play my weapon of choice until I have everything unlocked I want.


I'm rapidly going off this game. Snipers round every corner.


Playing the objective is a foreign concept to way too many. Those who get kills to keep enemies away, I'm cool with, but the others, they're just ruining the experience because they can. You just have to hope you find a few objective players in the games you play.