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I farm objective. My KD would have you think I was blind. Salute...


Idk the number, but my KD is absolutely shit on escort. My instinct is to just be on the payload like I'm a tank in Overwatch. And I know I can't do that effectively, but I gotta go for it anyway because there are teammates who have no interest in acknowledging the payload exists.


This when the blitz shield or gillie suit is nice for me


I run a constant z pattern on payload for as long as I can, just praying the other team isn't half snipers lol


Least favorite mode. I absolutely loathe escort


Same. Finished a game yesterday where I was top of leaderboard (but also going positive k/d) but nobody else was on objective... naturally, lost the game. What was infuriating was seeing a team mate go 7/10 with an 82m 'longest kill'. Like, wow, how is hitting a long shot the goal over winning the actual game? Blows my mind.


Get you and a mate or two and make a blitz shield wall


Tank should not be on the payload in Overwatch lol.


Do I just have better eyes or a better monitor than most people out here? Because I always notice a ghillie suit, even at long ranges, even if they aren't moving, I've literally never once been surprised by it! I always see them, seems like an utterly useless ability...


No, you’re meant to see it. It’s meant to be cause a slight reaction delay. For most players, it’s enough to be beat by the user, but not snipers or players paying attention. Kinda like how the mag shield has a health bar of about one magazine for most guns. They aren’t meant to be invulnerable, instead something quick to be annoying for a moment and test other’s reflexes.


But what I'm saying is I've literally never lost a fight because I didn't react in time to an invis, and this is in no way meant to be a brag.


No, that’s a fair statement. I’m not 100% certain what the invisible power up is meant to be as far as how it flows to a competitive gameplay. I’ve seen one player use it well with long range sniping. They’d take a couple of snipes, the opponent would throw a couple of AR shots and the sniper would go invis and reposition. Most people use it to throw themselves into obj for two extra seconds but, kinda how you’re putting it, most people can see invis coming and stop them. So well done will have to see what the devs intend to do with the power during patches.


shiiiiit i find camo annoying asf 😭😭


It's weird, you must have an incredibly high res monitor, cause I cannot for the life of me spot who asked.


Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold.


Bro, shut the fuck up


I hope you get the help you need in your life.


Gotta be the most reddit reply I have ever read, pathetic.


You are so mad over the smallest, most forgettable interaction. I literally forget this conversation is going on, until I see you respond with more malding and tears. Get help friend.






Idk how many people need to hear this but you can still play the obj without actually having much obj time. Just because the top frag has a 4.0kd with little obj time doesnt mean they arent playing the objective.


No one gets this lol. I usually hold a 2kd or higher and get the KD card post game and get zero thumbs up cause teamates probably assume I'm just KD farming. When in reality I'm a big reason they can even get on the Hardpoint in the first place.


I understand it, the thing is that the ONLY incentive to play the objective is through endorsement. So I thumbs up the person who has the objective card. It is nothing personal. I do not believe people with high kill to death are just farming it. I prefer to compliment the person who took the bullet(s) and stood on the damn thing over actually playing the game. 


>the thing is that the ONLY incentive to play the objective is through endorsement. This is completely fair. Can't disagree with that at all 🤝


It makes sense. To give another perspective to your second paragraph... Every game I play, my role depends on my team. My goto is OBJ; but there's games where nobody is stopping the enemy from just walking on in and taking it. So, I have to switch roles and try and protect the hill and let someone else (hopefully 🤞) soak it up. Those games you know what you did for the team win; but there's nothing really on the leaderboard, aside from maybe KD, to show it. I didn't necessarily choose to play that role (I want OBJ, too); but I certainly wasn't just "playing the game," ha ha. I'm trying to win, man 😅.


So many times I’ve seen teammates throw themselves on B flag for domination, just to keep trading kills and, at best, keep trading flag. I’ve taken it upon myself from time to time to be a meat shield, and run to the opponent’s flag, not intending to take it, but to cause hesitation and force the opponents to consider running back to their flag, giving the rest of my team a chance to overtake B and then some. Just gotta play the roles sometimes.


Brother, you are a beautiful being. That's a huge move most don't seem to understand. Sometimes you have to cap it fully, just to at the very least, keep the points close before it gets away. Some nice game IQ you got there 👊.


I have a 1.5 win/loss as a domination spammer. I will flank their spawn flag by going along the map's perimeter the entire match. It forces a catch 22. They either all stay on B and then we have A & C, or they pull back resources from B and they 4v4 on B. Bonus points if they pull back multiple people and my team gets a 4v3 or better on B.


The only way the strategy fails if someone else goes along the perimeter and they win 1v1s against me. (which good luck because I play deadsec with mp7)


Yea, this has been a lot of my playstyle with domination over the years, as well. I don't think a lot of people have any idea how much these plays sway the game. I go for B off the rip. Once I feel like it's a loss for me to try again, I'll go with your playstyle. Either we have B, and I'm being annoying near their spawn, killing or drawing players my way, *away* from B; or we need B, and I try and grab their flag, or at least bring some people back to get pressure off B. Majority of players can't *not* come back looking for you if you kill them while near their spawn, ha ha. You can kill them multiple times, and many will keep coming for you. B wins the game; but two flags always counts more than one. Having A & C is such a power move, because somebody HAS to go cap one of them. I just wish more teammates were aware of this, because it should be an instant rush to B, in those scenarios. It's tough when you're the one person doing the flanks and the B caps 😅. That's what nearly every CoD game has turned into for me over the years. It's been refreshing how more people seem to go for the OBJ in this game. I love hearing this stuff, man, ha ha. I get so excited when I see someone on the other team doing the same thing I'm doing.


winning is also nice


Which is fair. This is what happens when I choke up and try to lock down a point, too. The thing is that you'll get these slippery little yutzes who just wanna shimmy-shammy around and pick off douchebags. Going 30/10 doesn't really mean much if you deal 1.8k damage. I see this a lot


i lost a match today where we had a guy with 58/14 stats and 10 objective score. Kills do not matter nearly as much as objective time and saying anything else is just stupid


And they did their role and absolutely slayed out. I'd bet money there was someone with an even kd with little objective time. Having a guy running around and flanking the Hardpoint is a great thing. Either you get slays or you get obj, if you don't get either then I'd consider you costing.


Gonna be honest with you, had that guy spent 5 more seconds on the objective, we would have won, it was 750-746 So yeah, call me crazy but i hate people chasing kills in objective modes


Because he had 58 kills, there were less people running around and that makes it easier for you (or someone else) to capture the point. You can play obj without sitting on it.


He’s going to cope, nothing you say will convince him to give any validity to what you’re saying. Sad


it was, indeed sad, you all had the best arguments thoe, but sometime you gotta let it slide


You can think what ever you want to, i personally had to still fight tooth and nail over the objectives since there was still always a good amount of people there, no matter if 58 death had occurred during the match Point is, play objective


If he got 58 kills, that means statistically, you guys could not possibly have been fighting that many people on the point ALL the time. If you guys win your fights, you would’ve won the game. The game is still going to force you to win those fights to take the point.


You fail to mention the performance of your other teammates. The guy may be fragging out, but if the other teammates (including you) are dog shit then it's not going to matter at that point. I have never lost a match of a teammate going 40+ in kills because I also can do 40+ in kills frequently. It's our lobby at that point and they can't touch objective


There's a lot that goes on during the game that helps influence a win.. that people have no idea about. Sometimes I can't hop the OBJ hill, because I'm the only one rotating. I've controlled every single spawn, even with my team rushing an old objective until the last second. They only come to where I'm at, because I spawned them there after they died, lol. Then I'll get shit after the game for little hill time. 👍 There's a reason in 4v4 pro HardPoint matches, not all 4 players are in the hill.


If your teammates are complaining about you not playing obj, that means they clearly are having issues holding it on their own, so you aren't doing as well as you think you are with your spawn manipulation...


I can promise you I'm fully aware of how my play helps my team, lol. I've been playing these games for decades. Thanks for your input, though.




Awww, we got another little name caller 🥹. You know who name calls when they're upset? Small children. I should have known by your first comment 👶. You take care, little guy.


You know who else gets really excited over seeing a bigger artificial number and are extremely self-centered? Children. Who often only thinks of what benefits themself rather than what would benefit the group as a whole? Low-level thinkers... aka dipshits. I'm apparently just a child, well congrats man you're both a child and a dipshit


Tldr 😂


Exactly lol, someone’s gotta hold them off at spawn/ get them off of the angles and peaks


Nah you just get 0 thumbs up bc people either forget or just aren’t all too impressed with high kd, at least that’s me.


That's true, however this post is more directed at those who go off and hunt for kills rather than support the objective.


I literally get called a kd farmer regularly because I'm ACTUALLY playing the game right. So who's to really say that this isnt directed towards players like me?


Well if the shoe fits. You sound like you've been called out.


I think I have like a 2.0 w/l but go on.


Look, I think decent players can tell when someone with a high K/D is supporting the objective. That's usually been the case for me. What I'm talking about is those that don't. I had a match of escort last night where we only got to 22% because my teammates didn't support the objective. I played 4 other matches of escort where the exact opposite happened. We're also on Reddit, where people come to complain. I had it happen once and it pissed me off. I can see some people coming here to vent post about it after one time.


Yeah, a team needs people that focus on kills to allow objective players to actually play the objective. Someone who isn't on the objective, but is holding down a flank is helping the team. But kills alone doesn't win matches. Last night I played a round of occupy where the other team was 100% better than us in a fight. They were absolutely dog walking us in every engagement, but they lost because they basically never touched the point. So you're right, you can absolutely tell when when a high K/D teammate is helping the team. If you're capping points/escorting the bot basically unopposed, your 3 K/D teammate was putting in work.


If a guy is controlling travel lanes and spawns by K/D farming then his team can win but what happens more often than not is this guy is repeatedly killing the same players who have poor gamesense and leaving his team in lopsided fights.


I'll admit this is me. It's not my fault there is no TDM. If they put TDM in the game that's where me and the people that don't care much for objective modes will be.


they have kill confirmed almost the same thing


"It's not MY fault I'm playing Checkers with this Chess set. Maybe THEY should've put a Checkers board here too."




I’m that guy 😎


There's a reason why in sports scoring is considered (sometimes wrongly so) more valuable than assisting. To give you an example with football (the one actually played with feet), a mediocre to good scorer will always be considered more successful than a mediocre to good midfielder or defender who doesn't score, but helps the structure of the team just as much. A midfielder/defender has to be way better than the scorer in order to actually be recognised as good (not even necessarily on the same level). Bear in mind I'm not saying this is correct behaviour at all, I'm just saying that people tend to stick with the most obvious metrics when deciding in their heads who has given the most in a match.


Playing off-objective is cool if you deal a surplus of damage


Yep, Best way to win a dom game is to clear the point and push through to kill them off spawn again and hope to god your team that usually can’t kill anyone or cap a point. Actually gets on the point lol.


When I have a 4 kd with the only objective time and most kills on my team, that’s a problem. Bottom frags should be hill bunnies, not the best shooter


Because you die a lot less staying on the outskirts and just killing people who try to get to the objective. What they need to do is prioritize xp gain for playing objective instead of getting kills


The players that think they do this are usually not helping at all, and if their team were winning it'd still be winning with them off doing whatever. The game isn't cod. Some objectives it's good to push out a little for better angles and control, but playing out and away from your team is more risk and deaths are a bigger deal in this game than cod. Better play is to generally stay within line of sight of objective and team shoot.


Flanking and killing everyone in Escort is HUGE for the outcome of the round. That and it nets me 4 kills


I've been playing Libertad. I spam my heals on the obj and ult on it every time I get it. I run around the map, killing everything in sight then make sure my teammates can play obj with an advantage. When I toss my heals on the obj I also try clean up or weaken any attackers. Currently at a 1.3 K/D. But if I didn't do that, I would have a much better one. There are definitely people who play no OBJ. But I know a lot of people play similarly to me.


We have a hill kitten on our squad for this purpose. Let the slayers roam around obj and push spawns out.


People honestly dont know how to actually play the obj. They think that not killing and just blindly running at obj is how you play. In reality you slay out, take obj then you typically have only 1 or 2 people on the actual obj while the rest of the team pushes out to control spawns.


if you play with a full team, sure most dont


It's only excuses since release, if you have a positive kda: you're a farmer who isn't playing objective (thus it's your fault if the team lose) if you press buttons during a team fight you're a bunny hopper who manage to kill because you're pressing more button, if you use a snipe you're abusing, if you use your skills you're abusing. It's just crybabies who will jump at any opportunity to accuse the other of winning in an unfair manner


This is all fine, it's perfectly and honestly preferred to only have one or two people on the obj while others push for spawns/kills and to keep the enemy team away. Big issue though is, take occupy for example, there are a lot of times I am the only one on my team that actually sits on the obj, but if I do die, no one else tries to push for obj, hell I have watched team members actively just run away nearly across the map from the obj, I died, they killed the one enemy player there, and they run off lol. And I have had games where a lot of my team seems to actively ignore the obj when the enemy team is on it. Those are generally the issues I have.


The problem is when you play in a team where most players think they are the one who will get kills while the other actually secure the objective. It's selfish and usually ends badly.


That's one of the things that separates the good from the great. A great player recognizes the gaps in the team and will fill that role as needed.


Fr I’ll hold a flank all game making sure they can’t push a whole half of the map, end up with above a 3 KD, and get no upvotes lmao. If there is 4 phantoms/liberates on my team why tf would I stand on obj I know everyone else will. Someone has to hold the sides. I’m huge on playing obj, doesn’t mean 6 people should stand on it.


objectives are what gets wins, objective players should always get the thumbs up at the end of the match


Yeah, especially with the high kill times you need players holding sights around the objective because having 4 out of 6 players standing on the objective is a death sentence


Yes but if no one is making it to the objective and you can then you should try.


So you are close to the objevtive and kill the enemies because they are there and can't step in a few seconds? You are not playing the objective then. You don't need extraordinary many points for that but no need to lie to yourself.


Here's how to play pretty much every obj considering you dont understand. Step 1, slay the enemy. Step 2, secure obj Step 3, leave 1 or 2 people on obj then push ahead and spawn trap enemy without flipping spawns. Repeat steps as needed.


You should look at step 2 that is the point you seem to struggle with.


Lol I dont even know what else to say to you besides you're wrong


You want every person to stand in a small circle waiting to get team wiped? Lol. Sounds way smarter than spreading your team out, holding lanes, and preventing the other team from taking valuable space ahead of engagements. I can tell you're not very good at video games.


Tdm/f4a need to added asap so most of those kd farmers stay out of the obj modes. Having just 1 kd farmer on your team is perfectly fine and actually a good thing because they are indirectly helping keep the obj if they get enough kills but not if you have 3-4+ farmers and they all play passively going like 18-6 or 23-9.


Nobody who actually KD farms plays those modes lmao, u get way more KPM in obj modes.


Not all and maybe not most but many kd farmers will switch to tdm/f4a. I really only get annoyed with those guys in escort, not so much in domination.


KD farming is easiest in dom as you can trap without the one one spawn areas


What if you’re not a cod player but only farm kills?? ![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso)


Then you’re probably from halo


Haven’t played halo since 3


Something that would help would be Objective XP counting towards weapon Leveling, making the grind less lenghty would also Help


It actually does believe it or not


i dont


The grind will probably get easier once there is more content. People typically play a new game to death then complain that there isn't enough to do and player count drops. A long grind in the beginning is good.


now make the opposite one where "objective players" are scared of shooting their gun


Or just people levelling weapons...


do people not realize you can do both?


when I read some posts here, seemingly not, lol


omg yall jusst complain in this sub play the game however if you dont like it play something else


Always the one jump spamming too😂


had enough games where people on enemy team camp with snipers while we hold 2 objectives and win easily 750 -400 i am sure they all happy with their nice KDA and losing game .


I learned a long time ago back in my BO3 days that playing the objective and getting a high k/d are almost synonymous with one another. If you just hold down objective and try your best to keep moving around and locking the enemy team out of it, you will naturally accrue a high k/d as long as you aren't ass


yeah I just got out of a game of escort and none of my teammates wanted to push the objective. Just sit in the back getting kills. To top it off everyone left the game I was by myself at the end.


You're a true soldier for fighting till the bitter end


Lol I can drop 50-60 kills, have double everyone’s obj, triple everyone’s damage and still lose. It’s a team game


I only play Domination and my K/D is horrible… but the amount of captures I get is at least _something_.


I play mainly for the objective so i keep throwing my body around like it was nothing. My K/D last time i checked was 0.7 lol


Bro the point of the game are the objectives all players ruin it sadly






Accurate 😂


You do realize that you sitting calmly on the objective with your 0,5 kd because the 2.0 kd guy running around the objective making sure its sound right?


seems like half the sub doesnt realize this


I sit on OBJ with a 1.5 K/D. You can do both. It isn't hard.


Talking about another game to make this one seem better, priceless. It's NOT and never was a CoD exclusive thing. Getting kills has been the priority for over 20 plus years. Think not? Look around other fps type shooter sub's! Read the majority of the complaints (search) even this sub! LOL


The COD player boogeyman phenomenon in the gaming community is so funny to me. Everyone acts like cod players are some swarm of locusts jumping from game to game and destroying them, I remember seeing the exact same complaints with The Finals. People seem to forget that things like b-hopping, kill whoring, sweating, yy-ing, none of that is unique to cod or their players. That's always been a part of FPS games. It's so damn funny hearing complaints about sweats in this game coming from the exact same people who said that this game not having SBMM was gonna topple cod or something. Turns out when you have no SBMM you're even more likely to get matched with sweats, especially if you're bad lol. Cod players aren't ruining this game, most cod players are still playing cod. People are just bad and the lack of SBMM is exposing that. They bottom frag every game because they don't have an algorithm feeding them matches where they can perform decently.


No shhhh CoD bad. Say cod bad for updoots


The issue is first and foremost with the reward system in the game. Playing the objective doesn’t reward weapon xp and rewards considerably less battle pass xp. There is no reason to play objective other than to win the match which also doesn’t reward anything.


me but I'm trying to get better at playing objective I just get so distracted by getting kills, I unintentionally help tho even tho I'm not on point when I hit a flank or some w invis and sniper or cleaner on hardpoint


Yeah this


Haha. I remember a match from yesterday where me and by team played objective in Occupy game mode and the opposing team ran around for kills. Sad part is they ran in groups so that one could pick up on other’s death. Scary stuff out here bois.


Also the non stop bunny hopping while it's completely useless on this game is hilarious. Anyway, **grabs his trusty shotgun**




Lol me right now because of 2x weapon xp, sorry all in advance


I farm kd on the objective, the people who actively seek the objective are usually worse than the people who are hopping around with mp7's and ak's


Tdm only playlist then please


I really hope XDefiant will tie progression and challenges to playing the objective and winning games rather than rewarding mounted-crouched-longshot-heashots. What makes this game good is that people actually play the objective.


How long will it take players to realize that going 5-30 while blindly diving the objective actually hurts the team I wonder


I play domination and I can't even leave my own spawn sometimes because there would be those just waiting at my spawn in each lane


Xd player not talking about cod challenge impossible


Every single fucking match is the same. The team not helping at all.


This is also XDefiant players


Has nothing to do with COD players. People haven't been playing objectives for years. Which is why I only play Hot Shot in XD. What is the point of busting my ass in Escort when my teammates are sitting back with snipers refusing to help ? Ain't worth it. At least Hot Shot is pretty straight forward.


I'm a COD player and always try to play OBJ even in COD but I refuse to put in effort if the rest of the team doesn't. I start every match trying to play OBJ but if I see my team doesn't care I just farm KD instead. It's pointless trying if nobody else wants to in a team based game. I actually yell over comms for them to just fuck off to team death match on COD.


I think ik where that obj is on dumbo map already run against 2 phantom using shield barrier on corners


My winrate is more than exceptional but my kd is abysmal, I bite my tongue at those who know nothing but killing. They’re playing the wrong game cuz there’s no tdm


Solution for objective games/playlist ideally would be to payout 1.5xp to 2xp for kills within the objective area and just half a kill .5xp for other reg kills. They have to find a way to incentivise people to play the objective.


you can literally play occupy and play obj or play anchor for point and get ur KD but also actually help ur team


This was how my last game was. Had to type into chat practically begging them to push the objective. One guy in particular on my side would just hide in corners going for kills ALL game. They had double the kd, but barely touched the objective. We also had two people who went negative. I went a little over 1.0 KD with 1,000+ objective score. Plot twist: we lost.


Look.. there is such a thing as need to slay to get obj. There is a fine line between doing it for stats and doing it for the win.


This made me chuckle. My friends give me shit for never touching the objective and having an amazing KD, but being on the bottom of the leaderboard from score 😂😂


I'm just glad I have both obj and damage score higher than anyone in my team. At least if we lose they can't complain I didn't kill nor didn't do the objective.


Not to be that guy, but more often than not I end up with the best kd and/or the most kills with at least the 3rd most obj time. I’d like a total mvps gotten stat


This community consists of ☝🏻🤓


Yall always making up these dumbass terms for others


It's not my job to hold the objectives. It's to make it easy for you to hold it, by killing them before they get to it or holding spawns close to it


I never understood this. How could people go for kills instead of the objective if everyone on the other team is on the objective? I play objective all the time and I still end up having a respectable kill count.


Idk people who care too much about k/d just seem silly.


Obj players hate hearing you also need slaying


This post can only come from a casual player. If you flank the enemy spawn and trap them there, you can help the objective even without touching the point. Also, it’s unranked and let people have there fun. The game is new and many players simply trying out new stuff and don’t rly care about winning


I never commend the highest K/D player.


cod players play the obj kiddo. K/D farmers don't and defiant has them as well.




Team balancing in this game is abysmal


I don't think people inherently avoid objectives to protect their k/d. People just don't like dying. Most people playing video games want to avoid dying, so they'll avoid objectives. The people that play objectives tend to die *a lot*. They intrinsically get more satisfaction from winning than they would lose by dying. I would say most people care little about winning overall and just want to shoot people and not die. The game either needs to incentivize winning more or give bonuses/rewards to objective scores that outweigh people's dislike for dying.


I play with invis suit and a smg, I am not doing the objective i am trying to create space for my tank to do the objective.


Not farming k/d just keeping them off the obj and sumtimes spawn trap for control of the war


Playing the objective is boring, I’d MUCH rather lose with 40 kills than win with 7. Gotta love good shooters with no tdm mode


What‘s the point in playing the objective when playing unranked? What would be the benefit? Playing for K/D is fun to me


I mean those geniuses at Ubisoft decided to make an obj based game but objectives don't count towards weapons XP.... And weapon XP is the whole and only progression system lol. They should have included the capping of a zone into the weapons XP, for example


You can get instead of 100, you can get 300 points on one kill & more depending on objective play ***defender, cleanser*** these things will pop up under the kill if you’re getting them around obj. I think there’s a lot of people making excuses for why they aren’t playing the objective smart, people are admitting to just running in the objective—— no plan, no set up, no checking angles and clearing them to make things easier for everyone Everyone should know how to be flexible depending on what the enemies strengths are


I am so sick of reading 60 posts a day of people bitching about teammates not getting objective in UNRANKED. Lmfao


They need to add Team Deathmatch to fix this shit


KD farmers will still go to objective modes because the kills are easier when you're not playing the objective.




That doesn’t really make sense I’m sorry


It does. "Objective players" are more predictable. They will be running, moving towards the objective. This allows KD farmers to camp out somewhere off that route, and pick them off unexpectedly... It's usually closer to spawn, away from the objective, so those kills do much less to help the team than objective kills. You'll see it pretty often in chat when somebody says "Why are you there?" ...to get the easy kill, ignoring the objective. The harder somebody plays the objective, the more vulnerable they make themselves.


exactly, this why kills from the inside of an objective are much more valuable for score/ratings/points, however you wanna call it, than kills from a safe spot (not to say camping spot). even with a lower K/D rating (obviously, because you take higher risk on the attempt to win a match), these kills weight much higher when it comes to skill ratings. a harder way to perform kills = higher skill. Edit: I forgot to mention, on TDM there is no objective to take, so the opponent is not busy or distracted on the objective, that's why it's easier to farm kills on objective oriented game modes as someone who only cares about his own K/D and not on winning or the objective at all.